单词 | here's |
释义 |
例句释义: 这里有,这里是,用 1. Here's the crazy thing: A year later, they asked me to be president of the board, and I accepted again. I lasted a year. 更疯狂的事来了:一年后,他们请我做董事会主席,而我又再次接受了。我坚持了一年。 www.qeto.com 2. Many websites say, "look at me. " Your goal ought to be to say, "here's what you were looking for. " 许多网站都会说,“看着我。”你的“门卫”应该说:“你所寻找的就在这里。” www.bing.com 3. Here's just a few names from my site that I put into the "cool" dog name category for starters. 这里的短短数月的名字,我把我的地盘变成“酷”狗类的名字为打响。 bbs.19dog.com 4. We asked Mr. Stephens for his responses to the five main arguments most often given for going to college. Here's what he had to say. 我们请斯蒂芬斯针对人们通常给出的上大学的五点理由来作出回应。以下就是他的回答。 cn.nytimes.com 5. So here's my attempt to make the question both a bit more precise, and a question that's an open question. 这就是我试图使问题不仅更严谨而且是一个开放的问题。 www.bing.com 6. "Why, here's my button! " he cried. And he tried to pick it up. But, like all the other buttons on the mattress, it was tied down tight. “为什么这儿有我的纽扣呢?”他大叫,并且试图捡起来。不过和床垫上其他的纽扣一样,这只纽扣被绑得紧紧的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I'm happy to talk to you, Joe, too, if you're out there. Uh, here's your fine - zero. You won't pay a fine, because. . . -Zero? 我也很高兴与你对话,乔,如果你在那里。嗯,你的罚款金额是–零。你不会支付罚款,因为…-零? qac.yappr.cn 8. Here's a bit of trivia for you: What was Veterans Day originally called? 有个小问题要考考你:老兵纪念日最初叫什么? blog.hjenglish.com 9. My job. You think you can do it better, so here's your chance. When you leave this building, you will be endowed with all my powers. 我的动作。你觉得你能做到更好,那么机会来了。你走出这栋大楼的时候,你将被赋予我的力量。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. If you place this parameter at the top with a label of [_] it gets applied to all the graphs defined in the file. Here's an example. 如果你把后面跟着[_]的参数放在顶部,那麽它将被应用到文件所定义的所有图表中。如下例。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 1. Here's a little trick to help you quickly see how attach mode works if you don't have a JSP to call one of your components. 下面是一些诀窍,以帮助您快速查看附加模式的工作方式(如果不让JSP调用您的组件之一)。 www.ibm.com 2. Yes. Here's the menu. You may look at the menu first and decide what you would like to have. I'll be back with you in a moment. 好的。这是我们的菜单,请先看看菜单,决定点什么菜,我马上回来。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Hey, you know what, here's a thought. Why don't you stay home from work today and just thought hang out with me. 我有一个想法,你干脆别去上班,跟我在一起就好了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Gates Foundation has given out eight grants (here's the list as a PDF) to universities that are trying to dream up a toilet 2. 0. 盖茨基金会已经分发了8个补助金(这里有具体的名单),给正在尝试设计便桶2.0的大学。 www.bing.com 5. And he was on his way to Jerusalem to worship, but here's something else we know. 除了他去耶路撒冷敬拜上帝以外,我们还能从中知晓一些其它的事情。 www.bing.com 6. Strangely, there seems to be very little actual gardening in the videos, but there are a lot of cars. And here's something I've noticed. 有趣的是,在录影中没有多少真的园艺,但是却有很多车,这正是我注意的。 www.bing.com 7. A nurse came and looked at him in a hard way. She called out: "Here's one that isn't dead. " 一个护士走过来,使劲地看着他,喊道:“这里还有一个没有死。” www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 8. Bah humbug! I love Christmas, but the shopping has got to go. Here's why. Warning: This will be a rant of near-epic proportions . 去你的,都是骗子!我喜欢圣诞节,但购物可就免了吧。我来说说原因。事先声明:我这文章长度可快和史诗差不多了。 www.bing.com 9. Oh, really? Just a moment. . . . You paid with a ten-dollar note and I gave you. . . . Oh, sorry, here's a five left. I'm terribly sorry. 哦,真的吗?请等一下。……您刚才付给我一张拾元钞票,而我给您……啊,抱歉,这儿还有一张五块钱的钞票。我非常抱歉。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. Here's how the great Persian poet Rumi put it: "Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. " 伟大的波斯诗人鲁米是这么说的:“超越思想上的坏与好,有一片天地,你我将会相遇。” www.ted.com 1. Not going to be an easy feat, so here's a couple of prep shots and a little glimpse of the show proper. 这不只是简单的只是一个壮举,在这里是放上照片并且表示我的演出一切就绪。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Here's a fine kettle of fish! We've run out of petrol and there's not a garage for miles! 瞧,这可真糟糕!我们汽油用完了,方圆几英里也没个加油站! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Here's the list again, in case you want to print out a short form of it. I'm going to - just to make sure I'm always eating my own dog food. 下面再列示这个清单以方便你简短打印。我打算——只是确保我一直运用我自己总结的方法。 www.bing.com 4. So here's a sneakier idea: Encourage her to start a blog and post all that fascinating stuff she finds online. 有个小点子:鼓励她开博客然后把网上好玩的东西都放上去。 www.bing.com 5. Here's a tip that seems so simple, and yet can be difficult to maintain in practice: stop, and notice what you are doing in this moment. 这有些小贴士,看起来很简单,但要坚持做的话却没那么容易:停下来,看看你正在在干些什么。 www.bing.com 6. Here's a few of the best from the collection, even if our own Danger Room was a bit disappointed by the CIA's choices. 以下是从中精选的一组照片,但即便如此,《连线》的“威胁研究室”栏目对中情局选择公开的装置还是稍感失望。 www.bing.com 7. And here's some video at 1, 000 frames per second. Now I want you to look at the animal's back. Do you see how much it's bending like that? 不能用普通镜头你得每秒捕捉1000张图像才能看到这个这个短片是每秒1000帧的现在我要你们注意看这只动物的背部你能看出它弯曲了多少吗? www.ted.com 8. Here's sort of the end of that 10 years of work. 这差不多是10年工作的尾声了。 www.ted.com 9. Here's what happened: the Fed decided to squeeze inflation out of the system through a monetary contraction. 