单词 | grand jury |
释义 |
复数:grand juries 例句释义: 大陪审团,大陪审团制度,刑事大陪审团,大评审团 1. David Kendall said the grand jury was welcome to come to the White House if Starr would not videotape my secret testimony. 戴维·肯德尔说,如果斯塔尔不录下这次“秘密”的作证,就欢迎大陪审团来白宫。 www.bing.com 2. The grand jury normally hears only that evidence presented by an attorney for the government which tends to show the commission of a crime. 正常情况下,大陪审团只听取政府检察官提供的证据,这些证据都是倾向于指控犯罪的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When a defendant is charged with a misdemeanor, a local judge or magistrate will fulfill a role comparable to that of a grand jury. 当一个被告因轻罪被控告时,地方法官或地方官员将充当大陪审团的角色。 www.zhengfa.sdnu.edu.cn 4. A federal grand jury in New York has heard evidence, say people familiar with the matter. 知情人士说,纽约一个联邦大陪审团已经听取证据。 c.wsj.com 5. What we have extant right now, at the beginning of this system, is the U. N. Security Council as a grand jury. What can they do? 目前在这个监管系统中,我们已经拥有的是联合国安理会,它可以作为一个大陪审团他们能做什么呢? www.ted.com 6. CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: A grand jury in New York recently charged a man and his wife with hoarding one hundred cats. 斯托弗克鲁斯:一个大陪审团在纽约近日起诉一名男子,他与妻子囤积百猫。 www.englishtang.com 7. The Japanese company also is the subject of an investigation by the Securities & Exchange Commission and a federal grand jury. 这家日本公司还在接受美国证券交易委员会(Securities&;ExchangeCommission)和联邦大陪审团的调查。 chinese.wsj.com 8. She became the only First Lady to be subpoenaed, testifying before a federal grand jury as a consequence of the Whitewater scandal in 1996. 1996年,希拉里因白水事件而在联邦大陪审团前作证,成为迄今唯一一位被传唤的第一夫人。 www.way2english.com 9. Prior to answering a question, a witness may ask to leave the grand jury room to consult with his or her attorney. 在回答提问之前,证人可以离开大陪审团房间请教或者与他或她的律师磋商。 blog.163.com 10. The law gives the members of a grand jury broad immunity for actions taken by them within the scope of their authority as grand jurors. 法律赋予每一位成员在授权的范围之内以广泛的行为豁免权。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Senate referred the case to the Justice Department, which convened a grand jury that never indicted the company. 参议院将此案移交给司法部,司法部又将此案移交给一个从未起诉过该公司的大陪审团。 www.bing.com 2. The company has also confirmed receiving subpoenas from a federal grand jury and the Securities and Exchange Commission. 该公司已证实收到了联邦大陪审团和证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)的传票。 www.voa365.com 3. The federal grand jury in New York indicted him on two counts of perjury . 纽约大陪审团指控他犯有两项伪证罪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Do you not think the grand theft within Kern County, which the local sheriff did NOT respond to, is cause for a grand jury investigation? 难道你不觉得对,大内盗窃克恩县,当地警长没有回应的是调查导致一个大陪审团? apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Most states also require an indictment by a grand jury when a defendant is charged with a felony. 当一个被告被控犯重罪时,大多数州还要求由大陪审团来递交起诉状。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Presidential adviser Karl Rove is testifying today before a federal grand jury investigating who disclosed the identity of a CIA agent. 总统的顾问Karl今天在联邦陪审团调查是谁透露了一位中央情报局特工的身份之前确认了此事。 www.bing.com 7. Having served as a member of the Grand Jury, I can attest that our system of indicating individuals is in need of improvement. 作为大陪审团的一员,我可以证实,我国对个人指控的一套法律程序有待改进。 bbs.ycwb.com 8. Jim is called before a grand jury and thrown in jail by a zealous prosecutor. 一位热心的检察官导致吉姆被叫到大陪审团面前,然后被关进监狱。 www.bing.com 9. The mainland countries of the Inquisitorial Procedure, the United Kingdom introduced a complaint to the grand jury system. 大陆国家实行了纠问式诉讼,英国实行了大陪审团控诉制。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Rice declined to say what charges were considered against Wal-Mart, citing the secrecy of grand jury proceedings. 莱斯以保密原则为由而拒绝回答记者沃尔玛可能会以何种罪名被起诉的问题。 