单词 | hire |
释义 | hires是hire的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:hires 现在分词:hiring 过去式:hired 例句释义: 雇佣,租金,酬金,工钱,租用,出租,雇用,聘请,招聘人数 1. Finance teams started allocating more new hires to groups that generated the most revenue per head, say people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士称,此后财务部门开始对人均创收最高的部门分配更多的编制名额。 www.ebigear.com 2. If an employer knowingly keeps or hires an undocumented immigrant he may face a fine of up to $12, 500 and a felony prosecution. 如果雇主明知故犯,留下或雇佣未登记的移民,他可能面临高达12500美元的罚款和重罪起诉。 www.ecocn.org 3. Mr Menon says that the turnover of staff declines when the company hires from vocational schools rather than the general labour market. 梅农表示,流动率之所以会下降,是因为公司是从职业学校而非一般的劳动力市场招工。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If the husband hires a lawyer, but his wife does not, the alimony payment rises (and then there are fees to be paid, too). 如果丈夫聘请律师,而妻子没有,那么赡养费支出上升(此外还要支付一些费用)。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He had the immense good fortune to be recruited when the company was still offering generous stock grants to all new hires. 他的运气实在太好了,这个时候加入谷歌,公司给每个新员工慷慨的提供公司股票。 www.bing.com 6. In 1996 it had begunmandating that at least 30 percent of new hires in all governmentdepartments except the police and military be women. 1996年,除了警察局与军队之外,政府要求所有政府部门的最新雇员中女性的比例必须至少达到30%。 www.bing.com 7. Every year Monaco hires scuba divers to swim in its harbors in case one of the cars goes off the track and flies into the water. 每年摩纳哥都会雇用潜水员在港边游泳,以防赛车偏离跑道,飞入了海里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Furthermore, showing the new hires around the premises will give the new staff a sense of being valued , which will result in retention. 而且,带新入社的员工参观厂房会让员工感觉被重视,有助于员工保留率。 club.topsage.com 9. It was one of the most contentious hires Apple ever made. 对苹果来说,雇佣佩珀马斯特是一次极具争议的事件。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. What I expect most, is the "P&G Orientation Meeting" , at which I can meet all the new hires from all over the country and play with them. 我最期待的是七月将举行的新员工培训,到时我将会见到来自全国各地的新同事,和他们一起学习一起玩乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Get the most out of your investment in your ADP systems and bring new hires up to speed quickly. 从您的ADP投资中获取最大收益,使新员工尽快上手。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Yahoo hires (for free) people out there like you and me to monitor these discussions, and it's really at the discretion of the monitor. 雅虎聘请(免费)的人在那里和你我一样,以监察这些讨论,它是真正在显示器的决定。 tieba.baidu.com 3. A great source of new ideas are people that are new to the company. Get new hires together and tap their brainpower and imagination. 相当多的新创意是来源于公司的新成员。把新雇员集中起来发挥他们的智力和想象力。 www.bing.com 4. A Yushu man hires balloon hanging banners to look for his wife. 榆树一男子南湖公园内租气球吊条幅寻离家妻。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It's important for new hires to have an office or cubicle space to call their own off the bat. 让新员工有一个能称之为独立空间的办公室或小隔间非常重要。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Fortunately, Aaren is moved by Jing Jing's persistence and hires her to become the chief designer of the doll, Ah Wu. 幸好文希最终被晶晶的坚持打动,决定聘请晶晶为娃娃阿乌的设计主任。 entertainment.xin.msn.com 7. This step helps to document the current state of the business and educate employees and new hires about how the business runs. 这个步骤将帮助您记录业务的当前状态,并教育员工和新职员,使他们了解业务是如何运行的。 www.ibm.com 8. "MY BOSS hires people with the assumption that we all know our jobs, " says a woman who works for a small firm. “我老板雇佣员工的时候总是以为我们对自己的工作了如指掌,”为一家小公司工作的妇女说。