单词 | fixed cost |
释义 | 例句释义: 固定成本,不变成本,常设费用,固定费用 1. However at some stage - perhaps a five or 10 per cent increase in the price level - the fixed cost of that reprinting must be paid. 然而,在某些阶段——价格水平可能上涨了5%或10%——就必须支付重新打印的固定成本。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The curve of the total cost is parallel with that of the total variable cost , the perpendicular distance between them is total fixed cost . 总成本曲线和总可变成本曲线是平行的,它们之间的垂直距离是总固定成本 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Fixed Cost A cost that remains constant, regardless of any change in a company 's activity . 固定成本不论公司活动出现任何变化仍然维持固定的成本。 www.bing.com 4. The monthly subscription fee is a fixed cost billed per month, often for a minimum contracted length of agreement of one year. 每月订阅费用是固定的,一般以一年作为最短协议期。 www.ibm.com 5. A fixed cost may be said to be "fixed" only in relation to a given period of time and a given range of activity. 所谓固定费用只是在一定的期间里,一定的业务范围内是固定的。 wtokj.com 6. Subscription based cloud computing model becomes a fixed cost to a controllable service of many business oriented strategy models. 订阅式云计算模型成为许多面向业务战略模型的一个可控服务的固定成本。 www.ibm.com 7. This paper analyses the relationship between profit and production cost, indirected fixed cost and its product price of an enterprise. 首先研究了企业利润与其产品的成本、间接固定成本及价格的关系。 www.dictall.com 8. In this chart the fixed costs are plotted paralleled to the variable costs. Thus the fixed cost line becomes the total cost line. 在这一图中,固定成本线与变动成本线平行,固定成本线就成了总成本线。 www.tdict.com 9. Full flexibility allows you to add Revenue, Variable Cost, and Fixed Cost categories and lines to suit any business. 充分的灵活性,您可以增加收入,变动成本和固定费用类别和线路,以适应任何企业。 xtdownload.com 10. You can update actual fixed cost resources that are tied to the start or end of a task. 可以更新限制到任务开始或结束的实际固定成本资源。 office.microsoft.com 1. The cost of the airline network mainly includes: fixed cost, operation cost and passenger-travel cost. 航线网络的成本主要包括:固定成本、运行成本和旅客旅行成本三部分。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The fixed cost and operation cost are together called the Company Running Cost, with respect of the airways. 固定成本和运行成本合称为公司运营成本,是相对于航空公司而言的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. When software is no longer a fixed cost, users have more incentive to switch. 当软件费用不再成为固定成本,用户就有了更多的动力在各种软件中挑来挑去。 blog.ce.cn 4. Single-site production facility offering large economies of scale and an advantageous, fixed-cost position. 引入规模经济以及有利的固定成本形势的单一场所生产机制。 www.cofly.com 5. The more fixed cost financing-debt and preferred stock---a firm has in its capital structure, the greater its financial leverage and risk. 更固定成本融资-债务和优先股---一公司已在其资本结构,其更大的财务杠杆和风险。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Your impatient self clearly suffers from a similar fixed cost of carrying out subtraction. 你身上那个急躁的自我,显然在实施减法时承受着类似的固定成本。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The economic cost of penalty includes the fixed cost, the variable cost, the error cost and the opportunity cost. 刑罚的经济成本包括刑罚的固定成本、变动成本、错误成本和机会成本。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. And on basis of it, it puts forth the fixed cost allocation based on annual contract generation decomposition. 并在此基础上,论文提出了基于年度合同电量分解的固定成本分摊方法。 www.13191.com 9. According to the monthly production volume production provided by the Department of the fixed cost accounting products. 每月按生产部提供的生产数量核算产品的定额成本。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Costs for logistics are similar to all other businesses and include fixed cost, variable cost and management cost. 与其他经济活动一样,物流成本包括固定成本,变动成本和管理成本 wenku.baidu.com 1. a. b. c. d. offer managers a more realistic comparison of budget and actual fixed cost items under their control. 为经理人员提供了更加切合实际的可控固定成本的预算和实际比较 wenku.baidu.com 2. The discretionary-fixed-cost approach to managing relies on personal supervision for controlling costs. 酌量性固定成本法是通过个人的判断来进行成本控制的一种管理方法。 wtokj.com 3. It is the total variable cost and total fixed cost that affect total cost. 影响总成本的是总固定成本和总可变成本。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Buying large brewers brings the volume needed to offset the high fixed cost both of breweries and distribution networks. 购买大啤酒厂带来的规模效应,可以抵消啤酒厂和销售网络的高昂的固定成本。 www.ecocn.org 5. Average fixed cost: Total fixed cost divided by output. Average fixed cost declines as production is increased. 平均固定成本:总的固定成本除以产出。。随着生产的增加,平均固定成本会下降 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Because of the high fixed cost of factories and equipment, their profits are sensitive to even small changes in production and sales. 由于工厂和设备的固定成本高企,这类企业的利润对哪怕是很小的产量和销量变动都相当敏感。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Not everyone who buys horses trains them to race. But the fixed cost is still high. 并不是每个买马的人都训练它们去比赛,但是这固定的支出依然很高。 www.bing.com 8. It calculates current breakeven points using revenue, variable cost, and fixed cost inputs. 它目前的盈亏平衡点计算使用收入,可变成本,并固定费用的投入。 xtdownload.com 9. we are not available to split shipment in 2 separate shipment. it would double all the fixed cost tighten to every shipment. 我们不必分两次出货,因为每次出货的固定成本将增加一倍。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. This provides an effective fixed cost solution for developers who sell more than 30 copies of their application each year. 