单词 | has the power to |
释义 | has the power to例句释义: 全部 1. Even if you go and fight courageously in battle, God will overthrow you before the enemy, for God has the power to help or to overthrow. 你若一定要去,就奋勇争战吧。但神必使你败在敌人面前。 www.ebigear.com 2. Buddha continued to preach until the age of eighty, spreading the philosophy that man has the power to shape his own destiny. 佛祖直到80岁还在传道,传播人有力量自己决定自己的命运这一思想。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Firing one regular sized marshmallow (not included) at a time, the Marshmallow Blaster has the power to hit targets up to 40 feet away. 一次烧成一个普通大小的棉花糖(不包括),棉花糖冲击波击中目标距离高达40英尺的权力。 www.wujinggou.com 4. But it has got bogged down in legal arguments over whether the state, or local government, has the power to grant or revoke charters. 但是它深陷在是否州或当地政府有权力授予或撤销特许的法律争辩中。 www.ecocn.org 5. He said no one has the power to require Gaddafi to leave, do not welcome any request to leave Libya's Gaddafi program. 他说,谁也没有权力要求卡扎菲离开,不欢迎任何要求卡扎菲离开利比亚的方案。 www.englishtang.com 6. jurisdiction has the power to hear any case that falls within the general judicial power of the state. 管辖权有权审理任何案件的一般范围内的司法权属于国家。 wenwen.soso.com 7. These puts may or may not be real, but there is no doubt that the Fed has the power to create incentives for greater risk taking. 这些对策可能存在或是不存在,但没有疑义的是,美联储有能力生成促使市场承担更大的风险的动机。 www.bing.com 8. Each one of us has the power to improve our quality of life, one habit at a time. And running isn't the only way I've made changes. 我们每个人都有改善生活质量的能力----在正确的时候培养一个好习惯。而我所作出的改变不仅于此。 www.bing.com 9. The General Manager has the power to use funds, within the budgetary parameters approved by the Board of Directors. 总经理在董事会确定的预算范围内有权调配公司的资金。 bbs.translators.com.cn 10. You need a God that has compassion for you, and a God that has the power to give you a conscience on how to live. 你需要一位对你有怜悯的神,一位有能力给你良知的神,使你能凭那良知生活。 hourofpower.org.hk 1. The mind has the power to create every form of illusion, and to be caught in it seems so unnecessary and immature. 头脑有能力创造各种形式的幻象,陷在其中是没有必要和不成熟的。 hi.baidu.com 2. Once it has drained enough, it has the power to manifest and will forever after be known as a shade. 一旦它吸取了足够的能量,它就能够显现它自己,并被人悉知为一个阴影。 game.dayoo.com 3. The referee has the power to cancel a match if he deems the safety of the players to be at risk. 主裁拥有取消比赛的权利,只要他断定球员的安全受到威胁。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Man has the power to suppress instinctive desires, he has a will of his own, he chooses between incompatible ends. 人有抑制本能冲动的能力,他有属于自己的意志,他能够在不相容的目的之间作选择。 www.douban.com 5. I know full well that money has the power to influence people, but I refuse to pay extra for a service that is owed to me as a client. 我也知道金钱有能力去影响人们的行为,但是,作为一个顾客,我拒绝为自己应有的服务而买单。--如果你想得到你的车子,那你要重新考虑下。 bbs.koolearn.com 6. In the following article, she reflects on her experiences and marvels at how trade has the power to pull diverse peoples together. 在以下这篇文章中,里沃利女士回顾了她的这段经历,并感慨贸易把不同国家的人民连接到一起的力量。 www.america.gov 7. Even then, the Supreme Court has the power to reject the law if it comes before the court. 即使这样,如果该计划受到法律诉讼挑战,最高法院仍有权废止该计划。 www.america.gov 8. Mr Shaikh's family, who are supported by human rights charity Reprieve, argue the government has the power to call for an inquest. 得到人权慈善缓行组织支持的阿克毛先生的的家人,坚持政府有权力要求进行调查。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Music has the power to influence human emotions in ways that other forms of organized complexity do not. 