单词 | by-running |
释义 | by-running例句释义: 全部 1. On such encouragement to ask, Elizabeth was forced to put it out of her power, by running away. 她这话明明是怂恿伊丽莎白问下去,伊丽莎白便只得跑开,让自己要问也无从问起。 www.ebigear.com 2. By running the right knee at the ball, Hogan was able to generate terrific speed in his lower body. 向着球位快速地移动右膝关节,使得侯根的下盘可以极快地移动。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. By running four to six strides several times a week, you help your legs and the rest of your body remember what it's like to run fast. 每周跑4-6次,能让你的腿和身体记住快跑的感觉。 www.bing.com 4. She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux, and made all the men frantic by running away with a penniless young fellow. 她是个极美的姑娘,玛格丽特·德弗日,当时曾使舆论哗然,因为她跟一个不名一文的年轻人私奔了。 5. It was perfectly unadorned, but the garden possessed magnificent shady trees, and a chain of tanks fed by running spring water. 花园里完全不施点缀,只有伟丽成荫的树木和一脉相连的池沼,由外边奔流的山泉,接济着水源。 www.jukuu.com 6. You may find yourself, as I did, trying to fly by running down the road and leaping into the air. 你会发现自己——我曾经也是如此——试图一路飞奔并跃入空中。 www.chinaufo.com 7. Mr. Escandon had been training by running eight-minute miles but now, he said, he was going much faster, and it all seemed effortless. 埃斯坎先生以前训练的时候每八分钟跑一公里,但在比赛中他跑的更快一些,而且似乎很轻松。 www.bing.com 8. Close your eyes and attempt to identify the sketch by running your fingertips along the raised outline. 闭上双眼,试着用指尖沿着凸起的轮廓辨认草图。 www.elanso.com 9. By running his knee at the ball at different speeds, he was able to control the amount of force he expended through impact. 同时籍着变化右膝奔球而去的速度不同,他可以控制触球时的力量的大小。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Instead, he would let me know that he was there to meet me by running up in a circle. 那时我给他好吃的东西,并告诉他以后不要这样,以免把我吓坏。 sm2000.org 1. Eventually, his parents had to invest more money to help their only son eke out a meager living by running his own electronics store. 最终,王建海的父母不得不再次掏腰包资助儿子开了家电器商店,勉强维持生计。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. 短缺的电力会需要依靠天然气发电站供应,而这些电站通常只是在供电高峰时用于应急。 524500.net.cn 3. Start to hone in on the right price by running focus groups to get a sense of what customers are willing to pay. 要找出合适的价格,开始要关注焦点人群,对顾客愿意付多少有一个认识。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. This enables the same image to be used for different configurations just by running different scripts during the deployment process. 这使得可以通过在部署流程中运行不同的脚本来对不同的配置使用相同的映像。 www.ibm.com 5. For over a week digital clocks and watches in Sicily are complicating their owners by running more than 15 minutes fast, local media said. 俄新社援引意大利媒体6月11日报道称,过去一个多星期以来,西西里岛上的人陆续发现他们的钟表变快了15多分钟。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 6. I run mine once a week, although you could probably get by running it just once a month. 我每周运行一次我的脚本,不过您可以一个月才运行一次。 www.ibm.com 7. I'm trying to lose weight by running, but all the exercise is making me feel hungry all the time. 我尝试着跑步减肥,但是做这些运动让我一直感觉饿。 www.bing.com 8. I don't mean to scare you by running through the possibilities, but I don't want you to start singing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" either. 我不是吓唬透过运行的可能性,但是我不想让你开始唱“别担心,快乐”不是。 www.bing.com 9. He said that doctors had forced him to take drugs by running a tube into his stomach. 他说医生们通过将喉管接到他的胃里来强迫他喝药。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Today there is no liquid water, although valleys and channels on the surface show evidence of having been carved by running water. 尽管火星上的山谷沟渠说明它曾经被流水蚀刻过,但如今那里已没有液态水了。 www.bing.com 1. A base runner may try to " steal" a base by running to the next base while the pitcher is throwing the ball to another player. 一个跑垒员可能会在投手朝另一个球员仍球的时候跑到下一个垒来尝试“盗垒”。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. If the Distribution Agent or Merge Agent is able to run, determine whether data is missing by running binary checksum validation. 如果分发代理或合并代理能够运行,请通过运行二进制校验和验证来确定数据是否已丢失。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Instrumentation allows you to monitor the health of your application by running the application in real-life settings. 检测使您能通过在实际设置下运行应用程序来监视应用程序的运行状况。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. You can check to see whether it is still running or has completed by running the command ps (for Process Status). 您可以通过运行命令ps(代表“进程状态”)检查它是否仍在运行或已经完成。 www.ibm.com 5. He wishes to "shake out" his spiritual being out of physical being by running as fast as he can. 通过狂飙式的奔跑,他希望于物理存在中“抖出”精神之存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This can be accomplished by running the Get-ClusteredMailboxServerStatus command and specifying the name of the clustered mailbox server. 可以通过运行Get-ClusteredMailboxServerStatuscmdlet并指定群集邮箱服务器的名称来实现。 technet.microsoft.com 7. A reserve currency is supposed to be a store of value; by running a huge current-account deficit America has left the dollar vulnerable. 储备货币应该是价值的存储,但是巨大的经常帐户赤字让美元变得脆弱而不堪一击。 www.bing.com 8. Mike: Well, I'm trying to conserve energy, Carol, by running our appliances at off-peak hours. 迈克:我这样做是节约能源,所以我避开高峰时间使用家电。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A truck driver amused himself by running over lawyers as they walked down the side of the road. 一卡车司机在开车的时候以轧律师为乐。 www.bing.com 10. By running this system, the general requirement of educational information management can be met. 运行本系统,可以满足教务信息管理的一般需求。 