www.bing.com 1. On the same day he was granted bail, Strauss-Kahn was indicted by a grand jury for allegedly assaulting a maid in a Manhattan hotel. 在他获准保释的同一天,大陪审团已经做出起诉卡恩的决定,控罪其涉嫌对曼哈顿酒店的一名女服务员实施性侵犯。 www.bing.com 2. Yesterday's hearing was the military version of a grand jury. 昨天的听证会参与的是军方的一个大陪审团。 www.bing.com 3. A formal accusation of a crime made by a public officer rather than by grand jury indictment. 控告一项正式的犯罪指控,由一位公共官员而非陪审团提出。 www.godict.com 4. But he was tried and found guilty of lying to a grand jury and was sentenced to prison. 但他被审判,并发现一个大陪审团说谎罪被判刑入狱。 www.maynet.cn 5. He said his client is expected to testify before the grand jury but doesn't know when that will be. 他说,预计他的当事人将在大陪审团前作证,但不知道将在什么时候。 c.wsj.com 6. While I was speaking to the UN about terrorism, all the television networks were showing the videotape of my grand jury testimony. 我在联大就恐怖主义问题发言时,所有的美国电视网都在播放我在大陪审团作证的录像。 www.bing.com 7. The jury trial finds expression in the American legal system in three places: the grand jury, the criminal petit jury, and civil petit jury. 在美国的司法制度中,有三处地方可以找到关于陪审团初审的表达:大陪审团,刑事普通陪审团(小陪审团),民事小陪审团。 blog.163.com 8. The powers and functions of the federal grand jury differ from those of the federal trial jury, which is called the petit jury. 联邦大陪审团的权力和职能与那些被称作小陪审团的联邦初审陪审团是不同的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It would also bar prosecutors from indicting criminal suspects without a grand jury, thus changing the rules in 28 states. 同时,它还会阻止检察官在没有大陪审团的情况下起诉犯罪嫌疑人,因而改变28个州的司法规则。 www.ecocn.org 10. A grand jury was convened to investigate the allegations, but it eventually disbanded, without issuing criminal charges. 虽然前来调查此事的陪审团规模庞大,但它最终在一无斩获的情况下解散了,并未对科氏做任何刑事指控。 www.bing.com 1. She was indicted by a federal grand jury on a charge of making bomb threats [and purjury]. 她被联邦大陪审团以制造炸弹威胁(以及伪证罪)起诉。 www.bing.com 2. Tara Adcock is now in prison awaiting a grand jury hearing on criminal homicide charges. 塔拉·阿德珂珂现在监狱,等着大陪审团对杀人罪名的听证,还有大陪审团听审。 www.bing.com 3. Others in the academic chain of command have been suspended and indicted for perjury by the grand jury. 还有一些行政人员遭到了停职,并被大陪审团指控作伪证。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Grand jury proceedings are secret and state law bars prosecutors, court officials or jurors from discussing such investigations. 大陪审团调查程序是秘密的,州法律禁止检察官,法院官员或陪审员谈论这样的调查。 www.bing.com 5. Prosecutors now have several days in which to convene a grand jury and bring a formal indictment against Mr. Strauss-Kahn. 这几天公检人已经多次召集大型的陪审团并且对卡恩进行正式的控诉。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A source close to the case says he will be answering questions about evidence that surfaced since his grand jury appearance last fall. 有关该案件的消息称他会回答关于为何其陪审团去年秋天露面的问题。 www.bing.com 7. Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been granted bail after being indicted by a grand jury on seven charges, including two counts of sexual assault. 多米尼克?斯特劳斯-卡恩(DominiqueStrauss-Kahn)已获准保释。此前,美国一个大陪审团向他提出了7项指控,其中包括两项性侵犯指控。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Second, Starr admitted he had talked to the press, on background, a violation of the grand jury secrecy rules. 第二,斯塔尔承认他曾经不具名给媒体透露过风声,这也违反了大陪审团保密规定。 www.bing.com 9. If the grand jury finds probable cause to exist, then it will return a written statement of the charges called an "indictment" . 如果大陪审团发现犯罪存在合理依据,那么,它将下达一个书面的大陪审团起诉书(书面公诉书)。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The grand jury has been abolished in England and in approximately one-half of the states in the U. S. 大陪审团在英国以及美国大部分州已经被废除了。 wenku.baidu.com 1. People will tell you things they wouldn't tell the Grand Jury. That's what they did for me on the Newlywed Game anyway. 人们会把没告诉大陪审团的心里话都向你倾诉,至少他们在我的“新婚游戏”节目里是这么做的。 gb.cri.cn 2. The American people had to absorb the news of the strike and my grand jury testimony at the same time. 