单词 | graphite |
释义 |
例句释义: 石墨,黑铅,石墨电极,石墨色 1. Ammonium polyphosphate(APP) and expandable graphite(EG) have been used to improve flame retardancy of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)(EVA). 对聚磷酸铵(APP)和膨胀石墨(EG)协同阻燃乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物(EVA)及其阻燃机理进行了研究。 www.dictall.com 2. We wanted to see how much better it was comparing it to a surplus graphite type pot. 我们想知道如何更好地比较,它是有盈余的石墨型锅。 www.tubebbs.com 3. Especially in making large cross-section ductile iron parts, the graphite of the casting center is often abnormal. 尤其是在浇铸大断面球墨铸铁件时,铸件中心的石墨经常出现变态。石墨变态不能简单的用球化衰退来描述。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. George II controlled the graphite by declaring it a crime to ship it out of the country. 乔治二世为了控制石墨开采,宣告用船运石墨出国是一种犯罪。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Measurement of graphite sleeve bearings and the diameter of the shaft and see that they meet the surface finish. 测量石墨轴承的孔径和轴套的轴径,并察看它们配合面的光洁度。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Okay, now, these are my sprinting legs, made of carbon graphite, like I said, and I've got to make sure I've got the right socket. 恩,这里的这些,是我的短跑腿,用碳石墨做的。我说过,我每次都要确保自己把它们卡在正确的槽里。 www.ted.com 7. they peeled it off the surface of a piece of graphite using sticky tape. 他们用胶带从一块石墨上分离出石墨烯。 www.ecocn.org 8. A vessel made of a refractory substance such as graphite or porcelain, used for melting and calcining materials at High temperatures. 坩埚一种用石墨或瓷等耐熔物质制成的器具,用来在高温时熔化或煅烧原料 dict.ebigear.com 9. Coal metamorphism of contact belt presents two different evolution direction which are either to graphite or to natural coke from coal. 接触带煤变质呈现向石墨或天然焦两个不同的演化方向; www.magsci.net 10. The sky was like a sheet of drawing paper that has being dampened then showered with powdered graphite. 天空看起来像一张被沾湿,之后撒上石墨的纸。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Graphite pencils, ink, crayons, or chalk are commonly used instruments for the artists, sometimes referred to as draftsmen. 对于那些或称为绘图员的美术师们而言,石墨铅笔、墨水、蜡笔或粉笔都是他们常用的工具。 www.bing.com 2. The so-called " lead" in a pencil is not lead at all, but chiefly a different form of carbon called graphite. 铅笔中所谓的铅,并不是“铅”,而主要是一种不同形态的炭,称为石墨。 www.bing.com 3. Sulphur exerts a strong influences on graphite nucleation and its growth , graphitization and graphite morphology . 硫对石墨的形核和生长,对石墨化和石墨形态,有强烈的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. As wear-resistant lubricating material: Graphite is usually used as lubricant in the mechanical industry. 作耐磨润滑材料:石墨在机械工业中常作为润滑剂。 gatefanyi.com 5. Graphite crucible is a typical example of carbon composites and is one of absolutely necessary tools for modern coloured metallurgy. 石墨坩埚是碳复合耐火材料的典型实例,是现代有色冶金业不可缺少的工具之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. This article has described the surface characteristics of flexible graphite and the requirement for its coatings. 阐述了柔性石墨的表面特性及其对涂料的要求。 www.chemyq.com 7. In 2005, the "Large High-Purity Graphite Industrialization Project" of the company was assessed as a National Torch Program project. 2005年,公司的“大规格高纯石墨产业化项目”被定为国家火炬计划。 gatefanyi.com 8. The mixing techniques of small grain are related to the quality of a fine grain graphite. 在相同工艺条件下,采用细颗粒配料方式的石墨力学性能更好; lib.cqvip.com 9. Tensile strength of fabrics is higher than any other commercially available fiber except for sapphire whiskers and graphite in whisker form. 碳纤维织物的强度,除了蓝宝石晶须和石墨晶须织物外,比其它任何商业用纤维的织物的强度均高。 dict.veduchina.com 10. This paper deals with the technology to make graphite to diffuse directly to the surface of steel on the resistance welding machine. 在电阻对焊机上,利用电阻热直接进行石墨向钢表面扩散工艺的研究。 www.dictall.com 1. The peripheral portion of the wafer-mounting portion may be formed as a detachable graphite member covered with silicon carbide. 又,载置上述晶片的部分的周边部也可以是自由分离的碳化硅包覆石墨材料。 ip.com 2. Graphite Electrode is mainly used for steel-making in electric furnace, mineral hot furnace and electric resistance furnace. 石墨电极石墨电极主要用于电炉炼钢及矿热电炉和电阻炉。 www.qjy168.com 3. Methods: Graphite oven atom Absorption spectrographic methods was used for determination. 方法:石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The company mainly produces gray iron, ductile iron, compacted graphite cast iron, heat, cold and corrosion-resistant special castings. 本公司主要生产灰口铸铁、球墨铸铁、蠕墨铸铁、耐热、耐冷及耐腐蚀等特种铸件。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. So inside the graphite, the pebbles are literally dropped in place and discharged through the bottom and then recycled. 所以,在石墨里面,卵石是,掉进去了,还通过这个底部排出去了,然后被回收了。 open.163.com 6. also known as nodular CAST iron and spheroidal graphite iron, ductile iron solidifies with free carbon in a spheroidal graphite from. 也称为可锻(韧性)铸铁或球状石墨铸铁,以球状石墨形式存在的游离碳使球墨铸铁变得更加坚固。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Graphite ore mining of mineral processing technology is always after processing industry of difficult problems. 石墨矿开采后的选矿工艺一直是选矿行业的难题。 xsj521.com 8. At slower speeds they would have turned into graphite, much to the chagrin of brides-to-be everywhere. 与随处可见的准新娘的懊恼一样,稍微慢一点它们就会变成石墨。 www.ecocn.org 9. The fine grain graphite is oxidized from the surface and propagates gradually to the inner. 细颗粒石墨氧化时由表层氧化开始,逐渐向内部扩展。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. In the general, the performances of UHMWPE composites taking graphite as filler were the best. 综合考虑,以石墨为填料的UHMWPE复合材料的各项性能最佳。 