单词 | Here it is. | ||||||||||||||
释义 | Here it is.
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 在这儿,在这里,这就是,在这里,它在这儿 1. You got to have the resolve to be able to fight through a little adversity and respond, so here it is. 你必须知道经历一小点磨难之后会有所回报,上场比赛正式如此。 post.soso.com 2. Let me see. . . Hmm. . . just a minute. Here it is. We need your signature on this note. 让我看一看。嗯,等一会,给您,我们需要您在这张票据上签名。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He gathered my mother and me in the living room and opened the case as if it were a treasure chest. "Here it is, " he said. 他把妈妈和我叫进厅里,打开了那只盒子,好象那是一个百宝箱似的。 www.bing.com 4. And here it is hot but pleasingly so, as a friendly wind is usually puffing our sail and cooling us as well. 这儿的天气也很热,但是还好有风能吹动我们的船帆,并给我们带来凉爽。 www.bing.com 5. "Here it is, " said the man, taking out of his pocket a slip cut from a newspaper. “我这里有一份,”那位登广告的说着从口袋里掏出一份报纸剪辑。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. So, these gloves are a little bit small on me, but here it is. You can actually see that kidney as it was printed earlier today. 到后面来一点这些手套有点小,好了你现在能看到这个肾脏我们今天早些时候打印的。 www.ted.com 7. You know man , I did not understand it either . It is all so hard. Then it hit me on the way over here. It is just so simple. 我也不懂,兄弟。本来好难,然后在我来这儿的路上一想,一切变得好简单。 www.bing.com 8. If you take this point here, it is going to go in a circle like that centered on the x-axis. 如果在这里取一个点,它会绕x轴上一点旋转。 open.163.com 9. Here it is: If you want confidence, then understand how much you matter to God. 就是;你若要自信,那么就得明白你对神有多么重要。 www.bing.com 10. If I try to describe him here, it is to make sure that I shall not forget him. 我之所以在这里尽力把他描写出来,就是为了不要忘记他。 shan3.com 1. You wanted to see a bit of real lndia, here it is. 你想参观真正的印度,这就是了 www.kekenet.com 2. Here it is, " said the third voice; and the owner of it held the lantern and reveal the face of young Dr. Robinson. " “就在这儿,”第三个人的声音说;说这话的人把灯笼举起来,照出了他的面孔,原来他就是年轻的鲁宾逊医生。 www.jukuu.com 3. Now, if there is precipitation, anticipation here, it is not in the sense that this step skips over, goes more quickly than its own stages. 现在,既然有孤注一掷,有期盼在这里,它的意义并是它要跳跃过去,比它原先分成的阶段,更快速地过去。 springhero.wordpress.com 4. Here, it is clearly spelled out that as an elder, pastor and spiritual leader, one must not be a lover of money. One must not be greedy. 在这里非常清楚明确指出一个作长老牧师的,一个属灵的领袖必须不能贪爱钱财,不要贪心。 www.hcchome.org 5. Even here it is true that a man is nothing but the series of his actions. 所以,即在这里,我们仍然必须说,人不外是其一系列行为所构成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. "My son asked me for a medal, but he didn't ask for a particular one, " she said. "Here it is. " 她说:“我儿子问我要一枚奖牌,不过他并没有说具体要哪一块。就这块好了。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. I could have put a rho but I want to emphasize the fact that here it is going to be a constant. 我本来可以用ρ来表示,但在这我是想强调,它是一个常数。 open.163.com 8. "Villains! " I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! - tear up the planks! here, here! - It is the beating of his hideous heart! " “小人!”我尖叫起来,“掩饰了!我承认好事!-撕毁木板!这里,在这里!-这是他丑恶的心跳!” windy-19890411.blog.163.com 9. When an asset is reduced, as prepaid insurance was here, it is said that there has been a write-off of part (or all) of the asset. 当财产被减少,如同被预付的保险这里是,据说有是部份(或所有的)注销财产。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. There is no philosophical allure here. It is all about the cold logic of the balance of power. 没有什么是非对错之分,完全是均势的冰冷逻辑。 kk.dongxi.net 1. Open up Word or get out a blank sheet of paper and write that question up at the top. Here it is again in case you don't want to scroll up. 打开Word或一张空白纸把那个问题写在顶行这里再写一遍如果你不想翻页的话。 www.bing.com 2. Quite a few people are familiar with the peak oil story. If you haven't heard it, here it is in a few graphs. 很少有人了解石油峰值这个概念,如果你没听说过,那么在下列图表中你对此会有些了解。 www.elanso.com 3. From here, it is possible for you to write any portlet. 从此开始,编写任何portlet对您来说都是可能的。 www.ibm.com 4. Now if you were hoping for a stronger motivation for why mathematics and computer science is so exciting, here it is. 现在,如果你正在期待一个更加有力的关于数学与计算机科学如此令人兴奋的原因的动力的话,那么它就在这里。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. What I see is not possible. And yet here it is, in my hands. 我不相信这是事实,但是,真相就在我手里。 www.bing.com 6. Now here it is, nearly two years later, My disappointment in you has never been greater. 