收场过程是这样的:美联储决定,通过货币紧缩,从经济体系中,把通胀挤出去。 blog.twioo.com 10. Here's an overview of the tools we use, and how much money we've managed to save. 以下就是我们使用的各种收看方式的概述,以及我们通过这些方式省下了多少钱。 www.bing.com 1. Chief Paul Kashmer said, "We pried the door off and I brought the child out and lifted her up and said, 'here's my prize. '" 消防队长保尔·卡什莫说:“我们撬开了游戏机,把孩子救了出来,我还把她举起来说,她就是我的奖品。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Here's some advice that will help you make it a daily habit and stave off expensive back problems to boot. 现在就给你一些可以帮助并引导你养成习惯从而远离昂贵背部问题的建议。 www.kle100.cn 3. Thompson: If you think it's a colossal waste of time, and here's why, in a ROWE it's up to you to put that out there to the meeting manager. 汤普森:如果你觉得那是对时间的极大浪费的话了。这也就是为什么,在实行“颠覆”的公司,要由员工来决定是否要把经理晾在那儿的原因了。 www.bing.com 4. Whoa-. . . You know, I almost had tears in my eyes when you were singing and everyone joined in. Here's to a very special Christmas. 噢-…你知道,当每个人都加入你的歌声时,我几乎掉眼泪。为特别的圣诞节。 www.xyxylt.com 5. Here's what I did for my patient: I advised his mother to call the teacher and complain, and I encouraged him to pursue his love of science. 在那时我是这样做的:我告诉他的母亲打电话给老师并提出抱怨,我鼓励他去追求他所爱的科学。 www.bing.com 6. That's a small, but great change. E-mail signatures can help people think. Now here's something for you to think about. 这是一个微小但伟大的转变。电邮签名可以帮助人们思考。现在,有些问题需要你来思考一下。 www.yanschinese.com 7. In an age where human nature is often considered profoundly selfish, here's a selfish reason to be nice to people. 在这个往往认为人类本性是相当自私的时代,这里有一个对大家而言很不错的自私的理由。 www.bing.com 8. Here's the good news. No matter how much confidence you think you have or don't have, you can always build more. 还有个好消息。无论你觉得自己已经有了或者还缺多少自信,你总可以更自信。 www.bing.com 9. Here's the twist: Kmart is also trying to persuade other retailers to use its stores as a central pick-up location for goods ordered online. 还有一种变招:凯马特(Kmart)正在试图劝说其它零售商把凯马特商店作为网上购物的提货中枢。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Oddly, here's another hotel room feature that seems to be going the way of the vacuum tube television. 很奇怪,这好像是真空电视的发展而消失的旅馆特征。 www.ttxyy.com 1. Here's a baby for Mrs. Jumbo. A baby for her to love. 詹菠太太的宝宝在这儿。一个需要她爱护的宝宝。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Here's what I can say: Most of the user experience in Chrome OS apps still seems to be unpolished. 以下是我的想法:大多数的用户在Chrome操作系统应用软件上的体验还没有被充分激发出来。 www.bing.com 3. Here's the last little difference I'll say in the next two or three minutes because we'll come back to this also. 接下来的两三分钟里,我最后再讲一些区别,我们之后还会回头再讲的。 open.163.com 4. Here's what I consider all too likely: Two years from now unemployment will still be extremely high, quite possibly higher than it is now. 我认为以下这种情况可能性非常大:两年后,失业率仍然非常高,很有可能比现在还高。 blog.163.com 5. Here's How You Know When A Woman Is Ready To Be Approached. 这篇文章会告诉你,怎么知道一个女人准备好了,可以让人接近。 www.bing.com 6. LINDA: He had a heart attack. Could you tell Jeff to call his mother right away? He's on the set. Here's the number. 琳达:他心脏病发作了。你能告诉杰夫立即给他妈妈打电话吗?他在直播台,这是她的电话号码。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Here's a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years. 这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来。 hi.baidu.com 8. So, here's the point I'm trying to make: All our parenting is done out of the context of who we are and what we know. 所以,在这里我的观点是:在不需要了解我们是谁和我们知道什么的状况下,我们所有的养育过程其实已经完成。 www.bing.com 9. Here's one of the biggest phenomena of our generation and I get to add my own voice to it! 这里是我们这代人最大的文化现象之一,而我将要在这之中添上我自己的见解! www.togame.net 10. Sigh. I hate to leave you on such a gloomy note, so here's some data to optimize your optimism. 唉…我实在讨厌给你们留下一个这么沉重的结论所以给你一些让你的乐观情绪更乐观的数据吧。 www.bing.com 1. Now that you've read through all of that here's the much simplified etymology of the word simple. 现在你已经读完了,下面说单词simple的更简化的词源。 www.bing.com 2. Here's the truth: your best shot at job security is performing your job tasks to the best of your abilities. 事实上,发挥你的最大潜能做好自己的份内之事才是让你获得职业安全感的最好办法。 www.elanso.com 3. I'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here. Here's to you! To your health! 请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯!请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯! wenku.baidu.com 4. Here's the thing, even if I could get it together enough to ask a woman out, whom am I going to ask? 问题是,即便我鼓足勇气去邀请某个女人,我又该去邀请谁呢? www.24en.com 5. And here's the crazy part: I just spent the last two days trying to work without actually working. 更糟的是:我最近两天一直试图努力工作,但却毫无进展。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Lucy: My future mother-in-law picked it out and I can't say "no. " Here's a picture of it. 露西:我未来的婆婆选的衣服,我又不能拒绝。这里有张衣服的图片。 www.remword.cn 7. Here's what you've got to do with your worries: drive them into a small corner. 你应该做的是——把你的担忧驱至某个死角。 blog.163.com 8. So here's a familiar place. And we'll bring this back here for a second. Maybe select a little bit of that. 这里有一个我们熟悉的地方,我们把它拖过来一点看看。 www.ted.com 9. Then my brain exploded and began to leak out my ears. Honestly, though, it took a second. Here's a good example from some of Ander's slides. 我的思想开始爆发,实际上,这花费了我一些时间。这里是一个好的例子。 www.cnblogs.com 10. Now that you know all this stuff, here's a couple of things to try. 现在你知道了这些东西,可以开始试试了。 