www.zidir.com 1. By present-day standards, however, it was FAR from satisfactory for writing. For one thing, the graphite's hardness could not be changed. 然而,按照今天的标准,它还远未达到书写的要求。比如说当时石墨的硬度是不能改变的。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Imagine climbing diamond mountains, or hiking around the graphite shores of a lake of tar. 想想一下攀登钻石山,或者环绕由石墨构成的沥青湖岸边徒步旅行。 www.bing.com 3. Methods: Using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine the contents. 方法:枸杞经处理后,采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法和石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法检测。 www.dictall.com 4. Forging graphite lubricant is an ideal mould release lubricant widely used in hot processing and forging of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. 是黑色、有色金属热加工中理想的高温脱膜润滑剂,在锻造、金属模压加工等行业广泛应用。 www.veryebiz.com 5. The maximum magnetic flux density can be obtained by choosing both a stainless crucible and a graphite cooler. 同时选用不锈钢坩埚与石墨冷却器可以使环缝内铝合金熔体的磁感应强度获得最大; www.ceps.com.tw 6. This includes the extra long graphite filled cast iron rod bushing and a standard oversize wear band (located on the rear of the piston). 这包括超长石墨填充铸铁连杆衬套和一个标准的特大型穿带(位于活塞后)。 www.testmart.cn 7. Wear plates on cam slide mechanisms should be manufactured out of permanent graphite impregnated bronze material. 在凸轮上的耐磨板应由带永久自润滑石墨的青铜材料制造。 www.mapeng.net 8. The results show that the causes of the fracture are the abnormal graphite nodulizing, and shrinkage, slag inclusion and normalizing cracks. 结果表明,零件断裂的原因是缩孔和夹渣等铸造缺陷、组织球化不良以及存在正火裂纹。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Such graphite bodies have high thermal conductivity and anisotropy and may be used for thermal management. 这样的石墨基体具有高的导热性和各向异性,可以用于热管理。 ip.com 10. So the abrasion resistance of cylinder is a matrix, hard phase, honing, graphite, and the hardness result of multiple factors. 同时缸套耐磨性是基体组织、硬质相、珩磨、石墨、硬度多种因素综合作用的结果。 www.fabiao.net 1. Stem threads, often with the stem nut friction, to a little yellow dry coating oil, molybdenum disulfide or graphite, a lubricant. 阀杆罗纹,经常与阀杆螺丝帽摩擦,排气阀排泥阀要涂一点黄干油、二硫化钼或者青灰粉,起润滑效用。 www.ppmai.com 2. Jet pump with ceramic made from the surface condensers are made from graphite. 喷射泵用陶瓷制成,表面冷凝器由石墨制成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The material can be used to repair cracked, chipped or broken graphite trays, boats, heating elements, susceptors, dies and electrodes. 这种水泥材料可被用来修复开裂、破碎的石墨浅盘,挑料环、加热元件、感应器、模具和电极等。 www.ccisn.com.cn 4. Methods Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was used to analyze the nickel in the oil with Zeeman background correction. 方法采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法,以塞曼背景校正,标准加入法测定。 www.wendian.com 5. laixi has convenient transport facilities . it is one of the important flake graphite production bases in. 的莱西市,境内交通发达,是全国重要的鳞片石墨生产基地之一。 www.ichacha.net 6. Prolonging the time of coking can optimize the structure, enhance the graphite degree, and improve the properties of carbon foams. 通过延长焦化时间可以优化泡沫炭结构、提高石墨化度,进而提高泡沫炭产品性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The microstructure of double shell around the graphite nodular is advantageous to enhance wear resistance. 过渡区出现包围石墨球的双壳组织,对提高耐磨性有利; rjggy.net 8. Gray cast iron. A cast iron alloyed with silicon in which the graphite exists in the form of flakes. A fractured surface appears gray. 灰铸铁:一种用硅合金化的铸铁,其石墨以片状存在。断面呈灰色。 dmse.jlu.edu.cn 9. Each "pebble" in a pebble-bed gas reactor is a graphite fuel sphere the size of a tennis ball. 在一个球形气体反应堆里的每一个“小球”都是一个网球大小的石墨燃料球。 www.bing.com 10. Composites between graphite and polystyrene have been synthesized starting from potassium intercalated graphite and styrene vapor. 石墨和聚苯乙烯之间的合成物已经被综合被使添加石墨和苯乙烯蒸汽的来自钾的出发。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. Fatigue fracture is the main form of failure of the crankshaft of spheroidal graphite cast iron in 195 model diesel engine. 195型柴油机球墨铸铁曲轴的失效形式,主要是疲劳断裂。 www.chemyq.com 2. Graphite cast iron pipes and steel pipes are used for the water supply and distribution pipe network. 输配水管网采用了球墨铸铁管和钢管。 www.wypaper.com 3. Graphite materials can be porches for the separation of structure business card printing and membership card making the Alliance. 石墨质料具有可不迎层别离的布局制卡和会员卡制作定约。 www.bing.com 4. He uses ultrasound to break up graphite into individual layers that are dispersed in a liquid. 他的方式是使用超音波将石墨变成单独的薄膜层,分散在液体中。 www.showxiu.com 5. Stable conductive performance can be achieved by controlled graphite content and asphalt content and increasing the compact degree. 通过控制沥青用量和石墨用量,增加沥青混凝土的压实度,可获得稳定的导电性能。 www.fabiao.net 6. Results show that the elastic parameters of graphite can be successfully identified by this method. 结果表明这种方法可以有效测量石墨材料的弹性参数。 sylx.ustc.edu.cn 7. It is also found that this graphite nucleus mainly consists of some complex compounds being composed of RE, Bi, Sb, Al etc. 另外,检查结果发现,石墨核心主要是由稀土与铋、锑、铝等元素组成的复杂化合物。 www.chemyq.com 8. preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi-manufactures. 以石墨或其他碳为基本成分的糊状、块状、板状制品或半制品。 www.china-customs.com 9. Oxidation resistant coating graphite electrode is mainly used in reducing electrode consumption in smelting steel. 抗氧化涂层石墨电极,主要在炼钢时降低电极消耗。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. The supported catalyst for a fuel cell uses a graphite based catalyst carrier to increase durability of the fuel cell. 用于燃料电池的载体催化剂使用基于石墨的催化剂载体以增加燃料电池的耐久性。 