单词 | fix for |
释义 | fix for例句释义: 全部 1. Congress sure does seem to move faster in an election year: they've got a fast-tracked fix for housing relief just about ready. 议会在大选年的动作就是快了许多;他们刚为减轻住宅市场的压力准备出一份快速解决方案。 www.elanso.com 2. But just as in the case of the wrongful-arrest of Harvard Professor Skip Gates, a beer in the White House is no fix for what ails us. 但就在非法逮捕哈佛教授斯基普·盖茨(SkipGates)的案子中,白宫的啤酒可不是给每个人苦痛的解药。 www.bing.com 3. But clinicians report that there is often no quick cognitive fix for people with complex histories. 但临床医生报告说,经常有没有快速复杂的历史与人的认知修复。 www.bing.com 4. The discussion immediately turns from "we found a defect" to "what is the fix for the defect" . 讨论的中心马上由“发现缺陷”转到“如何修改缺陷”上来了。 www.infoq.com 5. If you find something broken that you can fix for a lot of people, you've found a gold mine. 如果你发现了某个问题,并且你能帮助很多人解决这个问题,那么你已经找到一座金矿。 www.bing.com 6. In the long term emotional eating doesn't work but it seems like a great short term fix for coping with the way we feel sometimes. 情绪化进食没有长期效果,但是似乎短期上来说明显改善了我们的感觉感受。 www.bing.com 7. We therefore continue not to recommend the iPhone 4, and to call on Apple to provide a permanent fix for the phone's reception issues. 因此我们仍然不讲iPhone4作为推荐产品,希望呼吁苹果为该手机的信号接收问题提供一种永久性的解决方案。 www.bing.com 8. Regular features include a "Daily Gambling Fix" for Vegas wannabes and a "Daily Stat Line of the Night" for fantasy aficionados. 它也有一些固定不变的版块包括针对嗜赌者的“每日赌瘾治疗”针对幻想狂的“夜晚热线”。 www.bing.com 9. Aode to fix for false beggar, killed with suitors, finally and his wife LuoPo nie er reunion. 奥德修为装伪乞丐,杀死了求婚者,终于和妻子珀涅罗珀团圆。 zhidao.aliwd.com.cn 10. Scapegoating may be good politics, but proposing a bilateral fix for a multilateral problem is just bad economics. 找个替罪羊可能是不错政治手段,但是提议用双边的方式解决多边的问题却恰恰是糟糕的经济手段。 www.bing.com 1. The support page for each product can tell you if you need a fix for your product. 每种产品的支持页面可以告诉您的产品是否需要修复程序。 www.ibm.com 2. As for so-called normal people, there I really am in a fix, for I have no ready-made philosophy of life to hand out to them. 面对这些所谓的“正常人”,我还真不知怎麽办,因为我没有一个现成的、准备好的生活哲学手册分发给他们。 springhero.wordpress.com 3. These in the last years, the crazy dozen delivers lonely only way, be train moral teachings hard, fix for compare of further ahead ten-year. 这些年来,狂尊打发寂寞的唯一办法,就是努力修行,修为较之十年前更进一步。 www.bazx.net.cn 4. Also , ask your software manufacturer about the availability of a fix for this issue, and then reinstall the program . 另外,询问软件制造商是否提供解决此问题的修复程序,然后重新安装该程序。 www.bing.com 5. The other two a youth, to fix for the blossom is JinXian, and a just fix for the spirit, estimate is on the Pope's six product Dan division. 另外两个一个青年,修为是三品金仙,还有一个只是灵仙修为,估计就是碧月宗的六品丹师。 bookapp.book.qq.com 6. Fix for circumventing the cost of the Bomb Bouncer's charge ability and the Illuminate Electroshock ability. 修复规避该炸弹蹦跳的充电能力和照明电击能力的成本。 bbs.3dmgame.com 7. Mr Obama's hunt for a fix for the housing market may be a fruitless one. 奥巴马先生为解决住房市场问题忙活了大半天,怕是要竹篮打水一场空了。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. That is what everyone is trying to fix for the prosperous countries of the world. 所有人都在努力帮助世界上的富裕国家解决这个问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. HTC has issued a security fix for a Bluetooth vulnerability that exposed to risk all the information on a user's handset. HTC已发布了一份针对蓝牙漏洞的安全修复程序,此漏洞会将用户手机上的所有信息暴露于危险之中。 www.bing.com 10. You can view the APAR file to see if the FixPak contains a fix for it. 