单词 | fold in | ||
释义 | folded in是fold in的过去式
第三人称单数:folds in 现在分词:folding in 过去式:folded in
例句释义: 调入,拌入 1. He kept his hands folded in his lap and followed the conversation with his eyes. 他的双手夹在膝盖之间,只用眼神在跟着谈话走。 www.bing.com 2. He stood before her and patted her hands, folded in her lap, and reassured her that there was no need for her to worry. 他站在母亲身前拍拍她放在膝上的手,要她放心。 www.bing.com 3. She was sitting in a chair in the office with her hands folded in her lap. 她坐在椅子上在办公室里与她的双手交叉在她的大腿上。 www.kb120.com 4. Each man was cloaked in a plain russet frock, a cowl concealing his head, only his hands visible, folded in prayer. 每个人都穿着朴素的黄褐色僧衣,一修士头巾遮住头,只有手露在外面,交叉着祈祷。 www.bing.com 5. The old man then began to eat, and his wife sat watching, with her hands folded in her lap. 这时丈夫开始吃了,而妻子却把手摊在膝盖上,在一旁看着。 interpaper.blog.163.com 6. He was folded in half, and his back was definitely broken. I thought he was done. I mean I thought there was no hope at that point. 他卷成了一团,他的腰肯定是断了。我以为他完蛋了。我的意思是我认为到这一地步是一点希望都没有了。 www.51mokao.com 7. Keep the paper folded in your hand without looking at it until everyone has had a turn. 在大家都轮到之前,先把纸片攥在手里不要看。 blog.5d.cn 8. He was directed to another hut where a stick-thin girl, with missing clumps of hair, had the pants, scrubbed and folded, in her lap. 他被领到另一个小屋,那儿有一个枯瘦如柴的女孩,头发稀少,正把裤子搁在膝盖上擦洗、折叠。 www.bing.com 9. Gavroche engulfed his hand in another of his pockets and drew out a paper folded in four. 伽弗洛什把他的拳头塞进另一个口袋,从那里抽出一张一折四的纸。 www.ebigear.com 10. When the Deepwater Horizon sank, this riser collapsed and folded in on itself, but did not sheer off from the blowout preventer. 当钻井平台下沉时,立管倒塌,自动弯折,但不会转离防喷器。 www.ecocn.org 1. The dusk of early summer in London lasts quite long. The entire city is folded in golden light from seven to ten in the evening. 伦敦初夏的黄昏很长,从晚上7点到10点以后,整个城市都笼罩在一片灿灿的金光之中。 www.newchannel.org 2. Destiny stands by sarcastic with our dramatis person folded in her hand. 命运之神把我们的剧中人握在她的手里,正冷眼旁观呢。 bbs.blueidea.com 3. He smiles. His long, thin fingers are folded in his lap, and he looks as light and unbothered as a cloud. 他微笑着,又长又瘦的手指交叉着放在腿上,他看上去轻松而又无牵无挂,就像天上的云彩。 www.bing.com 4. Why not have enable it to be mounted on a wall(like a TV), and folded in half(like a book or laptop). 为什么不将它固定在墙上(像一台电视一样),并使其折叠呢(像一本书一样)。 www.bing.com 5. The shape of cross-section is an ellipse folded in half through one symmetry axis, and the axis keeps perpendicular with pinacoid -view. 断面形状为沿对称轴对折的椭圆,此对称轴始终垂直于轴截面,其方向与平面图上的流道中线无关。 www.showxiu.com 6. At birth, infants are darker than their mothers, with vertical creases and stripes as reminders of how they were folded in the womb. 刚出生时,海豚宝宝的颜色较深,且皮肤上有在母亲子宫内留下的纵向皱摺及线条。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And then the polypeptide chain repeatedly coiled or folded in certain patterns, thus formed the secondary structure of a protein. 多肽链按照一定方式规则地旋转或折叠,形成蛋白质的二级结构。 terms.shengwuquan.com 8. and pants, neatly folded, in the bottom drawer. 折得齐齐整整的裤子放在最下面的抽屉里。 www.8875.org 9. The entire rose stem and posy can be folded in the palm. Loose your hand and the whole bunch of flowers can popup automatically. 整个玫瑰花朵和花茎可全部折叠在手掌中,手松开可自动弹出整束花。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. They also demand that the girl's white socks folded in a certain way and boy's heads be shaved. 他们也要求女孩子的袜子要按一定的方式给折叠好,男孩的头要剃干净。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. My hands were folded in my lap, and I was leaning weakly against the back of the seat. 我把双手交叠在膝盖上,虚弱地靠着椅背。 www.putclub.com 2. If your plane proves to stall too much, the top end may be mountain folded in. 如果飞机打转得太厉害的话,可以把顶边“凸折”起来。 