与其他具有高度组织性和复杂性的艺术形式相比,音乐具有特殊的影响人类情绪的能力。 item.feedsky.com 10. Two-and-a-half millennia after he first wandered through China, Confucius still has the power to subvert and surprise. 在他开始在中国大地巡游的2500年以后,孔子仍然能给我们带来思想上的颠覆和惊喜。 www.bing.com 1. It has the power to expel companies or dealers believed to be dishonest or insolvent. 它有权开除那些被认为不守信用或无偿付能力的公司或经纪人。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Also has the power to periodically project itself into a magnetic storm of blades. 也有能力定期地进入一个叶片的磁暴之内投射它本身。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Ever had the feeling that your partner has the power to read your mind? Well you may not be imagining it. 你有没有过这样的想法,觉得你的伴侣能够看穿你的心思?其实,的确是这样的,你没有在瞎想。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 4. Some in the online ad market believe AMP! has the power to substantially increase Yahoo's value in the long term. 在线广告的业内人士认为,从长期来看,AMP!将有助于大大增加雅虎的价值。 www.bing.com 5. It has the power to condemn food. Its role in food safety inspection is delegated to the public health units. 卫生部具有食品执法的权利,其职责是进行食品安全监督检查。 www.cahec.cn 6. Tehrani remarked that the Internet has the power to disrupt long established businesses due to the rise of social networks. Tehrani谈到,由于社会网络的增长,Internet已经拥有对已经长期确立的业务产生影响的能力了。 www.infoq.com 7. Made of gold, carmelian, rock crystal and glass, it is familiar from a thousand photographs, but up close it still has the power to enchant. 它由黄金,玛瑙,水晶和玻璃制成,与1000多张照片相类似,在近距离,它仍然有着很大的蛊惑力。 www.bing.com 8. This isn't true- everyone has the power to heal, and it has to start with you yourself. 这是不正确的,每个人都有权力愈合,它必须与你自己开始。 www.15taobao.org 9. It has the power to bring a state of causeless love and limitless joy. 它有这个力量带来无缘由的爱与无限喜悦的状态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, has the power to expand the popularity of your venture and profits enormously in time. 掌管天赋和幸运的木星,有能力扩大你的创业而且之后给你带来丰厚的回报。 www.douban.com 1. and the State Council has the power to alter or annul any inappropriate rules of the government departments and of local governments. 国务院有权改变或者撤销不适当的部门规章和地方政府规章。 bbs.catti.china.com.cn 2. Your past does not determine your future. Only your present has the power to carry you. 往事无法限制你的未来。只有当下才能决定你可以走多远。 www.bing.com 3. The Vimeo staff regularly promotes their favorite videos and has the power to launch them across the Web. 工作人员定期的Vimeo促进他们喜欢的视频并有权发起网络上他们。 group.mtime.com 4. Jupiter only rarely meets with Pluto, but it's good news when they do, for this pairing has the power to produce huge financial deals. 木星很少会和冥王星相遇,但这是他们带来的好消息,这对组合有力量去产生促进巨大的金融交易。 www.xici.net 5. He always has the power to capture your eyes and even your heart. 他总是有能力吸引你的眼球甚至你的心。 tieba.baidu.com 6. I'm not at all joking, your mind is the most powerful tool you have, it has the power to make things and break things. 我真的不是在开玩笑。你的信念是你所拥有的最好的工具。它给你力量去突破。 www.bing.com 7. It has the power to ban any international trade in a species deemed endangered. 它有权禁止任何有关于被视为濒危物种的国际贸易。 www.bing.com 8. It has the power to judge whether acts by corporations or governments are compatible with EEC treaties. 它对公司或政府的行为是否违背共同体条约有权作出决定。 9. Article 8: The Registration Authority has the power to rectify inappropriate registered website names that have already been registered. 第八条注册机关有权纠正已经注册登记的不适宜的注册网站名称。