单词 | hundred million |
释义 | 例句释义: 万万,亿,一亿,亿位 1. You know? . You to me in hundred million, my heart did not think that the good pain present, you are quite cold to me, you know? 你知道吗?。你对我的不在亿,我心觉锝好痛现在,你对我好冷,你知道吗? blog.163.com 2. This has long frustrated the expansion plans of men and women with a spare hundred million pounds or two. 这一规定使得握有大把闲钱的亿万富豪们无法实现他们的扩张计划。 www.ftchinese.com 3. When the seven hundred million large single finally signed it, a more stirring moment-a promise only just beginning. 当七亿大单终于签字画押,一场更激奋人心的战争才刚刚开端。 tv.360mp3.com 4. But even by the most conservative estimates, Californian pot generates several hundred million dollars a year for the Mexican mafias. 但即使是最保守的估计,加利福利亚每年为墨西哥黑手党贡献几亿美元。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. Since 1981, over hundred million square feet of Heat Mirror insulating glass have been used on prestigious buildings all over the world. 自1981年起,全球已经有超过一千万平方米的热镜中空玻璃被使用在世界各大著名建筑物上。 zhanhuabo.b2b.hc360.com 6. Theoretical models predict that blobs of gas began collapsing into massive stars within a few hundred million years of the big bang. 理论模型预测:大爆炸之后的几亿年之内,气团开始塌缩,形成巨型恒星; blog.163.com 7. The auto maker says the export program is expected to be worth several hundred million dollars over the next few years. 霍顿称,在未来几年计划出口的发动机价值几亿美元。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Zynga reports it has nearly $1 billion in the bank as of March 31, which is a couple hundred million more than it had at year-end 2010. Zynga报告说,截至3月底,该公司的银行存款为10亿美元。这比2010年底其拥有的现金量增加了2亿美元。 www.fortunechina.com 9. Sources close to the company said Temasek had considered investing several hundred million dollars in Rosneft. 知情人士表示,淡马锡曾考虑向俄罗斯石油公司投资数亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 10. He later estimated that the time given to him on the computer network was worth about one hundred million dollars. 后来,他估计,价值约一亿美元的计算机网络上对他的时间。 www.maynet.cn 1. They expect to save four hundred million dollars a year by combining their operations. 他们希望通过合并每年节省4亿美元。 www.ebigear.com 2. "The new camera has pushed the frontier a few hundred million years closer to the beginning, " Illingworth says. 伊林沃思说:“新相机把科学前沿又向宇宙的起点推进了数亿年。” www.bing.com 3. Investments in water resources could help at least eight hundred million people who depend on farming but have limited water supplies . 投资水资源能够帮组至少八亿种地为生但供水有限的人们。 www.bing.com 4. Several hundred million years ago, it was a sea here, under which there were accumulated limestone layers a few thousand meters thick. 几亿年前,这里还是一片大海,海底沉积了几千米厚的石灰岩。 www.023java.com 5. You and I not only is each other only of you and I, carry on the shoulder of is a civil benefits in hundred million. 你我不仅仅是彼此的你我,肩上担负的是亿万民众的利益。 bbs.comic.qq.com 6. Since the early 1990s more than a hundred million doses of oral vaccine have been spread in problem areas to create buffer zones. 自20世纪90年代早期,已有超过1亿剂的口服疫苗被发放到问题严重的区域,来形成缓冲区。 qikan.syn.cn 7. Now as a host on QBC, Lauren is selling hundreds of her new creations and has become a five hundred million dollar brand. 作为QBC的主持人,劳伦销售了许多她自己设计的饰品。她目前拥有价值5亿美元的品牌。 www.kekenet.com 8. It's one of the very few things more than over a hundred million people use more than a hundred minutes a month. 它是少数几项拥有1亿以上用户,而且平均每位用户每月使用100分钟以上的服务之一。 www.fortunechina.com 9. The company had just finished a feasibility study on its copper assets in Peru and needed several hundred million dollars to build a mine. 公司对其在秘鲁的铜资产做了可行性研究,结论是需要几百万美元来建矿。 www.bing.com 10. Beijing is expected at first to make only a small contribution, possibly of a few hundred million dollars. 预计中国政府最初将仅捐赠少量资金,可能是几亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Two hundred million people out of a working population of nearly 800 million are migrants, chafing at their lowly status and rotten wages. 8亿可工作人口中的两亿是移民,忍受着低微的社会地位和少得可怜的工资。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It was not such a heavy body and at night I love to listen to the stars. It is like five hundred million little bells. 