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When he looked at the HIRES and the combined data sets, the best solution was a star with two planets. 当他研究雇佣光谱仪组和相关的数据时,最有可能的情况是一颗恒星和两颗行星。 www.bing.com 10. It's helpful to know where your colleagues and potential hires lie on this scale, because it matters a great deal in terms of managing them. 知道你的同事和潜在的雇员属于那一种是有帮助的。因为在管理员工的时候,这极为重要。 dongxi.net 1. Every fund company hires professional investor to manage portfolio investment of the fund, it is called portfolio manager. 每个基金公司都会雇佣投资专业人士来管理基金的投资组合,通常称他们为投资组合管理者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Indeed , the report says that two out of five of new hires in 2005 had an MBA, suggesting that the qualification is valued by employers . 实际上,这份报告指出,每5名2005年新招募人员中,就有两人拥有MBA学位,这表明,这一资格得到了雇主的重视。 www.bing.com 3. So the great majority of the new hires thatwould receive a subsidy under such a proposal to stimulate employment wouldhave occurred anyway. 因此,根据此刺激就业的提议,新雇员会得到补贴,而绝大多数新雇员在没有此方案的刺激下也会出现。 www.bing.com 4. Higher-wage workers would receive inducements to leave, paving way for lesser paid new hires. 工资较高的工人将获得一些旨在鼓励其离职的优惠条件,这样就可为公司花更少钱雇佣新工人铺平道路。 cn.wsj.com 5. Well, the treasury has just let it to Guillaume Alixandre, historian, for six hires, eight sols, parisian, a year. 好,财政部刚刚把它租给了历史学家居约姆·亚历山大,租金每年六个巴黎里弗零八个索尔。 novel.tingroom.com 6. The groom's father - in- law hires him to run the mismanaged shipping department of the family business. -No honeymoon? 新郎的岳父雇用他经营家族企业管理不善的货运部门。-没有蜜月? www.yappr.cn 7. It's important for new hires to understand that business is built on mutual trust, so they should have basic manners and social skills. 新人们应该懂得业务是建立在互相信任的基础上的,这一点很重要,因此他们需要具备基本的礼貌和社交技巧。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. With the approval of the General Manager, hires or terminates the employment of subordinates. 经总经理授权,雇佣或辞退下属。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The school hires buses to send us directly to the company, and I have a strong sense of security since I am with classmates and teachers. 此外,学校还租巴士送我们到公司。由于是和老师和同学们一起,我很有安全感。 www.kekenet.com 10. Chinese hires tend to be much more concerned about prospects for rapid promotion up a well-defined hierarchy. 中国职员往往更加关注在一个层级明晰的企业里能否快速升迁。 cn.wsj.com 1. It used to be that every household had a well; now the village hires a truck to fetch water from a mile away . 以前村民每家每户都有一口水井,如今村里只能雇一辆卡车,从几里外往回拉水。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Pay also tends to rise when the board hires its own pay consultant. 董事会雇用其自己的薪水顾问,高层的薪水也会上涨。 www.ecocn.org 3. Also, promotions are plentiful, even for new hires like Ms. Handler, who joined Groupon in January and is now an editor. 另外,Groupon提供很大的升职机会,甚至Handler女士这样子的新人都有很多。她在今年一月份加入Groupon,现在已经成为了一个编辑。 www.bing.com 4. Especially since using search engines to do quick background searches on potential hires and dates is now commonplace. 特别是,现在用搜索引擎对求职者或者约会对象的背景进行快速搜索是很常见的事。 www.elanso.com 5. One of the new hires hobnobbing at the party was Harvard MBA Yashih Wu, who was born in California and graduated from Princeton University. 在宴会上正在交谈的那是哈佛工商管理硕士的吴雅石,出生在加利福尼亚毕业于普林斯顿大学。 www.bing.com 6. Annie finds Sam' s address on her computer and then hires a private investigator to take his picture. (安妮从电脑上找到山姆家的地址,她雇了一位私人侦探去拍照)。 www.for68.com 7. Why did the White House believe that removing overseas tax shelters and raising energy prices would make CEOs keen to bring on new hires? 白宫凭什么相信,铲除海外避税天堂、提高能源价格会让首席执行长们热心招兵买马? www.bing.com 8. If you're willing to be part of the training department, go ahead and accept new programmer hires. 如果你愿意成为一个培训部门,可以继续接受一些新程序员。 