美国民众不得不同时接受发动导弹打击和大陪审团作证这两件事。 www.bing.com 3. He forced several journalists to testify to a grand jury as to who from the administration had told them about Ms Plame's job. 他迫使许多新闻记者向大陪审团证明政府里的哪位官员向他们谈到了Plame女士的工作。 www.ecocn.org 4. Ordinarily, the attorney for the government questions the witness first, followed next by the foreperson of the grand jury. 正常来说,代表政府的控诉方先询问证人,然后是陪审团主席询问。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. First he was targeted (while en route to testify to a grand jury) by mob hit men and shot in that stairwell. 首先,他在去给大陪审团作证的路上被暴徒袭击者盯上,死在了楼梯井上。 www.bing.com 6. Bill Clinton did this frequently during his testimony to the Grand Jury about his relationship with Monica Lewsinsky. 克林顿在Grand陪审团面前对他和莱温斯基的关系做证词的时候不停地做这个动作。 www.bing.com 7. There is a grand jury investigating Blackwater in its home state of North Carolina. 目前有一个大陪审团正在黑水公司的老家北卡罗来纳州对其进行调查。 www.bing.com 8. Almost 80 percent disapproved of the release of my grand jury videotape, and overall approval of the Congress had dropped to 43 percent. 约80%的人不同意将我在大陪审团作证的录像公之于众,对国会的支持率也降到43%。 www.bing.com 9. She was later indicted by a federal grand jury. 她即将被联邦高级陪审团起诉。 www.bing.com 10. After the grand jurors have been sworn, the presiding judge advises the grand jury of its obligations and how best to perform its duties. 当大陪审团成员宣誓之后,法官将告诉他们所应担当的职责义务以及如何最好地履行他们的职责。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Dr Arthur Caplan , who is probably America's best-known bioethicist, complained that the grand jury had not sighted his report. 亚瑟。科普兰很可能是美国最著名的生物伦理学家了,他抱怨说该大陪审团没有看过他的报告。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A federal grand jury filed an indictment against Southern California businessman Danny Pang. 国一个联邦大陪审团向加州商人彭日成(DannyPang)提起了公诉。 www.bing.com 3. Criminal - defense experts say a trial is unlikely in cases where prosecutors don't seek a grand- jury indictment. 刑事辩护律师们表示,在检方不要求让大陪审团提出指控的情况下,审理是不大可能的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A session, as of an investigATory committee or a grand jury, AT which testimony is taken from witnesses. 听证会如调查委员会或大陪审团举行的听证人证词的会议 dict.ebigear.com 5. Barnes-Soliz, who testified to a federal grand jury, says she refused to alter the numbers. 巴尼斯-索利兹向联邦大陪审团作证说她拒绝了修改数据。 www.bing.com 6. Judge Obus' decision came after prosecutors revealed a grand jury indicted Mr. Strauss-Kahn. 奥巴斯法官做出上述决定之前,检方公布大陪审团决定起诉卡恩。 c.wsj.com 7. S. states have abolished the grand jury and authorize indictments by prosecutors. 美国有些州已经废除大陪审团,而将起诉的职权转移给检察官。 prog.nssh.tpc.edu.tw 8. The Grand Jury Prise was given to a film from Chad - so good news for filmmakers outside the mainstream. 评委团大奖被授予了一部乍得电影--对于主流外的电影制作者来说,这是一个好消息。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. Us list of charges give to a grand jury, asking them to indict the accused. 交给大陪审团的指控一览表,要求他们志诉刑事被告。 dict.kekenet.com 10. The first, accusing me of lying to the grand jury, passed 228-206, with five Republicans voting against it. 第一,指控我在大陪审团前作伪证,以228票对206票通过,5名共和党人投了反对票。 www.bing.com 1. No one put Gray or Bush before a grand jury, and the press uproar was nowhere near as great. 没人让格雷或老布什面对大陪审团,新闻媒体也没有为此大肆喧嚣。 www.bing.com 2. the finding of a grand jury; a coroner's findings. 大陪审团的审查结果;验尸官的报告 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Mr Bakkedahl said although the accused has been charged with second-degree murder, a grand jury would probably opt for more serious charges. 检察官汤姆说尽管现在被告被指控为二级谋杀,但高级法院很有可能进行更严重的指控。 www.bing.com 4. If an indictment is found, the grand jury will report it to the judge or a magistrate in open court. 如果一项公诉成立,大陪审团要在开庭的时候将把它汇报到法官或司法官那里。 www.bing.com 5. They don't require approval by a court, a grand jury or even a prosecutor. 它们不需要法院批准,或者甚至一个大陪审团的执法者。 