而今我喜欢在夜晚聆听星星的声音,那就像五亿个小铃铛清脆的响声。 sm2000.org 3. A high speed electronic computer can carry out up to one hundred million arithmetical operations in one second. 一个高速电子计算机在一秒钟可以进行高达一亿算术运算。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. And you know, five hundred million years ago there would be no fish. 这样的话你就知道,5亿年前就不会有鱼。 open.163.com 5. A hundred million there, a hundred million here, pretty soon even in Washington, it adds up to real money. 这儿省一个亿,那儿省一个亿,用不了多久,省下的钱加起来就蔚为可观了。 www.bing.com 6. The top-down design of a hundred centralized sources of information evolved into seven hundred million peers. 一百个从上至下的中央集权式信息来源进化成了七千万个平民百姓的信息来源。 www.bing.com 7. The shellfish is believed to have lived around the world for more than one hundred million years. 贝类被认为是生活在世界上一百多万年的物种。 blog.163.com 8. The state gaming control board estimates that more than one hundred million dollars could be bet in Nevada casinos on this year's game. 州赌博控制董事会估计,在内华达州娱乐场,与今年超级杯赛事相关的赌注将超过一亿美元。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Two hundred million years ago , all the continents were parts of a single land mass called Pangaea . 两亿年以前,所有的大陆都是一整块叫做泛古陆的大陆的一部分。 word.hcbus.com 10. The BSA is the largest youth organization in the United States; over one hundred million Americans have been members. BSA是美国最大的青年团体,成员超过100万人。 www.bing.com 1. The encounter, though, has been going on for about a few hundred million years, the blink of an eye in cosmic history. 遭遇过程却只进行了大约几百万年,对于宇宙的历史来说只是一眨眼的工夫。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A bill has just snaked through India's parliament calling for Nalanda's revival, at a likely cost of several hundred million dollars. 一项号召复兴那烂陀大学的议案刚刚几经曲折进入了印度国会议程,预计耗资将达几亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 3. Eventually, after ten to a hundred million years, you end up with ten or so planets, in stable orbits, and that's a solar system. 最终(1-10千万年后)我们在稳定轨道上就有了十个左右的行星——这就是太阳系。 www.bing.com 4. A new bidder could push for a lower price, potentially costing AIG a few hundred million dollars. 新的投标者可能会要求降价,AIG或许会因此损失数亿美元。 www.bing.com 5. We specialize in producing candy packets with one hundred million yearly output, which meets the demands of our domestic market. 公司专业生产喜糖包装盒,年生产近亿只,满足了社会的需求。 www.foodexpo.cn 6. Around the world, five hundred million people watched the television report. Countless millions more listened on their radios. 在世界各地,有五亿人观看了这条电视报道,而用收音机收听的人群更是不计其数。 www.unsv.com 7. But from the perspective of the U. S. taxpayers that bailed out AIG, every hundred million dollars counts. 不过从救助了AIG的美国纳税人的角度看,就算是一亿美元也有其价值。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The challenge that year was to help an organization reach one hundred million people in five years. 那一年的挑战赛是帮助一个组织在5年内触及1亿人。 www.ebigear.com 9. Since the first flight since 1985, "Atlantis" were run in space 307 days, the total mileage over two hundred million kilometers. 自1985年首飞以来,“阿特兰蒂斯”号共在太空中运行了307天,总飞行里程超过两亿公里。 www.englishtang.com 10. Since nineteen ninety-four, the state has spent close to one hundred million dollars on control efforts. 自从1994年,密歇根州花费了接近一亿美元用于疫病控制。 www.unsv.com 1. In Liaoning Province, at least scores of people own collections worth hundred million yuan. 在辽宁,至少有几十人是亿万收藏家。 roll.sohu.com 2. Now, the United Nations is appealing for three hundred million dollars in the next two months. 目前,联合国正呼吁在未来两个月筹集三亿美元。 www.ebigear.com 3. It's not worth it to give up a lifetime of freedom for a hundred million dollars. 为了一个亿葬送了自己一生的自由,真是不值啊。 m.nciku.com 4. In the late 1980s, Andrew Malcolm wrote that all 50 states were spending several hundred million dollars a year to promote tourism. 在八十年代末,安德鲁马尔科姆说,所有50个州都花费数亿美元,每年以促进旅游业。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The scientists now estimate that about one hundred million Indians with the bacteria are traveling around the world. 科学家估计目前有近1亿携带该细菌的印度人分布在世界各地。 