两年后的如今,于你之失落不绝于心。 select.yeeyan.org 7. Grandpa sometimes cuts the beginning of a sentence. Here, it is not correct to cut the article the. 爷爷说话有时将句首的单词省略。这句话中,冠词the是不该省去的。 www.41english.com 8. Oh, sure. I'll be back in a minute. Thank you for waiting. Here it is. Did you enjoy your meal? 啊,一定,我马上就回来.谢谢你等候。这就是,你享用了你的餐食吗? talk.oralpractice.com 9. As I was reading some of his recent articles, I was influenced to write a tech article of my own, so here it is. 看了他最近的一些贴子,受之影响我自己也写了篇技术贴,就是你现在正在看的。 www.bing.com 10. And the conclusion, I said there was a nice large indicator right in front of it. and here it is. 结论,我说这有个很好的指示词,就在前面,这里。 open.163.com 1. Babara: (bringing out a skirt) Here it is. The historical society wanted this and I never would give it to them. 芭芭拉:(拿出一条裙子)就是这条。历史学家们想问我要,可我没给。 www.superfection.com 2. Here it is pictured with the above jeans and black skirt and a pair of shorts. 下面你可以看到上图中出现的牛仔裤和黑裙,还有短裤。 www.bing.com 3. Let me have a look. Oh, here it is. But it's an old one. Where's my new one? 让我看看。噢,在这儿。但这是一条旧的。我那条新的呢? jyzyw.fjsmyz.com:8010 4. Come on Come on, the shoes are very affordable here, it is consistent with the meaning of the buyer, the sample range for your purchase! 快来快来,我们这里的鞋子很实惠,很符合买家的意思,样品齐全供你选购! zhidao.baidu.com 5. There are many cultural site. Beautiful gardens and big supermarkets here. It is very easy to go shopping. 这里有许多文化遗址,美丽的花园和大商场,去购物是非常容易的。 blog.163.com 6. Here, it is the desire to quench an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, a desire to do the best that we can and a desire to be happy. 这里的“欲望”是指你想去平息你对知识永不熄灭的渴求,想去追求卓越,想去追求幸福与快乐。 www.bing.com 7. Here it is served with creamy low-fat yogurt and summer berries, but it is just as tempting with juicy peaches, mangoes, or apricots. 这里我们用它搭配低脂酸奶和夏天的浆果,不过它和多汁的桃子、芒果或李子也很搭哦! www.ebigear.com 8. The sun is also absolutely different here. It is not bright, like in a haze, and colors everything around in yellow. 这里的太阳也完全不同往常,它并不耀眼,像被雾气笼罩一般,并且会把所有的一切都染上黄色。 www.inewscrunch.com 9. Well I did, so I made this mod for myself, but just out of curiosity I wanted to see if anyone else likes my mod so here it is! 那么我没有,所以我提出这个模型为自己,而只是从好奇我想看看别人喜欢我的模型,以便在这儿! 3dmgame.chnren.com 10. It was told by an anonymous Kwakiutl Indian of southern Alaska to a missionary in 1896, and here it is. 一位不知名的夸扣特尔印第安人把它讲述给了一名传教士,那是在1896年的南阿拉斯加。 www.oxford.com.cn 1. How far cards might have helped him here it is difficult to say. 纸牌在此可能很帮了他一点忙是很难说的。 blog.csdn.net 2. You also can find waterfall and green land here, it is an interesting place that you would like to walk around with your lovers. 你也能在这里看到瀑布和绿地。这绝对是与爱人一起度周末的好去处呀! blog.sina.com.cn 3. Just a minute, please. It's in my bag. Here it is. 请稍等。护照放在我的袋子里。给你。 www.hxen.com 4. Here it is, some French francs, Swiss francs , American dollars and a few Dutch guilders. 这些就是:一些法国法郎,瑞士法郎,美圆和一些荷兰盾。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Here it is possible to feel with the hands. 这时,可以用手感觉。 my.opera.com 6. Yes, here it is. Alright. Then I just need your completed application form, and I will be able to process your request. 是的,在这儿。好,我只需要你填好的申请表,我就可以处理你的申请。 www.kekenet.com 7. Here it is, some French francs, Swi francs, American dollars and a few Dutch guilders . 一些法国法郎,瑞士法郎,美元和一些荷兰盾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "I hope not, " he said, feeling in his waistcoat pocket. "no, here it is. " “我希望没有,”他说着在背心口袋里摸了下,“没有,在这儿。” www.itemh.com 9. Here it is perfect for any start of a love story, therefore you can shoot any film of your stories about the pure love in here. 这里适合任何一个初恋故事开始,因此你的任何关于纯净爱情电影故事的拍摄都可以从这里开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. As you may know already, on Monday we revealed you the fact that Volkswagen will present its new Golf GTD. . . and here it is! 正如你可能已经知道,星期一,我们发现您的事实,大众汽车公司将展示其新的高尔夫电话簿…在这里它是! usa.315che.com 1. It was five years since you had come here. It is two years since I moved here. 自从我搬到这儿已经有两年了。 wenku.baidu.com 2. It was told by an anonymous Kwakutl Indian of southern Alaska to a missionary in 1896, and here it is. 在1896年的南阿拉斯加,一位不知名的夸扣特尔印第安人把它讲述给了一名传教士。 hxen.com 3. Even here, it is the case that you create your own reality by your inner state of consciousness. 