单词 | by return |
释义 | 例句释义: 请即回示,回信,立即,立即回复 1. Please confirm by return that none of the above listed substances are used for the production of our products including its packing. 请回复确认,上表中所列物质没有在我们的产品以及包装中使用。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Unless we receive full payment by return of post , I shall be compelled to instruct our Legal Department to begin proceedings against you . 除非你们以回邮的方式支付全额款项,否则我们将不得不指示本行法律部采取法律行动。 www.bing.com 3. To his surprise a check for that amount, accompanied by a contract, came by return mail. 出乎他意料之外,寄回了一张五百元的支票和一纸合同。 www.enread.com 4. Within a few days you will receive your PIN (Personal Identification Number) by return email. 在一些天之内您将由回归电子邮件接受您的PIN(个人身份证号码)。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We look forward to hearing from you by return, in order that we may follow up with you further. 我们希望你能尽快回复,并期望我们以后能有更多合作。 club.china.alibaba.com 6. We shall be glad if you would send us by return pattern and prices of good and medium quality cotton available for stock. 请迅速寄来备有存货的中、上品质棉花样品与价格表,不胜感激。 www.dxlwwang.com 7. We shall be glad if you let us have by return your lowest price for the undermentioned goods. 请回信告如下列货物的最低报价,则不胜感激。 www.hotdic.com 8. If seller cannot make delivery at the time stipulated here, Seller will advise purchaser by return mail of the earliest possible date. 如果卖方不能在合同规定的时间交货,卖方将尽可能早的通过邮件告知买方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We have not as yet receive your shipping advice. please let us know by return mail whether shipment have been effected. 我方至今未收到贵方装船通知,请速回函告知是否已经装船。 www.jukuu.com 10. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email, delete this email and destroy any copies. 如果您不是预期的接收人,由回归电子邮件立刻请通知发令者,删除这电子邮件并且毁坏所有拷贝。 wenwen.soso.com 1. We would therefore be grateful if you could organize payment by return. 因此,我们将不胜感激,如果你可以组织缴纳的回报。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Please contact us by return if any item is of interest to you. 如有兴趣,请即与我公司联系。 www.worlduc.com 3. The parts and accessories are urgently needed so we wish to receive your program invoice by return. 因这些零配件急需,我们希望贵方见信后立即将工发票寄来。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The captioned goods are urgently needed, so we wish to receive your proforma invoice by return. 我们急需标题所提到的商品,因此希望尽快收到贵方的形式发票。 www.examda.com 5. Since the bill is overdue , would you please send us your check back by return mail? 由于这张账单过期未缴,能否请你用回函寄回你的支票呢? www.hjenglish.com 6. We would like you to confirm this Booking by return. Please let us know the full COST, including Tax and service charges. 我们希望您能函告我们这次房间预订的落实情况。请告诉我们全部费用,包括税收和服务费。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Please despatchone sample tin each of the six qualities by air parcel immediately and, meanwhile, confirm your acceptance by return. 请立即航邮六种质量的样品罐头各一只,并早日确认接受。 www.chzy.org 8. We hope you can review the increase of your commission and give us a reply by return of post. 我们希望你们能考虑提高佣金之事,并在回信中予以答复。 fld.nau.edu.cn 9. If no further corrections are required, please advise of this by return email. 如果需要进行进一步的修改,请在回复的邮件中进行商讨。 english.dxy.cn 10. Your lowest quotation is requested, by return, for the undermentioned goods . 请回信提供下列货物的最低报价。 www.jukuu.com 1. Hedge-fund CEOs aren't exactly known for ethics; capitalists are typically driven by return on investment. 基金公司的CEO不是靠道德出名的,资本家一般都是由投资回报所驱动。 www.bing.com 2. We will reply you later for the new order. Please find attached revised invoice and our banking information, please confirm by return. 新的订单稍后给你回复附件是我们的银行信息和修改过的发票,请确认。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. With these facts before you , we feel sure that you will send us your check by return mail. Thank you. 有鉴于此,相信贵方将随复函寄来支票,特此称谢。 howlearn.com 4. we would like your remittance by return , or failing that , your reasons for not clearing this payment. 我们希望贵公司能汇款支付,若无法汇款,烦请告知无法偿付的理由。 www.ichacha.net 5. Since they like to start the production tomorrow, please advise us your information by return. 因为他们喜欢明天开始生产,请劝告我们您的信息通过收益。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. Brissenden. Please send by return mail his photograph and biographical data. 请于赐复时附寄布里森登先生照片及小传。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. needed so we wish to receive your proforma invoice by return fax. 由于急需零部件,故盼即传真回复形式发票。 8. E-mailed requests will not be responded to by return email. 被发电子邮件的请求不会反应由回归电子邮件。 www.hbzxr.com 9. FLWOR is an acronym for "for, let, where, order by, return. " FLWOR是“for、let、where、orderby、return”的缩写。 www.ibm.com 10. If neither is convenient, could you please suggest an alternative date by return E-mail. 假如这两天都不行,请以电子邮件回复并告知其他日期。 