www.fabiao.net 1. Admittedly, consumption cannot be sustained indefinitely by running up the national debt. 众所周知,消费难以通过增加国债而无限度地维持。 www.bing.com 2. Cloud computing grew out of parallel computing, a concept that many problems can be solved faster by running the computations in parallel. 云计算诞生于并行计算,即多个问题可以通过同时在多台计算机上运行来加快速度。 www.bing.com 3. Or you might want to save time by running only tests related to what has changed as you've worked on a task. 或者,希望通过只运行与对任务作出的更改相关的测试来节省时间。 www.ibm.com 4. The best way to handle wind is to start by running into it so that you'll have the wind at your back upon your return. 对付风的最好办法就是一开始就顶着风跑,这样你回来时就是顺风了。 www.bing.com 5. Their solution was to take advantage of graphene's electrical conductivity, by running a current through the mixture. 他们的解决办法是充分利用碳单原子层的导电性,在材料中加上电流。 www.ecocn.org 6. I feel especially loved when someone pitches in to help me, perhaps by running errands or taking on my household chores. 有人伸手帮我的忙比方说为我做家事就会让我觉得被爱。 www.bolchicago.org 7. A civilian vehicle struck a roadside bomb, shortly followed by another blast that hit passers-by running to the scene to help. 民用车辆撞到了一枚路边炸弹,随后不久,另一枚炸弹也相继爆炸,袭击了到现场帮忙的路人。 www.bing.com 8. Test your running shoes by running in them for a week. 穿着你的跑步鞋一周来测试你的鞋。 www.bing.com 9. Once the data is local, by running database queries on the local machine developers are able to drastically improve performance. 一旦数据本地化,由于是在本地机器上运行数据库,开发者就能大幅度的提高查询性能。 www.bing.com 10. In addition , enterprises are able to maximize server resource utilization by running several applications over a single RDP connection . 此外,企业通过在单一的RDP连接上运行多个应用程序,能够使服务器资源利用最大化。 www.bing.com 1. You might be curious what happened to your feature JAR and plug-in JAR files by running the above two commands. 通过运行以上两个命令,特性JAR文件和插件JAR文件会发生什么变化呢? www.ibm.com 2. Are the readings within . 02 of each other? If yes, proceed by running the standard accordingly. If no, proceed to the next step. 如果读数偏差在.02之内,则正常开始标准样品的测定。如果偏差大于此数值,则按以下步骤操作。 www.bing.com 3. Perform the installation by running the appropriate scripts and ensure that the product works as intended for your deployment. 运行适当的脚本来执行安装,确保按照部署的要求完成工作。 www-128.ibm.com 4. An old couple took care of me and prepared food for me. They earned their living by running a small coffee shop. 一对老夫妇收留了我,还替我准备食物,他们经营著一间小咖啡店维生。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 5. The screen printing plate and tools can be washed by running water after printing, which reduces the cost and is better for workers' health. 印后的网版和工具可用自来水清洗,不但降低了生产成本,更有利于工人的身体健康。 info.b2b168.com 6. Negroponte says the new computers address the power issue by running on only a fraction of the energy needed for regular laptop computers. 说新的电脑只需传统笔记本所需的电力的一小部分来续航,解决了这个问题。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. When you were 2 year old, she taught you to talk. You thanked her by running away when she called. 当你2岁的时候,她带着你去散步,你用她叫你时跑开来感谢她。 club.wangyou.com 8. This set of rules allows a process to have capabilities either by virtue of being root or by running a setuid root file. 这套规则让进程可以根据根用户或者通过运行setuidroot文件拥有能力。 www.ibm.com 9. You can produce reports by running one of the reporting stored procedures provided with Notification Services. 您可以通过运行NotificationServices附带的报告存储过程之一来生成报告。 technet.microsoft.com 10. You can test applications by running IIS locally on your computer or by deploying pages and components to a shared server . 您可以通过在计算机上本地运行IIS或将页和组件部署到共享服务器来测试应用程序。 www.bing.com 1. It is always possible to re-enable these components by running the same command but replacing disable with enable in the target name. 通过运行相同的指令,但是要将target名称中enable部分取代disable部分,通常情况下这些组件是可以被再次启用的。 www.ibm.com 2. After startup, it will use the wind resistance created by running to recycle. 汽车启动之后就会利用行驶产生的风阻力进行循环。 www.yxbiz.com.cn 3. You could use SSH to do this for you by running the adduser command across multiple machines. 您可以使用SSH在多台计算机上运行adduser命令,以完成这项任务。 www.ibm.com 4. The last time I trained mostly by running and I didn't seek out challenging terrain. 上一次我主要训练了奔跑而没有去那些险峻的地形进行训练。 www.bing.com 5. Out of the whirlpool core by running into it after we had tried to escape at full power. It makes no sense! 克鲁德:真让人嫉妒。我还是不明白,刚才我们开足了马力都不行。 www.mmmeeettt.com 6. You can use this project to import the existing configuration of your DayTrader environment by running it in Import mode. 您可以在Import模式下运行该项目,从而导入DayTrader环境的现有配置。 www.ibm.com 7. A long-distance runner decided to prove his stamina by running a marathon without drinking any water during the race. 为了证明他的耐力,某长跑运动员决定在马拉松赛跑中,一滴水也不喝。 www.chinesetodays.org 8. By running the command, we are able to locate all network interface cards reside at different slots of the server. 运行该命令,我们即可找到位于这台服务器不同插槽上的所有网卡。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He lashed himself to Wright and Guy by running his belt through a loop on each of their shorts. 他把自己的皮带套上赖特和盖伊所穿的短裤,将三人系在一起。 www.bing.com 10. You can quickly verify that this works by running the page on the server. 您可以在服务器端运行页面快速验证这些工作。 www.ibm.com 1. As I got more involved in running someone else's business, I realised that I could do a better job by running an improved version myself. 随着我更多地参与到别人公司的管理中,我意识到,如果我自己经营一家改良版公司,我能做得更好。 www.ftchinese.com 2. By running cables from deadman to deadman and tightening them, workers will be able to restore the girders to their original alignment. 