释义 |
- na.民俗语源;文字的通俗变化
- 网络民族词源学;流俗词源
1. | 民间词源;俗词源学a process by which a word is changed, for example because of a mistaken belief that it is related to another word, or to make a foreign word sound more familiar |
| Folk etymology has created the cheeseburger and the beanburger, but the first hamburgers were in fact named after the city of Hamburg. 民间词源创造了 cheeseburger 和 beanburger,但最初 hamburger 一词实际上是以德国汉堡市命名的。 |
n. | 1. the replacement of an unfamiliar word or form by a more familiar one. An example is the replacement of girasole with Jerusalem in Jerusalem artichoke. 2. an idea about the origin of a word that is generally believed but is incorrect. |
1. | 民族词源学 从民族词源学(folk-etymology)来看,变狼术可以追溯到古罗马诗人奥维德(Ovid)笔下的古希腊国王吕卡翁(Lycaon)。根 … zh.wikipedia.org | 2. | 流俗词源 流俗词源,folk... ... ) custom vocabulary 民俗词汇 ) folk-etymology 流俗词源 ) folk etymology 通俗词源学 ... www.dictall.com |
释义: 民俗语源,文字的通俗变化,民族词源学,流俗词源