www.bing.com 6. On behalf of two hundred million people with intellectual disabilities, we thank this nation for this moment of hope. 我们代表两亿智障人士感谢中国人民给我们带来了这一象征着希望的时刻。 www.joyen.net 7. But for the sake of consistency, if nothing else, he should be setting aside a few hundred million for yet another break fee. 但为了保持连续性,如果没有其它变故,他应该留出数亿美元,用于支付又一笔分手费。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Hundred million words I'm sorry to leave you may not. 一万万句对不起,离开你是不得以。 www.dota123.com 9. the incoming U. S. President, the business of several hundred million an hour to talk about, busy fast crazy. 即将就任美国总统,一个小时好几亿的生意要谈,忙得快疯了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Afew hundred million gallons of water will also be pumped out of the local aquifer each year. 每年将有几个亿加仑的水从当地的地下蓄水层抽取上来。 www.ecocn.org 1. The IPO will generate several hundred million dollars worth of fees and investment banks have been lobbying furiously to bag advisory roles. 此次IPO将产生数亿美元的费用,各投资银行一直在竭力游说,争夺顾问角色。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The one hundred million people with water safety issues described in this article should be real and needs to be resolved. 本文述说的一亿人饮水安全应该不假,需要解决。 www.chinadialogue.net 3. Some one hundred million cubic meters of gravel, sand and mud flow out of the Chatara gorge in mountainous Nepal every year. 每年大约有100万立方米的碎石、沙和泥流出多山的尼泊尔的Chatara峡谷。 www.scidev.net 4. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimated that fishing operations kill more than one hundred million sharks every year. 国家海洋气候管理局预测每年将会有超过1百万条鲨鱼被捕杀。 www.unsv.com 5. An oil tanker filled with oil can be worth a few hundred million dollars. 一只装满油的油轮可能要价值好几百万美元。 www.bing.com 6. The F. C. C. wants one hundred million homes to have inexpensive Internet service at ten times current speeds. 一个最新发行的提案呼吁美国人在十年之内家里都能用上高速互联网服务。 www.tingclass.com 7. If these troubles could not be solved properly, enterprise even with assets over hundred million could possibly collapse within short time. 如果这些问题得不到解决,一个上亿元的企业甚至可能在很短时间就垮台。 www.fabiao.net 8. Britain has promised one hundred fifteen million dollars in aid, with the European Union offering another three hundred million dollars. 英国已经承诺将提供一亿一千五百万美元用于援助,另外欧盟也将援助三千万美元。 www.remword.cn 9. They received several hundred million dong in compensation and decided to build a new house. 他们拿到了几十亿越盾的补偿金,决定盖座新房子。 www.bing.com 10. Two hundred million years later, the lure is known as beauty, and the payment is agriculture. 两百万年以后,这种诱惑称为“美”,那些报酬就是农业。 club.ssreader.com 1. He says the number of poor people dropped by almost four hundred million between nineteen eighty-one and two thousand one . 他几乎被偶然造访在十九八十-一和二千之间的四亿一的贫穷人数字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The word we're getting back from exhibitors is we probably left a couple of hundred million dollars on the table as a result. 我们从电影放映商那儿得到的反馈是,由于上述原因,我们可能失去了数亿美元的利润。 www.bing.com 3. During the whole campaign against the locusts, several hundred million labor days were used. 在灭蝗运动期间,共计动用了几亿个劳动日。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. China does not make public what it spends on sports programmes, but it is estimated to be several hundred million US dollars annually. 中国没有公开它在体育项目上花多少钱,但估计它每年在这方面花费数亿美元。 www.stnn.cc 5. The bullet cluster is more than three thousand million light years away. It formed in the last one hundred million years. 子弹三千多万光年。这是在最后几年亿。 bbs.putclub.com 6. And here they sat one in front of another in church that seats a few thousand people. A hundred million miracles are happening everyday. 她们在这容纳数千人的教堂里,一个坐在另一个前面,每天都有无数神迹发生。 hourofpower.org.hk 7. The city alone has spent more than two hundred million dollars to fight water and air pollution. 单就消除水和空气的污染来说,这个城市已经花了二亿美元。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Our present atmosphere is about the same in composition as it was five hundred million years ago . 目前大气层的成分与五亿年前大致相同。 