www.bing.com 1. Here's another idea that's been popping up in some offices: Team up with coworkers and take turns providing lunch for the group once a week. 这里有一种在各办公室正兴起的新方法:和同事一起,每星期轮流为整个小组带午餐。 www.bing.com 2. Here's how: you've got to ditch the "magical thinking" that somehow you'll lose weight, and you'll figure out a plan as you go along. 方法如下:你要放弃那种用一种方式就能减肥的“迷人的想法”,并且在进行时自己会想出一个计划。 www.elanso.com 3. Here's some of what they have learned, including maxims for singles: why opposites don't attract and honesty is not always the best policy. 他们从中了解到为什么与人对立不能吸引人以及诚实并不是最好的策略,这也是单身的人的格言之一。 www.bing.com 4. Here's all my paper work. How much will I have to pay altogether? 这是所有的单据,我总共要付多少钱? www.hxen.com 5. He and I are now trying to pump up the high school in High School Musical 3 with some sing in', some dancin'. . . here's the clip, folks. 他和我现在尝试在《歌舞青春3》中为高中带来一些歌唱,一些舞蹈…朋友们,让我们看看剪辑。 www.yappr.cn 6. To help you navigate some of the challenges that frequently await your to-do list, here's some strategies for getting out in front. 为了帮助你了解运用待办事项列表过程中经常会碰到的问题,这里有一些前期的策略。 www.bing.com 7. How can you change when no one else is willing? Well, here's a bit of advice: What others do is none of your concern. 当没有其他人愿意的时候你如何能够去改变呢?好的,这里有个建议:【其他人去怎麽做不关你的事】。 home.gamer.com.tw 8. Well here's oneidea: the moral value of an action is determined by how much overall happiness the action produces. 这儿有一个观点:某种行为的道德价值在于它能制造多少快乐。 www.bing.com 9. Here's a copy of the itinerary for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it ? 这份你和你朋友的日程安排复印件给你。请你们好好看一看。 i.cn.yahoo.com 10. All that seems impressive, but here's the rub: many Americans do not believe Mrs Sebelius. 这一切听起来甚是美好,可问题在于:许多美国人并不信任西贝利厄斯女士。 www.hxen.com 1. I bet we could sell that sign all over Pasadena. Penny, can I talk to you for a minute ? Penny Well, here's the thing. 我打赌这标语在帕萨迪纳各处,都能买个好价钱。可以过来谈下吗?,是这样的。 www.bing.com 2. And here's the thing: Most of the manual labor still being done in our economy seems to be of the kind that's hard to automate. 而这里的东西:许多难以自动化的体力劳动仍然存在于我们的经济中。 www.bing.com 3. Being the perfect boyfriend can be a bit of a challenge, but here's how it's done! 作为完美的男朋友可能是一个小小的挑战,但这是如何实现它! www.fanzhai.net 4. Here's a winner who suffered for 10 years before he finally found a way to cure his problem and it worked in just a few days. 这里的赢家,她遭受10年前,他终于想出一个办法,以治疗他的问题,而工作,在短短的几天。 www.acne-treatments-web.com 5. And here's just a series of experiments where I ask the question of -- does a poster have to be square? 这里有一系列的实验其中我问了一个问题——海报必须是方形的吗? www.ted.com 6. Here's the question: How much difference would it really make if all these "private" diplomatic meetings were public? 问题是这样的:如果那些秘密的外交会议都是公开进行的话,会产生多大的不同呢? www.bing.com 7. "Here's a species that, of its own accord, has gone down an evolutionary cul-de-sac, " Packham told Radio Times magazine. 帕克汉姆对《RadioTimes》杂志表示:“这是一个本身已走到进化历史尽头的物种。” cn.reuters.com 8. Here's a thoughtful answer that this tree hugger appreciated: a box of organic and ecological goodies delivered by mail to the door. 这有一个环境保护狂欣赏的深思熟虑的回答:邮寄一盒有机的生态的好东西到门口。 www.elanso.com 9. Now if that meme can just get out to a few state legislatures (here's looking at you, New Jersey), we'd be set. 如果现在这个因子只能传达到少数几个州的立法机关,我们将做准备。 www.bing.com 10. Here's a quick roundup of the latest and greatest developments, with a bit of local color thrown in. 这里有一个具一点地方特色的关于最新和最好进展的简要综述。 www.dxy.cn 1. Here's a look at how Apple has shoved Microsoft aside as the company with the worst reputation as a monopolist, copycat and a bully. 来看看苹果如何把取代微软成为最臭名昭著的垄断者、抄袭者、业霸。 www.bing.com 2. Here's Mount Pinatubo in the early '90s, that put a whole bunch of sulfur in the stratosphere with a sort of atomic bomb-like cloud. 这是90年代初的皮纳图博火山喷发,产生了有一中类似原子弹爆炸的云把大量的硫带入了平流层。 www.ted.com 3. If you've got a favor to ask of a sibling or neighbor, here's a tip: Put a little sugar on it. 桔解:如果你对一个手足或邻居有所求,你要做的就是施放一点香甜。 www.12xz.com 4. You see a town this big that has no paper and you think, here's an opportunity. 你看到一个这么大的镇子却不发行一份报纸,你就会想,机会来了。 dongxi.net 5. Here's how you can accomplish that through some visualization: Close your eyes and remember a time when you felt like a winner. 这里教你如何通过想象来完成这个过程:闭上你的眼睛,想想你曾经感觉到自己是胜利者的一个时刻。 www.job22.com 6. And as you think of the implications of that, here's a brief history of the universe. 你在想那些事情的含义时,这里有个宇宙的简史。 www.ted.com 7. Here's another piece of good news for this winter: our factory comes out with 2006's fashionable eiderdown outwear of various kinds. 今冬又一福音:本羽绒服装厂隆重推出2006年流行的各式羽绒服。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Here's a bit of basic science to help explain the science and health effects of radiation. 此处有一些基础的科学知识来解释关于辐射的知识和辐射对健康的影响。 www.bing.com 9. Pure aloe vera gel has been used for thousands of years to treat minor burns. Here's how to harvest it yourself, from an aloe vera plant. 几千年来,纯净的芦荟凝胶一直用于治疗轻微的烧伤。根据下面的建议学习怎样从芦荟植株上收获芦荟凝胶。 www.kekenet.com 10. Here's a little to ken of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years. 这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Pure aloe vera gel has been used for thousands of years to treat minor burns. Here's how to harvest it yourself, from an aloe vera plant. 几千年来,纯净的芦荟凝胶一直用于治疗轻微的烧伤。根据下面的建议学习怎样从芦荟植株上收获芦荟凝胶。 www.kekenet.com 2. Here's a little to ken of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years. 