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. the subject of auctioning mining right is court and the administration of land and resources has the power to cooperate. 强制拍卖采矿权的主体是法院,国土资源主管部门负有协助义务。 lib.cqvip.com 1. The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make appointments to federal positions, including judgeships. 总统有权与其它国家签订条约,有权任命联邦政府官员,包括任命联邦法院法官。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But that process depends on the government, as it has the power to grant licences. 但这方面的进程取决于政府,因为政府具有发放运营执照的权力。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The Attorney General of Zimbabwe has the power to get the child released. 辛巴威检察总长拥有权利让小孩获得释放。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. Equally, no government alone has the power to fight the trillions of dollars floating around in international currency markets. 另外,没有哪个政府能够凭借一己之力同国际外汇市场上流动的数万亿美元资金展开对抗。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Most gravely of all, Mr Obama is vacillating over Afghanistan, which has the power to break his presidency. 最为严峻的是,奥巴马总统一直对阿富汗问题摇摆不定。这个问题解决不好,足以使他总统地位不保。 www.ecocn.org 6. The NPC has the power to amend the PRC Constitution and enact and amend basic laws governing State agencies and civil and criminal matters. 全国人大有权修改宪法,制定并修改有关国家机关及民事与刑事问题的基本法律。 www.zftrans.com 7. Only the brave princess, Nausicaa has the power to communicate with the angry, injured Earth. 只有勇敢的公主娜乌西卡有能力与愤怒且受伤的地球沟通。 big5.xinhuanet.com 8. Besides containing potent antioxidants, it has the power to boost endorphins, the "happy juice" in our brains. 除了含有有效的抗氧化剂外,还能够提高内啡肽--那是一种人大脑中”快乐能量“。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. I don't know if it is fashion's role, but fashion has the power to influence. 我不知道这是不是时装的角色,但时装是有影响力的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. As seasoned hagglers know, this person has the power to be your best friend. 所有老练的杀价高手都知道,商店经理往往会是你最好的朋友。 www.elanso.com 1. The Seanad may initiate or revise legislation , but the Dil has the power to reject any such amendments or proposed legislation . 参议院可以提议或修改立法,但众议院有权否决参议院的任何修改或提议立法。 www.bing.com 2. The Council alone has the power to take decisions which Member States are obligated under the Charter to carry out. 唯独安理会才有权作出根据宪章规定各会员国必须执行的决定。 www.jukuu.com 3. When you set a goal, you program it into the subconscious, which has the power to move you rapidly toward your goal. 一旦设定了目标,让它成为你的下意识,这样能使你快速地向着目标前进。 joycecc.blog.163.com 4. For while both joy and sorrow are fleeting, and often intertwined, love has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever. 欢乐和忧伤既转瞬即过,又常交织在一起,而爱却有力量超越两者,爱是能永存的。 big5.ce.cn 5. MARKET competition, under the proper circumstances, has the power to make a business better serve its customers. 在理想的情况下,市场竞争能够让企业更好地服务于消费者。 dongxi.net 6. His article has the power to turn decadence into legend. 他的文章具有化破朽为神奇的力量。 www.nciku.com 7. The Assembly has the power to dismiss the cabinet, and thus the majority in the Assembly determines the choice of government. 大会有权撤销内阁,因此大会中的绝对多数可以决定政府的选择。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. The Commissioner for Transport has the power to issue permits to such vehicles to enter and leave the Discovery Bay Tunnel. 运输署署长有权发出准许证予该等车辆进出愉景湾隧道。 www.legco.gov.hk 9. Gaia : This Golden Fleece has the power to deflect approaching weapons and thrust them back to those who deliver them. 