www.bing.com 9. a central issue. The United Nations World Food Program has appealed for five hundred million dollars by May first. 世行行长说,饥饿、营养不良和食品政策是核心的问题。联合国世界粮食计划在五月出提出要。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. "There are a hundred million digital cameras going to be sold this year and almost all of them can take video, " Pezaris said. “今年将售出1亿个数码相机,几乎全都能拍录像,”Pezaris说。 www.bing.com 1. "If they did a hundred-million-dollar bond issue, two billion dollars of swaps would be created and traded, " Schlosstein said. “如果发行了1亿美元的债券,20亿美元的掉期会被创建和交易。” www.bing.com 2. The bank has lost more than four hundred million dollars because of Greek debt. 由于希腊债务,该银行已经损失超过4亿美元。 www.chinavoa.com 3. Farmers in dry states have been offered payments totally seven hundred million dollars . 干旱州农民获得总共七亿美元拨款。 www.bing.com 4. South Korean analysts estimate North Korea spends several hundred million dollars annually on missile systems. 韩国分析人士估计,朝鲜每年在导弹系统研制上花费数亿美元。 www.ebigear.com 5. Today, several hundred million Chinese living south of the Yangtze River cannot use central heating. 目前有上亿生活在长江以南的中国人无法使用暖气。 page.renren.com 6. The World is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men and a hundred million cowards. 这世界由一百万个坏人,一千万个蠢人和一亿个懦夫在治理。 www.alivenotdeadmail.com 7. The full production contract would be worth'several hundred million euros, ' Chaltiel said. 全规模生产合同的价值总额将会是数百万欧元。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. In Nigeria's one hundred million over four thousand million people, about equally divided between Muslims and Christians. 在尼日利亚的一亿四千多万人口中,穆斯林和基督徒约各占一半。 www.englishtang.com 9. A world population growing in number and wealth will require one billion tons more grain each year, and two hundred million tons more meat. 由于世界人口在数量和财富上的增长,每年将需要新增十亿吨粮食和两亿吨肉。 www.ebigear.com 10. Snakes have been at this eating egg-thing for a hundred million years. 蛇类猎食蛋生生物这一习性已经存在上亿年。 www.bing.com 1. The floods three years ago in Anhui caused a great loss of up to three hundred million yuan. 三年前的水灾仅在安徽省就造成了高达三亿元的损失。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I guess we have around the counter value of eight hundred million Swedish kronor in your bank. 我估计我们公司在你们银行有相当八亿瑞典克朗的额度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. By then, something as sci-fi sounding as a mega-region with several hundred million people may exist. 到那时,一些科学虚构物诸如几亿人聚集的巨型地域将会存在。 www.bing.com 4. But they poured more than a hundred million dollars into dozens of seemingly independent organizations. 但他们向许多表面上独立的组织投入了数亿美元。 www.bing.com 5. affects more than two hundred million people around the world. 影响了全世界超过两千万的人们。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Internet make people can in the net the top browse the world-wide locations book tube of up hundred million volume magazine and book. 因特网使人们能够在网上浏览世界各地图书管里的上亿册杂志和图书。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Ants have been around for several hundred million years. They cover the earth, except for Antarctica. 蚂蚁已经生存了几亿年了除了南极洲,它们到处都有。 www.ted.com 8. Eight hundred million Africans would get a tremendous boost to their self-esteem and cultural pride. 8亿非洲人将大大增强他们的自尊和文化自豪感。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Within seconds, the computer can search two hundred million pages of data, and then suggest what treatment the patient needs. 几秒钟内,它可以搜索两亿页数据,然后建议病人需要什么样的治疗。 www.remword.cn 10. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in England, the United States, Australia, Canada and many other countries. 全世界有将近三亿人讲英语:英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大,还有很多其他国家。 www.englishfree.com 1. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in England, the United States, Australia, Canada and many other countries. 全世界有将近三亿人讲英语:英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大,还有很多其他国家。 www.englishfree.com 2. Informed guesswork suggests that it could rise to over one hundred million tons next year. 熟悉情况的人猜测说,产量在下一年可能超过一亿吨。