您可以查看APAR文件,看看该修复包是否包含对这个产品缺陷的修复。 www.ibm.com 1. His advice to owners of recalled vehicles was to "stop driving it. Take it to a Toyota dealer because they believe they have a fix for it. " 他建议被召回车辆的车主“停止驾驶汽车。把它们送到丰田经销商处,因为他们相信他们能修复。” www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. The boy of a Cui body rank how the all of a sudden fix for promoted to greatly become a rank? 一个粹体阶的小子怎么忽然之间修为就提升到了大成阶? cpubbs.com 3. Now, if the customer wanted or needed a fix for a specific issue, their answer, of course, is different. 那么,如果客户需要某个特定问题的补丁时,他们的回答当然会不同。 www.ibm.com 4. The third change is a fix for the rickety sign-in and connection issues that some users have been reporting. 第三个变化是对登录不稳定及用户报告的其他一些相关问题作了修正。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Fix for more lofty, physical strength more foot, these are all the general sense that the employers understand. 修为越高,气力越足,这是所有人都知道的常识。 cpubbs.com 6. This hotel is a shopkeeper, has a fix for the man of spirit. 这间客栈的掌柜,是一个有着灵仙修为的老者。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. As some chipper commenters on that Facebook post point out, however, there was a pretty easy fix for the problem. 然而,一些活跃的评论者在一些贴中指出,对这个问题来说,其实有一个非常简单的解决方式。 www.bing.com 8. If there is no easy technical fix for India's phone squabbles, there may, however, be a military one. 如果印度的移动通信问题无法通过技术手段轻松解决,军方也许可助一臂之力。 ecocn.blogbus.com 9. However, by the time you read this, ActiveState may have released a fix for this problem. 然而,在您阅读本文时,ActiveState可能已经发布了该问题的修正。 www-128.ibm.com 10. However, it likely means the fix for this security issue will likely prevent jailbreaking using this method. 但这也意味着如果这个漏洞得到修补,这种破解方法有可能也将失效。 www.bing.com 1. To fix for the gap is not big, but both sides to strength gap is the sea. 修为的差距不大,可是双方地实力差距就海了去了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. Post-processor bug fix for escaped XML code that it does not recognize. 对于不被公认的转义XML的后处理中的缺陷修正。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 3. Increased spending is a quick fix for what are very often more fundamental difficulties. 增加支出只是解决大多数更严重的问题所采取的权宜之计罢了。 dongxi.net 4. Our experience demonstrates that brushless copperizing a fix for the most convenient and reliable way. 践诺表明,刷镀铜的补缀办法最便当、靠得住。 www.bing.com 5. Let's get the bad news out of the way first: There's no quick fix for chronic fatigue. 让我们先说说坏消息:没有快速恢复长期疲劳的方法。 www.bing.com 6. Pasta is a fast and easy fix for those craving a quick bite before bed, but it's not your ideal nighttime snack. 睡前希望吃点意粉方便快捷,但是它不是你的理想小食。 www.bing.com 7. Fix for personal best lap time not replacing world record lap time when playing without internet connection. 修正了个人最佳单圈时间,不显示世界记录,在单机不联网状态下! 3dmgame.chnren.com 8. Discover the fix for shin splints, Achilles tendinitis and other common running injuries of the lower leg. 找到胫骨疼、跟腱炎以及其他跑步中常见的小腿疼痛的治疗方法——题记 www.bing.com 9. Because there is an easy fix for this problem, it is obvious that the fix should be automated. 因为对于这个问题有修复机制,所以很明显修复是自动化的。 www.ibm.com 10. But shipping firms have warned that there's no quick fix for the industry. 但航运公司曾警告称行业不会快速复苏。 cn.reuters.com 1. Fact: The only fix for split ends is a healthy trim. 事实:发梢分叉最好的修复方法是正确修剪。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Fix for AI hangup while targeting for Artillery and Tactical Missile Launchers at extreme range. 