这为每年卖出多于30份应用程序拷贝的开发者提供了有效的固定花费解决方法。 www.realsoftware.com 1. In good times property management is seen as a fixed cost, says Mark Friedman, Accruent's chief executive. Accruent的总裁MarkFriedman表示,在繁荣时期物业管理被看作是一个固定的成本。 www.ecocn.org 2. The ironic effect will be another hike in salaries, which is a fixed cost, which rather makes a nonsense of the idea of pay for performance. 具有讽刺意味的效果是工资再次提高,这是一项固定成本,这使按绩效得到薪酬的观念成了一个笑话。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Within a relationship, too, the first sexual experience probably has a fixed cost. 在一段恋爱关系中,第一次性经历也会有固定成本。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Take charge of the analysis about fixed cost, variable cost and cost variance. 负责固定成本、变动成本以及成本差异分析; www.lietou.com 5. The opposite cost is fixed cost which keeps unchanged even though the outputs and sales are altered. 与之相对应的为固定成本,即无论产量或销售量如何,该成本均保持不变。 www.treasurer.org.cn 6. A fixed cost is not immediately affected by changes in the cost driver. 成本因子发生变化,并不会立刻对固定成本产生影响。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The maximum acceptable price for the services is the full cost, i. e. , variable cost plus fixed cost, which is mainly CSC. 最高可接受的价格为服务的全部费用,也就是说,可变成本加固定费用,这主要是崔世昌。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Let your vendors do the work and ask for a fixed cost in a legally binding quote. 让您的供应商去做,要求他们提供具有法律效力的固定成本。 www.ibm.com 9. After all, why increase the fixed cost base today if you don't have to? 毕竟,如果不是逼不得以,企业现在为什么要提高固定成本基础呢? www.ftchinese.com 10. Tracy: And a quote is a fixed cost. 而报价相对是一个更确切的价格。 www.tingclass.com 1. Average fixed cost : Refer to cost, average fixed. 平均固定成本:见平均固定成本 wenku.baidu.com 2. Average fixed cost Total fixed cost divided by output. 平均固定成本总固定成本除以产量。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Fixed cost plus variable cost equals total cost. 固定成本加上变化成本等于总成本。 www.bing.com 4. Psychic Scream now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost. 心灵视界现在只有一级并且对所有级别的目标都有效。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Polymorph now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost. 变形术从固定耗蓝变成消耗基础法力的一个百分比 wenwen.soso.com 6. Mind Control now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost. 心灵控制现在只有一级并且对所有级别的目标都有效。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Mind Vision now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost. 心灵控制现在消耗一定比例的基础魔法,而不是固定消耗。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But this can be reviewed in the future and most projects will be done on a fixed cost basis. 但是,这可以在将来进行审查和大多数项目将在一个固定的成本的基础上进行。 www.bing.com 9. On long terms, there is no accounting cost that is fixed, the fixed cost is no exception. 以长期来看,没有会计成本是固定的,固定成本也不例外。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Books and magazines exist because the fixed cost for printing is high. 书籍和杂志之所以存在,是因为固定的印刷成本是很高的。 blog.ce.cn 1. The fixed cost that is associated with the business problem. 与业务问题关联的固定成本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Its fixed cost is $3. The variable cost per unit is $30 and sales price is $5 per unit. 固定成本是3美元,单位变动成本是30美元,单位售价5美元。 tr.bab.la 3. Chrysler's latest plan will outline $3. 8bn in fixed cost cuts, higher than last December's estimate of $3. 1bn. 克莱斯勒的最新计划将会概述38亿美元的固定成本削减,多于去年12月估算的31亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Xieguozhong think that the future media for content production without fixed cost. 谢国忠据此认为,未来媒体对于内容产品的生产无需固定成本。 www.bing.com 5. For example , you might enter an hourly rate for work , but also a fixed cost for travel time . 例如,为工时输入每小时费率,但为出差时间输入固定费率。 www.bing.com 6. The fixed cost of aircrafts mainly includes the aircraft depreciation and aircraft repair cost, which are shown in RMB; 飞机的固定成本主要包括飞机折旧和飞机维修成本,用元来表示; goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. propping up banks with historically high nonperforming loan ratios and fixed-cost pricing; 能使不良贷款比率和固定成本定价处于历史高位的国内银行业得到政府的支持; global.cjzg.cn 8. statistical accounting model; steam flow meter; variable cost; fixed cost; ABC cost; 统计核算模型;蒸汽流量计;变动成本;固定成本;作业成本; www.zidir.com 9. Enter a fixed cost for a task or for the project 输入任务或项目的固定成本 office.microsoft.com 10. s average variable cost function. ? An average fixed cost curve 平均固定成本曲线 wenku.baidu.com 1. Change the fixed-cost accrual method for existing tasks 更改现有任务的固定成本累算方法 office.microsoft.com 2. fixed price contract; fixed cost contract 固定价格合同;固定成本合同;标价合同 www.zftrans.com 3. fixed cost contract; fixed price contract 固定成本合同;固定价格合同,标价合同 www.zftrans.com 4. Study on the Maximization of Reliability at Fixed Cost 定费用时可靠性的极大化问题研究 ilib.cn 5. To draw it you need to know any two of the three figures: fixed COST, profit and break-even point 要画这种图,必须知道固定成本、利润和均衡点之中的任何两个数值。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Change the fixed-cost accrual method for new tasks 更改新任务的固定成本累算方法 office.microsoft.com 7. SAFC (AFC) Short-run average fixed cost (短期)平均固定成本 wenku.baidu.com 8. Fixed cost allocation based on system marginal price 基于系统边际电价的输电网络固定费用分时分摊研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Fixed cost and variable cost 固定成本和变动成本 www.healallinc.com |
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