直至这里,事实情况是你创造著自己的现实世界,通过你内在的意识状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Here, it is clear that the limbs of the tiger were extended along the ground and the right front limb is most ahead on the ground. 这里,可以清晰地看到,老虎的肢体沿着地面向前伸展,右前腿在地面的最前方。 url.cn 5. And here it is in a tree that grows from a tiny mustard seed . . . that the Kingdom of Heaven will grow. 这棵树是从一棵小小的芥菜种来的,而神的国度就是这么成长起来的 blog.sina.com.cn 6. My daddy has an old house in here, it is said is paternal great-grandfather 's time construction. 我爸爸在这里有一处老房子,据说是曾祖父的时候修建的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. P: Let me see this agreement, this promise of Antonio to you. Here it is. 让我看看这份协议,这是安东尼奥答应你的。给你。 www.tingroom.com 8. SANTIAGO: There is but one crime among us vampires here. It is the crime that means death to any vampire. To kill your own kind! 圣地亚哥:对吸血鬼来说只有一种罪。那是无论哪个吸血鬼一旦犯下就意味着得死的罪行。那就是杀死你的同类! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Many people like this song, I do too, so here it is sharing with you again the clearer version. . . 很多人很喜欢这首歌,我也很喜欢,所以再跟你们分享这个比较清晰的版本… gtlim.com 10. This storm has been kept really quiet and not many seem to connect the dots. . . but here it is. 这个风暴似乎被刻意淡化了,大家似乎看不出到底有什么大不了,不过这确实是个大事。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. Nor will they say, Behold, here it is! Or, There! For behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you. 人也不得说,看哪,在这里,或说,在那里;因为看哪,神的国就在你们中间。 edu.china.com 2. Last but far from the least, there are many empty houses here. It is a gospel to those who intend to spend winter in Haikou. 最后,这里空房子比比皆是,对来海口猫冬的人是一大福音,房租比较便宜。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "Here it is, " said Hermione excitedly as she found the page headed The Polyjuice Potion. “在这里。”赫敏激动地说,她找到了标着复方汤剂的那一页。 www.kekenet.com 4. Shevchenko said: "I am staying here. It is just talk, talk, talk. I never thought once of this situation about going back to Milan. " 舍瓦说,“我一直呆在这里,所有的都只是大家的猜测。我从来没想过重返米兰。” tieba.baidu.com 5. In other instances, we were suspicious of self-reports, yet here it is not clear what could replace such assessments. 也就是说,我们怀疑自我评估法,然而目前还不清楚有什麽方法可以取代。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. Here it is important to understand the differences between liberal and illiberal democracy. 这里有必要对自由与非自由民主加以区别。 www.america.gov 7. I mean here it is in honor of the United States government saying this is actually not illegal behavior, this is OK to jailbreak your phone. 我的意思是说,尊敬的美国政府宣称这不是一个违法行为,那么破解行为的确是OK的。 www.bing.com 8. Here it is obvious to the translator and the translation tools that the values after the equal sign should not be modified. 这里,翻译人员和他们的翻译工具都很清楚:不应修改等号后面的值。 www.ibm.com 9. Let me see. Our ward is No. 7. Here it is. We have two roommates already. Our bed is No. 21, near the window. 让我看看。我们病房是7号。就是这儿。我们有两个病友。我们床位号是21号,靠近窗户。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Here it is James. Now get going, I don't want you to be late. 给你James,出发吧!我不想你迟到 www.kekenet.com 1. Just a moment. ---Here it is. 稍等一会,这就是。 www.com10.cn 2. I don't think she would mind my saying it. We see things much more clearly. . . after. So here it is, the great secret. 我认为母亲不会怪我这么说。在为联合国儿童基金会服务后,我们看事情变得更清晰了。所以现在,我要告诉大家她的秘密。 www.joyen.net 3. So here it is, life in its glory and its pain, exciting and ordinary. 所以生活就是这样,有荣耀也有苦痛,时而扣人心弦时而又波澜不惊。 www.bing.com 4. I've got a pair of pearl earrings. Here it is. 我有一对珍珠耳环,试试。 talk.oralpractice.com 5. Robert: Here! Here! Here it is! Here it is. Just let her go, and you and I can-- We'll come to some agreement. 嗨!嗨!石头在这儿,在我这儿。放了她,你跟我——我们可以达成协议。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Here it is in the wind-tunnel. 在风洞里。貌似可以。 www.ted.com 7. Sure. Welcome to Switzerland. Lausanneis not far from here. It is about one hour by train. It is a very beautiful city. 当然,欢迎你来到瑞士,洛桑离这里不远,坐火车一小时即可到达,那可是一个美丽的城市。 www.tclub.com.cn 8. Now, what have I earned since I went into politics? Well, here it is. I've jotted it down. Let me read the notes. 现在,我将列举我步入政坛后所赚取的每一样东西。我将其略记于下。让我读一读这张条子吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Before you came here, it is quite likely that you took your assignments from others. 在你们来这之前,很有可能你们是根据他人的意愿被分到这里来的。 blog.renren.com 10. Here it is snowing again (just a little) this is normaly a time to spend at home. But is verry lonely whitout you! 这里又下了雪(只是一点),这个时间通常是在家中度过。