ip.com 1. This European Standard does not deal with the ultrasonic examination of the nodularity of spheroidal graphite cast irons. 本欧洲标准不适用于球墨铸铁节点的超声波检测技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Combustion Characteristics ; Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Products ; Catalysts. 燃烧特性;成品煤炭和石墨产品;催化剂。 www.bing.com 3. The structure of the graphite hydrochloric acid synthesis furnace comprises a furnace head, a synthesizer, an absorber and a separator. $该炉结构包括了炉头、合成、吸收、分离器四部分所组成。 ip.com 4. Graphite surfaces for its transparent conductive film pervious to light quality and conductivity is widely used in various fields. 石墨烯透明导电薄膜因其透光性与导电性被广泛应用于各大领域。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In a typical set-up, the molten Zn is placed in a reactor, preferably made of quartz or of another high purity material such as graphite. 在一个典型的设置中,将熔融Zn置于反应器中,该反应器优选由石英或由其他高纯度材料如石墨制成。 www.pat365.com 6. Other fillers, including graphite, enable this seat material to have better cycle life than other filled or reinforced TFE seats. 其他填充物,包括石墨,使得这种阀座材料比其他填充物或强化TFE阀座具有更长的使用寿命。 bbs.hcbbs.com 7. Casting reel frames are usually made of either graphite or aluminum. 抛饵轮的框架通常不是碳素的就是铝的。 www.freelure.cn 8. FOUNDRY PRODUCTS. SPHEROIDAL GRAPHITE CAST IRON PIPES. FLANGES SERIES. FLANGES DEFINITION. DIMENSIONS. SPECIFICATIONS. 铸造产品.铸制产品.球墨铸铁管道部件.法兰盘系列.法兰盘.定义.尺寸.规范 www.mapeng.net 9. In microscopic photos of Ductile Iron, cracks can be seen traveling to a graphite nodule and stopping. 在球墨铸铁的微观照片中,可以看见裂缝游行到石墨球后终止。 www.h6688.com 10. However graphite, when bombarded by neutrons, suffers dislocations in its crystalline structure causing a build up of potential energy. 但是,当受到中子轰击时,石墨的晶体结构就会错位,从而导致潜在能量的堆积。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The results showed that adsorption properties to formaldehyde of the expanded graphite were promoted rapidly after modification by ammonia. 结果表明:采用氨水改性可提高膨胀石墨对甲醛的吸附能力; epub.cnki.net 2. The pulverization technology of expanded graphite (EG) and its application in polymer based nano-composite were reviewed. 综述了膨胀石墨粉碎技术及其在聚合物基纳米复合材料中的应用; www.ceps.com.tw 3. The invention discloses a cyclodextrin modified monolayer graphite, a supramolecular complex thereof, a preparation method, and application. 本发明公开了一种环糊精修饰单层石墨及其超分子复合物和制备方法及用途。 ip.com 4. The monolayers can be transferred to a substrate, readily creating a large area of flat graphite oxide single layers. 单层的可以被转移到基底上,很容易组装一片大面积的单层氧化石墨烯膜。 wenku.baidu.com 5. I produced The expanded graphite worm distribution after expansion, as the late production of quality products to provide a guarantee. 我公司生产的膨胀石墨膨胀后蠕虫分布均匀,为后期的生产提供了优质的产品保证。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The research of the phase transition mechanism of diamond from graphite at catalyst action has never interrupted at home and abroad. 触媒参与下石墨变金刚石的机制问题,国内外研究者从未间断过对其进行探索。 lib.cqvip.com 7. The impermeable graphite tube exchanger is widely used in chemical, steel and other industries following with the deep industry developing. 不透性石墨列管换热器随着工业化进程不断深入,在化工﹑钢铁等其它领域的应用越来越广泛。 www.fabiao.net 8. The property and microcosmic performance of the magnetic exfoliated graphite samples are characterized by SEM, EDS and hysteresis loop. 采用SEM、EDS能谱和磁滞回线研究了样品的微观形貌与性能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A removable close grain, graphite-filled, cast iron bushing offers the best bearing surface for the hard chrome plated piston rod. 一个可移动的密切粮食,石墨填充,铸铁套管提供的硬镀铬活塞杆最优秀的轴承表面。 www.testmart.cn 10. The achievements laid an important foundation for industrialization of natural graphite as the anode material of lithium-ion battery. 本课题的研究成果,为实现天然石墨作为锂离子电池负极材料产业化奠定了重要基础。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. It consists of a sheet of rubbery polymer embedded with flakes of electrically conducting graphite. 这种“皮肤”其实是一张很薄的由导电石墨结构组成的弹性橡胶聚合物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A process for production of compacted graphite iron using in-mould addition of a magnesium alloy is disclosed. 本发明公开了利用镁合金的模内添加制造蠕墨铸铁的方法。 ip.com 3. This low carbon content in cast steel does not allow the carbon to form as free graphite resulting in a laminate type of structure. 铸钢中的低含碳量使得作为游离石墨存在的碳不会形成结构薄片。 bbs.hcbbs.com 4. Chemists had known for a long time that pure carbon normally came in two common molecules forms : graphite and diamond . 长期以来,化学家都知道碳以两种常见的形态存在:石墨及金刚石。 www.bing.com 5. The invention comprises a graphite nozzle and a graphite-ceramic composite nozzle. 本发明包括石墨喷头和石墨-陶瓷复合喷管。 ip.com 6. Forcing the graphite flakes that are characteristic of gray iron to agglomerate into spheres is the challenge for the metallurgist. 使作为灰铸铁特征的片状石墨聚集成球,对冶金学家是一个挑战。 www.wowenni.com 7. The prepared expanded graphite modified composite electrode is used for preparing the hydrogen peroxide. 本发明制备的膨胀石墨改性复合物电极用于制取过氧化氢。 ip.com 8. Through a proprietary manufacturing process, GRAFCELL materials retain a continuous graphite phase. 通过优化的生产过程,GRAFCELL材料保持了连续的石墨相。 www.graftechaet.com 9. and that the graphite in the transition layer does not dissolve basically. 相变硬化层中石墨部分溶解,而扩散不均匀; epub.cnki.net 10. This paper deals with a new kind of wear-resisting and hot-resisting cast steel with spheroidal graphite. 球墨铸钢指的是碳含量介于普通高碳钢和低碳灰铸铁之间的一种新型工程材料。 www.dictall.com 1. PTFE tube was used as transferring line of capillary column gas chromatograph with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer. 