这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This can be a bit of a challenge for some, but here's how to do it: take a step back, close your eyes, and just let your mind go. 这对一些人来说可能是个挑战,这里我可以教你怎么做:首先后退一步,闭上眼睛,放宽心思。 www.bing.com 4. Here's sort of the schedule, and I put at the bottom we might give some away free in two years at this meeting. 这里是我们的大体计划,在最下面我说两年后在TED大会上我可能发放一些免费的电脑。 www.ted.com 5. And here's the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? 蚂蚁哲学的最后一部:蚂蚁在整个夏天会为冬天准备多少食物呢? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Forgiveness is usually a slow, gradual process, so it's best not to expect an instant, magical transformation! Here's what I suggest. 宽容通常是一个缓慢而渐进的过程,所以你最好不要期望会有一个迅速又神奇的转变。接下来就是我的建议。 www.bing.com 7. Boss: Here's a contract for you to look over. Get back to me on this before Tuesday morning. 这份合同你拿去看一下,你星期二早上之前向我汇报这事。 item.eachnet.com 8. "Here's a hundred, " said the tightwad. "Just loosen them up a bit. " “这里是一百块,”吝啬鬼说。“只要稍微把它们松动一点就好了!” www.ivyenglish.com.cn 9. Just a minute, madam. I'll change it for you right away. . . here's a new one. Please double-check it. 请稍等,夫人。我立即给你换一个……这是新的,请你再检查一下。 www.linkshop.cn 10. Here's what he did. He gathered his participants. And he said, "I'm going to time you. How quickly you can solve this problem? " 他将参与者聚集在一个房间里告诉他们“我要开始计时。看看你们能多快解决这个问题?” www.ted.com 1. Rachel: No? All right. here's the truth um. Joey said What he said. because um. I'm attracted to you. 瑞秋:--好吧。事情是这样的。乔伊说了他该说的。因为。我被你深深吸引。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. 'Here's Mr Pip, aged parent. Nod your head at him, Mr Pip, he's completely deaf, but he likes to see people nod at him. ' 这是匹普先生,老父亲。向他点点你的头,匹普,他完全耳聋。但是,他喜欢看到人们向他点头。 www.hxen.com 3. So here's a list of responses for all the ways the interviewer will ask you how much money you expect to make. 那么当面试官问你期待的薪水如何时,这里有一系列示范答案。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Here's how the system works: An operator sits at a computer with a webcam and special teleoperation software developed by ATR. 看看这个系统是如何工作的:一个操作者坐在一台电脑前配有一个网络摄像头和ATR开发的特殊遥控操作软件。 www.bing.com 5. You're not seeing anymore of me! More than enough! Here's my next guest. . . thinks that he is handsome enough to get on his own website. 你不能再看我了!足够了!我的下一名客人…认为他非常英俊足以登录自己的网站。 qac.yappr.cn 6. Steve: Yes, if you're on a roll it means lots of things are going well for you at the moment. Here's another example. 如果你交上了好运,那意味着此刻一切对你都很顺利。 www.kekenet.com 7. here ' s another way to look at it : one of the smallest parts of a car is the ignition key . yet , without it , you don ' t move forward. 不妨从另一角度来看:车的启动钥匙是最小的组件,可是没有它,您却寸步难前。 www.ichacha.net 8. Here's an easy way to look at it the difference between them: If service specification is about what, then service realization is about how. 您可以用一个简单的方法看出它们的区别:如果说服务规范解决的是是什么的问题,服务实现介绍的就是怎样做。 www.ibm.com 9. Ok, here's what I'm thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who's loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。 www.wwenglish.com 10. Reception: And I just need to see a form of ID. patient: Here's my driver's license, thanks. 接待员我还需要看一下您的身份证明。病人这是我的驾照,谢谢。 www.languageex.com 1. Here's a breakdown of how the service works and how it differs, at least a little bit, from some of its competition. 下面,我们从竞争方面分析来Facebook服务的工作原理及其区别(至少是一点点)。 www.bing.com 2. The late-blooming Bush was a failure at 40. But he changed his life and is now the President of the United States. Here's how he did it. 大器晚成的小布什在40岁时还是一个失败者,但是他改变了他的生活,并且现在是美国的总统。这里讲述他是如何做到的。 www.chinaunix.net 3. PAULO: OK. Here's my card. Tell her to call me. Oh, what's her name? 好,这是我的名片,叫她打电话给我,对了,她叫什么名字?。 4. Lyla: Okay, here's a hypothetical. You ask a girl for her number, but wait two weeks to call her. What gives? 我们做个假设:如果你问一个女孩要了电话号码,但是你过了两周才打给她,这是为什么? www.remword.cn 5. Well, here's your chance. . . HEHE. . just post it up in here and I'm come back to read all your posts. . . . THANKS~! 现在,你们的机会来了…呵呵..在这里留言给我,我会回来读你们所有的留言的…谢谢~! dict.bioon.com 6. A lot of people ask me what I used to look like, so here's some old pictures I dug up to share with you! 很多人问我,我以前长什么样,这里有些我以前的照片给大家分享! blog.sina.com.cn 7. To do that, you new the delegate, passing to it the name of method that has the same signature as the delegate. Here's an example of that. 为了做到那些,你实例化一个委托,并传递方法的名字给它,该方法有与委托一样的签名。下面是一个例子。 blog.csdn.net 8. And here's the simple version of a foot for a new robot that I'll show you in a bit. 这里有一个新机器人脚的简易版本。 www.ted.com 9. Here's what I'd like you to do when you get home tonight: First, turn on the music and just kick back and relax. 你今天回家的时候,我希望你做这些事:首先,把音乐打开,好好放轻松休息一下。 www.daisy-online.net 10. All that I know, There's nothing here to run from, And there, everybody here's got somebody to lean on. 啊,我所知道的一切,还有什么可以追求?只是,每个人都会找到某个可以依靠的人。 www.xyrock.com 1. Here's to personality, everyone must from inner to explore their potential, is planning to himself in university found his position. 这里注重个性的张扬,每个人都必须从内心发掘自己的潜力,对自己有份规划,才能在大学中找到自己的位置。 blog.163.com 2. " They don't even like having married women there " , she added. Girls are always supposed to be so pure. Here's one who isn't, anyway. 她补充道:“他们甚至不喜欢雇用已婚女人”,人们总认为女孩更纯洁,但眼前就有一个女孩并非如此。 