一、主语的选择? wenku.baidu.com 3. Two hundred million years ago, an unparalleled combination developed of primitive traits, which were new in the history of evolution. 两亿年前,一次空前的结合发展出了这种无需咀嚼的原始性状,这在进化史上是全新的。 www.bing.com 4. Buddy, China has nine hundred million farmers. Lifting their cultural level isn't something you can just do overnight. 大哥,中国有九亿农民,提高文化水平也不是一年半载的事。 www.hicoo.net 5. In its purest form, it extinguished more than one hundred million people. 在其最纯粹的政体下,1亿多人悲惨的死去。 www.bing.com 6. So today, there are a hundred million tons of fertilizer, of nitrogen fertilizer made, using, Haber It's a huge, huge, commodity. 所以现在,才有成百上千万吨的化肥,氮基化肥,是利用,反应,essentially,,the,Haber,process。,它是非常非常大的商品。 open.163.com 7. The virus spread, and the rabbit population dropped from six-hundred million to one-hundred million. 随着该病毒的传播,兔子数量从6亿只急速减至1亿只。 putclub.com 8. Joel Siegel: Not long ago a hundred-million-dollar total box office made a movie a blockbuster. 乔-西格:不久以前一部电影总票房过亿就可以称之为火爆了。 www.eoezone.com 9. A little small benevolence, multiplied 13 hundred million will become a love ocean. 一点很小的善心,乘以13亿,都会变成爱的海洋; blog.sina.com.cn 10. Reporters were invited to watch the Census Bureau clock hit three hundred million Tuesday morning. 周二早上,记者应邀见证了人口普查局计数钟达3亿的那一刻。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. There are now nearly two hundred and eighty thousand questions on the site; OK Cupid has collected more than eight hundred million answers. 网站上现在有几乎28万个问题;“OK丘比特”已经收集了超过8亿条答案。 www.bing.com 2. A hundred million monarch butterflies, like wildflowers on wings, travel sometimes 4000 miles to Mexico, Texas and California. 一亿只黑脉金斑蝶,就像长了翅膀的野花,有时要飞行4000英里,到达墨西哥州、德克萨斯州和加利福尼亚州。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It has two hundred million dollars but cannot spend it any way it chooses. 它有两亿美元,但是它不能用其选择的方式使用这笔资金。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. Right, they are not God's favor , but took shape through the geological change of several hundred million years. 不错,它们不是上帝的恩赐,而是经过几亿年的地质变化才形成的。 city.6to23.com 5. The history is glorious, some 56 nationalities, more than ten hundred million populations, the Han Nationality are most. 历史悠久,有56民族,十多亿人口,汉族最多。北京是首都。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Five hundred million people have joined since, and eight hundred and seventy-nine of them are his friends. 自网站建立以来,已经有5亿用户加入,其中879位是马克自己的朋友。 www.bing.com 7. Its coffers replenished, Zions now plans to lend out 'several hundred million dollars' by year's end. 在资金得到补充后,Zions如今计划在年底前发放几亿美元的贷款。 www.ebigear.com 8. Jim: We currently produce and sell around two hundred million U. S. dollars worth of products each year. 吉姆:我们现在每年制造并销售价值相当于二亿美元的产品。 www.szfob.com 9. Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans. 狗的鼻孔大概有2亿左右的嗅觉细胞——比人多40倍。 0772zd.cn 10. One hundred million dollars of the aid comes from the State Department. 援助计划中有一亿美元来自美国国务院,另外一千万来自五角大楼。 www.ebigear.com 1. The population of America is a little over two hundred million. 美国人口数大约是两亿多一点。 www.hxen.com 2. " The little boy ask again: " a hundred million yuan, for you have? 小男孩又问:“一百万元对你来说有多少?” www.boluomi.net.cn 3. Another several hundred million more Chinese are somewhere in between. 另有几亿多中国人处于中间水平。 www.bing.com 4. Their reward: new types of sauropod (top) and pterosaur both of which lived almost a hundred million years ago, in the Cretaceous period. 他们辛苦付出的回报是新的蜥脚龙(上图)和翼龙化石,这两种动物均生活在一亿年前的白垩纪。 www.huaxia-ng.com 5. Over the years, it sold more than a hundred million copies. 几年间,这本书销售了一亿多册。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. These are among the tax breaks and savings that are available to over one hundred million Americans right now. 这些税收抵免包含在税收优惠和节省当中,并且现在对超过一亿美国人是适用的。 www.putclub.com 7. Once the molten debris coalesced into the moon, the theory goes, its crust solidified over several hundred million years. 进一步的理论说明,一旦熔化的碎片合并到月球上,月球的地壳凝固时间超过了几亿年。 www.bing.com 8. Rockets vs Lakers. Yao Ming, my idol, will appear in front of several hundred million of the worldwide audience. 