采用聚四氟乙烯管作转接材料实现气相色谱仪毛细管柱与石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪检测器的连接。 www.moderninstrs.org.cn 2. The results indicate that the corrosion resistance of gray iron with A-graphite is the worst. 实验结果表明:含有A型石墨的灰口铸铁耐腐蚀性能最差; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In another embodiment, the shell of the device includes flexible graphite and an optional wick structure. 在另一实施方案中,该装置的罩壳包括柔性石墨和任选的芯体结构。 ip.com 4. The valence electron structures of the graphite, alloying austenite, alloying cementite in cast iron phases are researched. 研究并计算了铸铁相石墨、合金奥氏体、合金渗碳体的价电子结构。 www.pet2008.cn 5. The researchers fashioned a chain of carbon atoms, dangled it from a graphite tip, and then placed it in front of a detection screen. 这几位研究人员将碳原子串连成一长条,由石墨尖端上吊挂下来,再将它放在侦测萤幕前。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. Rope guide is wear resistant, heavy-duty, made of spheroidal graphite cast iron. 球墨铸铁导绳器,重级制,耐磨性好。 www.gaok.cn 7. More new parts for the Xray XB808, with the release of these lightweight graphite front and centre plates. 更多的新零件,为X射线xb808,释放这些轻巧的石墨阵线和中心板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Latest designed graphite machining machine, Engraving machine, machining center have excellent accuracy and high rigidity. 新开发的石墨加工机,雕铣机,加工中心,高精度,高刚性,经济实用。 www.myjidian.com 9. A new compound graphite flotation agent is introduced and its effect of the mineral separation is researched. 介绍了一种新型的复合型石墨浮选剂的合成及其浮选效果的试验研究。 www.dictall.com 10. Commitment: provide customers with superexcellent graphite products and technical services. 使命:为顾客提供卓越的石墨产品和技术服务。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) analyses show that the graphite block has an obvious orientation structure. 射线衍射XRD和扫描电镜SEM分析表明,细粒石墨在块体材料中具有明显的取向性。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Using the method of isothermal forging spheroidal graphite cast iron pipe of good quality can be produced. 利用等温锻造方法可生产优质的球墨铸铁管。 www.chemyq.com 3. The results show that the friction coefficient and wear rate decrease with the increase of the graphite content. 研究表明,随著石墨含量的增加,摩擦系数和磨损量减小。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. It was testified that expandable graphite was a kind of effective catalyst in the esterification of acetic acid with isoamyl alcohol. 有人作证说,膨胀石墨是一种有效的催化剂在乙酸与异戊醇的酯化反应。 www.medsci.cn 5. In this study, aphanitic graphite ore was purified in a melting process at high temperature and the optimum conditions were ascertained. 采用高温熔融法对隐晶质(土状)石墨进行了研究并确定了最佳工艺条件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It was shown that obvious enlargement of graphite crystallites was generally observed for both carbon fibers and matrix. 发现炭纤维和基体炭中的石墨微晶经过烧蚀后都得到了明显的发展。 www.chemyq.com 7. In 1963, China began to develop and produce high-purity graphite with fine structure. 1963年中国开始研制和生产高纯细结构石墨。 gatefanyi.com 8. A method of and an apparatus for storing heat energy in a body of graphite at an elevated temperature are disclosed. 本发明公开了一种用于在高温下在石墨体内储存热能的方法和设备。 ip.com 9. "Lead" pencils do not contain lead, but rather a mixture of clay and graphite. 让铅笔不要含铅,只要用黏土和石墨混合而成。 cfshenova.blog.163.com 10. Based on the heat calculation, the heat exchanging effects of graphite block heat exchanger and shell and tube exchanger were compared. 通过传热计算,对圆块式与列管式石墨换热器的换热效果进行了对比。 www.chemyq.com 1. The conductive behavior of asphalt mixture can be improved by adding carbon black, graphite and carbon fiber. 通过掺入炭黑、石墨和碳纤维可改善沥青混凝土的导电性能。 www.fabiao.net 2. During manufacturing, chemicals are trapped between the graphite layers. 在生产过程中,化合物被困在石墨层之间。 www.graftechaet.com 3. The invention provides a preparation method for preparing an expanded graphite modified composite electrode of hydrogen peroxide. 用于制取过氧化氢的膨胀石墨改性复合物电极的制备方法,本领域已有技术都具有缺点。 ip.com 4. Once a traditional electrode material with dominant status, the advantages of copper have almost disappeared when comparing with graphite. 铜,这种曾经占统治地位的电极材料,和石墨电极相比它的优势几乎消失殆尽。 gatefanyi.com 5. Foundry products. Malleable and spheroidal graphite cast iron products. Dimensional tolerances for sand castings. 铸造产品.可锻铸铁和球墨铸铁产品.砂铸件的尺寸公差 www.mapeng.net 6. Experimental results show that the alloying cementite also exists in this new nickel cast iron, besides graphite and austenitic base. 试验结果表明,除了石墨和奥氏作基体外,还有合金渗碳体存在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Thermal neutron flux and heating in the upper thermal shield of a graphite reactor. 石墨反应堆上部热屏蔽层的热中子通量和加热…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 8. In fact, if you put a diamond in an oven, the precious diamond will decay into common graphite. 如果你把钻石放入烤炉,那么即使它有多珍贵,最终亦只会化为普通的石墨。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 9. Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of cadmium content by direct graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. 动植物脂肪和油.用直接石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定镉含量 www.mapeng.net 10. The influence of amount of mass ratio of graphite, dispersants article size of graphite on the film performance is discussed. 本文从石墨质量分数、分散剂、石墨粒径等方面对导电性能的影响进行考察,并给出该导电涂料的综合指标。 www.chemyq.com 1. The difficulty of Graphite nanofibers (GNF) as a PEMFC's support is not nano-scale particles. 石墨纳米纤维(GNF)作为PEMFC载体的难点是GNF的颗粒达不到纳米级。