www.bing.com 3. "Here's a little painting I made for you, " she said, handing a small unframed canvas gingerly to Robin. “这儿有一幅为你画的小油画,”她说,小心翼翼地递给罗宾一幅没镶镜框的小油画。 www.bing.com 4. Here's the give-away, a pair of tusks two metres long, the trademark of a Columbian mammoth, the biggest animal to roam the ice age plains. 这是赠品,一对两米长的象牙,一个哥伦比亚猛犸象的商标,冰河时代的平原上最大的动物。 www.kekenet.com 5. I always seem to understand better with an example, so here's a basic one. 我好象总要举例才比较明白,来个简单的例子。 bbs.kuankuan.com 6. Here's the anatomy of a BPEL process in a nutshell: Deploying a BPEL process results in a service being published for that process. 这是对BPEL过程的简单地剖析:部署一个BPEL过程会导致为该过程发布一个服务。 www.infoq.com 7. Any way, here's to hoping she at least makes a pit stop at the Hotel Empire on her way to wherever she is going! 无论如何,不管她要去向何方,至少希望她可以到帝国酒店停留一下! ts.hjenglish.com 8. So, here's my summer wish for you: let the budgie of happiness sit on your head. Recognize there are consequences, but live with it. 所以,这就是我送你的夏日祝福:愿快乐的鹦鹉停在你的头上。 en.neworldedu.org 9. Here's a prescription. I'd like you to take one of these pills three times a day. 你把这些药片每日服三次,每次一片。 home.ebigear.com 10. OK. Out of 300 NTD, here's 50 NTD change. Your food is all here along with your receipts. 好,收您三百,找您五十元。您的餐点齐了,这是您的发票。 www.nciku.com.tw 1. But here's the thing: Mr. Obama must be prepared to face those consequences if he wants his presidency to survive. 不过,情况是这样:如果奥巴马希望挽救自己的总统生涯,他就必须做好面对这些后果的准备。 www.bing.com 2. Receptionist: No problem. So. . . from $140, here's your change. Now, I'll just need to ask you for your room keys. 接待员:没关系。收您140元,这是找您的钱。现在请您把房间钥匙给我。 yingyu.100xuexi.com 3. One of a few I'm working on right now, not close to being finished, but here's a taster. 我现在的几个之一,而不是接近完成,但这里的一个品酒师。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 4. The Department of Energy is spending $40 million to explore synthetic biology for liquid-fuel production. Here's where the money is going. 为了探究利用合成生物学生产液态燃料的可能性,美国能源部已经投入了4000万美元,到底这些钱会花在什么地方呢? www.bing.com 5. So, can we actually do things to help ourselves through bad times? As I discovered, you can take charge of your own cure. Here's how. 因此,我们实际上能做些什么来帮助自己走出困境呢?我发现,人们自己能够找到治疗的办法。下面就是如何去做。 www.zftrans.com 6. Don't worry. Here's a prescription. Use the suppositories and laxative. The bleeding should stop in two or there days. 别着急,这是您的处方。用一点坐药和泻药,过两、三天血就会止住。 www.nbdyyy.com 7. Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and what you might expect from your doctor. 下面列举了一些信息,有助于你看大夫,以及你期望医生为你做些什么。 www.bing.com 8. Here's our recent chat with him at his Tokyo studio, followed by a new, exclusive comic that he did just for Vice. 我们在他东京的工作室进行了一次聊天,同时驾笼也为《VICE》杂志独家创作了他最新的漫画[2]。 www.htfcn.com 9. Just for fun, here's one fan's concept of what a Wizarding Muggle Studies textbook might be like. . . 仅供娱乐,这是一个爱好者猜想中巫师们《麻瓜研究》这一课程教科书的内容…… www.hoolee8.com 10. Na: You know, the moment you opened that door, I thought to myself, "Why, here's a handsome fellow! " Ha ha ha! 要知道,当你打开门的那一刻,我心里想的是“哦呀,这小子还真帅!”哈哈哈! ellesime.anetcity.com 1. Here's a look back to a more golden age of travel. 下面我们回顾一下那个旅行的黄金年代。 www.bing.com 2. Now, here's the problem: I've grown up (sort of), and I've learned a lot over the past few decades. 问题:我已经长大(算是吧),我在过去几十年里学到了许多。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Here's a powerful, easy-to-use production scanning application for electronic capture of documents from high-speed scanners. 这是强大、易于使用的生产型扫描应用程序,用于从高速扫描仪以电子方式采集文档。 wwwcn.kodak.com 4. Here's a bit of news for developers: The largely undocumented URL command ? 在这里向开发人员提供一条新闻:基本上未归档的URL命令? www.ibm.com 5. And then here's the six -year-old in the seatbelt , and in fact they get exactly within, you know, within one or two points of the same . 这里是假装六岁大的假人用了安全带,事实上他们两个得到了几乎完全一样的分数,只差了一两分。 www.bing.com 6. I'll leave this pamphlet with you, and if you'd like more information, here's my card, you can call me any time. 我把这个小册子留给您,如果您想要获得更多信息的话,这是我的名片,您随时可以给我打电话。 www.e-say.com.cn 7. Here's a tiny little vent that's come out of the side of that pillar. 这里有一个很小的出口在那个很大的柱子上。 www.ted.com 8. Now, I have been looking at breakthroughs and here's a quote for you, "Great breakthroughs are closer to what happens in a flood plain. " 目前,我一直在关注这一突破,在此借用一句话送给大家:“重大的突破更像是洪泛平原的产生。” www.joyen.net 9. Here's another impression I came away with. Slowly, but slowly, the intellectual property situation seems to be improving. 我另一个对中国的印象是:尽管进展缓慢,知识产权状况还是在改善。 www.mytino.com 10. Tired of your co-workers stealing your food from the office fridge? Here's a simple little trick that will keep their thieving hands away. 厌倦了同事从办公室冰箱中偷你的食物?以下是一些简单的建议,让第三只手敬而远之。 www.kekenet.com 1. "In case you're ever in a bind and need to calculate a molecular weight, here's a periodic table for your wallet, " she told him. 还对他说:“这是个元素周期表,你可以放到钱包里,以防需要计算分子质量,你又想不起来的尴尬场面。” www.bing.com 2. Here's a little map -- and I thought of maps at the beginning. 这是张小地图--开始我就想到了地图。 www.ted.com 3. Here's a secret: Life isn't a competition. It's a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo. 这里有一个秘密:生活不是一场竞赛。它是一个旅程。如果你在旅程中只是花时间让别人佩服你和超过。 xiaozu.renhe.cn 4. Here's a riddle. When is a croquest mallet like a Billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be. 一个谜语。木杖何时会变为杀人利器?答案是:当你需要它的时候。 