通过从一个锚墩到另一个锚墩使用锚链并使它们绷紧,工人们将能使那些大梁恢复到原来的直线位置。 www.bing.com 3. Gasol has been cleared to resume basketball activities, which he commenced by running, jumping and shooting prior to the Rockets game. 炮已可以进行与篮球有关的活动,在对阵火箭的比赛开始前,他已经开始跑,跳和投篮。 tieba.baidu.com 4. But if you get to the nearest coffee shop by running, you're definitely starting out on the right foot. 但如果你通过跑步的运动方式到最近的咖啡店,那你真的从你的脚上获得好处了。 www.bing.com 5. In the case of an Adaptive Server Anywhere client, synchronization is initiated by running the dbmlsync utility. 在AdaptiveServerAnywhere客户端,同步过程通过运行dbmlsync实用程序启动。 www.ianywhere.com 6. I pray to answer your call by running to your room, offering my obeisances and seeing your lotus feet as they peek out from under your desk. 我祈求通过跑向您的房间,致以顶拜并在您的莲花足从您的桌子下面往外窥视时看到它们来回应您的召唤。 www.bjndr.com 7. By running multiple redundant copies of each service, one can use quick timeouts and retries to route around failed or unreachable services. 每个服务都运行多个冗余拷贝,短时间内超时,然后绕过失败或不可访问的服务进行重试。 www.infoq.com 8. One counter-measure you can employ is to try to erect as many walls around your code as possible by running with least privilege. 您可以使用的一种措施是:尝试使用最小特权来运行代码,在代码周围树立尽可能多的障碍。 technet.microsoft.com 9. By running and saving the feed content into a database table, you can generate a feed to show the order arrival trend. 通过运行和保存数据库表中的数据源内容,可以生成一个数据源来显示订单到达趋势。 www.ibm.com 10. From a shell prompt, you can display the path name of the directory you're in by running the command pwd, shown in Listing 1. 从shell提示,您可以显示您所在的目录的路径名,方法是运行命令pwd,如清单1所示。 www.ibm.com 1. With a rapidly ageing population, it is also right to accumulate savings by running a current-account surplus. 鉴于该国快速老龄化的人口趋势,通过经常项目盈余以积攒储蓄亦是明智之选。 www.bbs.yeeu.org 2. Microsoft Windows operating systems protect applications from each other by running each application in its own process. MicrosoftWindows操作系统通过在应用程序自己的进程中运行各个应用程序来防止应用程序互相影响。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Her instincts may have told her that she was too weak to escape by running. 也许是她的直觉告诉她:她的身子已经虚弱到无法逃跑了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Now start a WPAR called "abc" with no resource control and add some workload to it by running the "yes" command inside WPAR. 现在,在不启用资源控制的情况下启动WPAR“abc”,然后通过运行“yes”命令在这个WPAR中产生一些工作负载。 www.ibm.com 5. This can be accomplished by running a few industry-accepted benchmarks. 这可以通过运行几个行业认可的基准测试来完成。 www.ibm.com 6. You can validate the state of the InfiniBand on each node by running the ibv_devinfo or ibstatus commands as a root user. 您可以作为根用户运行ibv_devinfo或ibstatus命令,来在每个节点上验证InfiniBand的状态。 www.ibm.com 7. You can do this by running one of the many free SNMP trap utilities that are available on the Internet. 方法是运行互联网上可用的众多免费SNMP陷阱实用程序中的一个。 www.ibm.com 8. Indulge your desire to flee by running or walking quickly, and you'll find yourself calmer about everything. 放纵于自己逃走的渴求:去奔跑、快步走,你将会发现自己对一切镇定地多。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. if he is not, he must foot the entire bill, first by running down his savings and then by selling his house. 如果他不穷,他只能自己买单:首先花掉所有的积蓄,然后卖掉自己的房子。 www.ecocn.org 10. The invisible short circuit fault paths could sometimes be eliminated by running a test probe between the affected fine pitch leads. 不可见的短路有时会因有测针在引脚间划过而消失 wenku.baidu.com 1. It protects your Nokia N-Series, E-Series and X-Series smartphones by running on the background of your phone in real time. 它保护了在您的手机在后台运行的实时使用诺基亚N系列,E系列和X系列的智能手机。 www.opda.net.cn 2. And better yet, get outside and burn off the calories by running, walking briskly, playing sports, whatever it takes. 更好的做法是,出去跑步,快走,运动运动,总之把摄入的过量卡路里消耗掉。 www.elanso.com 3. The simplest way of determining the amount of paging space used on your system is by running the lsps command (see Listing 3). 要想确定系统中分页空间的使用量,最简单的方法是运行lsps命令(见清单3)。 www.ibm.com 4. Since then many countries have been creating an illusion of continual progress by running up hefty debts to finance their welfare states. 从那以后,许多国家都企图利用巨额债务资助建立福利国家的方式来实现持续发展。 www.ecocn.org 5. As part of your unit tests, you might generate test data by running an existing data generation plan. 作为单元测试的一部分,您可能会通过运行现有数据生成计划来生成测试数据。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Optionally validate the state of the InfiniBand on each LPAR by running the ibstat -v command from a user with root privileges. 可以在每一个LPAR上以拥有root权限的用户身份运行命令ibstat-v验证InfiniBand的状态。 www.ibm.com 7. Up to now, she is the only girl who celebrates her birthday by running am ar a thon in the world. 到目前为止,她还是世界上唯一的用跑马拉松的方式来庆贺生日的小姑娘。 hotdic.com 8. The only way to train for a marathon is by running, and the only way to train for a startup is by starting. 练习马拉松的唯一手段就是不断的跑,练习创业的不二法门就是开始去做。 www.bing.com 9. Everyone thought I did that by running and taking off. Actually, it was a ballet move where I jumped up and spread my legs. 每个人都以为我是通过助跑做到的。事实上我做这个动作只是原地起跳然后分开脚就做到。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. You can analyze your application to determine which permissions it needs by running the Permission Calculator tool. 通过运行“权限计算器”工具可以分析应用程序以确定其要求的权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Such control is typically garnered by running a different exploit through the interactive shell to escalate privileges. 这样的控制一般是透过利用交谈式shell执行另一个利用指令码而扩大特权所获得的。 