www.soft6.com 9. Some of the most attractive work-at-home jobs can be found at vipdesk. com, which hires virtual personal assistants for clients. 在会员享用的页面上可以找到一些最受欢迎的足不出户的工作,这个页面给客户们提供了虚拟人事助理的帮助。 www.bing.com 10. And second, they'll need new hires with a broad range of skills, including project management and risk management, as opposed to pure IT. 第二,与纯IT业务相比,雇主如今需要雇佣通晓项目管理、风险控制等多项技术的员工。 www.fortunechina.com 1. That " day hires room " how to be rented, can be you put in a few hidden trouble? 那“日租房”如何租赁,会不会存在一些隐患呢? news.zyoo.net 2. Then I got a corporate job with an entertainment giant, training their new hires. 然后我在一家娱乐巨头公司找到一份工作,帮他们训练新人。 www.bing.com 3. Where the state-owned shareholder hires any intermediary, it shall sign a confidentiality agreement with the hired intermediary. 国有股东聘请中介机构的,应当与所聘请的中介机构签署保密协议。 eng.chinalawinfo.com 4. Mr. Obama said he instead would ensure that hires are based on merit, rather than party or ideology. 奥巴马说,他保证这种人事安排是以业绩为依据,而不是基于党派或意识形态。 www.bing.com 5. As Google starts hiring again, what percentage of your new hires will come from the Bay Area, and how does that compare to previous years? 随着谷歌重新开始招聘,有多大比例的新人将来自湾区,与历年相比怎么样? bbs2.hrsalon.org 6. On the contrary, it says it plans to open 54 new stores (net) over the next three years and add 6, 300 new hires to its 27, 000 employees. 恰恰相反,他们计划未来三年开设54家新店(网店),在原有27,000名员工的基础上增加6,300个新岗位。 www.ecocn.org 7. Manufacturing industry often hires only healthy, young people (usually women under age of 25) as operators. 制造业常常倾向于只雇佣健康的年轻人作为工人(通常是25岁以下的妇女) www.chinaeol.net 8. Suppose that the organization hires an outside person to come in and perform some work. 假设这个机构在外面雇佣了一个外来人员来完成这项工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Looks like Apple is also pretty serious about the gaming space, at least if recent hires are any indication. 苹果(Apple)似乎对游戏领域也相当重视,至少其最近的招聘说明了这一点。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Was much better, what was best was hires Fang Wang, inside that had massive Fang Yuanhe to want to rent the house, do not miss. 好多了,最好的还是出租房网了,那里面有大量的房源和想租房子的,不要错过了。 www.fenleimama.com 1. Hire him, but stipulate in his contract that for each new PA he hires each year, he loses 10 per cent of his variable income. 聘用他,但要在他的合同上规定:每年若新聘一位私人助理,他的可变收入就要减少10%。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Your department hires someone younger and more technically proficient than you to do a similar job. What's your move? 你的部门雇佣了一些比你年轻技术比你熟练的人做跟你差不多的工作,你会怎么做? www.jysls.com 3. Excluding two open-balcony tram-cars used for private hires only. 不包括只供私人租用的两辆开篷式双层电车。 www.td.gov.hk 4. Some of these firms are dangling guaranteed cash bonuses in front of prospective hires, say headhunters in Asia. 亚洲的猎头说,这些公司以高额现金红利吸引人才。 www.ecocn.org 5. Italy plans a three-year wage freeze and, like Germany and Greece, will replace only a fraction of retiring workers with new hires. 意大利如德国和希腊一样,计划三年内工资增长冻结,同时只用少量的新手来接替退休人员。 www.ecocn.org 6. The customer hires developers or consultants for a longer time period and pays for the time used. 客户在较长时间内雇佣开发人员或咨询人员,并根据使用的时间支付报酬。 www.ibm.com 7. BEN KIRSHNER: "Twenty-five percent of our new hires come from social media. Seventy-five percent typically come from word of mouth. " BenKirshner说:“25%的新员工是来自社交媒体。75%是来自典型的口头宣传。” www.hxen.com 8. In a decade most new hires will have something embarrassing about them on the web, but so too will the new generation of HR managers. 10年之内,大多数新员工在网络上都会有些关于自己的尴尬事,但这种事也会发生在新一代人事经理身上。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But, short valence comparing and characteristic turn the tall sex that hires place to have make its have huge market. 