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. Meanwhile, the natural scale graphite was calcined to efficiently remove the oily substances and groups on its surface. 同时将天然石墨鳞片进行煅烧处理,有效去除生产过程中附着于其表面的各种油性物质及基团。 www.chemyq.com 3. The optimum condition for synthesis of ethyl acetate catalyzed by expansible graphite was investigated through orthogonal test. 通过正交实验研究了可膨胀石墨的催化合成乙酸乙酯的最佳条件。 www.chemyq.com 4. The incident occurred when the graphite core of a British nuclear reactor caught fire near Cumberland. 位于坎伯兰郡附近的一个英国核反应堆石墨堆芯起火酿成核灾难。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Cut off from English pencils. He was stuck with his own impure French graphite. 由于来自英国的铅笔供应被切断,他被限制只能使用他的不纯净的法国石墨上。 edu.21cn.com 6. abstract: Objective: Establish graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry urine test methods of iron. 目的:建立石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定尿中铁的检测方法。 www.bing.com 7. The relationship between origin of spheroid recrystallized graphite and temperature-pressure is discussed. 研究了类球状再结晶石墨的形成与温度压力的关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A surface of the transporting arm is coated with a conductive fluorinated graphite material. 传送臂的表面涂覆有导电的氟化石墨材料。 ip.com 9. Meanwhile it explores the application of expansible graphite as a flame retarding material . 同时对膨胀石墨在阻燃材料方向的应用进行了探讨。 www.bing.com 10. Henan Huixian Beiliu Graphite company is a professional company which produces different types of graphite models. 河南省辉县市北流碳素厂市一个生产各种规格型号石墨模具的专业生产厂家。 user.99114.com 1. A layer of erbium-doped gadolinium oxide yellow green light luminescent film is deposited on a graphite conductive substrate. 在石墨导电衬底上沉积一层掺铒氧化钆黄绿光发光薄膜。 ip.com 2. Ordinary so-called pencil lead is graphite, a three-dimensional form of carbon. 普通的所谓铅笔芯是石墨做的,这是碳的三维形式。 www.bing.com 3. Nominal dimensions of cylindrical machined graphite electrodes with threaded sockets and nipples for use in electric arc furnaces. 用于电弧熔炉的带螺纹接套和螺纹套节的圆柱形机制石墨电极的公称尺寸 www.mapeng.net 4. He also noted that tough crystals of apatite encasing the graphite probably sheltered it from the harshest metamorphic transformations. 他也注意到,石墨周围包裹著磷灰石的坚硬晶体,或许因此保护石墨免受严酷变质作用的摧残。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Ammonium phosphate was adopted as matrix modifier to determinate the lead by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. 以磷酸氢二铵为基体改进剂,用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定铅。 lib.cqvip.com 6. The property and mechanism of the electrical conductivity of Graphite slurry infiltrated steel fiber concrete(GSIFCON) are investigated. 系统地研究了石墨砂浆渗浇钢纤维混凝土(GSIFCON)的导电性能。 www.chemyq.com 7. Grinding ball of spheroidal graphite cast iron with martensitic matrix was usually produced by reheating and quenching after casting. 马氏体基球墨铸铁磨球一般采用砂型(或金属型)铸造成形后,再重新加热进行淬火。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The forming principle of nodular graphite cast steel and the main technical points of melting and casting process are summarized. 阐述了球墨铸钢的形成原理以及熔炼、铸造等工艺要点; www.chemyq.com 9. Single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNs) are either metallic or semiconducting, depending on how the graphite sheet is rolled up. 由石墨层卷曲而成的碳纳米管,因其不同的卷曲方式,既可以是金属,也可以是半导体。 www.keyanjijin.cn 10. At last, the research prospective of high temperature oxidation resistant coating for graphite electrode material is pointed out. 展望了石墨电极材料高温抗氧化涂层研究的方向。 www.chemyq.com 1. An approach of identifying vermicular graphite is introduced in foundry manufacturing using model identifying in fuzzy math. 采用模糊数学的模型识别法,提出了铸造生产中对蠕虫状石墨的一种识别方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The gasification of active carbon is better than that of graphite with the same size. 活性炭的气化性能优于相同粒度的石墨粉; www.chinamet.cn 3. Methods Vanadium content in cassia seed was measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer. 方法应用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定富钒决明子芽中钒含量。 www.chemyq.com 4. The determination of lead in corn by direct solid sampling-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was established. 建立了一种直接固体进样-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定玉米中铅的方法。 www.dictall.com 5. Recently Dell announced it will release a cherry red version of the Streak shortly after it launches the standard graphite version. 戴尔最近宣布,将释放出樱桃红色的条纹版本推出后不久,它的标准石墨版本。 bbs.gfan.com 6. Under this high temperature, the carbon atom structure changes, has produced quantity different graphite crystal. 在这高温下,碳原子的结构发生变化,产生了数量不等的石墨晶体。 www.go-abroad-insurance.com 7. Artificial diamonds are manufactured from graphite (another allotrope of carbon) using intense heat and pressure. 人造金刚石由石墨(碳的另一种同素异形体)在高温高压下制造。 yeebang.com 8. Graphite, chlorite, talc, mica, garnet and staurolite are distinctive metamorphic minerals. 石墨、绿泥石、滑石、云母、石榴石及十字石都是典型的变质矿物。 www.infopetro.com.cn 9. Carbon nanotubes are rolled-up sheets of graphite thousands of times thinner than a human hair. 碳纳米管是由比人的头发细千倍的石墨板卷曲成的管状结构。 www.bing.com 10. During friction process adhesive wear occurred for pure copper, but delaminating wear occurred for Cu-graphite composites. 摩擦过程中纯铜发生粘着磨损,铜-石墨复合材料却表现为剥层磨损。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Graphite is utilized to seal and isolate the near wellbore fractures at the tip along with optimizing the rheology of the SBM. 石墨被用于密封和隔离近井壁压裂尖端并优化合成基钻井液的流变性。 bbs.e5zj.com 2. Put a high concentration of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry method of unleaded gasoline in the lead. 