但没有你感到非常孤独! wenwen.soso.com 1. Try to give me a good deal here, it is not my fault that one of the shoe has damage. 试着给我一个很好的处理,在这里,是不是我的错,鞋已损坏。 translate.google.com.hk 2. From here, it is up to your imagination. 从这儿开始,就取决于你的想象力了。 www.zzbaike.com 3. Given the approach taken here, it is relevant to compare these findings with those of this study. 考虑到这儿的观点,把这些发现和那个研究的那些比较是很切题的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Today I stand here, it is to prove myselves. i can completely release the brilliance life of university ! 今天我站在这里,是为了证明自己,能完全释放大学生活的光彩!短文略微改动…能不能在帮我翻一下下… wenwen.soso.com 5. Here, it is clear why he blames Gnostics, since he embraced an "essential Christianity" substantially identical with Catholicism. 既然沃格林欣然的接受了大体上可以被天主教所定义的,“本质主义的基督教”,那么他为何责难灵知主义也就昭然若揭了。 www.bing.com 6. Here it is: Being President with this Congress is like standing in the middle of a cemetery. 我想到一个笑话:作为总统,站在这样的国会面前,就像站在一块墓地的中央。 www.bing.com 7. Dior is a French featured brand. It specializes in clothes, jewelry, perfume, cosmetics, etc. Here it is a cosmetic related specialty store. 迪奥是一个著名法国时尚消费品牌,经营时装,首饰,香水和化妆品等。这里是迪奥的一家化妆品专卖店。 www.spcc.sh.cn 8. Yes, please wait a minute. I'll fetch it for you. Here it is. Please try it on and take a look in the mirror. How do you like it? 请等一分钟。我给你取来。这套就是,请试穿,并到镜子前看看。你喜欢吗? www.hjenglish.com 9. Let me show you. . . see here it is! 让我拿给你吧…看看,就在这儿! blog.sina.com.cn 10. Tony's dad : Here it is. The battery hasn't been charged for a couple of months. It's been turned off since your mum's birthday party. 托尼的爸爸:给你,电池好几个月没有充电了。自从你妈妈生日聚会后就一直关着。 huangyunzheng123.blog.163.com 1. Here, it is assumed (and, indeed, it must be the case) that the file does exist. 此处假设(实际上必须这样)该文件已经存在。 www.ibm.com 2. However, here it is not about technical skills or soft skills like communication, negotiation and team work. 不过,这里不是要象沟通技巧或软技能,谈判和团队精神。 actuafreearticles.com 3. It is here, it is right here in this moment as you are reading this message. 就在这,它来了,在此刻,在你们阅读这个信息的时候。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If you want the best business advice out there, here it is: create something useful. 如果想由此获得最佳的商业建议,那便是:创造实用的东西。 www.bing.com 5. Here it is. Please try it on and take a look in the mirror. 这套就是,请试穿,并到镜子前看看。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Here it is currently ranked sixteenth in the world but he is still confident of another good showing in the Wimbledon warm up. 他现在的世界排名是第十六位,但他自信将会在温网热身赛中再一次发挥出色成绩。 club.topsage.com 7. Yes, I spend too much time sightseeing here. It is already so late now. I am afraid I can't catch the last bus back to downtown. 是的。我在这儿观光的时间太长了。现在已经这么晚了。恐怕我已经赶不上回城里的末班车了。 8. The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously , "Do you think it is Heaven here? It is actually the hell! " 宫殿的主人轻蔑地笑了:“你认为这里是天堂吗?这里本来就是地狱啊!” www.hjenglish.com 9. Here it is the only line of attack which we have opened . 此外它是我们新开拓的唯一研究途径。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Whenever I come here it is always that same feeling. 来到这里,还是那样的感觉。 digest.qq.com 1. Here, it is assumed that each new version of the FpML standard is not backward-compatible. 现在假定FpML标准的每一个新版本都不是向后兼容的。 www.ibm.com 2. Here it is. Let me go on by myself. 就是这里了,让我自己走吧。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Tang teacher: I beg to carry a few suggestion Here it is. 唐老师:请允许我提一些建议给您。 wenwen.soso.com 4. If it cost somebody's life to get it here, it is more valuable than these big ones. 如果它是由于某人付出了生命代价后才到岛上的,那它就比那些大的石头更有价值。 www.joyen.net 5. In here, it is uses for the sensation exterior sound the vibration, and transforms the electricity pulse they. 在这里,它是用来感知外部声音的振动,并转换成电脉冲他们。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Wait a moment, please. (a few minutes later) Here it is. 请稍等(几分钟后)有粉红色的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I found many people all over the world looking for it, so here it is. 我发现这个星球上很多同志在找它,所以咯,拿去吧~ zhidao.baidu.com 8. Can I? Let me have a look. Oh yes, here it is. 是吗?我看看呢。是的, www.crazyen.com 9. B Just let me check . . . Yes. Here it is, Mr. Clark. B让我查一下…有。在这,克拉克先生。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. I won't keep you in suspense. Here it is: think of nothing that happens as either good or bad. Stop judging, and stop expecting. 