但是,短租所具备的高性价比以及特色化使其拥有巨大的市场。 news.zyoo.net 10. The architect designs the house, then the contractor steps in and hires plumbers, electricians, framers , etc. 建筑师设计房子,接着承包商介入:雇佣管子工、电工、建筑工人等等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The company to the staff who hires officially sends out "is put on regular status the notice" . 公司向正式录用的员工发出“转正通知”。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Hires is now owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group which also sells other brands of root beer. 雇用现在拥有由博士辣椒Snapple的集团还销售其他品牌的根啤酒。 www.englishtang.com 3. Staff referrals generated 48% of the 150 hires so far this year at the maker of online expense-management software. 今年迄今为止,这家在线费用管理软件生产企业新招聘的150名员工中,有48%是通过员工推荐产生的。 www.voa365.com 4. After the probation period had ended, acts according to its performance by general manager or manager to decide whether hires officially. 试用期结束后,由总经理或经理根据其表现决定是否正式录用。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. There exists no clearly defined relationship between a state and the PMC that it hires. 存在之间没有一个国家和PMC聘用关系,明确界定。 08translation.cn 6. Consequently, the key factor in operating Capsize vessels is to forecast the fluctuations in freight rates and charter hires. 因此如何掌握市场运价之变化,实乃经营海岬型船之关键所在。 airiti.com 7. The less certainty about the forecast, the greater the risk and cost of internal development - and the greater the appeal of outside hires. 预测的准确率越低,内部培养人才的风险和成本就越大,人才外聘的吸引力就越高。 img3.zhubajie.com 8. When a top university hires academics, it enhances the reputations of the professors, too. 当一所顶级大学雇用那些专业学者时,这也扩大了这些教授们的声誉。 www.ecocn.org 9. He hires a truck to carry his daughter's corpse back to their hometown. He wants to bury her in the household grave. 他雇了一辆卡车,要把女儿运回乡下,安葬在祖坟,杰克不敢拦他。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This may be achieved through developing existing personnel, through outsourcing, or through new hires. 这可以通过现存的职员,或者外包,或者通过雇佣新职员来实现。 www.ibm.com 1. A real case is, the service that intercontinental hotel wants and hires car firm bales together. 一个真实例子是,洲际酒店要和租车公司的服务打包在一起。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Women joining the firms at partner level fared no better since the overwhelming majority of direct entry hires in 2007 were men. 2007年,直接以合伙人身份加入四大的绝大多数均为男性。而对于女性来说,此种状况未能有改善。 club.esnai.com 3. Goal: Understood that the army hospital hires nurse to the work degree of satisfaction and the influencing factor. 目的:了解军队医院聘用护士对工作满意度及影响因素。 www.11665.com 4. These modules are Getopt: : Std, which parses command line options, and Time: : HiRes, which provides microsecond resolution timing. 这些模块是Getopt::Std,用于解析命令行选项,以及Time::HiRes,用于提供微秒级精度计时。 www.ibm.com 5. That lack of flexibility is damping consumer spending, which in turn is making businesses less willing to make new hires. 这种缺乏弹性的状况开始打击消费者支出,进而削弱了企业招聘新人的意愿。 www.chinaacc.com 6. Packed with realistic examples and in-depth advice, this is the book Trolltech uses to teach Qt to its own new hires. 盒装与现实的例子和深入的咨询意见,这是本书奇趣使用教QT自己的新员工。 www.dgmini.com 7. Look, Microsoft hires thousands of college kids every year. If one of them doesn't show up I think they'll survive. 瞧,微软每年招收数千名应届毕业生,如果少了其中的一个两个,他们也不会就此倒掉。 www.bing.com 8. There are many detailed modules that we require our hires to go through, including analytics techniques, tools and many others. 我们的新员工都将经过一系列详尽的培训模块,包括分析技术、方法等等。 bbs.yingjiesheng.com 9. Lead into the competition mechanism, the internal Jing hires to combine together with exterior job advertisement. 引入竞争机制,内部竞聘与外部招聘相结合。 www.fabiao.net 10. Much of the information in these notes is either personal in nature (new hires, etc. ) or too sensitive to share. 