提出了高浓度石墨炉原子吸收法测定无铅汽油中铅的方法。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. This invention relates to an improvement on the manufacture of nodular graphite cast drill with cylindrical teeth. 本发明是改进的球墨铸铁柱齿钻头的制造方法。 ip.com 4. 2500 SERIES materials are manufactured from natural graphite and a polymer additive. 这些材料是制造于天然石墨和一个高分子添加剂。 www.graftechaet.com 5. Tartrate solution and zirconyl chloride were used as the matrix modifier for coating graphite tube. 采用酒石酸-锆复合溶液作基体改进剂,锆涂层热解石墨管为原子化器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. These modified graphite nodules provide Ductile Iron with physical properties greater than cast iron and comparable to steel. 这种改进后的球体使得使得球墨铸铁比铸铁和钢相比具有更加优异的物理性能。 bbs.hcbbs.com 7. The results showed that the reaction condition became milder over expansible graphite, but the esterification efficiency was lower than 40%. 结果表明,在可膨胀石墨的催化下,酯化条件明显缓和,但酯化产率较低,不到40%。 www.chemyq.com 8. The method of complex phosphate impregnation for improving the oxidation resistance of graphite materials was described. 用磷酸复合盐浸演法对石墨材料进行浸渍,研究其抗氧化性。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Main products are graphite block, graphite powder, kryptol , electrode, anode mud, protection residue etc. 公司主要生产石墨块、石墨粉、碳棒、电极、阳极糊、保护渣等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. As a comprehensive graphite processing enterprise it mainly involves in the production of series of flexible graphites . 是以生产柔性石墨系列产品为主体的综合性石墨加工企业; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The basic principles of highly purification for the aphanitic graphite are briefly discussed in this article. 简述了隐晶质石墨高纯化基本原理。 www.shenghuojieda.com 2. The four gold magnets supporting the levitated graphite in the carbon cube are examples that would equally belong here. 四金磁铁支持磁悬浮石墨的碳立方体的例子,将同样属于这里。 blog.chinamil.com.cn 3. Packing: Teflon or graphite packing protected from low temperatures by a column of insulating gas . 填料:通过保温绝缘气体来保护聚四氟乙烯或石墨免受低温影响。 www.bing.com 4. Extension classification tree is used to identify the graphite morphology. The typical experiment results are given. The method i. . . 给出了典型的实验结果,并对该方法与现有识别方法作出比较。 www.chemyq.com 5. However, powdery catalysts had higher efficiency than disc ones to facilitate the graphite transition of carbon to diamond. 然而,粉末触媒的催化效率比片状触媒高得多,更有利于石墨转化为金刚石。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. When the graphite caught fire, it spouted a plume of radioactive smoke that spread across the globe. 当石墨着火时,它喷出带有放射性烟雾,这些烟雾扩散到了全球。 blog.163.com 7. The character, synthesis and application prospects of graphite and expandable graphite are discussed in this paper. 本文主要讨论了石墨、膨胀石墨的特性、合成及其应用前景。 www.chemyq.com 8. Owing to protecting flaky graphite in choosing technical process, we have much difficulty with graphite grinding. 由于在选别工艺流程中要对大鳞片石墨加以保护,这给石墨选矿带来了很大难度。 www.dictall.com 9. The growth modes of pro-eutectic and eutectic graphite was compared and investigated using liquid quenching technique. 用液淬技术,对初生石墨和共晶石墨的生长模式进行了对比研究。 www.chemyq.com 10. Full bodied, intense with the countless layers of flavour including blackcurrant, cedar and graphite. 有黑加仑、雪松、石墨的丰富层次。 www.gudumami.cn 1. This graphite filled material offers the best bearing surface with hard chrome plated piston rod. 这石墨填充材料提供了硬镀铬活塞杆最好的轴承表面。 www.gyzdhw.com 2. Through theoretical calculation, chilling ability of graphite block to iron castings was discussed. 从理论上探讨了石墨块对铸铁件的激冷能力。 www.dictall.com 3. The invention provides to thermal management devices constructed from flexible graphite. 本发明提供用柔性石墨构造的热管理装置。 ip.com 4. Graphite is a Python web application that has been developed to provide scalable storage and visualization for numeric time-series data. Graphite是一个PythonWeb应用,用来为数字时序数据提供可伸缩的存储和可视化显示。 www.infoq.com 5. a mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil. 石墨与不同硬度粘土的混合物,铅笔的用于书写的物质。 www.jukuu.com 6. It has been shown that the fine and spheroidal graphite is favourable to the oxyacetylene cutting perfomance. 发现,愈是细小、圆整石墨形态愈有利于气割。 www.chemyq.com 7. The thermal properties and plasticity are interrelated with the size of graphite ball. 材料的热性能、塑韧性与石墨球的尺寸有一定关系; rjggy.net 8. A horn mouth (24) is arranged in the hole of a graphite block of an absorption section. 吸收段石墨块的孔内设有喇叭口(24)。 ip.com 9. GRAPHITE : A crystalline form of carbon having a laminar structure; of natural or synthetic origin. 石墨:一种由层状碳组成的结晶体,可以是天然的或者人工合成的。 www.chuangjiyuan.com 10. The analysis method of lead in petrol is studied using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry lead in unleaded gasoline. 汽油中铅的分析方法研究探讨了用石墨炉原子吸收法测定无铅汽油中的铅。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Carbon nanotubes as well as other carbon nano materials are a kind of novel carbon form between fullerene and graphite. 碳纳米管及其衍生纳米碳材料是一种介于富勒烯与石墨之间的碳的存在形式,具有独特的电子性质。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Methods: After microwave digestion, we determined lead in tea by graphite furnace atomic absorption method. 方法:用微波消解石墨炉原子吸收法测定。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Yellow transparent diamond crystals were readily obtained when the solution of boric acid or ammonium borate is added into graphite powders. 添加硼酸和硼酸氨的溶液时,易于合成出黄色透明的金刚石。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If diamond can be blown up into graphite, why can't ordinary carbon be compressed into diamond? 