盖亚:金羊毛护臂有抵挡攻击并且把攻击反弹给攻击你的人的能力。 bbs.zyyi.net 10. Semantic search has the power to enhance traditional web search, but it will not replace it. 语义搜索拥有一种能够提高传统网页搜索体验的能力,但是它却起不到替代性的作用。 sinaurl.cn 1. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginkgo has the power to fix imbalances of yin and yang in the human body. 中国的传统医学认为,银杏树的力量能够平衡人体的阴阳。 bbs.a0598.com 2. Under Colombia's constitution, the Supreme Court has the power to investigate wrongdoing by members of Congress. 根据哥伦比亚宪法,最高法院有权调查国会议员的错误行径。 www.ecocn.org 3. And as the upstream state, Angola has the power to shake up arrangements that currently favor its downstream neighbors. 由于其位于此河上游,也有权力重新安排目前对河流下游的国家非常有利的河流设施。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It has been said that even a small amount of real love has the power to dissolve mountains of hate. 据说即使是很微小的真爱积攒起来也可以消融仇恨的大山。 bbs.24en.com 5. The CEO of a corporation has the power to manage effectively. 一家公司的首席执行长拥有有效管理的权力。 q.sohu.com 6. Every level of the federal courts has the power to interpret the Federal Constitution and federal laws and regulations. 各个级别的联邦法院都有权解释联邦宪法和联邦法律法规。 www.law-gun.com 7. The State Council is the highest organ of the State administration and has the power to enact administrative rules and regulations. 国务院为国家最高行政机关,有权制定行政规章及条例。 www.zftrans.com 8. The diamond light of Bliss has the power to melt all hostile forces. “极乐”所放出的钻石光芒具有熔化一切敌对势力的权能。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In general, a proposed action is considered "federal" if some federal agency has the power to control the action. 总体上讲,如果某个联邦机构有权控制某个拟议的决定,那么该决定就被认为是联邦的。 www.dictall.com 10. No individual corporation has the power to drive up agricultural commodity prices substantially on their own. 没有独立的公司能完全凭借自己的力量推高农产品的价格。 www.bing.com 1. A mystery unsolved, subject to endless speculations , has the power to haunt us as long as memory persists. 只要我们的记忆持续,一个未解的奥秘,伴著无止尽的猜测,就有常绕吾心的力量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Pretend that it's a magic cow that has the power to pacify wild animals, and then ask America for milk. 你要假装它是一头具有安抚野生动物能力的魔法奶牛,然后向美国要牛奶喝。 dongxi.net 3. In it's claws it holds an enormous magical pearl, which has the power to multiply whatever it touches. 以它的爪子握着巨大的不可思议的珍珠,无论它接触到什么东西能增加力量。 www.chinaufo.com 4. In fact, a gentle word has the power to break through anger and completely remove it. 事实上,一句温柔的话语有力量打破愤怒并且最终化解掉。 www.bing.com 5. He has the power to do some things by executive decision, and has done so with efficiency standards on light bulbs and cars. 他可以通过行政决策来做一些事情,并且,他在灯泡和汽车方面已经这样做了,并达到了效率标准。 www.ecocn.org 6. The idea that the government has the power to set prices for natural resources is naturally off-putting to oil and gas firms. 政府有权设定自然资源的价格这一主张自然让石油和天然气企业十分不悦。 www.ecocn.org 7. I believe each of us has the power to discover our purpose and become joyful in the process of journeying toward that purpose. 我相信每一个人都有能力发现自己的真实目标,并在接近这个目标的过程中愈加高兴。 xhzhu2007.blog.163.com 8. Congress has the power to block any weapons sales deemed detrimental to Israel's military advantage. 美国国会有权否决其认为不利于以色列军事优势的军售。 c.wsj.com 9. Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices . 有权利让你相信荒谬之事的人也有能力让你服从不公正。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Even when diagnosed early and attacked with the latest treatments, it still has the power to kill. 