这些会议记录要么属于私人信息(比如新员工招聘什么的)、要么就是太过敏感,不便公开。 www.bing.com 1. Work with local schools to help better educate potential hires for jobs. 与当地学校和工作,以帮助更好教育潜在的雇佣找工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Anyway, they met here in solemn conclave, the parents and the stuffed shirts whom the State hires to bend the minds of the young. 总之,家长们和这些衬衣里塞了东西的蜡像在这庄严肃穆的会议上碰到一起了。 www.bing.com 3. Each of you hires a lawyer and lets them hammer away at each other on your nickel. 每个人聘请一名律师,让他们帮你们打点财务。 www.bing.com 4. He said that BofA would focus on key markets such as China, Japan, India and Australia and build scale with further hires. 他说,美国银行美林将集中力量拓展中国、日本、印度和澳大利亚等关键市场,并招募更多员工以扩大业务规模。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In capitalist countries a landless peasant either goes to the factory or hires himself out as a laborer. 在资本主义国家里,无地的农民可以进工厂,或者当雇工。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Then it hires localization experts, including linguists and cultural experts, to develop a technical dictionary. 然后它将雇用语言和文化专家,开发技术词典。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The talk is still of net hirings, made up of both external hires and internal relocations, and not cuts. 人们谈论的仍是净聘用人数,由外部聘用与内部调整组成,而没有裁员。 www.ftchinese.com 8. When consumers are constrained, so is hiring, because without customers, employers are hard pressed to retain workers or make new hires. 当消费者花费被抑制,雇佣员工也会遭遇同样境遇,因为如果没有顾客,雇主要去留住员工或者招募新员工要承受很大的压力。 www.bing.com 9. Phillips hires unskilled workers, teaches them marketable skills and helps place them in higher-paying jobs when they're ready. 菲尔普斯雇佣一些没有技术特长的工人,教会他们一些实用技术,当他们掌握技术之后,帮助他们找到工资收人较高的工作。 www.bing.com 10. Especially at the senior level, outside hires introduce different norms and values, changing the culture. 特别是在高层,人才外聘引进了不同的规范和价值观,改变了企业文化。 img3.zhubajie.com 1. Recruits, hires, trains, conducts performance reviews, and carries out discipline as necessary. 负责员工的招聘、培训、绩效考核以及制定必要的纪律; www.jobems.com 2. When a top university hires academics, it enhances the reputations of the professors, too. That is likely to make their blogs more popular. 当一个名牌大学在聘用学者时,这名学者的知名度将会得到提升,这也将会是学者的博客更加受人欢迎。 www.ecocn.org 3. With a commitment to highly personalized guest service, Shangri-La hires for attitude and trains for skills. 香格里拉致力于为客人提供极具个性化的服务。我们聘用工作态度好的员工,并对他们进行技能培训。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Encore hires people with call center experience in India, and then trains them in unexpected skills like sympathy. 安哥(Encore)公司在印度雇用有电话处理中心工作经验的员工,然后对他们进行特殊技能的培训,比如如何表现同情心等。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But the number of hires identified as liberal far outpaced those who were very clearly conservative. 但可以确定的是,自由派教授在数量上远高于明确持保守意识形态的教授。 www.bing.com 6. When potential hires ask why they should join Facebook, Mr. Zuckerberg said, 'Tell them: because people will remember your name. ' 当应聘者问为什么他们要加入Facebook的时候,扎克伯格说,告诉他们,因为人们会记住你的名字。 chinese.wsj.com 7. It revolves around a restaurant owner who hires a killer to murder his cheating wife and her lover, which leads to an unexpected ending. 影片围绕一个餐馆老板雇佣杀手谋杀出轨的妻子和她情人的故事展开,最终导致了令人出乎意料的结局。 www.bing.com 8. New hires have to impress their bosses, peers, and employees in less time than it takes some of us to arrange a meeting. 新雇员应给老板、同事和那些工作时间比我们少专门安排面试的雇员留下深刻印象。 www.bing.com 9. In February Canada Post announced it needed to offer lower pensions and wages to new hires, citing falling mail volumes and revenues. 今年2月,加拿大邮政宣布要减少退休金和降低新员工工资,并引用了持续下跌的邮件数量和营业收入为据。 www.ecocn.org 10. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market. 当本地的杂货店雇你开送货车,他是在劳动力市场上购买你的劳动。 www.yuloo.com 1. These new hires appear to have done a poor job. 这些新进雇佣者的工作表现欠佳。 www.ecocn.org 2. Though poor, Tom never hires out to do servants' work. 汤姆虽穷,但永不受雇当佣人。 www.hotdic.com 3. Our policy is simple: BreconRidge hires talented people and provides them with opportunities to make a difference. BR的用人政策很简单,即是给人才提供一个发展创造的机遇。 www.yingjiesheng.com 4. Participate in the on-boarding process of new hires to ensure smooth transition into the clients business. 负责新人入职事宜,确保其平稳过渡到客户的工作中。 www.gao8dou.com 5. Speaking to his new hires, Hastings lets slip a rare glimpse of immodesty. 谈到他的新员工,黑斯廷斯滑过一个罕见的不谦虚的一瞥。 www.bing.com 6. Most of its hires from the military and government are already in senior positions, Mr Platt says. 普拉特表示,从军方和政府招聘的顾问大多是已身居高位的人。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Last week, Hyderabad-based Satyam Computer Services Ltd. said it has cut its recruiting target by a third to 10, 000 new hires this year. 上周,总部位于海德拉巴的SatyamComputerServicesLtd.表示,它已将今年的新员工招聘目标降至10,000人,削减了三分之一。 www.ebigear.com 8. But the industry hires only actors willing to work without condoms, so complaints are not filed. 不过,这个行业只聘请愿意不戴安全套工作的演员,所以不会有投诉。 cn.nytimes.com 9. If the suspect doesn't show up the dealer hires a bounty hunter to go and fetch him. 如果嫌疑人没有到庭,那么保释金经纪人会聘请赏金猎人去追捕。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The expert bridge builder who hires Kakashi and his students to protect him while he builds the bridge. 造桥专家,雇用了卡卡西和他的学生在他造桥的时候保护他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Bringing in hundreds of new hires could help Morgan Stanley better compete against Goldman in the lucrative, but risky world of trading. 新招聘数百名人员,将帮助摩根士丹利更好地与高盛在利润丰厚但风险很大的交易领域进行竞争。 cn.reuters.com 2. For most investment banks, new hires have been categorized as another 'extra' that has to go, too. 对于大多数投资银行来说,雇用新员工也被看作是应被削减的“额外开支”。 www.ebigear.com 3. Then, have your new hires invite their friends to become fans of the hotel. 然后记得让你的新员工邀请他的朋友加入到你的酒店粉丝队伍中来。 www.bing.com 4. Mediocre hires hurt you twice: they get less done, but they also make you big, because you need more of them to solve a given problem. 招些平庸之辈的坏处是双重的:干的活少了,却让公司变大了——因为想要完工,你总得多雇些这种人。 www.bing.com 5. Graduates are poorly prepared: as many as 60% of new hires by foreign companies needed retraining, according to a Dutch report. 据一份荷兰的报告显示:大多越南大学毕业生准备不足,多达60%进入外企的学生需要重新培训。 www.ecocn.org 6. Every uses deception, as soon as passes through the verification, namely deprives the test qualifications or hires the qualifications. 凡弄虚作假的,一经查实,即取消考试资格或录用资格。 www.hicoo.net 7. New hires usually begin work several months after graduation, but the firm is asking new hires to start sooner, says Mr. Wolfgang. 通常而言,新聘员工在毕业几个月后才开始工作,但今年公司要求新员工尽早上班。 c.wsj.com 8. Both of these fantastic new hires will be focused on our channels. 两位新人将是我们这些频道的焦点所在。 www.bing.com 9. Emily, I want you to be the mother who hires the nanny of my children. 我想让你成为为一个妈妈,她可以为我的孩子们雇保姆。 www.xue90.cn 10. In Detroit, Mr Bing is urging unions to take furloughs and reduce health costs for new hires, among other concessions. 在底特律,Bing先生正在敦促工会采用休假、为新进员工降低医疗保障支出和其他一些让步方案。 www.ecocn.org 1. Martin's partner, a native of China, hires agents there on commission, including the companies that brought Lin and Li to Torrington. 他的合伙人是一个中国人,负责在当地以佣金雇佣留学中介,其中就包括把林和李送到Torrington的那一家。 www.bing.com 2. They invested heavily in upgrading their backup systems after outages in 2007 and 2008, and made some high-profile hires. 在2007年和2008年出现服务中断后,他们投入巨资升级了备份系统,并大规模招聘了一些人员。 