我不会一直保持悬念。这个小改变是:不去想发生的事情是好是坏。不去评判,无所期待。 www.bing.com 1. We already knew the online ad industry was having a crappy year, but here it is in visual format. 仅从这张视图中,我们完全可以知道在线广告收入处于糟糕的一年。 www.bing.com 2. WOMAN: Wait a minute. Let me find it on the computer. Here it is. It says. 女士:请稍等,让我在电脑上查查。找到了,是。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. If you click on the store here it is just one long page of products, which works for this companies purposes. 如果你点击这里的商店就是一个很长的网页的产品,这对于本公司的目的的作品。 www.bing.com 4. 'Here it is, sir, 'said I, and gave him the oilskin packet. “这就是,先生。”我说着就把那油布包递给了他。 dict.veduchina.com 5. I think here it is more a matter of finding the right assets rather than saying that I'm not interested in investing. 在这里,更应该做的是:寻找合适的可投资资产,而不是简单地说:我没有兴趣投资。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. B. Yes, I do, Susan. Just a moment. Here it is. 是的,我有,苏珊。等一下。在这儿。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Winter is not very cold here, it is seldom snow, but most of children are expecting a snowy Christmas. 这里的冬天不是很冷,也很少下雪,可是大部分孩子都期盼一个下雪的圣诞节。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Here it is, the red traveling bag , but I can't find the other one. 在这里,红的旅行包,但是我找不到另一件行李。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Here it is gently steamed with plenty of sliced fresh garlic, lime slices and fresh chilli. 这里,它被微火烹蒸,加入大量的新鲜大蒜薄片、酸橙片及鲜辣椒,最终变成一道肉质紧实,又有丝般质感的佳肴。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Let's us replace a line integral along a closed curve by a double integral Well, here it is the same. 用一个二重积分,来代替沿闭曲线的线积分,原理是一样的。 open.163.com 1. While Long's attorney who responded with a statement here it is. 而长的律师对此以一份声明作为回应。 www.kekenet.com 2. The first-grade State protection animal, Yunnan's golden monkey lives here; it is the loveliest fairy in the natural reserve. 国家一级保护动物滇金丝猴就生活在这里,是保护区内最可爱的精灵。 bbs.poco.cn 3. Most residents of five countries in Central Asia believe in Islam, Islam is not merely a kind of faith here; it is a life style even more. 中亚五国大部分居民信仰伊斯兰教,在这里伊斯兰教不仅是一种信仰,更是一种生活方式。 www.fabiao.net 4. S. idiom that applies here: "It is better to be safe than sorry. " 美国有句谚语:“安全比说对不起更好”。 www.defedu.com 5. It is not about the politics or persons here. It is about the ability to reach people who are now dying of cholera and need assistance now. 我们谈论的不是津巴布韦的政治或领导人,而是为那些即将被霍乱夺走生命的人提供帮助的能力,这些人现在就需要救助。 www.kekenet.com 6. Here it is an ideal holiday retreat away from the noisy city life. 是立于都市喧嚣之外的一处乐土 www.hellomandarin.com 7. All right, here it is backwards, and see if you can hear the hidden messages that are supposedly in there. 好的,接下来是倒转的版本。看看你是否听得出里面应该藏有的讯息。 www.ted.com 8. Here it is, but the price is subject to your confirmation before Friday. 给您,但是价格取决于您周五前的确认。 www.englishto.com 9. Rod- Just wanna make sure you're ready. Here it is, show me the money. 只是想确认一下你是不是准备好了。就是,让我赚大钱。 www.hiknow.com 10. D: Fine. Here it is. Now let's move around and meet other people. 好的,给你。现在我们到处转转,见见其他人。 pdf.sznews.com 1. Here it is. Mr White called me up on the phone about it half an hour ago. You see, I am here for the remittance. 给您。怀特先生在半小时之前给我打电话,告之此事。我来取款了。 www.zhksw.com 2. I'm looking for a green volume containing all of Chopin's works . . . Here it is. 我正在寻找那本绿色的肖邦作品全集,原来在这儿! www.veryen.org 3. Mac. . . Here it is, whatcha gonna do? When you get up there? Spit off the top? 下次别靠车太近,麦克……到了,你上去干什么?从顶层往下吐痰吗? www.jukuu.com 4. I mentioned fog several times and here it is. Early in the morning when we woke up, the entire campground was in the fog. 我提到雾很多次,这就是了。大清早我们起床,整个营区都笼罩在迷蒙的雾气中。 www.jukuu.com 5. I never think that I can travel to London before I coming to England, even reach at here, it is unbelievable place for me. 在我来英国之前我从来没有想过有一天我会到伦敦,甚至来了以后也不敢想。这个地方太不可思议了。 gxiang87.love.blog.163.com 6. If you needed any more proof that fruit, veg and oily fish work wonders, here it is. 如果你需要更多的证据证明水果、青菜、油鱼类食物可以创造奇迹,请看这篇文章。 www.qq5521.cn 7. Here it is the longing of a human heart for something to fill it up and give it life. 而人心所渴望的,就是能够满足人心灵和生命的东西。 blog.163.com 8. Husband: I can find out soon. Here it is. The center has a horror film. Do you want to see it? 丈夫:我看一下。在这儿,中心影院有一部恐怖片。你想去看吗? touch-life.blog.163.com 9. Yes, here it is. You will like this pink one. 有。这件粉色的您肯定喜欢。 