www.7781.org 1. Another fifth send money orders via the post office and receive their order by return mail. 另外五分之一的顾客通过邮局支付并通过返程邮车【?】接受货物。 blog.163.com 2. What a boomerang that proved ! By return of post came the news that John had won a scholarship . 真是适得其反!她收到的回信带来了约翰获得奖学金的消息。 www.bing.com 3. Ifyou have received it by mistake, please notify the sender by return email and delete this message from your system. 如果你误收了这封信,请更改发件人并且返还此信,也请在你的系统中删除此信。 www.ourznbbs.com 4. Please provide the below missing information by return. 请回复如下缺少的信息 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Please inform us by return whether we may book your order at these revised prices. 请速告我方是否能收到你方更多的订单。 bbs.mbaedu.cn 6. Please inform us by return whether we may book your order at these revised price. 请速告知我方是否能按修改价订货。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Please kindly check the data and confirm the correctness by return. 若贵会会员是在附件名单上,请协助检查内容及回覆确认正确性。 groups.yahoo.com 8. Please confirm the content by return mail for subsequent follow up. 请回复确认邮件以便后续跟进。 www.showxiu.com 9. Please kindly confirm upon receipt the PO by return with sign, thank you. 贵司收到订单后.请务必在当天确认签回 zhidao.baidu.com 10. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by return email or telephone and destroy the original message. 如果您已收到此电子邮件的错误,请立即通知我们,由返回电子邮件或电话和销毁原始邮件。 wenwen.soso.com 1. If you have received this email in error, please delete the original message and notify us by return email or collect call immediately. 如果您收到了这电子邮件错误,请删除原始消息并且由回归电子邮件通知我们或立刻对方付费电话。 wenwen.soso.com 2. by return mail, you'll receive comfort immediately. 神回应你说,你立刻就可以得到安慰。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by return email and delete this email from your system. 如果您错误地收到了此邮件,请立即通过返回电子邮件通知发送者并从系统中删除该邮件。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. This is the third time I have written to you about my complaint and I would appreciate a reply by return. 这是我第3次写信给你提出我的投诉,我希望你能马上答复。 www.jukuu.com 5. Please sign the draft for $1500. 00 enclosed and send it back to us by return. 随信寄上1500.00美元的票据,请在签署后寄回本公司。 www.szfob.com 6. Please kindly see the attached file and kindly fill in by return, thanks. 请查收附件并填好后回传,谢谢! zhidao.baidu.com 7. make confirmation by return for doing sth. 回信确认做某事? wenku.baidu.com 8. The origin meaning of recursion is "run back" , "recall" etc. , it means to know the unknown from the known by "return" . 递归原意指往回跑、召回等,它是指借助于“回归”而把未知的归结为已知的。 www.fabiao.net 9. As the amount owing is considerably overdue we should be grateful if you would send us your cheque by return. 由于所欠金额已逾期很久,如蒙在回复中寄来支票,当十分感激。 bbs.chinabidding.com 10. Our prices are in force only if you order by return mail. 我方价格仅以你方速复我订货,才有效。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Please kindly confirm by return. 作为回应,请确认。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Your reply by return of post will be appreciate . 如能回信答复,将甚为感谢。 www.jukuu.com 3. We look forward to hearing from you by return. 望你方尽快回复。 wenku.baidu.com 4. We rely on receiving your reply by return. 我方深盼早日得到回复。 www.chzy.org 5. Accounts Dep. shall count the cost lost caused by return and inform GM. 会计部应计算客户退货导致的成本损失,并通知总经理。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Please confirm your acceptance by return as soon as possible. 请确认您接受的回报,尽快。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 7. confirm by return that goods will be ready in time. 预计于九月卅日抵香港。请函覆确认,货物将按时备妥。 www.ebigear.com 8. you a free sample by return. 按此地址函索即免费寄奉样品。 www.jukuu.com 9. I am in your debt for answering my letter so quickly; indeed, by return post. 您能这么快回我的信,我真是感激不尽;回信之快还真让我惊讶。 www.bing.com 10. Please quote your best price for the order and send by return so that we can update our record. 谨随函附上塑料袋为了请报最优惠的价格订单发送和返回,使我们可以更新我们的记录。 dict.wanyuwang.com 1. Please let us know by return what your experience has been in your dealings with them. 请贵公司把同他们交往合作的经验告诉我们。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Enclosed booking form for yr ref, pls fill it out by return 件所涵内容给你参考,请填好后回传给我附 wenku.baidu.com 3. Please refer to the enclosed price-list, and let us know of your requirement by return mail 请参阅附件中的价格表,并请函复所需之订购量 wenku.baidu.com 4. A Composite Formula for Calculation of Horizontal Electric Field Generated by Return Strokes 计算地闪回击电流水平电场的混合法 service.ilib.cn 5. Please let me know by return 回函请告知 www.dic123.com 6. please notify us immediately by return email to the sender; 请按回邮地址立即将此事通知我公司; chinafanyi.com 7. Send a receipt by return 寄回收据 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Hear from you by return 收到你们回函 www.dic123.com |
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