baike.baidu.com 5. So, finally -- and I'm about out of time -- the target that shapes you -- here's what's different about people. 好了,最后…我的时间马上就要到了…塑造你的那个目标…这就是人们不一样的地方。 www.ted.com 6. Tom Hanks took a shortcut to becoming a movie star. He made only hits. Here's Mr. Easy Pants, Tom Hanks. 汤姆·汉克斯走了一条当电影明星的捷径。他只拍卖座片。有请好运气先生! www.tianya.cn 7. Here's an excerpt from her new book, "Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture. " 下面是她的新书“灰姑娘吃了我的女儿:来自最新女孩文化前线的加急报告”。 www.bing.com 8. For foreigners living in Burkina Faso, there's always a time for conversations about bodily functions. Here's one of those times. 对住在布吉纳法索的外国人来说,总是有时间可以聊聊身体机能,这里有些从GRITSheadstoBurkina取得的片段 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. Here's what I would write: When the mobile phone came out, we made fun of it. 我会这么写:当手机面世时,我们找到了不少乐子。 www.bing.com 10. Here's your passport. And here's my pen so I can fill my own form out. Don't forget to sign your name at the bottom. 你的护照给你。我也把我的笔拿出来,这样我就可以填写我自己的了。别忘了在底下签名。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 1. Here's how I'm so sure: I tried it out on Mr. Sales Guy. 我非常肯定因为我在赛尔斯先生(Mr。Sales)身上试过了。 www.elanso.com 2. You want to graduate, but no in his bed. Here's what you've got to do. 你想毕业,但不是在他的床上。让我告诉你你该怎么做。 hi.baidu.com 3. Here's another of Rowling's writing quirks . Uncle Vernon pulls hair out of his mustache when he's upset. 罗琳在写作上的的另一特殊风格:弗农姨父生气的时候会从脸上把胡子揪下来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Here's what I mean by that, whining is describing as accurately as you can, exactly how you wish the world was not. 我是这样想的,抱怨是准确地描述,你希望这个世界不是什么样的。 open.163.com 5. HERE'S YOUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT: FLY OVER THE SEA AND YOU SHOULD FIND YOUR DESTINATION BUT WATCH OUT FOR DON KARNAGE HE MAY BE WAITING FOR YOU. 您的第一项任务:飞行在海和您应该发现您的目的地,但是提防唐KARNAGE他也许等待您。 bbs.emumax.com 6. But, my dear, I thought you would be pleased. You never go out, and here's a chance, a fine one. I had the hardest work to get it. (迅速小心地捡起请柬,难过地)但是,亲爱的,我原以为你一定很喜欢的,你从来不出门,这是一个机会,这个——一个好机会! zhidao.baidu.com 7. Determine the best course of action, then say to your boss: 'Unless I hear otherwise here's what I'm going to do. 制定出最佳的行动方案,然后对你的老板说:‘在没得到进一步指示前我准备先这么做起来。’ blog.sina.com.cn 8. Though changes will inevitably happen over the next few weeks, here's a summary of some of the key features that are currently expected. 虽然未来几个星期将不可避免地发生一些变化,但我们还是总结了目前能预期到的主要特点 www.bing.com 9. Thank you for your encouragement. Here's your pair of scissors. 谢谢老师夸奖。给您剪子。 big5.cctv.com 10. Swipe a card, or drop coins, or get out of here. Here's nothing to look. 要么刷卡,要么投币,要么滚蛋,看个球啊。 zsksds.cn 1. Here's a portrait of Steve Jobs made out of parts of a Macbook Pro, issued by web design company Mint Digital. 这幅乔布斯的肖像是由苹果的笔记本电脑的各部分组成的,由网页设计公司薄荷数码制作完成。 www.hjenglish.com 2. "Here's my card, " I said. "Anytime you want to talk it over, just give me a call. " “这是我的名片,”我说,“什么时候你想谈谈了,打电话给我吧。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. So here "s what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. " 所以这是我想要告诉你:享受生活了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I said 'Here's our opportunity to help tackle the problem of teenaged pregnancy. ' 我说‘这是我们帮助解决少女怀孕问题的机会’。 www.bing.com 5. Take a deep breath; here's how it would work. As Greek bonds mature over the next three years, the country would repay holders. 先深呼吸放松一下,然后看看它是怎样运作的:随着希腊债券在今后三年陆续到期,政府将把本息偿还给债券持有者。 www.ecocn.org 6. Here's what I want readers to take away from my own learning journey: Take responsibility for your own professional development. 这就是我希望读者从我的学习之旅中得到的启示:对自己的职业发展负责。 www.infoq.com 7. Sure, Wait a minute and I'll get the key. Here's the living room. You see there are big closets. Here's the hookup for the TV. 当然可以,请等一等,我去拿钥匙,这是客厅,您可以看到有几个大的壁橱,这是电视机插头。 dict.veduchina.com 8. So if you think about this practically, here's where we are. 如果你理性地考虑这个的话这就是我们当下处境。 www.ted.com 9. 'Look, here's a pair of old boots, 'said one of the brothers, noticing Tess's boots behind the tree. “看,这儿有一双旧靴子,”兄弟中有一人说道,他发现了苔丝放在树后的靴子。 www.kekenet.com 10. Here's a site selling ones designed to be worn as jewelry (scroll down to the bottom of the page). 这里有一个购买链接,设计得佩戴起来仿佛珍珠一般(鼠标滚动到页面底部)。 www.bing.com 1. Here's my card. If I can be of any help, please call me. 这时我的名片,如果派得上用场,请打电话来。 www.bing.com 2. Here's another robot called BigDog that came out a couple of years ago, but if you haven't seen the video, you really should. 这里还有另一个叫做“大狗(BigDog)”的机器人,它诞生于几年前,但是如果你之前没见过这段视频,你真的得看看。 www.bing.com 3. And here's the most interesting part : Most of the strategies you need are useful during a strong economy as well . 这里最精彩的部分是:大部分您所需要的策略在经济成长旺盛期也同样是有用的。 www.bing.com 4. Oh, and here's his tip for subway riders : The smell of green apples or cucumbers "tends to make people feel less claustrophobic . " 哦,他给坐地铁者的建议是:青苹果或黄瓜的气味往往会减少人们的幽闭恐怖感。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But it's still a pity that he couldn't say: "Yep, that's what I said to Joe, and here's why. " 但是很遗憾他决不会说:“哦,这就是我告诉乔的,这就是原因。” www.elanso.com 6. Here's a person who can probably accomplish the work, but has no motivation to get with it. 有一类人有能力但没有动力去完成任务。 dongxi.net 7. Well, here's how the program is compiled and I'll leave to you the opportunity to understand how to fix it when a change is done. 