bbs.meichuangyi.com 10. And here it is in a thrust configuration. 这是第三种延伸出来的结构。 www.ted.com 1. Here it is in a flat floor configuration. 这是第一种平面结构。 www.ted.com 2. Here it is written in both English and Chinese, so someday, Megan and her cousins can read it by themselves. 这里用中英文写的原因是,这样将来她和她在美国的哥哥姐姐们就可以自己看了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Here it is showing the main boot information, trimmed for brevity. 为简单起见,此处仅显示了主要启动信息。 www.ibm.com 4. So here it is, just to present both sides of American history, good &bad. 所以在此,仅仅是为了呈现美国历史好与坏的两方面。 www.bing.com 5. i was just looking for a sweater . here it is. 我刚在找一件运动衫,哦,找到了。 www.ichacha.net 6. Here it is. The moment of truth. 来了.这是真相揭晓的时刻。 www.tingclass.net 7. Let me see . . . Ah, here it is. 让我想想……。啊,在这里。 www.shuren100.com 8. But it is not psychology that is at work here. It is the iron laws of economics. 但是,在这里起作用的不是心理,而是经济学的铁律。 www.ecocn.org 9. Aren't you looking for your book? Look, here it is. 你在找书吗?在这儿呢。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Here, it is God's greatness and universal care for His creation. 这里我们看到的是神的崇高和祂对祂的受造物无微不至的照顾; www.hcchome.org 1. well, here it is a photo of the illustration. The most beautiful Sheikh! 嗯,这里是一个插图照片。谢赫最美丽的! tieba.baidu.com 2. Here it is a symbol of strong man, whose character is revealed in crisis and adversity. 小草象征一个坚强的人,其顽强的性格只有在危机和不幸中才能充分展现。 en.eol.cn 3. I hate all computer system here, it is so so slow for Chinese system. 我讨厌这里电脑系统,因打开一个中文网太慢了。 www.tianyayidu.com 4. not sure about the color of this sundress , actually , but here it is. 其实不太确定这夏装的颜色,不过如同此类它就在这里了。 www.ichacha.net 5. Unless you work here, it is hard to believe the passion that people display. 除非亲身经历,否则很难相信微软员工所展现出的激情。 www.fortunechina.com 6. CLAUDIA: And here it is. And I hate you both. 克劳迪娅:就是现在这条命!我恨你们俩! www.kekenet.com 7. Here it is rendered as 'virtue', but the reader can detect from the context the correct nuance. 这里,英文被直译为“virtue”(美德),不过读者可以从上下文中体会到这个词正确的含义。 www.bing.com 8. Here it is. Five hundred cases of black tea, at 20 pounds per kilogram, C. I. F. Liverpool. Shipment will be in July. 500箱红茶,成本加运费保险费到利物浦价,每公斤20英镑,七月装船。 www.ttxyy.com 9. Here it is essential to decide the level upon which the discussion is to proceed. 这里最根本之点就是,我们必须决定讨论是在哪个层次上进行的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Barbossa: Sao Feng! You showing up here, it is truly a remarkable coincidence. 萧峰,你在这里露面真是太巧了。 home.ebigear.com 1. Here it is, folks, the script for Pirates of the Caribbean: at World's End! 这里是,伙计,对加勒比海盗脚本:世界的尽头! wenku.baidu.com 2. "[From] my point of view, the coordination is very good at Nairobi level, but here it is lacking, " said Mohammed. 按照我的观点,在内罗毕,各机构的合作很好,但是这里却缺乏合作。 www.tingroom.com 3. The theism and the antitheism seems united here, it is not an easy thing. 在这点上无论是东西方还是有神和无神论者,似乎得到了统一。真不容易呀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. So here it is, no hype, no glass, no pretense. 所以在这里它是,没有炒作,没有玻璃,没有任何借口。 wenwen.soso.com 5. You said you wanted to borrow my camera for Prof. Wilson's assignment. Well, here it is . 你说过你想借我的相机来完成威尔逊教授布置的作业。好,你拿去用吧。 10305103.blog.163.com 6. Second, teachers are not as much respected in New Zealand as in China. Here it is a different culture. 其次,或许是文化的差异,在新西兰,教师不像在中国那样受到尊重。 www1.eedu.com.cn 7. Give up your present job and apply for this job here. It is much better paid. 把你那份工作辞掉吧,来这里申请这份工作,报酬要高得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Smile and laughter are very important here, it is the quickest and easiest way to draw closer to man. 微笑和笑在这里非常重要。他是最快也是最简单的吸引男人的方法。 www.bing.com 9. here's the back door. . . ah! Here it is! Oh, well. -Oh, no, you don't! You'we under arrest! 这里是后门…啊!就是它!哦,好的。-哦,不,你不能!你被捕了! www.yappr.cn 10. Because we are used to get written things. But here it is unwritten by law. 因为我们曾经获得过书面文件,但并未立法。 www.ted.com 1. Not sure if I will need this, but here it is anyway. 我不确定实验是否需要这个数据,但我还是测算了一下。 www.bing.com 2. Everywhere else the sepulchre is sinister; here it is deformed. 在别的地方坟墓是阴惨的,而这里它是畸形的。 www.ebigear.com 3. I open arms to their families, the ends of the earth with the dependency, because there is you, here it is spring everywhere. 我展开双臂将家人轻拥,天涯海角同相依,因为有你,这里处处是春天。 www.tradeask.com 4. Here it is. They get on the train. 火车来了。他们上了车。