休斯敦火箭队对洛杉矶湖人队。姚明,我的偶像将会出现在数以百万的观众面前。 www.bing.com 9. About four hundred million people live in those two areas. A majority are under the age of thirty. 大约有2.4亿人生活在中东和北非这2个地区,其中大部分人口小于30岁。 www.ebigear.com 10. It has a population of over twelve hundred million. 它有一千二百多万人口。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. And in the last kind of 60, 80 years, we have burned probably a hundred million years' worth of accumulated carbon. 而在过去的60到80年里,我们已经燃烧了大概要花了一亿年才能积累的碳。 www.yappr.cn 2. Every year, malaria sickens about five hundred million people. 每年,约有五百万人患上疟疾。 www.hjenglish.com 3. More than one hundred million people lived in states dominated by the Soviet Union and national communist parties of Eastern Europe. 一亿多人生活在由苏联和东欧共产党控制的国家中。 www.america.gov 4. There's a hundred million pounds of money! 里面有一张一百万元英镑的钞票! wenwen.soso.com 5. The foundation says the poll attracted almost a hundred million votes. 该基金会声称本次活动吸引了大约一亿张选票。 www.elanso.com 6. About three hundred million persons in our world share a handicap that makes their life quite frustrating at times. 世界上大约有三亿人处于一种使他们的生活屡遭挫折的困境。 tr.bab.la 7. Which cause the economic loss to several hundred million Yuan every year . 每年由此而造成的经济损失高达数亿元人民币。 www.fabiao.net 8. Zhang's confidence is backed by the hundred million yuan of cash on hand. 张的信心来自于其手中所牢牢攥着的数亿元人民币的现金。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. About three hundred million persons in our world share a disadvantage that makes their life inconvenient at times: they are left-handed . 世界上大约有三亿人有一个共同的缺点,并不时地对他们的生活造成不便:他们是左撇子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Here's what scientists think happened, oh, about a hundred million years ago. 这就是科学家们认为发生的事情,哦,大约100,000,000年前。 www.bing.com 1. Three-hundred-million cells die in the human body every minute. 人体内每分钟有3亿细胞死亡。 www.bing.com 2. A few hundred million years ago, the X and Y chromsomes were the same size. 数亿年前,X染色体和Y染色体拥有相同的长度。 www.bing.com 3. The Capitol Visitor Center cost more than six hundred million dollars to build. 修建国会大厦游客中心耗费了六亿多美元。 www.bing.com 4. enterprise groups whose business revenue and total assets are both over 5 hundred million yuan per year. 年营业收入和资产总计均在5亿元及以上的其他各类企业集团。 tongji.cnki.net 5. Help three hundred million Chinese speak good English! 让三亿中国人讲一口流利的英语! blog.sina.com.cn 6. They roamed the earth a hundred million years without worries, cares, or fears. 它们已在这个地球闲逛了上亿年,没有担忧,没有顾虑和恐惧。 qac.yappr.cn 7. It established in 1992 . Its registered capital is one hundred million RMB. 它创建于1992年,注册资本金是一亿元人民币。 www.showxiu.com 8. enterprise groups whose business revenue or total assets are both over 1 hundred million yuan per year. 年营业收入或资产总计在1亿元及以上的其他各类企业集团。 tongji.cnki.net 9. Today, this country alone has nine hundred million people. 现在,这个国家人口已达九亿之多。 www.zftrans.com 10. This book has been translated into 67 languages in the world, the sales volume of four hundred million. 此书现已被翻译成了67种文字在世界发行,销售量大四亿册之多。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The Moneyed Muse: What Can Two Hundred Million Dollars Do for Poetry? 有钱的缪斯:两亿美元能为诗歌做什么 baike.soso.com 2. Spiderman 3 should take in more than a hundred million on its first weekend. 《蜘蛛侠3》上映第一周票房将超过一亿美元。 www.eoezone.com 3. As many as five hundred million infections happen every year. 每年有多达五亿传染病发生。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Naturally, If you want to listen, I would say a hundred million times. 当然,如果你想听,我会说上千万次,我爱你! wenwen.soso.com 5. Over one billion five hundred million dollars has been promised. 目前已经筹集到了超过十五亿美元的援助资金。 www.remword.cn 6. Established in 2006, Boda possesses 2 soft packing product lines, the annual capital reaches one hundred million. 公司创立于2006年,现拥有软包装生产线2条,年产值达亿元。 detail.china.alibaba.com 7. Overall, Chinese exports grew from a few hundred million dollars in 2000 to $20bn in 2008. 