即使得到早期诊断并采取了最新的治疗手段,癌症仍然构成严重的威胁。 www.bing.com 1. An official who assists a British sheriff and who has the power to execute writs, processes, and arrests. 司法官协助英国执行官的官员,有权执行令状、发传票以及逮捕 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Apple has the power to exclude all others from software than runs on its media players. 苹果有能力不让所有其他软件在它的媒体播放器上跑。 www.bing.com 3. For the State has the power to solve its financial difficulties at their expense. 因为国家拥有让企业和个人为其金融困境买单的权力。 www.bing.com 4. The President has the power to accept the minister resign or terminate its position. 总统有权接受部长的辞职或解除其职务。 www.45key.cn 5. Making a small change has the power to unleash huge creative potential. 一个小小的变动拥有激发你巨大创造性潜力的力量。 www.bing.com 6. It has the power to carry out its mission. 它拥有完成此项任务的能力。 www.bing.com 7. And if Iran has the power to make the NPT collapse, it is questionable whether the treaty is worth preserving in the first place. 并且,如果伊朗有能力使NPT崩溃,那么是否值得把该条约放在首位将受到怀疑。 www.bing.com 8. The court ruled that the government has the power to restrict the release of greenhouse gases. 法院裁决,政府有力量制约温室气体发行。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. But the concatenation of deals places a lot of pressure on Australian treasurer Wayne Swan, who has the power to approve or reject them. 然而,这一连串交易让拥有批准及否决权的澳大利亚财长韦恩?斯旺(WayneSwan)面临很大压力。 www.ftchinese.com 10. a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter. 可以引起笑声的巧妙的或机智的或不协调的信息。 www.hotdic.com 1. Many believe chocolate has the power to lift mood, and the US team say this may be true, although scientific proof for this is lacking. 虽然科学证据不足,但许多人相信吃巧克力可以提高情绪。美国队说这也许是正确的。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. I believe this theology of self-culture has the power to transform us and to transform our churches. 我相信,自我修行神学信仰有力量改变教友,改变唯一神论教会。 www.bing.com 3. Mt. Kilimanjaro has the power to intimidate even the fittest hikers. 乞力马扎罗山的震慑力足以让那些最强健的徒步旅行者都望而却步。 www.bing.com 4. Thanks to the Supreme Court, abortion has been legally protected since 1973 and neither Congress nor any state has the power to ban it. 多亏了最高方圆,让堕胎从1973年起受到法律保护,并且无论是国会还是州政府都无权禁止堕胎。 www.ecocn.org 5. That kind of announcement has the power to effect Time Warner's stock price. 这样的宣布有能力的影响,时代华纳的股票价格。 group.mtime.com 6. MUSIC has the power to delight the listener, improve well-being and uplift the soul. 音乐可以让人快乐、安宁,能振奋人的灵魂。 www.ecocn.org 7. Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy. - Tarrasch. 西洋棋,如爱,如音乐,具使人快乐的能力。 www1.33wg.com 8. "The policy has the power to create an innovation ecosystem in the country, " adds Marri. 『这政策有力量在这个国家里建立创新的生态系统。』Marri说。 north-penguin.spaces.live.com 9. Mr Swan has the power to veto the deal or demand changes and conditions irrespective of FIRB's recommendations . 无论澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会作出何种建议,斯万都有权否决这宗交易,要求变更,或施加条件。 www.bing.com 10. Your blog has the power to completely influence someone's opinion about you. 你的博客可以极大地影响别人对你的看法。 www.bing.com 1. It has the power to move people's minds and souls. 它拥有感动人们灵魂的力量。 www.stnn.cc 2. The European Central Bank alone has the power to quell the eurozone crisis. 只有欧洲央行(ECB)才有力量化解这场欧元区危机。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The party with the most seats (or representatives) forms the government and has the power to make &change laws. 当一个政党得到最多选举代表而组成政府和有权力决策及更改法律。 