www.ibm.com 2. Too often, I see people give their service access to the restricted resource by running the service as an administrative account. 我常常看到这些人通过把服务运行于管理员帐号下来访问受限资源。 www.infoq.com 3. Some runners assume they're getting a great workout if they challenge themselves by running their entire run on a steep incline. 一些跑步者认为如果他们用陡峭的坡度跑完全程挑战自己,他们会得到很好的锻炼。 www.bing.com 4. The adapter responds to requests from Rational Quality Manager by running tests on the test machine where the test tool is installed. 通过运行安装有测试工具的测试机器上的测试,来回应来自RationalQualityManager的请求。 www.ibm.com 5. After you are finished with this exercise, you can restore the test environment to its previous state by running a removeNode command. 在完成这个练习之后,您可以运行removeNode命令重载为先前状态的测试环境。 www.ibm.com 6. One final issue to consider is a rogue insider exploiting a flaw they discovered by running a quick vulnerability scan of the network. 最后一个需要考虑的问题是,网络内部的恶意人员通过运行快速漏洞扫描发现了入侵点。 shi-wei.net 7. Text files can be edited in significant and complex ways without an editor by running one-liners from the UNIX command line. 通过从UNIX命令行运行单命令行程序,可以利用多种有意义和复合的方式(无需编辑器)对文本文件进行编辑。 www.ibm.com 8. Some kids have been treating the exhibition hall as an amusement park by running around and even riding statues. 一些小朋友将展厅当成了游乐场,跑来跑去,还有孩子将雕塑当马骑。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Each country would insure itself against a downward lurch in its economy by running a balanced budget or, in good times, a surplus. 每个国家只要预算平衡,或者在经济良好时有所盈余,就不会有经济滑坡之虞。 www.ecocn.org 10. I could have anticipated many generations of slow evolution by running ahead miles to the left. 通过提前跑上几英里到左边,我可能已经预见到许多代缓慢进化的结果。 www.bing.com 1. Managed applications that are opened from network shares have the same behavior as native applications by running with full trust. 从网络共享文件里打开的托管应用运行时和本地应用拥有一样的行为,即完全信任。 www.infoq.com 2. By running the VU script from multiple machines, we could simulate having concurrent B2B client sessions manipulating the system. 通过从多台机器运行VU脚本,我们能够模拟并发操作系统的B2B客户端会话。 www.ibm.com 3. If the service is running under a domain account, regenerate the client configuration by running Svcutil. Exe against the service. 如果服务正在域帐户下运行,则通过针对服务运行Svcutil.exe来重新生成客户端配置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. If so, your application accesses resources by running in the context of a predefined user. 如果是这样,则您的应用程序通过在预定义用户的上下文中运行即可访问资源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. If you hope to lose weight by running, keep in mind that you'll only shed pounds if you burn more calories than you consume. 如果你希望通过跑步减肥,记住你只有消耗比摄入更多的热量才可以减轻体重。 www.bing.com 6. The method is proved by running of the prototype under different steering radius, frictional ground and velocity. 样车系统在不同的转弯半径、地面摩擦及速度下验证了该方法的可行。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Now you can start the X Window System by running startx, though on an analog device your screen is pretty tiny. 现在您可以通过运行startx来启动XWindowSystem,不过在模拟设备上您的屏幕就会显得有些太小了。 www.ibm.com 8. She won by running like a robot, with uniform speed through the entire course. 她赢得了比赛:跑得象个机器人,整个行程保持统一的速度。 www.bing.com 9. Practice by running: elbow and elbow pipe section after the one-meter pneumatic conveying system is the most serious parts of wear. 通过运行实践看:弯头及弯头后一米管段是气力输送系统磨损最严重的部位。 joa.csee.org.cn 10. In so doing, we support the overall movement of energy upon earth by running such movement through our tiny bodies . 这么做,通过我们微小的身躯运行这样的运动,我们支持地球上的全部的能量运动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The sly fox eluded the hunters by running back in the opposite direction. 狡猾的狐狸向相反的方向跑,躲过了猎人。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Other emerging markets are likewise seeking to expand further their war chests of foreign exchange by running large external surpluses. 其它新兴市场同样寻求通过形成巨额外部盈余,进一步扩大其外汇储备。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He hurt his head by running against a wall. 他撞到墙上,撞伤了头部。 4. However, by running source-side deduplication users are adding hashing, a processor-intensive algorithm, to the client. 不过,如果采用源端重复数据删除技术,用户就要为客户端添加散列算法,这是需要大量占用处理器资源的一种算法。 149408197.blog.163.com 5. On the Palm OS, you first create a configuration file by running the Palm Listener Configuration utility on a Windows desktop. 在PalmOS上,首先通过运行Windows桌面上的Palm监听器配置实用程序创建配置文件。 www.ianywhere.com 6. By running scared of their electorates, leaders have denied themselves the space to identify their shared interests. 由于害怕得罪本国选民,他们丧失了寻找共同利益的余地。 www.ftchinese.com 7. You can generally do this by running a list of commands in a subshell or by running a list of commands in the current shell. 您一般可以通过在某个Subshell中运行一个命令列表或通过在当前Shell中运行一个命令列表来实现此目的。 www.ibm.com 8. You can install the Rational Functional Tester product package by running Installation Manager in silent installation mode. 可以通过以静默安装方式运行InstallationManager来安装RationalFunctionalTester产品软件包。 download.boulder.ibm.com 9. The load is generated by running workloads (also called scripts) that simulate the behavior of Lotus Domino client-to-server operations. 通过运行工作负载(也称为脚本)生成负载,模拟LotusDomino客户机-服务器操作的行为。 www.ibm.com 10. Type safety is established by running the common language runtime verifier against the assembly . 通过对程序集运行公共语言运行时验证工具可建立类型安全。 www.bing.com 1. If you only train by running slow, you'll only be able to race slow for a long time. 如果您仅仅训练慢跑,您只能在比赛中时间很长的慢慢跑。