固定为人工智能拖延当对准的时候为火炮和在极端的兵学导弹发射者范围。 3dmgame.chnren.com 3. Fix for Space Temple cooldown being activated even if the beacon was not placed. 冷却空间寺修复被激活,即使不放在灯塔。 bbs.3dmgame.com 4. The "fix" for this broken economy is to, every so often, wipe it clean. “修复”这样一个破碎的经济系统,通常做法,就是重头来过。 d3.uuu9.com 5. Partial fix for selected groups of units not all Teleporting or Jump Jetting when given the order. 为解决部分单位不是所有的隐形传态或跳跃时喷射选定的群体给予的命令。 bbs.3dmgame.com 6. You although it is said fix for very tall, after all twice boxing laborious enemy's 4 hands, still caution is some is good! 虽说你修为很高,毕竟双拳难敌四手,还是小心些为好! cnxp.tk 7. Discuss a technical fix for future climate change, and people assume there's less need to cut carbon emissions now. 讨论用技术方法改变将来的气候变化,人们会认为那现在就不需要减少碳的排放了。 www.bing.com 8. Toyota has told drivers to remove the floor mats; its fix for the sticky pedal requires a free 30-min. shop repair. 丰田建议司机们移走脚垫,汽车修理店修复棘手的踏板需要司机腾出30分钟空余时间。 www.bing.com 9. This view tells you what went wrong and often provides a quick fix for the problem. 此视图告诉您什么地方出错,并且通常提供了该问题的快速修复。 www.ibm.com 10. Person of someone another bougie dragon, fix for thousand years, this comes out be the thunder robs a period of! 人家烛龙上人,修为千年,这出来就是雷劫期的了! cnxp.tk 1. Custom troop group behavior fix for defending castles. 王国部队防守城堡行为修正。 www.clanlong.com 2. "One update that is quite important and timely for advanced users is the bug fix for the Intel e1000e network interface driver, " he added. “一个很重要而且对高级用户而言很及时的升级是针对Intele1000e网络接口驱动程序(networkinterfacedriver)的bug修复。”他补充说。 www.bing.com 3. Possible fix for grid crash. Test by playing at medium or low graphics level. 可能解决了网格崩溃的问题。在中端和低端图像上测试过。 bbs.kuankuan.com 4. The worry is that there is no quick fix for the lack of new products. 但担心的是没法子在短期内弥补没有新车型的缺憾。 www.ecocn.org 5. But RAID isn't a perfect fix for every kind of reliability problem. 但是,对于各种各样的可靠性问题,RAID并非总是理想的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 6. Fix for units colliding with terrain when boarding a carrier. 修正了与登机时,承运人地形相撞单位。 bbs.3dmgame.com 7. It's hard to fight the quick fix for weight loss, but watch out&8212your health may depend on it. 找到一个适合自己的快速减肥法是很难的,但要当心它可是会决定你的健康好坏的。 www.elanso.com 8. There's a good temporary fix for those bad feelings--more bad carbs! 对于这些不愉快,你有一个不错的临时补救办法——摄取更多的“坏”carbs。 www.bing.com 9. Fix for units becoming unrepairable. 修正了成为不可挽回的单位。 bbs.3dmgame.com 10. There is, however, still a missing piece: a fix for the broken acquisition system. 然而,还是有不足之处:没有对千疮百孔的采购系统做出补救措施。 www.ecocn.org 1. Fix for targeting units under the influence of world forces (ie Magnetron). 修正了目标下,世界力量(即磁控管)影响的单位。 bbs.3dmgame.com 2. Fix for AI factories getting stuck not building. 固定为得到的人工智能工厂附着不建筑物。 3dmgame.chnren.com 3. Plus, a bug fix for the clustering support. 另外,还有一个对集群支持的bug修复。 www.infoq.com 4. Fix for AI platoons "dancing around" . 为人工智能排修复“跳”。 bbs.3dmgame.com 5. And Capote Duncan found his fix for the night. 卡博·邓肯也找到了他今晚做爱的对象。 www.kekenet.com 6. A fix for a buffer overflow problem in dhcpd(8). 修复了dhcpd(8)中的缓冲区溢出问题。 www.ibm.com 7. Fix for AI building too many Mass Fabricators. 修正了人工智能的建设也有很多地下加工厂。 bbs.3dmgame.com 8. Herbal Fix for Bladder Infection? 治疗膀胱感染的草本植物? www.medsee.com 9. Fix for players given a squad number but then get loaned out and still keep their squad. 修正了当球员获得号码之后被租借,但仍然存在于球队之中的问题。 