zeldahelms.blog.163.com 4. Attachment to the Titmuss hypothesis has the power to cause harm. 钟情于蒂特马斯的假设是有害的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. And we have to remind ourselves that God has the power to do miraculous things. 我们要提醒自己,神有能力行神迹。 hourofpower.org.hk 6. Not because it has the power to hurt, but just because you have denied it is but an illusion, and made it real. 不是因为它有伤害的能力,而是因为你不愿承认它是一个幻觉而把它弄假成真了。 cid-faaa7b0f89409ae6.spaces.live.com 7. The president has the power to veto bills. 总统有权“否决”议案。 wenda.chinabaike.com 8. Online buzz has the power to build up - or significantly damage- a brand very quickly. 调查显示,网络的力量可以迅速成就一个品牌,也可以对其造成严重打击。 www.bztdxxl.com 9. The president has the power to pardon. 美国宪法规定总统有赦免权, www.360abc.com 10. At the same time a story which, though invented, has the power to ring true. True to what? 同时尽管是创造出来的故事,但是小说仍然有一种力量能够让人听上去感觉像真的一样。 www.xdf.cn 1. Only your present has the power to carry you. 只有你的现在才能支配你。 www.bing.com 2. For one thing, there are no actual legal national holidays in America because each state has the power to set its own holidays. 一方面,有没有实际的法律在美国国定假日,因为每个国家都有权制订自己的节日。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Who has the power to declare the war? 何者有宣告战争的权力? www.txchinese.com 4. Right! It has the power to ward off evil, too. 对!它也具有避邪的力量。 www.englishint.com 5. As far as I'm concernde, the old man has the power to follow the fashion. 说明自己赞同,再说道理:老年人和我们一样,都有追求时尚的权利。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Kim can exploit the visit for propaganda purposes, demonstrating he has the power to bring a former US president to North Korea. 金正日利用此次出行大肆宣传,以证明他有威望使一位美国前总统出访北朝鲜。 www.bing.com 7. Football has the power to change lives and these youngsters are able to learn valuable lessons through their love of the game. 足球有改变我们命运的魔力,通过对比赛的热爱,这些年轻人获得了生命中宝贵的一堂堂课,它们将受用终身。 www.kekenet.com 8. Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy. 棋,如爱情、如音乐,具有令人愉悦之力量。 webchess.blogcn.com 9. 'He's expensive, but he has the power to influence the world, ' Zhang's producer Zhang Weiping said. 张艺谋的制片人张伟平说,贝尔很贵,但他有影响世界的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Why is it that Akujiki who has the power to control humans has no souls? 为什么恶食能够控制没有灵魂的东西? bbs.a9vg.com 1. The IWF just presently has the power to enact its decisions, while The Family Foundation does not. 只是IWF目前有权利把它的决定付诸实践,而家庭基金会没有。 www.bing.com 2. The country has the power to manage all fishery resources in this zone. 国家有权处理这个区域中的所有渔场资源。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This kind of medicine has the power to B resist poison. 这种药有抵抗毒药的能力。 wenku.baidu.com 4. he has the power to give reprieves and pardons in federal criminal cases. 对联邦的刑事案发布缓刑令和赦免令。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. Similarly, our soul has the power to fly, but no one has taught us how to do so. 同样,我们的灵魂有能力可以飞,但是从来没有人教过我们。 sm2000.org 6. In Sweden, the government closely monitors all infections, and has the power to intervene as needed. 在瑞典,政府严密监测所有的感染,一旦需要就会介入。 www.elanso.com 7. Music has the power to stop time. 音乐拥有停止时间的能力。 www.bing.com 8. A good speech has the power to change the course of history or affect an entire generation to change their lives. 一场好的演讲可能改变历史进程,或改变整整一代人的命运。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. " and " What group has the power to declare war? 