www3.060s.com 3. Stitch the beak, folded in half, to the owl with your sewing machine. 把喙对折,用缝纫机固定在身体上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You can use the index card, folded in half, as a makeshift shovel. Place the stones in the jar and screw the lid on. 你可以用索引卡折叠成一半,当小铲用,取出结石到瓶子里,旋上瓶口。 wenda.tianya.cn 5. Indeed, a software start-up to implement the idea folded in 2004. 事实上,一个打算实现这个想法的启动软件在2004年彻底失败了。 bbs.ecocn.org 6. Her hands were folded in an attitude of prayer. 她双手合拢成祈祷姿势。 7. She found some seeds folded in a piece of red paper. 她发现一些种子包在一张红纸里。 beike.dangzhi.com 8. When the delegates exited some 20 minutes later, Mr Gollnischcarried the blue sash of the European Parliament folded in his hand. 大约20分钟后代表团一行走出来时,格尔尼奇先生将那条蓝色肩带叠在手里。 www.ecocn.org 9. It can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams. 它可以对折,可以随身携带,在旅行和交通堵塞时格外实用。 www.tingclass.net 10. Folded in the card was a piece of paper. 卡片里夹着一张折叠着的纸。 yaleygj99.vip.sina.com 1. When folded in the separation of gifts Liu, insomnia play dead when the Dutch Machines. spent flower fly. 而在离别时折柳相赠,失眠时听雨打枯荷。绿肥红瘦,花谢花飞。 www.bing.com 2. When the man recovered, he showed no remorse, no gratitude; he just folded in on himself, cold and uncommunicative. 当那人恢复后,他没有懊悔,也没有感激,他蜷缩在自己的世界里,冷酷、寡言。 www.bing.com 3. With the appropriate licences for these fields, booklets of 16 to 32 pages can also be processed and folded in miniature format. 在这个领域,你只要拥有相应的许可证,就可以把16-32页的宣传小册子加工和折叠成小开本的形式。 www.bing.com 4. Arms folded in rest, women look over Cairo as they chat. 妇女们把双臂搭在窗口上聊天时望向开罗。 ng.trends.com.cn 5. In the army camp the quilts are usually folded in this manner. 在军营中被子通常是这样折叠的。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Cloth diaper may be folded in a triangle or a rectangle. 用布做的尿布可以叠成三角形或长方形。 www.dictall.com 7. The sheets are usually folded in this manner. 床单通常是用这种方法折叠的。 cache.etiantian.com 8. Parallel folds are in the same direction, folded in half twice. 平行折页是在相同方向上对折两次。 www.bing.com 9. she who never opened her veils in the morning light, will be my last gift to thee, my God, folded in my final song. 那在晨光中永远不肯揭开面纱的她,我的上帝,我要用最后的一首歌把她包裹起来,作为我给你的最后的献礼。 kgusedtobe.blog.163.com 10. Vertical hinge-refers to the first page folded in half, and then rotate 90 degrees, and then from making two. 垂直折页是指先将页面对折,然后旋转90度,再从中间对折。 www.bing.com 1. After using, it can be folded in the spare time, occupying little room which is a great convenience for householders. 闲置时还可拆分折叠收藏,占据空间很少,十分方便。 www.vooec.com 2. They are folded in complex ways that help give each silk its unique properties. 蛋白质以复合形式折叠在一起,赋予每种丝类以独特的属性。 www.bing.com 3. The paper must be folded in half. 必须把这张纸对折起来。 qq163s.cn 4. The paper should be folded in half. 这张纸应该对折。 www.bing.com 5. Daddy was in a high bed that was folded in half some way. 爸爸躺在高高的一张床上,床的一头不知怎的还抬起来。 www.worklish.com 6. You'll find your clothes washed and folded in your wardrobe. 你可以在你的衣柜里找到已经洗好并叠好的衣服。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The hills are folded in the mist. 群山被雾气所笼罩。 video.2u4u.com.cn 8. That company folded in 1999. 那家公司于1999年倒闭。 9. For example, a single sheet folded in keeping the paper direction before you fold it in half. 比如,将一张纸对折,在保持纸张方向不变的情况下再对折一次。 www.bing.com 10. And the room folded in, like a pop up story then the house, and the Vale. Even the songs and prayers tidied themselves into grooves 接着房间关上了,像一篇打开的通俗故事然后是整座房子、溪谷。甚至歌声与祈祷者也清理自己,被丢进沟壑 www.cqwx.net 1. hills folded in the mist 雾气笼罩的群山。 www.ichacha.net 2. leaf folded in bud; 叶在芽期是褶生; dict.veduchina.com 3. i see the world has folded in your heart, 我知道你的心里藏着话, zhidao.baidu.com |
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