dict.bioon.com 10. The fix for this issue was first released in Cumulative Update 2. 首先是在累积更新2发行修补程序针对此问题。 support.microsoft.com 1. Yes, a fix for this bug is currently in the works. 是的,这个错误修复,目前在工程。 ko.yj328.com 2. BUG fix for missing head mission crash? 修正头部缺失导致任务崩溃的BUG? game1.ali213.net 3. There is an easy fix for this problem. 有一个很方便的方法可以解决这个问题。 objectarx2008.spaces.live.com 4. Fix for wrong ammo shown on Obran held by enemy player after reload. 修正敌军在换弹匣时持有的武器显示错误。 www.socgame.com.tw 5. A simple fix for this is by putting a small screw inside the window track(in top two corners). 一个简单的补救方法就是在窗沿轨道中加个小小的螺丝钉(在最上方两个角落处)。 www.elanso.com 6. What is the quick fix for stock inventory regulation? 库存和制程中部件的临时措施是什么? dict.bioon.com 7. Temporary fix for compatability with the v1. 10 patch, thanks to tinlar for the solution. 临时修正对1.10补丁的支持。 bbs.game.mop.com 8. Fix for two global awards in one year. 修正了一年两个全球奖项的问题。 dict.bioon.com 9. the problem. Anything? Are you sure? How about some pickle juice? Yes, pickle juice has long been touted as a fix for cramping muscles. 如果你不幸是经常抽筋的运动者之一你可能想尝试什么来解决这个问题。什么东西吗?你确定吗?一些泡菜汁怎么样?是的,泡菜汁一直被视为。 www.3tedu.com 10. He told us a place we could fix for cheap. 还告诉我们一个便宜的交易网点。 www.b2b99.com 1. What can we fix for dinner? 那拿什么做晚饭? www.dellenglish.com 2. But after ten years of neglect, there is no quick fix for crumbling infrastructure. 但是,疏忽了十年之后,没有任何快捷方式去修补破烂不堪的基础设施。 www.ecocn.org 3. What Can I fix for dinner? 我用什么来做晚餐呢 dict.ebigear.com 4. I will fix for you. 我来修理。 www.bing.com 5. Mom! what did you fix for dinner? 妈妈,此日晚饭吃什么?。 www.chinafreecall.com 6. There's a new PNG fix for IE6? IE6下PNG的兼容问题有了新的解决方法? www.bing.com 7. Research on Mathematical Model of Object Fix For Augmented Satellite Navigation Receiver 增强型卫星导航接收机的定位模型 www.ilib.cn 8. Derby fixes: Fix for open result set issue, better structure dump, quoting, column type changing Derby修正:修正了开放结果集问题(openresultsetissue),更方便地进行结构转存(structuredump)、引号支持(quoting)和变更字段类型; www.infoq.com 9. Anterior Decompression and Stabilization with the AO-Ventro-FIX for Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures 胸腰椎爆裂骨折的前路减压植骨融合AO自锁系统内固定术 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Diplomacy screen fix for gold popups not appearing properly 外交画面中可能不显示金钱弹出窗口的 bbs.kuankuan.com 1. Quick fix for resolving lack of shared memory errors 解决缺少共享内存段的问题 triumph.itpub.net 2. Fix for Blank Screen Issue After Closing Notebook 针对合上屏幕的补丁程序 www.hgfix.org 3. Fix for anonymous mode not being always anonymous 修正匿名模式中没有始终匿名的问题 bbs.kuankuan.com 4. Sulphur dioxide: the quick fix for global warming 二氧化硫:快速解决全球变暖之道 www.bing.com 5. Provides an automated fix for many typical problems 为许多典型的问题提供一个自动化的修复; www.ibm.com 6. Ultimate fix for the global economy 全球经济的终极修补 www.bing.com 7. Super weeds no easy fix for US agriculture-experts 美国农业专家难于解决的超级杂草 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Fix for Israel written instead of Jerusalem in World Clock 在世界时钟里面,用以色列代替耶路撒冷 wenwen.soso.com 9. Fix for input latency on low FPS for skills; 修正输入的新鲜粮食店为低技能的延迟; 3dmgame.chnren.com 10. The fix for common controls 公共控件的修复 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Fix for combat bug across a map seam 修正了穿过地图缝合处的战斗 game1.ali213.net 2. Here is the fix for honor i forgot to add it xD 这个是荣誉系统的修正补丁,我忘记加进去了 www.gohumen.com |
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