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Now that all the scripts and xml files have been created, it's time to register the custom widget by running the Jython scripts. 现在,所有的脚本和xml文件都已创建,是时候通过运行Jython脚本来注册自定义widget了。 www.ibm.com 3. By running for president, candidates air their strongly held positions in national debates and hope to influence public opinion. 通过竞选总统,候选人在全国性辩论中公开他们持有的强烈立场,希望以此影响公众舆论。 www.america.gov 4. Barack was helping by running a voter-registration drive so successful that he won notice in Chicago newspapers and political circles. 巴拉克协助开展了选民登记运动,收效颇丰,从而引起了芝加哥媒体和政治圈的注意。 www.bing.com 5. The facility will use virtualization to reduce energy consumption by running multiple applications on the same servers. 这个机构在相同的服务器上运行多个应用程序,使用虚拟化技术降低电力消耗。 www.ibm.com 6. In the future, therefore, that weekend in the south of France need not be interrupted by running out of juice. 将来某一天,本文开篇在法国南部度周末就不必因半途电力耗力耗尽而中断了。 www.ecocn.org 7. He found his "living standard improved a lot" by running the cards through a machine. 由于靠刷卡付帐,他发现自己的生活水平得到了很大提升。 www.i21st.cn 8. A free (and popular) Mr Khodorkovsky could yet interfere with this plan by running himself, or backing another candidate. 一个自由而且受到人们同情的霍多尔科夫斯基可能会干扰他自行参选或另外扶持一个候选人的计划。 www.ecocn.org 9. He doesn't score enough goals but tracks back and has a good cross on him and can take players on by running at them. 他并不会得很多分,却能够努力防守,而且传出高质量的传球,帮助其他球员突破进球。 bbs.qieerxi.com 10. It then takes the XDIME from the response, and converts it into the device's preferred markup by running a transform on the XDIME. 然后,从响应中提取XDIME并通过运行XDIME上的转换装置将其转换成设备首选的标记。 www.ibm.com 1. You can verify that the Cluster service is running and the cluster is operational by running cluster group from a command prompt. 可以通过从命令提示符运行clustergroup,验证群集服务是否正在运行以及群集是否工作正常。 technet.microsoft.com 2. As a career I now help other people to achieve fluency by running one to one speech courses from my home in Birmingham. 目前我已经将这作为一项事业,在伯明翰的家里坚持不懈的一对一的帮助口吃者恢复表达能力。 www.elanso.com 3. Learn about working with the latest version of Integration Services by running and examining sample packages. 通过运行并检查示例包,了解如何使用最新版本的IntegrationServices。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Several months later Expedia went public, a process Harford helped facilitate by running investor relations. 几个月以后,Expedia上市了,而Harford当时通过负责投资者关系参与了这一过程。 www.bing.com 5. You can achieve this by running several thousand representative events through Business Events after starting it for the first time. 为此,您可以在第一次启动BusinessEvents之后运行数千个有代表性的事件。 www.ibm.com 6. The init program boots the rest of your system by running a series of scripts. init程序通过运行一系列脚本引导系统的其余部分。 www.ibm.com 7. No farmer ever plowed a field by running it over in his mind. 没有农夫只靠在头脑里想象犁地,就能开垦出地来。 www.co-consult.com.cn 8. Amazon, which generally focuses on advertising online, has been branching out by running commercials for the Kindle. 亚马逊,通常集中于网上广告,为了电子阅读器扩展其经营的商业广告的范围。 www.aitrans.net 9. Even on switched networks, you can gain some valuable information by running the packet-scanning tool on the host you want to investigate. 即使在交换的网络中,通过对您所希望研究的主机运行数据包扫描工具,您就可以获得一些有价值的信息。 www.ibm.com 10. Badam Zari is making history by running for parliament from Pakistan's conservative and Taliban-dominated tribal belt. 巴达姆·扎里来自巴基斯坦保守的并以塔利班为主的部落地区,她的竞选之路正在创造历史。 www.bing.com 1. Your application can scale as large as it needs to simply by running on more machines. 你的应用可以任意地扩大规模,只要简单地增加新机器就可以了。 www.infoq.com 2. Java must recycle objects if you want to avoid Domino server crashes caused by running out of memory. 如果希望避免因为内存不足而造成Domino服务器崩溃,则必须使用Java回收对象。 www.ibm.com 3. You can do this by running the Visual Studio installation process on the remote computer and selecting the option for server components. 可以通过在远程计算机上运行VisualStudio安装进程并为服务器组件选择相应选项来完成此任务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. You can find useful information in the online Help for the driver, which you can access by running ODBC Administrator. 可以在驱动程序的联机帮助中找到有用的信息。运行ODBC管理器可访问驱动程序的联机帮助。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Members that are of class type are initialized by running each member's own default constructor. 具有类类型的成员通过运行各自的默认构造函数来进行初始化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Panel makers have learned to better manage cyclicality over the past years by running their fabs at lower utilisation. 过去数年来,(海外)面板制造商已经学会通过降低工厂的产能利用率,来更好地应对行业周期。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The customer database has a single table that can be created by running the script shown in Listing 6. 客户数据库只有一个表,可以通过运行清单6中的脚本创建。 www.ibm.com 8. The depth should be corrected by running magnetic locator before perforating. 射孔前,用磁性定位校深。 wenku.baidu.com 9. You start by running 5 km, move up to a 10 km, then a half marathon. 你可以先跑5公里,接着加到10公里,然后加到马拉松比赛的一半路程。 www.bing.com 10. Then, using a gloved hand, you master its details by running your fingers over its forks and bends, its sharp rises and falls. 接着,你可以用戴着手套的那只手来掌握沿途细节,手指掠过小路上的岔道和转弯处,掠过陡峭的上坡和下坡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Test your application by running manual or automated tests, including performance and stress tests. 通过运行手动测试或自动测试(包括性能和压力测试)来测试您的应用程序。 2. By running the forward (UML-to-Java) transformation, Java code is generated the same way as described earlier in this article. 