下图展示了程序是如何被编译的。我现在给你一个机会,使你懂得如何在改动完成时去修复。 bbs.pediy.com 8. Here's just a little something for your trouble. 麻烦你了,这是一点点小意思。 tr.bab.la 9. I'm still working on the agenda, there will be a lot to go over on Monday. Here's what I've got so far. 我还在弄会议议程,周一要有很多事情要做.这是我目前已经完成的部分。 talk.oralpractice.com 10. If it's not popping out at you here's a hint: look over his head. 如果你还没醒过味儿来,我就给你点儿提示:看他的头上。 www.bing.com 1. So the game developer doesn't have to do anything. Game developer can say, here's my game, you know, enjoy it. 因此游戏开发者并不需要做任何事情,他们可以说,这是我的游戏,尽情享受吧。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Could that mean there's a sequel in the works? Here's hoping so and that it's just as much as much fun as the first book. 这意味着这本书还有续集吗?这真令人期盼一定会和第一本本书一样有趣。 www.bing.com 3. And here's where your app really is like your competition, in all forms of media: it's easy to get lost in the details. 这正是您的应用程序与所有媒体形式的竞争对手真正相似的地方:很容易在细节中迷失方向。 www.ibm.com 4. He was talking to delegates at an annual conference on doping in sport here in London. Here's our sports news reporter, Alex Capstick. 在伦敦举行的针对体育比赛中的兴奋剂问题的年度会议上,戴维?豪曼如是对与会代表说。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. Here's a new movie that may take your mind away from the Bella-Edward love team--even for just a moment. 这里有一个新的电影,可能需要你的心离贝拉,爱德华爱团队-甚至只是一个时刻。 tiebacommit.baidu.com 6. Here's our guide to identifying the enemy, fighting back, and surviving this season's germ warfare. 以下是我们的健康指南——如何识别敌人并做出反击及在本季度的细菌战中幸存。 www.bing.com 7. "Here's a hypothetical question, " Joyce said, driving. "Do you think it might be enough if Ethan formally apologized to you? " “假如说,”乔伊斯边开车边说:“如果伊森正式向你道歉,你觉得可不可以接受?” www.bing.com 8. To analyze which time of day is right for you, here's a quick survey of the specific positives and negatives of running at different times. 要分析一天中哪段时间最适合你,这里有一个在不同时间跑步的利弊快速的调查。 www.bing.com 9. Here's how it works. You tell StopTweet what behavior you think is spammy by defining a few important parameters. 你可以通过定义一些重要的参数,来告知StopTweet哪些行为属于垃圾信息。 www.bing.com 10. Here's a clue: Most of us don't spent every waking moment trying to live out our sexual fantasies. 这里有一条线索:大多数人不会每天睁眼的那一刻想着如何得到更加美轮美奂的性爱生活。 q.sohu.com 1. If you're ready to start playing, here's what you'll need to know about Places. 如果你准备玩儿玩儿看地点服务,你需要知道以下几点。 www.bing.com 2. Here's a fellow who just walks into a bank and helps himself to so much money. 有一个家伙,就这样走进一家银行,擅自拿走这么多钱。 bbs.englishcn.com 3. Here's hoping the inspirational Chelsea and England skipper has recovered fully to take his place at the heart of the team again. 这里正希望这位富感染力的切尔西及英格兰队长已经完全康复,再次担当起球队的心脏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But even in bad times, some calls turn out worse than others, and here's just a few of ours. 但即使在境况不佳之时,还是有些做法比其它做法更加糟糕,我们在下面列出了几个。 www.bing.com 5. Here's some of what I've learned in my years of public speaking. 以下是我这些年学到的公众演说技巧。 www.bing.com 6. Here's a form . Please write down the name and address and telephone number of the person you're sending to . 这儿有一张表,请写下收件人的名字,地址及联系电话。 bbs.veryeast.cn 7. Here's a simple example of a program that can be written in a page of yacc and a half-page of lex code. 这里是一个简单的示例程序,只需要一页yacc代码和半页lex代码就可以编写完该程序。 www.ibm.com 8. Now, here's the experiment we did, and I would hope this is going to convince you that "Yeah, right! " was not the right response. 这是我们做的实验。我希望这个实验能够让你相信“哦,是吗!”不是正确的答案。 www.ted.com 9. More info: Here's a video demo, made back when HP was not only willing to talk about this product but was lavishing it with hype. 附加信息:这是一段演示视频,当时惠普不仅乐于谈论这一产品,而且不惜血本大肆宣传。 www.bing.com 10. Here's a look at a few other companies that endured some of the most extreme swings in Wall Street history. 下面几家公司也经历了华尔街史上最极端的振荡: chinese.wsj.com 1. As a follow-up to the night train post, here's another option for those looking to combine transport and hotel: ferries. 当一辆夜间列出即将开始之时,对于那些既想乘坐交通工具又想住旅馆的人来说,我这里有另外一个建议——渡轮。 www.elanso.com 2. After skimming through the first today, we noticed a number of questions that are in need of an answer so here's another Q&A for you. 经过这一段时间,我们注意到大家对新赛季的变化有许多共同的问题。因此我们形成了这样一份常见问题。 www.cwebgame.com 3. Tell that I'll be right there. Here's your message to Ewdison then. Ready to send it? Yes. OK, I'll send it. 告诉他我很快就到。这是你要发送的信息。准备发送?好的,发送完毕 www.hxen.com 4. On the wall there are a picture and an air conditioner. here's my room! 墙上有一幅图画和一台空调。这就是我的房间了! wenwen.soso.com 5. Here's an overview of this new interface, including details on a few of the new ways to locate companions to share your adventures with! 下面是这个新界面的介绍,包括关于这个寻找一起冒险的伙伴的新方法的一些细节。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. For the rest of us, however, here's an easy way to keep your paranoid PC from signing you out the moment you turn away from the screen. 然而,其余的人,这里有一个简单的办法可以让你的有病的电脑不再反复将你退出。 www.bing.com 7. Over the last 7 years I've made a lot of progress. Here's what I've learned about networking as an introvert. 在过去的7年里,我取得了很大的进步,下面是我这个内向的人对人际网络的了解。 www.bing.com 8. Here's another possibility: Players may just not be shooting all that accurately. 今天我想提出另外一种可能,那就是球员射门不准。 c.wsj.com 9. Here's a look at the hard facts and numbers of this most wonderful time of the year. 