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Mary: Here it is. Wait, it's raining outside. Put on your raincoat. 玛丽:在^-^这里`。等等,它的外面下雨`。放在你的雨衣`。 www.sz-creation.com 6. Miracles happen through Gods love . Michelle . Here it is. 神的爱带来了神迹,米雪上。 www.bing.com 7. Sir, from here it is one hundred and fifty yards to the water. 从这里到水塘是一百五十码。 www.sga-golfers.com 8. But here it is unwritten by law. And people make their house, and the water storage tanks. 人们建造自己的房子和储水槽。 www.ted.com 9. Here, it is leveraged to build a discriminating logical expression. 在这里,我们只是创建一个不同的逻辑表达式。 www.ibm.com 10. Certainly. Please wait a moment. Yes, here it is. 当然可以,请稍等一下。好了,给您。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. I'll blow up that system for you-- here it is. 我会摧毁这个系统-,就是这里。 open.163.com 2. Here it is so cold all through the winter. 这个地方整个冬天都很冷。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. And here it is coming up at you, in its first steps up a wall. 它在向你走来,第一次爬墙。 www.ted.com 4. Oh! Here it is. I picked up the bird's scent! 噢!就是这儿了我闻到那只鸟的气味了! yingyu.eduu.com 5. Here it is, I'll read it -- Tell him I still say there are other worlds to sing in. He'll know what I mean. 在这里我把它念出来--告诉他,我仍然说有其他的世界可以唱歌。他会知道我的意思。 www.59edu.com 6. Here, it is worthwhile pointing out that. 在这里值得指出的指出的是…。 wenku.baidu.com 7. It's very easy. Here it is. Ready? Excellent. You're a good singer. You sing the way so well. 非常容易。这就是了。准备好了吗?好极了。你是一位很棒的歌手。你唱得非常好。 www.hxen.com 8. Work it? Is it just special? Come on, come on. Here it is. Here it is, here it is, it is good for you. Come on, it's good. 这行吗?很特别吧?来吧,来吧,看这里。吃呀,吃呀,这对你有好处的。吃吧,很好吃的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The fifth -class cabin I am a little relieved after I saw so many beds and travelers here; it is clean without any unusual smell. 《五等舱内》看到这么多床位和旅客我才松了口气,还算干净,没什么异味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Wait a moment, let me find it. Where is it? . . . Ah, here it is. 等一下,我找找,跑哪儿去了……啊,在这儿。 m.nciku.com 1. Let me see. Here it is. 让我看看。它在这里。 talk.oralpractice.com 2. Please obey the no-smoking rule here. It is strictly enforced. 请遵守这里的禁烟规定。它是被严格执行的。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Here it is, some Louis francs, Swiss francs, American dollars or a less Dutch guilders. 这些根本就是:一部分法国法郎,瑞士法郎,美圆和一部分荷兰盾。 www.ffenglish.com 4. DNS equivalency doesn't matter here; it is a string-check employed by the SOP. DNS匹配跟这个没关系,这是用于SOP的字符串检查。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. EMPLOYEE: Chicken. Oh right here. Here it is, chicken. 鸡肉。哦,就在这儿。在这儿,鸡肉。 www.kekenet.com 6. Now I single out this object-- here it is. . . object number two. 我把它们分开单独考虑的话-,这是物体二。 open.163.com 7. Sure. It's 8736. Come with me. Here it is. Come on in, Ma'am. 当然。房间号是8736。请跟我来。间。请进来,女士。 www.ttxyy.com 8. Here it is expressed as a percentage. 这里它是以百分比表示的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Here it is the shift from deadliness to normal family life . 现在,一种普通家庭式的生活气氛代替了性命攸关的紧张气息。 www.bing.com 10. Yes. Here it is. . . Oh, no! What? Three hundred dollars. 给了。在这儿呢…噢,天哪!怎么了?三百美元。 www.tingroom.com 1. Here, it is shown on multiple lines for display purposes. 这里采用多行形式是为了显示正常。 www.ibm.com 2. Here it is. . . 'Dream Catcher' by Rebecca Casey. 这是贝丽卡·凯西的“捕梦网”。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The address is a little long, but here it is. 地址有点长,这儿给出的是 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Here it is ! You can compare the original image and the matte painting ! 完成了!你可以比较一下原始图像和绘景的图像。 bbs.cgtime.com.cn 5. Here's the list on page. . . Column 6. Here it is. Where's the Rialto? There's a good movie there. 页面是有一个列表,第六专栏。就是这里。市场交易所在哪里?那里有一个好点电影院。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. yep. Here it is. What do you think? 嗯,这就是。你觉得如何? talk.oralpractice.com 7. Better say "here it is" than "here it was" . 最好说“在这里”而不是“曾在这里”。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Here it is at point alpha. 这一项是α点的化学势。 open.163.com 9. Anyways, i Highly recommend here. it is very lovely and romantic place. . . 不管怎么样,我强烈推荐这里,这是个十分迷人,浪漫的地方。 weike.taskcn.com 10. Teacher: Billy, go to the map and find North America. Billy: Here it is! Teacher: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America? Class: Billy! 老师:比利,到地图那儿找出北美洲。比利:这儿!老师:正确。现在,同学们请告。 