如果钻石可以爆炸成石墨,那为什么普通的碳不能被压缩成钻石呢? wenwen.soso.com 5. The catalyst for this reaction is iron chromium oxide with graphite as a binder. 进行这种反应的催化剂是以石墨为粘接剂的铁铬氧化物。 www.kuenglish.info 6. Steel walls of graphite channels provide additional protection from oxidation, corrosion and blow-out. 石墨通道的钢壁防止氧化、腐蚀和爆裂的破坏。 www.h6688.com 7. PLASTICS. FILLED POLYAMIDES. DETERMINATION OF PERCENTAGES OF GRAPHITE OR CARBON BLACK AND FIBER GLASS. 塑料.聚酰胺载体.石墨碳黑和玻璃纤维成分的测定 www.mapeng.net 8. Antimony in the sample solution was determined by Graphite Furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. 用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法可确定样品溶液中锑的浓度。 www.chemyq.com 9. The conclusion could offer an important numerical basis for the structural design of graphite blocks in HTRs. 相关结论将为高温气冷堆堆芯石墨砖的结构设计提供重要的数值依据。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Th rough the theory of interface growth, this paper also expounded the crystal 1 orientation condition of spheroidal graphite growth. 并从界面生长理论出发,论证了石墨球生长的晶格位向条件。 www.chemyq.com 1. Objective: To establish a method for determination of barium in drinking water by AAS with lanthanum-coated graphite tube. 目的:建立生活饮用水中微量钡的镧涂层石墨管原子吸收光谱测定方法。 word.hcbus.com 2. The allotropes of carbon include diamond, graphite and charcoal, all with the same chemical properties. 碳的同素异形体包括金刚石、石墨和木炭,所有这些物质都具有相同的化学性质。 tr.bab.la 3. The expanded demonstrations also cover drawing in both charcoal as well as graphite. 在附加演示部分还讲述了使用木炭与石墨的绘制方法。 www.minxue.net 4. Divided into dentiform gasket, flat gasket, compounds graphite dentiform gasket. 分为齿形垫片、平垫、复合石墨型齿形垫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Silicon carbide graphite composite materials are applied in many industrial fields. 碳化硅-石墨复合材料广泛用于各个工业部门。 www.chemyq.com 6. Foundry products. Spheroidal graphite cast iron sittings for PVC drinking water pipes under pressure. 铸制产品.有压力的饮用水聚氯乙烯管道用球墨铸铁接头 www.mapeng.net 7. As a result, the paper indicates that undercooling is the main factor that causes spherical graphite growth in the crystallization process. 综合本文实验研究结果表明,结晶时的过冷度才是导致石墨球状生长的主要因素。 degree.fzu.edu.cn 8. The nation boasts veins of coal, iron ore, limestone, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead and precious metals. 这个国家拥有煤炭、铁矿石、石灰石、菱镁矿、石墨、铜、锌、铅和贵金属等矿脉。 www.bing.com 9. The influence of amount of graphite powder addition on the agglomeration of pack boriding agent with borax has been discussed. 探讨了石墨粉加入量对硼砂型固体渗硼剂结块的影响。 www.dictall.com 10. Expanded graphite(EG) as the new additive using in anti-static materials were introduced. 阐述了膨胀石墨作为新型导电填料在防静电高分子材料中的应用; www.chemyq.com 1. Our experience and R&D can assist you in adapting our high purity graphite products to meet your specifications. 我们的经验和R&D可能协助您在适应我们的高纯度石墨产品符合您的规格。 china.makepolo.com 2. Double Bridge: Clear dampener inserted between two parallel graphite bridges reduces string and frame vibration. 双桥:在两个平行碳素横梁中间插有透明阻尼器,以减少球线和球拍的有害震动。 737737.com 3. Install the column nut and Vespel or graphite ferrule at each column end; pull the nut and ferrule down the tubing approximately 5 cm. 在柱两端按装螺母和Vespel或石墨垫。将螺母和垫圈顺着柱拉下约5厘米。 www.china-instrument.net 4. The Graphite web application itself is used to display visual graphs of monitoring statistics generated using RESTful URLs. GraphiteWeb应用本身被用来显示使用RESTfulURL所产生的监测统计的可视图形。 www.infoq.com 5. An analysis on the movement of the grinding tool shows that the grinding of graphite electrode is a 3D cutting process. 通过对加工接触点的运动分析,可以看到石墨电极研磨加工过程是一种三维切削过程。 www.juhe8.com 6. Graphite rods are sometimes marked with a modulus rating. 碳素竿子有时会标明等级(材质等级)。 www.freelure.cn 7. The ultrasonic fragmentation plays conformity and evens pairs in graphite structure. 超声波对膨胀石墨的结构有整合、均匀化作用; dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This paper emphatically analyses the spheroidizing mechanism and the shape of spheroidal graphite. 本文重点探讨了石墨球化的机理及石墨球形态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The invention provides a graphite-metal compound radiation material and the preparation method thereof. 本发明提供的是一种石墨―金属复合散热材料及其制备方法。 ip.com 10. Packing: PTFE or graphite packing protected from freezing by a column of insulating gas. 填料:通过绝缘气体柱防止PTFE或石墨填料冻结凝固。 www.bf163.cn 1. Effects of antimony on graphite morphology, matrix and properties were studied by experiment . 试验研究了元素锑对蠕铁石墨形态、基体组织及性能的影响。 www.dictall.com 2. The nucleus of the spheroidal graphite should be of spheroidal shape. 石墨球的核心应该是球形。 www.chemyq.com 3. Crystalline graphite flake is the starting material in the manufacture of expandable graphite. 结晶石墨鳞片是制作可膨胀石墨的原始材料。 www.graftechaet.com 4. Take imported expanded graphite fiber and nickel silk as material and compound them into line by intertexture . 以进口膨胀石墨纤维和进口因科镍丝为材料,复合成膨胀石墨因科镍丝线,经编织而成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The variation of defects and electron density in graphite and nanocrystalline carbon with temperatures has been studied. 结果表明,纳米碳中缺陷的开空间和缺陷浓度分别大于和高于石墨晶体; www.ceps.com.tw 6. The effects of graphite content on properties and mechanism of friction and wear of copper base material were studied. 探讨了石墨含量对铜基材料摩擦磨损性能的影响和材料的摩擦磨损机理。 www.chemyq.com 7. The researchers extracted graphene from graphite using ordinary adhesive tape. 研究者使用普通胶布从石墨中提取石墨烯。 www.bing.com 8. In Ductile Iron, this graphite flake is modified by a specialized treatment process to form tiny spheres or nodules. 