1.z1.la 6. Then, the other members of the grand jury may question the witness. 再然后,大陪审团的其他成员才询问证人。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If the grand jury finds enough evidence to warrant a trial, it will issue a true bill of indictment5 and the case will proceed. 如果大陪审团能提供足够的证据认定该犯罪嫌疑人有罪,它就可以签署正式起诉书,然后着手审理。 www.24en.com 8. At the 1994 Cannes film festival, Mr. Zhang received the Grand Jury Prize for 'To Live. ' 在1994年的戛纳电影节上,张艺谋凭借影片《活着》夺得评委会大奖。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The grand-jury-like panels now have the power to overrule prosecutors. 如今审查会就像大陪审团,有了否决检察官决定的大权。 www.bing.com 10. And what of the state and federal grand jury systems? 什么样的国家和联邦大陪审团制度? apps.hi.baidu.com 1. This followed a grand jury report the previous month alleging a big cover-up by the religious authorities. 一个月前,大陪审团报告称教会涉嫌掩盖真相;而一个月后,这件案子便紧随其后。 www.ecocn.org 2. At the 1994 Cannes Film Festival, he received the Grand Jury Prize for 'To Live. ' 在1994年的戛纳电影节上,他凭借影片《活着》夺得了评委会大奖。 c.wsj.com 3. We're not aware that a federal grand jury is investigating this, '' an Avon spokeswoman told the Journal. 雅芳全球发言人称,并不知晓联邦陪审团正在调查此案。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Grand jury indicts Michael Jackson. 大陪审团起诉麦可?杰克逊。 dict.bioon.com 5. A grand jury is a special group of people chosen to decide if there is acceptable evidence against a person to hold a trial . 高级陪审团就是专门判定这里是否有有效的证据证明一个人有罪的一个特殊团体。 www.bing.com 6. Former New York Giant Plaxico Burress is testifying before a grand jury this morning. 前纽约巨人普拉轲西科。布瑞斯今天上午在一个大陪审团面前作证。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I thought sorting out facts was what the grand jury and the jury are for. 我还以为找出事实真相是大陪审团和陪审团的职责呐。 www.bing.com 8. Another one kind is to based on if case decision must examine after the grand jury by judge. 另一种是由法官根据案情决定是否须经大陪审团审查。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. He was summoned to testify before a grand jury. 他被传唤出庭在大陪审团前作证。 www.way2english.com 10. United Kingdom has canceled a grand jury step by step starting from 1933. 英国自1933年起,逐步取消了大陪审团。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. He was indicted for fraud before a grand jury. 他在大陪审团前被指控犯欺诈罪。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If the grand jury indicts the suspect, he will be brought to trial. 如果大陪审团对嫌疑犯提出起诉,后者将被送法院审理。 www.b2b99.com 3. On Dec. 3, 2004, The San Francisco Chronicle published an article that detailed Bonds's testimony before the Balco grand jury in 2003. 2004年10月3日,《旧金山纪事报》刊登的一篇文章详尽报道了邦兹于2003年在在旧金山湾区实验室合作实验室(BALCO实验室)大陪审团前的证词。 www.bing.com 4. A federal grand jury issued a 97-count indictment against Koch Petroleum Group, Mietlicki and three refinery managers on Sept. 2000年9月28日,联邦大陪审团公布了一项起诉科赫石油集团、米特里奇和精炼厂三名经理人的长达97页的公诉书。 www.bing.com 5. The second type of jury is the grand jury. 陪审团的第二种形式是大陪审团。 www.24en.com 6. He is expected to appear Friday in Manhattan Criminal Court where he will likely find out if a grand jury has voted to indict him. 预计卡恩周五将在曼哈顿刑事法庭出庭,届时大陪审团很可能投票表决是否给他定罪。 c.wsj.com 7. this court ruled against the right of reporters to withhold the names of their sources before a grand jury, 确保记者在大陪审团前拒绝透露其情报人姓名的权利 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Mission of the grand jury is if the law case deciding felony charge that; 大陪审团的任务是决定重罪案件是否起诉; goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Charging Decision -- Grand Jury System 指控的决定--大陪审团制度 www.cyberlaw.cn 10. The finding of a grand jury 陪审团的调查结果 find.livid.cn 1. before the grand jury and wanted information 在大陪审团和通缉令面前, www.bing.com 2. Formal Accusation and the Grand Jury 正式起诉和大陪审团 www.wretch.cc 3. A grand jury ignores an indictment 大陪审团可驳回刑事起诉。 www.kekenet.com 4. Use of Grand Jury subpoenas to compel testimony 利用大陪审团传讯来强制举行听证 www.cyberlaw.cn |
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