整体而言,从2000年到2008年,中国对巴西的出口额从数亿美元增至200亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Hereafter the dumpling gradually, forming convention , not having at every festival and at New Year is that the hundred million is not good. 以后渐渐形成习俗,逢年过节没有饺子吃是万万不行的。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Several hundred million people are at risk of meningitis in 25 African countries. 在25个非洲国家中,成亿人有患脑膜炎的危险。 www.who.int 10. About eight hundred million people in Africa, Asia and South America eat cassava. 在非洲、亚洲和南美大约有八亿人吃木薯。 blog.163.com 1. It was seen by four hundred million people in sixty countries. 这部电视系列片在全世界六十多个国家拥有四百多万观众。 www.bing.com 2. Until now has the staff nearly 200 people, fixed asset more than 5000 ten thousand Yuan, year sales revenue hundred million Yuan. 至今拥有员工近200人,固定资产5000多万元,年销售收入过亿元。 www.19zhan.com 3. So that must be really old, about 4 billion, give or take few hundred million of years. 所以它的年代一定非常久远,大约40亿年,上下几千万年左右。 bbs.xiaoma.com 4. You feel that there are two hundred million people in this country talking behind your back? 在这个国家中,有两亿人在背后议论你? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Bugs. They outnumber us by two hundred million to one. And they are likely to out-survive us. 甲虫数量是人类的两亿倍,也将比我们活得更长久。 www.englishtide.com 6. "Steel prices are going up, they could cost us a couple of hundred million if we don't find offsets. " “钢铁价格在不断上涨,如果我们不设法抵消,它们将使我们损失数亿美元。” www.ftchinese.com 7. Seven hundred million of them still live in rural areas; many with little electricity or running water. 7亿人仍然生活在农村地区;许多人还缺电、缺水。 www.putclub.com 8. That's a hundred million barrels a day. 也就是每天一千万桶。 www.ted.com 9. The gneissic adamellite : It is the production of magma movement at Yanshan period 1. 3 hundred million years from now. 片麻状二长花岗岩:为距今1.3亿年燕山期岩浆活动产物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The Tangshan crystal hundred million science and technology Limited companies are situated city of Tangshan in beautiful phoenix. 唐山晶亿科技有限公司坐落在美丽的凤凰之城唐山。 www.huochepi.com 1. The story of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the area that is Yosemite National Park begins about five hundred million years ago. 有关内华达山脉和约塞米蒂国家公园这一地区的历史始于五百万年前。 www.bing.com 2. I have a hundred million back to the time loved the image of you. 我曾在百种形象百回时间中爱过你。 bbs.aipai.com 3. There is a little prince on the Asteroid B-612. There are five hundred million little bells. . . 在B-612小行星上有个小王子。那里有五亿只小铃铛…… blog.163.com 4. And then take their DNA back to our lab in Rockville, where we can sequence a hundred million letters of the genetic code every 24 hours. 然后将它们的DNA提取出来,带回位于罗克韦尔的实验室,在那里我们每24小时就可以测序出数亿字符的遗传编码。 www.bing.com 5. The capacity of tailings in China is more than one hundred million tons with several million tons of growth rates every year. 我国尾矿存有量超过百亿吨,且每年以几亿吨的速度增长。 www.fabiao.net 6. When all living men know that men are born free, the nergy of twenty-two hundred million human beings will be released upon this earth. 当所有人都知道人生而自由,地球上二十二亿人的力量就会被释放。 www.bing.com 7. They came to land 1. 3 billion years ago, and plants followed several hundred million years later. 它们是13亿年前出现的,数亿年之后才有了植物。 www.ted.com 8. About four hundred million people live in those two areas. 大约有四百万人居住在这两个领域。 www.maynet.cn 9. I hope this three hundred million dollars can make an amazing difference to me. 我希望这三亿美元能我带来令人惊奇的不同。 cet.hjenglish.com 10. Last year, Apple had more than five hundred million dollars in sales of its desktop operating system. 去年,苹果公司桌面操作系统的销售额超过5亿美元。 www.hxen.com 1. There are almost four hundred million indigenous people in the world. 世界上有近4万亿的土著居民。 www.anxue.net 2. A hundred million years in the future. 未来一亿年。 www.we176.net 3. In China, only 20% of 1. 68 hundred million tons solid garbage produced every year can be disposed properly. 在中国,每年产生的1.68亿吨固体垃圾,只有20%可得到妥善处理。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Owners say the NBA lost three hundred million dollars last year. They say just eight of the thirty teams earned a profit. 球队老板们称表示,NBA去年亏损3亿美元。