单词 | historical events | ||||||||||||||
释义 | historical events
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 历史事件,重大历史事件,历史性事件 1. The task is all the more difficult because Jin hews closely to historical events and personages, except for some notable divergences. 哈金的任务更为困难,他十分尊重历史事件和人物,同时也对故事中一些重要的分歧冲突作了艺术处理。 dongxi.net 2. and yet, explain it how you will, it gave him pleasure to wean me away from my dreams and fill me full of dates and historical events. 然而不知道为什么,他非常喜欢驱走我的迷梦,并给我灌输各种日期和历史事件。 www.bing.com 3. If I wrote a book, it would be a fictional story that relates to historical events. 如果我写书的话,那应该是一本与历史事件有关的虚构的故事。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Due to his overemphasis on national culture and the status of "Li Jing" , he has his own limitation in understanding historical events. 由于其过于强调民族文化和礼书的地位,从而造成了自己理解史例的局限。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The additional newspapers allow readers to see how newspapers of bygone days covered historical events. 此外,这些网络版的老报纸还能让读者看到报纸当年是如何报道那些历史事件的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Wen Jiabao: Before answering your questions, let me recall two major historical events in the history of China-Malaysia relations. 温家宝:在回答你问题的时候,我首先想起中马关系中两件大事。 www.putclub.com 7. If no experimental physicists efforts, theoretical physicist saw the experimental phenomena and historians see historical events as well. 如果没有实验物理学家的努力,理论物理学家所看到的实验现象就和历史学家看到的历史事件的效果一样。 bbs.tiexue.net 8. Memory of historical events and the narratives this memory have always been central to Jewish faith, tradition and identity. 历史事件记忆和记叙文这记忆总是对犹太信念、传统和身分是中央的。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. After these historical events, this ritual became a convivial dish, which French people used to enjoy with family and with friends. 当这些历史事件过去之后,这一形式演变成了一道欢宴菜肴,被法国人用来与家人和朋友共享。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "There is no content identifying an individual, " the court said. "But the writing conveyed connection to historical events. " “文章没有点出任何个人,”法院说。“但故事内容与历史事件有联系。” cn.nytimes.com 1. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events, the Asian Games are the largest number of historical events on the next. 英语口语学习广州亚运会将设41项比赛项目,是亚运会历史上竞赛项目最多的一届。 www.ynw.askxt.org 2. As he did this, he showed the historical events which shaped and followed these changes. 他就这样展示了造成这些修改的历史事件以及随之发生的历史事件。 www.muslem.net.cn 3. The British constitu- tion is to a large extent a product of the historical events. 英国宪法在很大程度上是历史事件的产物。 cet.hjenglish.com 4. They give detailed explanations of science theories, political systems, historical events, and a lot more. 他们不仅提供机械类指导,还有科技理论,政治体系,历史事件等等的细节解说。 www.bing.com 5. walking on fire tells the story of a modern ballet production , a love story with historical events of a country forming the background. 在火上走着’讲述一个以国家历史事件为背景的爱情故事,和现代芭蕾舞剧制作的经过。 www.ichacha.net 6. Also, any narration in it regarding Science or historical events must be completely correct. 同时,内中所记载任何有关科学与历史的记述,都是正确无误的。 exchristian.hk 7. It explores key historical events, trends, and problems, and engages multiple historical narratives and interpretive perspectives. 课堂里我们将探究关键性的历史事件、趋势和问题,提供多样的历史叙述和解释性视角。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He studies the origins and extensions of the historical events and studies the the historical events in the context of world historiography. 他考察了史例的缘起和外延,并置之于世界史学的视野下衡量。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Even in a seemingly simple six-line poem, the sudden weight of historical events can be felt. 即使看上去是一段六行小诗,但是你能突然感觉到历史事件的厚重。 www.ecocn.org 10. Curriculum development of historical events has for the classics, and regional-specific issues are introduced and discussed as the weft. 课程安排以历史事件发展的先后为经,特定议题及区域的介绍与讨论为纬。 www.lhu.edu.tw 1. These themes, which are outlined in the book's Introduction, help place historical events in a larger context. 这些主题,这是在书的导言所述,有助于在更大范围内发生的历史事件。 www.ccebook.net 2. It may be thought that it is a matter of no importance whether historical events are interpreted in one way or in another. 不管是这样或那样去理解历史事件的意义似乎都完全一样。 novel.tingroom.com 3. Pick one of the works and discuss what historical events are crucial to the story? 选一篇作品并详述哪些历史事件深深影响该故事发展。 www.myoops.org 4. Third, historians before and after Confucius turned much of mythology into historical events and stories. 第三是史官,孔子前后的史官把许多神话传说化为历史。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Chiang Tzu-Te writes social medical poems with common medical terms to expound personal opinion of social historical events and news. 江自得社会医疗诗写作,是藉著一般大众耳熟能详的医学名词,来做有关于社会现象历史事件,新闻时事的个人缪思上的见解; www.ceps.com.tw 6. Query historical events: Write a session bean or servlet to query the historical events by event groups using Event Access interface. 查询历史事件:书写会话bean或servlet,并利用EventAccess接口,通过事件组查询历史事件。 www-128.ibm.com 7. It mixes polemical video arguments in Chinese and English that support Beijing's version of recent and historical events in Tibet. 这个网站用中英两种语言混录了有争议的视频证据来支持北京近来的对于西藏历史事件的观点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. document and explain the process of human activities as a series of historical events in an disciplines. 记载和解释作为一系列人类活动进程的历史事件的一门学科。 hi.baidu.com 9. And he highly generalizes historical events and social phenomena. 他对历史事件和社会现象进行了高度的概括。