和“哪个团体有宣战的权利?” blog.hjenglish.com 10. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice. 他有选择的能力,但没有逃避选择的必要性的能力。 www.bing.com 1. The king acts as the highest court of appeal and has the power to pardon. 国王行使最高法院上诉权和赦免权。 www.ebigear.com 2. Science has the power to predict the future in many cases now. Knowledge is power. 现在科学能够对未来很多事作出预测,知识就是力量。 www.ted.com 3. And London has the power to make that happen. 伦敦有能力使梦想成真。 cet.hjenglish.com 4. It is unclear if Karzai has the power to order an end to such strikes. 卡尔扎伊是有权力命令停止这样的空袭还不得而知。 www.bing.com 5. Royal Jelly is a nutritious substance which has the power to change working bee into Queen Bee who lives more than 30 times longer. 它(蜂王浆)是一种营养丰富的物质,它能让工蜂转变成蜂王,其中蜂王的寿命比前者延长30倍。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Music has the power to stir people's emotions. 音乐有能够激发人情感的力量。 wordnet.sparke.cn 7. 'He's expensive, but he has the power to influence the world, ' Mr. Zhang said. 张艺谋说,贝尔身价不菲,但他有能力可以影响世界。 chinese.wsj.com 8. An acid has the power to corrode metals. 酸具有腐蚀金属的性能。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. Only man has the power to do this. 只有人才有这种能力。 www.tingroom.com 10. Showing relationships between data is easier when the user has the power to change the visuals. 当用户有能力改变显示效果时,显示数据间的关系是比较容易的。 www.bing.com 1. The problem is that if the Fed has the power to counterfeit, it will inevitably use that power. 问题在于如果美联储拥有伪造货币的权力,它就不可避免的会滥用那种权力。 www.bing.com 2. My agent has the power to sign my name. 我的经理人有权代我签名。 hi.baidu.com 3. According to RCW 18. 108. 025, who has the power to adopt rules, or WACs(Washington Administrative Codes), for the massage profession? 根据18.108.025RCW,谁拥有权力来收养规则,或者世(华盛顿行政编码),为按摩行业吗? bulo.hjenglish.com 4. Sport has the power to change the world, the power to inspire 2, the power to unite people in a way that little else can. 体育运动具有改变世界的力量,其激励人心、团结众人的力量,在某种程度上难有匹敌。 bbs.crazyenglish.org 5. She has the power to charm men and women. 她对所有男人和女人都具有巨大的魅力。 bbs.foodmate.net 6. great art has the power to change lives. 崇高的艺术具有改变人生的力量。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Digital media has the power to change the world. 数字媒体拥有改变世界的力量。 www.fortunechina.com 8. This game has the power to drag you in, make you the pilot and make you feel the rush of pure adrenaline pump through your veins. 此游戏有权力拖动你在,让您的试验和使你感到繁忙纯肾上腺素泵通过您的矿脉。 xtdownload.com 9. eg. Local peole belive that the plant has the power to cure all kinds of ailments. 当地人相信这种植物具有治愈各种疾病的能力。 answer.2u4u.com.cn 10. Everyone has the power to choose their own love, you have, I have. 每个人都有选择自己爱的权力,你有,我也有。 wenwen.soso.com 1. No one has the power to the pride of proud, we can not give themselves a negative answer! 任何人都有骄傲自豪的权力,我们不能自己给自己一个否定的答案! wenwen.soso.com 2. "Are you my brother's messenger? " chuckled Ryel. "He has the power to come to me himself with his offer. Why does he not? " “你是我哥哥的信使吗?”雷尔轻声地笑道。“他自己能到这里来的,为什么他不自己来?” www3.6sq.net 3. The NPC has the power to alter or annul any inappropriate laws enacted by its Standing Committee; 全国人民代表大会有权改变或者撤销全国人民代表大会常务委员会制定的不适当的法律; bbs.catti.china.com.cn 4. I believe that music has the power to heal our heart 我相信音乐拥有治愈我们心灵的力量 bbs.everplace.net 5. one person has the power to make change 一个人的力量也可以改变世界 bbs.ebigear.com 6. A good speech has the power to 一篇好的演讲 wenku.baidu.com |
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