c.wsj.com 3. deliver new hires orientation training for all position by working closely with department managers. 与各部门经理计划并执行新员工入职培训。 www.yjbys.com 4. But should the country's secret spy agency be encouraging potential hires to publicize their interest in the intelligence field? 但是国家秘密间谍机构应该鼓励潜在的雇佣来在情报领域公开他们的兴趣么? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. report the fake employees to a state payroll-tax agency as if they were new hires at an actual company. 但维克没有预见到的是,该系统会把虚构出来的员工当作一家真实公司的新雇员自动上报给州薪资税征收机构。 www.qeto.com 6. He's now the global director of recruitment for Deloitte, which hires thousands of people every year. 他现在是德勤的全球招聘理事,每年雇用成千上万的人。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. She questions people, badgers them, harasses police, comforts her son, hires a worthless lawyer. 她询问居民,缠住他们,骚扰警察,安抚她的儿子,还雇了一个无用的律师。 www.bing.com 8. But Bell abdicates hires the wife Libya and US forecast not to make the explicit response regarding this. 但贝尔逊的雇主房利美并没有对此预测作出明确反应。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A firm hires a worker when its expected marginal revenue generated by the worker exceeds her wage. 当一家公司聘用其预期边际收益所产生的工人超过了工人工资。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The school recently launched Alumni Career Services, helping its alumni to connect with businesses that are recruiting experienced hires. 伦敦商学院最近启动一个校友职业服务中心,旨在帮助它的学生与各大企业建立联系。 www.bing.com 1. A company "hires" you in exchange for a fee, but they're not really hiring you. 有家公司‘雇佣’你,然后向你收钱,但他们不会真用你。 www.bing.com 2. The program gives the new hires massive international exposure, especially in places like Asia. 这个计划给了新员工们接触大国际环境的机会,尤其是像亚洲的地方。 www.bing.com 3. Siemens (SIE: GR) hires to fill jobs in information technology, engineering, finance, sales, marketing, and other areas. 西门子(SIE:GR)在信息技术、工程、金融、销售、营销和其它领域都有职位提供。 www.bing.com 4. New hires with coveted backgrounds can command rich pay deals in hot emerging markets, recruiters say. 招聘人员说,在火热的新兴市场,新聘人员如果背景诱人,可以要求丰厚的薪酬。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The banks say their overall hiring levels remain consistent, with some changes to where those new hires are headed. 银行表示,它们的总体招聘水平将保持不变,只是对新聘人员的岗位做了一些调整。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They could be organic growth plans - product launches, new hires or major capital expenditure. 它们还可以是自然增长计划——发布产品、招聘新员工或重大资本开支。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The net differences between total monthly hires and total monthly separations are small. 月度总雇佣量和月度总离职量的净差额是非常小的。 www.bing.com 8. It should go further and cut payroll taxes for employers on all new hires, including hires by new businesses. 政府还应采取进一步措施,削减新招聘员工的雇主所需缴纳的工资税,包括新企业的招聘。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I also found out my husband put laxatives in my dinner, hoping "I would lose weight because nobody hires fat secretaries" . 我也发现原来是我的丈夫在我的晚餐里放了泻药,认为“我应该减减肥,因为没人会雇个胖秘书”。 www.bing.com 10. Organizations of all sizes can encourage everyone, from C-level leaders to junior hires, to pursue their convictions. 企业无论规模大小,都应该鼓励每个员工追求自己的信念,从最高管理者到低层雇员都不例外。 www.fortunechina.com 1. But even if he hires an American, I'll probably be transferred to our American office. 但即使他请了一个美国人,我大概还是会被调到我们在美国的办公室。 www.oralpractice.com 2. In addition hires the office office work, the driver: Has the driver license, above one year work experience. 另聘办公室内勤,司机:有驾驶证,一年以上工作经验。 www.19zhan.com 3. The guy who approves any hires for that job. 这家伙能提供任何人这份工作。 bbs.duxiu.com 4. You also need the Time: : HiRes module from CPAN to provide subsecond timing control for processing TouchPad events. 