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. With its bravura mix of historical events and inventive flights of fancy, the 650-page novel has long been seen as unfilmable. 历史事件与非现实幻想的精妙结合,使这本650页的小说长久以来被认为不具改编成电影的可能。 www.bing.com 1. You'll find both current and historical events within the diverse e Library archive. 你可以利用电子图书馆找到当前和历史上的大事。 nmip.cnmedline.com 2. Historical material is the unique bridge between historian and historical events. 史料是史家与史事之间的惟一桥梁。 www.13191.com 3. Cairns 1936, "Employment, Interest and Money" is published by the economics of the 20th century's most significant historical events. 1936年凯恩斯的《就业、利息与货币通论》的出版是20世纪经济学历史上最重大的事件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. An editor and journalist, he is an adroit sketcher of historical events, but even more of character. 作为编辑和记者,罗伯特?普尔不仅擅于描述历史事件,更是人物描写的能工巧匠。 www.ecocn.org 5. The role of the monastery is associated not only with spiritual and religious problems but with general historical events, too. 修道院的作用不仅与精神和宗教问题息息相关,而且也与普通的历史事件息息相关。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Commemoration of important historical events. 重大的历史事件。 www.cctv.com 7. With a view of marking these important historical events, a rally will be held on the coming Sunday. 为了纪念这些重要的历史事件,本周日将举行一次群众集会。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. F. Stephen confirmed historical events and people from the Hebrew Scriptures. 斯蒂芬证实了历史事件和人从西伯来圣经。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. An honorable historian studied historical events and people. 一名可敬的历史学家研究有关历史的事迹和人物。 www.ebigear.com 10. It is a movement of capital that is a major change in a country where historical events have been tied to land reform. 中国的各种历史事件都与土地改革有关,这种资本流动对这个国家来说是一场重大的变革。 www.bing.com 1. Bede and the other medieval historians tried to show the hand of God in historical events. 比德及其他中世纪历史学家试图揭示上帝在历史事件中的作用。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Event Access interface allows the event consumers to query the historical events synchronously. EventAccess接口允许事件消费者同步地查询历史事件。 www.ibm.com 3. I think it is really remarkable and it is a great privilege to have the opportunity to live through so many historical events. 我认为这真是了不起,而能有机会经历这么多历史事件是我莫大的荣幸。 www.ebigear.com 4. Complex historical events can rarely be reduced to something so simple. 复杂的历史性时间很少能够这么简单解决的。 www.bing.com 5. Major historical events of daily life scenes have thus been mutilated. 大的历史事件就这样被日常生活的场景肢解了。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. Historical novels should base on the historical events. 有关历史的小说要以历史事件为依据。 yanghai6804.blog.163.com 7. For events further back than the 20th century, we'd want to look for evidence of those historical events. 至于二十世纪以前所发生的事,就得看看有没有历史遗物。 joycewang08141976.spaces.live.com 8. Brief Record of the Border by Fang Kongzhao is a book that records the border of Ming Dyansty and the ethnic historical events. 方孔炤及其代表作《全边略记》是一部记述明代边疆和民族史事之著作。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Some allusion itself is a summary of historical events. 有些典故本身就是对历史事件的概括。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. He recited the dates of important historical events. 他列举了重大历史事件的日期。 www.bing.com 1. Will I ever really need to recite the dates of prominent historical events? 我将来真的需要背那些重要的历史事件的发生日期么? www.bing.com 2. He knows very well the historical events and personalities of this country. 他对这个国家的历史事件和人物十分了解。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Can also be used to record historical events, such as the "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom through Sun Life, " "Liberation Song" and so on. 还可用来记录历史大事,如《太平天国过永明》、《解放歌》等。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Story refers to the historical events or a legend. 指年代久远的历史事件或者流传很久的传说。 www.chinese.cn 5. It is the same with historical events. 这和历史事件是相同的。 www.bing.com 6. This story is based on real historical events. 这个故事基于真实的历史事件。 bbs.wtojob.com 7. We can explain many historical events in the modern cultural history of China easily if we use the theory of generations. 对中国近代思想文化史上存在的许多难以解释的现象,用代际理论就能够予以很好的阐释。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The film is based on historical events. 这部电影是根据历史事件拍摄的。 www.360abc.com 9. Connecting and analyzing the three major historical events together, we can get a lot of inspiration. 今天,站在新的历史起点上,将这三大历史事件联系起来思考、辨析,能够从中获得许多感悟和启迪。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Correlation characteristic on the recording time series of historical events before a strong earthquake 地震时序记录数据在强震前的关联特征 www.ilib.cn 1. Waving Between Historical Events and Fabrication--Probing into the Modern Chinese Historical Novel 徘徊于史实与虚构之间——中国现代历史小说观念探询 ilib.cn 2. The Relationship between Historical Events and the Reuse of Historical Buildings 历史事件与历史性建筑的再利用 www.ilib.cn 3. The history knowledge divorced from historical events 脱离史实基础的历史知识 www.ilib.cn 4. Two historical events affecting the Late-Ming Dynasty ideology 略释影响晚明思想发展的两段历史 www.ilib.cn 5. recite the dates of important historical events 列举重大历史事件的日期 dict.netat.net 6. First of all, the new era of Ancient Historical Novels to major historical events to the real structure of the novel; 首先,新时期古代历史题材小说以重大的历史真实事件来结构小说; www.cnconfucius.com 7. A drama based on historical events: 基于历史事件的戏剧: zhidao.baidu.com |
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