在此,我们将通过事实分析和数据统计来审视这个一年之中最让人兴奋不已的节日。 www.elanso.com 10. Here's an in-game shot of the Ark Airport, which shows some of the depth and creativity that went into the design of the environment. 下面是一个在游戏中开枪的方舟机场,这表明一些深度和创造力进入设计环境。 bbs.pczilla.net 1. Here's one for the boss: always work at least as hard as anyone working with or for you. 这条是给老板的:至少要像跟你合作或者为你工作的同事一样努力工作。 www.bing.com 2. Here's the important point: training ourselves to respond positively, or at least neutrally, will have the opposite effect. 关键点在此:我们要训练自己更加积极的对挑战进行响应,或者至少要怀着一种中间心态,平和一些,这样就会起到相反的影响。 www.bing.com 3. Well, here ! Here's an eyebrow tweezer. Pull the grass out a blade at a time but be quiet about it! 好吧,这里!这是一个眉毛钳。你可以用这个把草一根一根的拔出来,但是请保持安静! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Here's the second, more important truth: if you always worry about what you're missing out on, you will miss out on what you already have. 另一个重要的真理:如果一直担心你要失去什么,你将错过你一将拥有的。 www.bing.com 5. But here's what makes Drop. io unique: When you upload a file, the service asks you to put an expiration date on it. 但Drop.io的特别之处在于:当你上传了一个文件,服务会让你为文件设定一个截止日期。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Here's what I imagine Niall Ferguson was thinking: he was thinking of the interest rate as determined by the supply and demand for savings. 我认为尼亚尔·福格森是这么想的:他认为利率是由储蓄的供给和需求决定的。 www.bing.com 7. Here's Debra's story. One day she walked away from her home and her children, intending to purchase crack cocaine. 底波拉的故事是这样的:有一天,她离开家,离开她的孩子,去买霹雳可卡因。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. Here's how it works: A company evaluates the resources, processes and money required to produce a product or service. 这里阐述这个方法是如何展开的:如何对完成一个产品或者一项服务所需的资源、作业和资金进行评估。 www.info56.cn 9. Checking him out . . . For you nerds, here's a little behind-the-scenes. 我们一起来看一下。对科技狂热者,这有一些幕后揭秘。 www.ted.com 10. If you are wondering why I'm even advising you to go through this exercise, well here's the hidden benefit for you. 你或许在想,我为什么会让你做这些事,那是对于你来说这其中有隐藏的利益。 www.bing.com 1. He took a long drink from the bottle of wine , saying , 'Here's luck ! ' 他拿起酒瓶喝了个痛快,嘴里喊着:“百事如意!” www.chinaedu.com 2. OK here's the good news: Even though world population is still growing, it's not growing as fast as it used to. 好的,说说好消息:即使世界人口仍在增长,但增长的速度不如以前快。 www.fao.org 3. "Here's the thing, George, " she says. "Things haven't been right with us for a long time. You don't seem to appreciate me anymore. " “事情是这样的,乔治,”她说,“很长时间了我们之间都不对劲儿。你好像不再重视我了。” www.bing.com 4. Leonard: Yeah, yeah. Uh, see, here's the thing. After you leave, I still have to live with him. 嗯,嗯,事实上,你走了,我还得和他一起过日子呢! www.xiaoma.com 5. HUSSEIN: I wish I had known about this place for my birthday. Ali, open your presents. Here's one from Mr. Yamamoto. 我上次过生日的时候,如果知道有这个地方,多好。阿里,拆开你的礼物。这?是山本先生送的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Mr. Smith, here's a present for you form our corporation. --Oh, thank you! It's very kind of you. (Unwraps a box) Ah, it's a porcelain vase. 史密斯先生,这是我们公司送给你的礼物。--噢,谢谢。你们真好。(打开盒子)。嘿,是一只瓷花瓶。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 7. Sa: "Here' s to us" . You used to say "Here' s to us" . Oh, I' m afraid I miss you too much. It hurts. 山:“为我们干杯”。你常说“为我们干杯”。哦,我真太想你了。我很痛苦。 www.superfection.com 8. Here's how the story goes, we find out about a treasure in the Grand Line, there's no doubt. 故事是这样的,我们打听到了在伟大航路的宝藏,毫无疑问。 179558347.qzone.qq.com 9. But here's the thing -- most people in the midst of a crisis can't really get it together to tell you exactly what they need. 可事情却是这样的—大多数处于危难中的人不可能真正地告诉你他们这正需要什么。 www.fane.cn 10. Look, here's where we stand. Our scouts have confirmed that there is an orc encampment hidden somewhere over the next ridge. 从我们现在的位置,往那儿看。我们的前哨已经证实前方山头后面的某处有一座兽人的营地。 wenwen.soso.com 1. No, Even a dollar is all right. Here's your passbook, sir; just sign your name on it. 没有。即使1美元都行。这是你的存折,先生;在上面签上你的名字。 www.hxen.com 2. Here's all the cross section cut and ready to glue to the profile. 这里的所有截面削减,并准备胶水的配置文件。 www.tech-domain.com 3. Here's why: Trying to time the market is folly because for every buyer, there is a seller. 原因如下:试图抓住市场是愚蠢的。因为有一个买家,就有一个卖家。 www.bing.com 4. Here's a few tips to help you deal with your Over-Thinking-Ness (a word). (Now). 以下几点可以帮助你应对想的太多。 www.bing.com 5. JENNY ROSS: Here's the company structure. You see Don is Sales and Marketing Director and is on the Board. Kate. 詹妮.罗斯:公司架构是这样的。堂是销售和市场营销总监,是董事会的成员。凯特向堂报告工作。你的位置在这儿,你向堂报。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Here's where XHTML comes in; it defines a strict set of rules, allowing for fast parsing and cross-platform rendering of your XHTML. 这正是XHTML发挥作用的地方,它定义了一组严格的规则,以便能够快速解析和跨平台呈现XHTML。 www.ibm.com 7. Here's a pair of old boots, ' he said. “一双旧靴子!”他说。 www.ebigear.com 8. A mouse told his mother, "I'll tame bears in a circus. " "Here's a bear hug, " Said his mother. 一个小鼠对他的妈妈说,“我将在一个马戏团里驯熊。”“这儿有一只抱抱熊。”小鼠妈妈说。 www.dreamkidland.cn 9. In our survey of British feminists, more than half said they were either atheist or had no religion. Here's why that might be. 对英国女权主义者的调查显示,超过一半的人称自己是无神论者或者没有宗教信仰。让我们来看看这其中可能的原因。 www.bing.com 10. Here's the current idea, let me know what you think. 在这里是现在的主意,让我知道你想的。 word.hcbus.com |
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