通过运行前面(UML到Java)转换,Java代码会以文章前面描述的那样生成。 www.ibm.com 3. The young man survived by running towards police who arrived on the island about 80 minutes after the shooting rampage started. 年轻人跑向在枪击暴行发生后大约80分钟到达岛屿的警察,从而幸存。 www.bing.com 4. Epic units have the capability of decimating entire armies by bringing to bear their huge weapons or by running them over. 史诗单位拥有摧毁整支部队的能力,它们能够用巨大的游戏装备武器摧毁或碾压敌人。 www.ux98.com 5. Jobs that require sequential processing can be submitted to the job spooler through cron by running each job one minute apart. 需要连续处理的作业可以通过cron提交给作业假脱机程序,每个作业间隔一分钟。 www.ibm.com 6. Many entrepreneurs get rich by running one business superbly well, and then want to make sure they hold on to the wealth they created. 许多企业家是通过将一家企业经营得非常好而致富的,而后希望确保自己能保住创造的财富。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Police nabbed his passenger immediately. But they say the driver initially got away by running into nearby woods. 警方立刻捉住了车上的一名乘客。不过他们说司机一开始跑入附近丛林后已经逃走。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Any of the five compilers can be used from the command line by running the vcvarsall. Bat batch file. 通过运行vcvarsall.bat批处理文件,可以在命令行中使用五个编译器中的任何一个。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In other words, HATS maintains a number of primed connections in the pool by running the Connect macro. 换言之,通过运行Connect宏,HATS可以维持连接池中的许多预先准备好的连接。 www-128.ibm.com 10. You can easily see your UID and GID numbers on your AIX account by running the id command. 您可以很容易地通过运行id命令来查看AIX帐户上的UID和GID编号。 www.ibm.com 1. The CTA methodology focuses on minimizing the "time to defect" 1 by running automated testing throughout the entire development cycle. CTA方法着重于通过在整个的开发循环中运行自动化的测试将“发生缺陷的时间”1最小化。 www.ibm.com 2. They may get up when they know they are expected to stay seated and may create a disturbance by running around inappropriately. 当他们知道自己可能要一直坐的是时候,他们会站起来,还可能到处不恰当地乱跑进行捣乱。 www.bing.com 3. Worse, by running the printing presses red-hot, his government created a colossal monetary overhang. 更糟的是,印刷机的疯狂运转,他的政府造成了巨大的货币过剩。 www.ecocn.org 4. Next , you verify your connection by running a very simple SELECT statement . 接下来,通过运行一个非常简单的SELECT语句来验证连接。 www.bing.com 5. The Romans celebrated the Easter season by running races on an oval16 track and giving eggs as prizes. 罗马人过复活节时,在椭圆形跑道上举行赛跑比赛,胜者得到的奖品就是鸡蛋。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. You can install the sample databases and sample code from the CD by running Setup or by downloading the most current samples from the Web. 可通过运行安装程序来从CD上安装示例数据库和示例代码,也可以从Web下载最新的示例。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Become root by running oem_setup_env (notice that you don't use the standard su command). 通过运行oem_setup_env(请注意未使用标准的su命令)成为root用户。 www.ibm.com 8. Beginners kill themselves by running out of air. 新手却因氧气耗尽而自己杀死了自己。 www.leson6666.com 9. Determine whether replication failed by running the Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus cmdlet. 通过运行Get-StorageGroupCopyStatuscmdlet来确定复制是否已失败。 www.microsoft.com 10. Flat File Adapter module: This module is created by running the Enterprise Discovery Service (ESD). 平面文件适配器模块(FlatFileAdapterModule):此模块是通过运行企业发现服务(EnterpriseDiscoveryService,ESD)创建的。 www.ibm.com 1. You can view these values for a quantum by running the NSQuantumDetails stored procedure. 您可以通过运行NSQuantumDetails存储过程来查看量程的这些值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. You can prepare the Wikipedia files (from those you downloaded via the install target) by running ant prepare-docs. 您可以通过运行antprepare-docs来准备一些Wikipedia文件(通过install目标下载的文件)。 www.ibm.com 3. Alex maintains his shop's competitive edge over other similar shops in the area by running frequent promotions. 藉著经常推出促销活动,亚力士的店与这个地区同质商店相比,仍有竞争力。 ava.sun.blog.163.com 4. Notice the various records from the diagnostic trace created by running MyEnterpriseServlet. 诊断跟踪通过运行MyEnterpriseServlet而创建,注意该诊断跟踪的多个纪录。 www.ibm.com 5. Display status information in a command-prompt window by running the nscontrol status command. 通过运行nscontrolstatus命令,在命令提示窗口中显示状态信息。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The application on hold can resume operation either by user interaction or by running a specific command. 待命状态下的程序可以由用户交流或者运行一条特定的命令来恢复操作。 www.ibm.com 7. Download the above file to the PC then install it to the PC by running the file you downloaded. 下载上述档案到个人电脑然后将其安装到电脑运行您下载的档案。 bbs.maxpda.com 8. Once a script is ready, users can execute it by running the configured test case associated with ClearQuest. 一旦脚本准备好,用户就可以运行与ClearQuest相关的配置好的测试用例来执行脚本。 www.ibm.com 9. The common language runtime helps protect managed code from these attacks by running a stack walk on all calls. 公共语言运行库通过在所有调用上运行堆栈审核,帮助保护托管代码免受这些攻击。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. She brings disgrace on the family by running away with a man named Wickham. 她和一个名叫威克姆的男子私奔而使家族蒙受羞辱。 www.24en.com 1. Christina doesn't want to see Michael continue to flush his life away by running after Lincoln. 克里斯蒂娜不想看到迈克尔继续浪费自己的前途,而与林肯混在一起。 www.rayzen.cn 2. Execute the customer registration by running the application client to send the request. 通过运行应用程序客户端发送请求来执行顾客注册。 www.ibm.com 3. You can do this by running the CA console, selecting the computer name, and then selecting Backup CA in the Action menu under All Tasks. 你可以这样来做,运行CA控制台,选择计算机名,接着在“所有任务”下的“活动”菜单中选择备份CA。