他们称,30支球队中只有8支盈利。 www.hxen.com 5. Last year, thanks to deals with Sony, Sanyo, Siemens, and others, Lemelson reportedly earned two hundred million dollars. 去年,由于与索尼、三洋、西门子以及其他公司签署协议,莱梅尔逊据说获利2亿美元。 www.bing.com 6. Five states produced more than one hundred million dollars worth of pumpkin last year. 去年,五个州产出了超过一亿美元的南瓜值。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. You will have five hundred million little bells, and I shall have five hundred million springs of fresh water. 你将有五亿个铃铛,我将有五亿口水井 shan3.com 8. Video: This Earth is four and a half billion years old. These plants, several hundred million years old. 视频:地球已有45亿年历史了。这些植物都已有几百万年的历史。 www.ted.com 9. Our country is an agricultural country with 9 hundred million farmers. Land can provide the farmers with enough food and jobs. 我国是一个农业大国,拥有九亿多农业人口,土地是农民的基本生活保障。 www.fabiao.net 10. Nowadays our country still owns over one hundred million population of adult illiterate. 在二十一世纪的今天,我国仍然有超出一亿的成人文盲。 www.teacher18.com 1. One hundred million farmers, glad to settle down in new homeland 小城镇跨上千里马一亿农民喜安家 www.ilib.cn 2. The silk lining's about a hundred million years old. 谢谢,这是旧款丝绸的衬里有很久的历史 www.tingclass.net 3. Summary: Every year, because our country bring the losses of several hundred million yuan in all kinds of fire of oil depot. 每年,因为各种类型的油库火灾都我国带来数亿元的损失。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Exactly one hundred million and three years old. 确切地说,有一亿零三年。 bbs.24en.com 5. Twenty-four hours after announcIng that his charitable foundation was donatIng a hundred million dollars to help fight AIDS In India 在宣布他的慈善基金将捐献一亿美圆来协助印度对抗艾滋病以后24小时 dict.ebigear.com 6. Around one hundred million Hong Kong dollars. The return yield is very high. 叫价是港币一亿元,回报率很高的。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. Effectiveness Evaluation of the Action "Health Education for Nine Hundred Million Peasants" in Jiangxian County, Shanxi Province 山西绛县实施“九亿农民健康教育行动”效果评价 www.ilib.cn 8. At a high-end office chair manufacturer of a test, they test at 820 hours of uninterrupted rotation of the one hundred million times; 在一个高端办公椅生产商的一项测试中,他们在820小时不间断测试中旋转了一亿次; www.bokee.net 9. Analysis on the Protection of Varieties of Traditional Chinese Medicines for Sales Beyond A Hundred Million Yuan 年销售额超亿元中药保护品种的现状分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Gonghe Village, the "Hundred Million Yuan Village" Led by a Good Party Secretary 共和村:好书记带出的“亿元村” www.ilib.cn 1. Resolutely implement of large group strategy to construct a hundred million ton coal enterprises 坚定不移地实施大集团战略建设具有国际竞争力的亿吨级煤炭企业 ilib.cn 2. Building Yingkou Port into Hundred Million Ton Harbor by developing its coastal industries 建设亿吨大港开发沿海产业 www.ilib.cn 3. This could pare one-third of the COST, now estimated at several hundred million dollars, according to program manager David Berwald 据项目负责人大卫·伯沃德讲,这样可以削减1;3的费用,现估计约几亿美元。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Gravity has been from the early existence of the Big Bang, there are 130 hundred million years, Newton discovered gravity, only 300 years; 万有引力从宇宙大爆炸早己存在,有130万万年,而牛顿发现万有引力,才300年; www.blogchina.com 5. Hundred million bursts of anger ignited by stars are thrown into the Atlantic 亿朵怒火由繁星点燃扔进大西洋 www.24en.com 6. Measures on Constructing a Hundred Million Ton Harbor in LIANYUNGANG 连云港港建设亿吨大港对策 ilib.cn 7. Hundred million transportation section limited companies of Yifang of province of Fukien 福建省亿芳交通科贸有限公司 zhidao.baidu.com 8. the fund, is connected the department statistical figure to demonstrate this year already accumulates invests 3, 700 hundred million Yuan; 资金,今年相关部门统计数字显示已累计投入3,700亿元; zhishi.sohu.com 9. I'm sure to a hundred million other girls, 一定有成千上万的女孩是这么想的 www.tingroom.com 10. is a hundred-million-ton world-class harbor, 是一个世界级的亿吨大港, www.hellomandarin.com 1. Population of Old People in China Would Exceed Four-hundred Million by 2037 中国老龄人口2037年超四亿 service.ilib.cn |
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