1. We have a very sour tomato in Nepal, and here it is kind of sweet or something. It doesn't taste good like Nepal. 她说:“在尼泊尔,我们有一种非常酸的西红柿,但是这里的西红柿味道有点偏甜或者什么的,反正没有尼泊尔的那种西红柿味道好。” www.remword.cn 2. Here it is. I'll draw you a map. You go straight ahead to the first stop light. Turn left. Go about two blocks. 就在这儿,我画一张地图给你,你向前直走到第一个红绿灯,左转,再走两个路口, www.bing.com 3. Sales person: Here it is. I also brought a cream color lampshade to show you. 这就是了,我也拿了个奶黄色的灯罩给你看。 lisaloucomeon.blog.163.com 4. Here it is. Pack your bag. Open your books. Close your books. 就在这里!收拾你的书包。打开你们的书本。合上你们的书本。 blog.163.com 5. I thought he was taken away. - So here it is. 我还以为它再也不来了-这不是来了 blog.sina.com.cn 6. B: Thank you for waiting. Here it is. Did you enjoy your meal? 久等了。给您啤酒。您对这里的用餐满意吗?。 www.rrting.com 7. Here it is with the syllables clearly shown. 这个俳句就有着明显的音节区分。 www.tingroom.com 8. I am getting sick of this argument but here it is again set out logic book style. 我也有点恶心了,但是这里设定成逻辑的课本形式。 open.163.com 9. I din't know you work here. it is so amazing. 我并不知道你在这工作。太让人惊讶了。 bbs.24en.com 10. Thank you for waiting. Here it is. Did you enjoy your meal? 谢谢你等候。这就是,你享用了你的餐食吗? www.putclub.com 1. OK. ? Where's? the? tea? towel? ? Oh, ? here? it? is. 好的,抹布在哪儿?哦,看见了。 wenku.baidu.com 2. here it is not your destination. 你的终点绝不是这里 zhidao.baidu.com 3. RITA: Here it is. I moved it when I made up Mary Beth. I'm sorry. 丽塔:在这儿呢。我给玛丽·贝思化妆时把照片挪了个地儿。对不起。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Well, wrote on it here, it is necessary to keep in constant contact with, ah, we should leave immediately, and the summer together, ha ha. 好了,就写到这里吧,要经常联络啊,顿时就要放假了,暑假一同玩啊,哈哈。 www.taobao-fengxiong.com 5. So here it is, "Don't Go Breaking my Heart" by Elton John. 《不要伤我的心》送给你,我是埃尔顿约翰。 www.unsv.com 6. Chief: I have made the plan in my notebook. Look, here it is. The port deck should be derusted. Bare steel shall be painted with 3 coats. 大副:我已经记录到笔记本上,看这,左舷甲板应该除锈,裸露的钢板应该上3度油漆。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Teacher: Mike, go to the map and find America. Mike: Here it is! Teacher: Correct. Now, Mike, who discovered America? Mike: Mike! 老师:迈克,走到地图前,找到美洲。迈克:在这儿!老师:没错。迈克,谁发现了美洲?迈克:迈克! www.i21st.cn 8. Here it is. Put a price on carbon. 这就是,给碳排放标价。 www.ted.com 9. Here it is on a fence and a tree. 这是它在一个篱笆上,还有在一颗树上。 www.ted.com 10. So, here it is necessary to look at review of self-examination. 因此,在这里有必要去浅谈一下检讨与自我检讨。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Okay, buddy boy, here it is! You hide my clothes, I'm wearin' everything you own! 好吧,老兄,看这!你把我的衣服藏起来了,我就把你的所有衣服全穿上。 qac.yappr.cn 2. it ' s near here . it is across from the super market. 它离这里很近,它就在超市的对面。 www.ichacha.net 3. Fancy seeing you here, it is a small world! 真想不到会在这儿遇见你,世界真是太小了! www.diseasedoc.com 4. Here it is. I moved it when I made up Mary Beth. I'm sorry. 在这儿呢。我给玛丽?贝思化妆时把照片挪了个地儿。对不起。 www.ebigear.com 5. Look at you, you never do your homework, here it is, zero again, you deserve it. 看看你,你从来不做家庭作业,好了,又是零分,你活该。 oral.ebigear.com 6. Still here? - It is Wednesday, sir. 还在这里?-先生今天礼拜三 www.tingroom.com 7. A mass mind also emerges in the markets, only here it is more malignant. 大众情绪在市场也会出现,但是恶意的。 www.bing.com 8. Lizzie: Here it is, Kevin. I am your sister. But I will not say sorry. 给你,凯文。我是你姐姐。但是我不会道歉。 www.youtheme.cn 9. hard. Then it hit me on the way over here. It is just so simple. 我也不懂,兄弟。本来好难,然后在我来这儿的路上一想,一切变得好简。 www.ezeem.com 10. I was wrong. I just want to have a look. Here it is. 我知道错了。我只是想看看那手机。喏,手机在这。 www.bing.com 1. Where's your torch, Sandy? Sandy: Here it is. 桑迪,你的手电呢?桑迪:在这儿。 www.tingclass.net 2. Here it is at last! 这就是最后的步骤了! www.bing.com 3. Here it is quite big also. 这次的差别也非常大。 sweet40.plf1.cn 4. Yes here it is. NO, I forgot to bring it. 有,在这儿呢.没有,我忘记带了。 www.aqyyy.com 5. Here it is, ladies, Atlantic City! 各位女士,这就是大西洋城 www.tingclass.net 6. A: Your passport, please. B: Here it is . 请出示您的护照.B:在这儿。 www.kekenet.com 7. Here it is the Gulangyu Piano Museum. 这里就是鼓浪屿钢琴博物馆了。 news.cctv.com 8. The future is already here - it is just unevenly distributed. 未来已经存在,只是分布的没有规则。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Here it is. We also have it in black. 给您。我们还有黑色的。 www.bing.com 10. I'm so sorry. A lid comes with the pan. Here it is. 对不起。这儿有个配套的锅盖,给你。 talk.oralpractice.com |
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