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. An analysis has been made on the running status and its communication with other tasks by running the RBGUI in actual system. 将RBGUI应用到实际的系统中,分析了它的运行状态以及它与其它任务之间的通信。 www.fabiao.net 5. Start your . NET client application by running HelloWorldTXConsoleClient. exe from the command prompt. 通过从命令提示符运行HelloWorldTXConsoleClient.exe启动.NET客户机应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. This constructor initializes members of class type by running that class's default constructor; members of built-in type are uninitialized . 这个构造函数通过运行该类的默认构造函数来初始化类类型的成员,内置类型的成员不进行初始化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This paper hopes give a clue of product development for China machine manufacture by running this model repeated. 本文也希望能够通过这个模式的反复运行对于企业或者国内企业在产品的发展方面提供一些思路。 www.fabiao.net 8. If you cannot run IIS on the computer, you can still create and test ASP. NET Web sites by running Visual Web Developer. 如果无法在计算机上运行IIS,仍然可以通过运行VisualWebDeveloper来创建并测试ASP.NET网站。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. By running Smart Update regularly, you can help keep your system free of new infections. 定期进行智能升级,有助于保护系统不受新型恶意软件的传染。 web.tianwang.com 10. You can add content from slides in another presentation by running the Script Generator wizard again. 可以再次运行“脚本生成器”向导,从另一个演示文稿的幻灯片中添加内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. You can plan the deleting process by running the utility manually or automatically (on schedule). 您可以在规划的过程中删去通过运行该实用工具手动或自动(附表)。 xtdownload.com 2. John Clemens, though trained as a lawyer, tried to support his family by running a store and speculating in real estate. 约翰·克莱门斯尽管受过做律师的训练,可还是要靠开店铺和做房地产的投机买卖来养家糊口。 www.ebigear.com 3. RM4. 90 eye shadow. Asked them to use until finish. They cheat us by running to outside and secretly threw some of the eye shadow powder. 90的眼影,要他们用到完为止。作弊的,玩到一半跑到大门外,估计是偷偷丢掉一些眼影粉。 crispyfish80.wordpress.com 4. By running a low-priority background thread, we forced the CPU to continue executing at its maximum rate. 通过运行低优先级的后台线程,我们迫使CPU持续在其最大速率上运行。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Notice the various records from the diagnostic trace created by running. 而创建,注意该诊断跟踪的多个纪录。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Unit-test the component by running the test code in the same context as the component. 通过在与这个组件相同的环境中运行这个测试代码来进行单元测试。 www.ibm.com 7. Can be created by running the UserDefinedDataType sample scripts. 可以通过运行UserDefinedDataType示例脚本创建程序集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Gather all the database information by running the same commands as in step 2 in the Pre-migration section. 通过运行预迁移一节的步骤2中的相同命令收集所有数据库信息。 www.ibm.com 9. Verify that by running the commands shown in Listing 6. 通过运行清单6内所示的命令可以验证这一点。 www.ibm.com 10. Deco failed to stretch the play by running beyond his front two. 德科未能在他两名前锋后面充分跑动,策动比赛。 www.bing.com 1. A Performance Session is created by running the Performance Wizard or by manually creating a session. “性能会话”通过运行“性能向导”或手动创建会话来创建。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Collect profiling data by running the application in the performance session. 在效能工作阶段中执行应用程式,以收集程式码剖析资料。 technet.microsoft.com 3. By running code locally the server is offloaded and often interactivity is increased. 通过在本地运行代码,服务器将被卸载,交互性通常会得到提高。 www.ibm.com 4. This article describes the features Quercus provides by running it on top of Apache Tomcat. 本文介绍了在ApacheTomcat之上运行Quercus所提供的特性。 www.ibm.com 5. If the Distribution Agent or Merge Agent cannot run, determine whether data is missing by running the tablediff utility. 如果分发代理或合并代理无法运行,则可以运行tablediff实用工具来确定是否缺少数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. NET provides increased performance by running compiled code. NET通过运行编译代码来增强运行的性能。 blog.safarist.net 7. Both policemen ran out toward the crowd, but the latter replied by running toward the car. 两个警察一起冲向人群,但是人们反而朝电车奔来。 www.bing.com 8. You can populate the tables for this example by running the script db-md5-hex-data. sql (provided in the download materials). 您可以通过运行脚本db-md5-hex-data.sql(在下载资料中提供了该脚本)来为这个示例填充相应的表。 www.ibm.com 9. However, you can add new UML elements to the migrated model, modify them, and generate code by running the UML-to-C# transformation. 尽管如此,您可以增加新的UML元素到迁移了的模型中,修改它,通过运行UML-to-C#的变换生成代码。 www.ibm.com 10. And China, by running an artificial trade surplus, is aggravating that problem. 而中国通过人为造就贸易顺差,使问题恶化。 www.bing.com 1. Start by running forward. When you jump. Stop move forward, strafe left and turn to the left smooth. 一开始跳要按向前的键,当你起跳后就不要再按了,平滑的利用左键向左转。 bbs.aszhcn.net 2. You will have to configure your ODBC client to work with your installed database by running a program such as iodbcadm-gtk. 您必须配置您的ODBC客户端,以便通过运行程序(比如iodbcadm-gtk)来安装数据库。 www.ibm.com 3. On the other side, banks were tightly regulated, so that they didn't take advantage of government guarantees by running excessive risks. 另一方面,银行受到严格规范,所以不能拿政府的存款保证来进行高风险投资。 home.gamer.com.tw 4. Finally, you'll need the ActiveRecord and faker gems, which you can get by running gem install activerecord faker. 最后,您还需要ActiveRecord和faker这两个gem,二者可通过运行geminstallactiverecordfaker获得。 www.ibm.com 5. You can compile the adapter code by running the following command in the directory that contains the device adapter code. 