在球墨铸铁内,这种石墨薄片通过特殊的处理方法变化成微小的球体。 bbs.hcbbs.com 9. Effects of different graphite particle contents on friction and wear behavior of AZ91 magnesium matrix composites were investigated. 研究了不同石墨颗粒含量对AZ91镁合金基复合材料摩擦磨损性能的影响。 www.chemyq.com 10. graphite bearing, sleeve and thrust plate wear or lubrication shortage of liquid and dry mill damage occurred. 石墨轴承、轴套和推力板磨损或润滑液短缺发生干磨而损坏。 aodq714578.blog.163.com 1. It typically uses an inner insulator of polyethylene coated with graphite underneath the outer shield. 这种电缆通常使用聚乙烯的内层绝缘层,并在外层屏蔽的下面涂敷以石墨。 www.eefocus.com 2. This paper introduces the latest results of high-speed and intermittent atomization of graphite cream. 本文介绍了关于石墨乳高速间歇雾化的研究成果,包括理论分析和实验研究。 www.dictall.com 3. The graphite particulate-aluminium matrix composites are developed by compocasting followed by pressure casting. 用复合铸造及压铸法制备了石墨颗粒铝基复合材料。 www.chemyq.com 4. A rotor of rotary impeller of compositing graphite and ceramic belongs to the field of the purification treatment of aluminum melt. 一种石墨与陶瓷复合制作的旋转喷吹转子,属于铝熔体纯净化处理领域。 ip.com 5. A ceramic coating is applied over the graphite to insulate it (= the graphite). 陶瓷涂料被涂在石墨上以绝缘石墨。 6. A comparison between the combinatory graphite electrode and adjustable graphite electrode or traditional steel electrode is made. 并将石墨组合电极分别与可调式石墨电极和传统的钢质电极作了比较。 www.juyy.net 7. These graphite spheroids are know as "crack arresters" in the Ductile Iron industry because of their ability to stop cracks in their tracks. 在球墨铸铁行业内,这些石墨球称为“裂缝终结者”,因为它们具有阻止断裂的能力。 bbs.hcbbs.com 8. With strict exhaust emission request increasingly, the cylinder header of compacted graphite iron are used more broad in diesel engine. 为满足日益严格的排放要求,在柴油机上蠕墨铸铁材质气缸盖得到越来越广泛的应用。 www.13191.com 9. In industry, driving force of synthetic diamond is from temperature gradient of diamond and graphite. 工业上采用自发成核生长金刚石技术,金刚石生长的驱动力来源于金刚石晶体与石墨温度差。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Lithium batteries require significant amounts of the mineral and prices of high-grade graphite have tripled since 2005. 锂电池需要大量石墨,高品位石墨的价格自2005年以来增加了两倍。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Exfoliated carbon fiber reinforced flexible graphite sheet (ECF-FGS) was prepared. 本工作制备了膨胀炭纤维增强柔性石墨复合材料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The compact film layer is stable and compact at high temperature and eliminates the defects of the graphite substrate caused by porosity. 该致密膜层在高温下稳定而且致密,消除了石墨基底由于多孔性带来的缺陷。 www.patent114.com 3. A woven graphite damper bar secures the rear body posts, battery straps and the damper pads, which control the amount pod action. 编织石墨阻尼器的酒吧确保后方机构的职位,电池,背带和阻尼器的发展策略和计划,控制金额荚果行动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This graphite could be used in its natural state for writing. 这种石墨可以在自然状态下用来书写。 www.24en.com 5. And this graphite pebble is about the size of a billiard ball. 这个石墨块是和,台球的大小一样。 open.163.com 6. The preparation of fine-grain doped graphite and its properties. 微颗粒掺杂石墨的制备及其性质…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 7. The neutrino-manufacturing process at J-PARC smashes protons into rods of graphite to churn out muon-neutrinos. 日本质子加速器制造中微子的方法是以中子轰击石墨棒从而大量制造出缪子中微子。 www.bing.com 8. Carbon or graphite fibers have been developed for use in various types of industrial textiles and in some types of consumer goods. 碳纤维或石墨碳纤维已经被开发制作各种各样的产业用纺织品,并且也可以制作某些服用织物。 tr.bab.la 9. Mo -wire is regular black covered with graphite. After graphite removed it is metallic luster. 钼丝表面涂有石墨乳,呈较均匀的黑色,去掉石墨乳呈金属光泽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Nano silver-copper-graphite composites were prepared by powder metallurgy method. 采用粉末冶金方法,制备了纳米银-铜-石墨复合材料; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 1. A description is given of the UK primary standard graphite calorimeter system. 描述的是英国的主要标准石墨量热系统。 www.syyxw.com 2. Effects of Li-doping on the structure and characteristics of graphite anode for Li-ion batteries were studied. 研究了掺杂锂元素对用作锂离子电池负极的石墨材料的结构与性能的影响。 www.csu.edu.cn 3. Suitable for tapping threads in gray cast iron, nodular graphite cast iron, brass, brass castings, etc. 适用于灰口铸铁、球状黑铅铸铁、黄铜、黄铜铸件等的攻牙加工。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It is an excellent bond for graphite cloth, felt, yarn, fibers and large monolithic shapes. 对石墨布、毡、纱线、纤维以及一些大的整块元件器具,它是一种优异的粘结材料。 www.ccisn.com.cn 5. The utility model relates to a heat conducting graphite block. 本实用新型是一种石墨导热块。 ip.com 6. ACCEPTANCE CONDITIONS FOR GRAPHITE PRODUCTS FOR EXHAUST NOZZLES. 喷管用石墨产品验收条件 www.mapeng.net 7. This paper discusses effects of three fillers of fly ash, diatomite and graphite on properties of filled UHMW PE. 本文选用粉煤灰、硅藻土和石墨三种无机填料填充超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMW-PE),考察了填料对其性能的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. It is simple and quick to determine trace Pb and Bi in pure copper using the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定纯铜中痕量铅和铋,方法可靠,简单快速。 www.chemyq.com 9. The kinetics and mechanism of anodic oxidation on graphite electrode for V(IV) was studied by using linear sweep voltammetry. 在石墨电极上采用线性扫描法对V(IV)的阳极氧化反应机理进行了研究。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. The pores in the expanded graphite, which can load catalysts, are physical base for growth of carbon nanotubes. 膨胀石墨的孔隙结构可以负载催化剂粒子,是生长纳米碳管的物理基础。 www.chemyq.com |
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