可以通过在包含设备适配器代码的目录中运行下列命令来编译适配器代码。 technet.microsoft.com 6. In the previous section, you imported the database by running the supplied SQL script. 在前面的章节之中,通过运行提供的SQL脚本您导入了数据库。 www.ibm.com 7. Do you have any idea how much pain you caused by running that story? 你知不知道发布那条消息造成了多大伤害?。 www.b2b99.com 8. This guide discusses the data accessed by running Exchange services. 本指南讨论通过运行Exchange服务访问的数据。 www.microsoft.com 9. Palindrome is the experiment by running, after downloading can use. 是回文的实验已经通过运行,下载后就可以使用了。 word.hcbus.com 10. You might want to smooth out application performance by running a separate task on a background thread . 您可能想在一个后台线程上运行一个单独的任务,以使应用程序性能变得平稳。 www.bing.com 1. My guess is that it was kind of brain washing done by running shoes manufacturing companies. 我的猜想是,我们都在一定程度上被跑步鞋制造商洗脑了。 tieba.baidu.com 2. He earned money by running races against people, motorcycles and horses. 他所赚取的钱,对人,摩托车和马匹的比赛。 www.maynet.cn 3. A can test their planes by running electricity through probes inserted in the plane's holes. 航空公司可能用电火化探头插入他们的铆钉孔内检测他们的飞机。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Canyon, A narrow chasm with steep cliff walls, cut into the earth by running water; a gorge. 峡谷,带峭壁的狭窄裂缝,由流水切入地表;峡谷。 www.ilike.ca 5. The TV networks responded by running advertisements that work at high speed. 电视网则通过播放高速广告来应对。 www.ecocn.org 6. Six years later, 244 students had their cardiorespiratory fitness measured by running timed laps . 六年后,这244个学生通过有时限的跑步圈数来测试他们的心跳健康程度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. By running the tools in advance, you can identify and correct problems before you run Setup. 通过提前运行这些工具,可以在运行安装程序前识别并更正问题。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Always remember to fight off a hurdle by facing it, not by running away from it. 永远记住,击退障碍,需要勇敢面对,而不是逃离躲避。 www.bing.com 9. All those who wanted to oppose the government could let off steam by running over to the Communists in the countryside. 凡是想反对政府的人,只要跑到农村去找共产党就可以出这口气。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 10. The soldier managed to escape by running into the woods. 那个士兵进树林逃掉了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Sometimes we make comparisons of two different ads. by running them at the same time in the same publication. This is called a split run. 有时候我们通过把两种不同的广告在同一时间在同一出版物上投放作一比较,这就是所谓的分裂运行。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. shocked us all by running off with a married man. 利兹和一个已婚男士私奔了,我们都震惊了。 www.putclub.com 3. Henry increased his strength by running behind a car for an hour every morning. 亨利每天早晨跟着汽车跑一小时,以增强体力。 www.bing.com 4. Obviously you can process such files by running an office application suite. 显然您可以用任何办公应用程序套件处理这些文档。 www.ibm.com 5. Data members of class type are initialized by running the type's default constructor. 运行该类型的默认构造函数,来初始化类类型的数据成员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Validate the propagation of the file system definitions to the target site by running the commands in Listing 10 from HostW. 通过从HostW运行清单10内的命令来验证文件系统定义到目标站点的传播。 www.ibm.com 7. Sample databases by running an installation script. 说明如何通过运行安装脚本重新安装。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. We do that by running beyond our lactate threshold-the intensity at which lactic acid begins to accumulate in our blood. 我们的做法是以超过乳酸门槛的强度奔跑,血液中的乳酸在乳酸门槛开始堆积。 bbs.running8.com 9. This means that the country has to import surplus savings from abroad by running a current-account deficit. 这就意味着,国家不得不通过经常帐户赤字从国外吸入过剩储蓄。 ecocn.org 10. rc. serial Configures your serial ports by running the appropriate setserial commands. 通过运行一些命令来配置你的一系列端口 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This is accomplished by running part of the JSF rendering logic to emit an HTML representation of the component. 通过运行部分JSF逻辑以发布组件的HTML代表,可以做到这一点。 www.ibm.com 2. You can install any Python package quite "easily" by running the ez_setup. py script. 通过运行ez_setup.py脚本,您可以很容易地安装任何Python包。 www.ibm.com 3. You can do this by running a trigger monitor and dumping messages into the queue. 为此,可以运行一个触发器监控器并将消息转储到队列中。 www.ibm.com 4. The pump is warmed up by running on closed circulation between pump and the Filter Feed drum. 通过泵与过滤器进料泵之间的闭路循环运行来热泵。 www.24chem.com 5. Therefore, you should test your project by running it with IIS before deploying it to production. 因此,应在将您的项目部署到生产环境之前,将该项目与IIS一起运行来对其进行测试。 technet.microsoft.com 6. "Rinsing" the grapes means cleaning them by running water over them. rinsing(清洗)葡萄,是指用自来水把葡萄洗干净。 www.remword.cn 7. More information on POD can be found in Programming Perl, 3rd Edition, by running man perlpod, or online at Perl. com (see Resources). 关于POD的更多信息,可以在ProgrammingPerl,3rdEdition中查找,通过运行manperlpod或在Perl.com上在线查找(请参阅参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 8. By running the Vbrun60. Exe file ahead of time, users can download your application from the Web faster. 通过提前运行Vbrun60.exe文件,用户可以更快地从网站下载您的应用程序。 support.microsoft.com 9. You can also achieve some interesting effects by running stand-alone PHP scripts with cron or another scheduler. 您还可以将独立的PHP脚本和cron或其他日程安排程序一起使用,从而实现一些有趣的效果。 www.ibm.com 10. Update the mailboxes by going to the subdirectory that is named after the server, and by running the batch files one by one. 转到以服务器命名的子目录,然后逐个运行批处理文件,从而来更新邮箱。 support.microsoft.com |
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