您还需要有CPAN的Time::HiRes模块才能提供处理TouchPad事件的亚秒级时间控制。 www.ibm.com 5. Determine availability of work space, local hires, equipment, supplies, and transportation. 确认工作地点、当地雇员、设备、供给和运输是否可用。 pro.yeeyan.com 6. Princeton only hires the best of people here too, right? 普林斯顿只聘用最好的人,对吧? open.163.com 7. Schools in France, Egypt, Singapore, etc, have also recently made top-level hires from abroad. 法国,埃及,新加坡等地的学校最近也从国外一斤了高层管理人员。 www.bing.com 8. Tanna Oldfield's software company needed to establish rapport between some new hires and the firm's old guard. 塔纳?奥德菲尔德的软件公司需要在新雇员工和老员工之间建立和睦融洽的关系。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The demand has turned some hires into all-out bidding wars again, reminiscent of last decade's tech boom. 人才需求增加已使招聘活动再度成为人才抢夺大战,让人想起10年前的科技繁荣期。 c.wsj.com 10. That is why Europe's governments are right to focus on waiving or reducing their high payroll taxes, especially for additional hires. 这就是为什么说欧洲政府致力于取消或减轻高工薪税特别是额外雇佣产生的工薪税这一做法是正确的。 www.ecocn.org 1. We say for new hires, monthly, ongoing, consistently, whenever change occurs, when stressors increase, and as needed. 我们提供各种培训,时间上包括正在进行的,每月的,常年的以及根据任何情况和需要增加的课程。 www.elanso.com 2. The minimum rental period in the case of both self-drive and chauffeured car hires is set at one day. 最短租期的情况下自我驱动汽车和司机雇用定为一天。 q.sohu.com 3. Marshall later hires one of the movie's writers, Peter Schwartz, to do the real thing. 后来,马歇尔还雇佣了电影剧本作者之一的彼得·施瓦茨参与真实的战争游戏策划。 dongxi.net 4. l Compiles monthly statistics on leavers, new hires, for each department and hotel. 每月汇总各部门和酒店的离职及新入职员工的统计表。 www.yjbys.com 5. Army hospital; Hires nurse; Work degree of satisfaction. 军队医院;聘用护士;工作满意度。 www.syue.com 6. Talkback: If you're in IT, or a manager who hires techies, what advice would you give high-tech job seekers right now? 反馈:如果你也在IT部门工作,或者你是一位负责招聘科技人员的经理,你现在会给正在寻找科技类工作的人哪些建议? www.fortunechina.com 7. It is rumoured that the boss makes love to every girl he hires AS a secretary. 谣传那个老板与他的每一个女秘书都发生性关系。 dict.ebigear.com 8. In the global bulk shipping market, there are obvious differences in freight rates and charter hires among different vessel types. 全球散装航运市场中,不同船型市场运价变化有明显差异。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. For example, with SPML it is possible to automate the provisioning workflow that results when an organization hires a new employee. 比如,当组织雇用新的员工时SPML可以实现配置工作流的自动化。 www.ibm.com 10. Mr Jackson hires relatives to work inh is stores. Blood is thicker than water. 杰克逊先生雇用他的亲戚在他店里工作。亲戚总比外人可靠些。 hotdic.com 1. Working with the Communities of Practice to provide a ramp-up program for new hires. 利用实践社区为新雇员提供一个下文有定义的程序。 www.ibm.com 2. Many employers also check whether potential hires can speak Mandarin. 许多用人单位也会核查应聘者是否会讲普通话。 www.bing.com 3. That way you can hires needed without having to worry about hiring, firing, payroll taxes, etc. 这种方式你可以招聘到需要的人,又不用操心招聘与解聘、工资表、打税等问题。 www.suiniyi.com 4. It hires people, fires people, has health care plans, and has retirement programs. 他也招募员工、解雇员工,拥有健康医疗计划及退休计划。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This is produce trades both sides hires the main source with low competition ability of abreaction, agriculture definitely. 这是农产品交易双方准租消散、农业竞争力低下的重要根源。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 6. Instead of agonizing over market research, an empirical company hires interns and develops a product in one summer. 某个以经验主义为指导方针的公司不会苦苦执着于市场研究,而是雇佣实习生用一个夏天的时间开发出一个产品。 www.infoq.com 7. She says she asks prospective hires whether they understand 'the mindset' they'd need to work at KBW. 她说自己会问应聘者,他们能否理解这种在KBW工作所必需的“心态”。 chinese.wsj.com 8. They now train others to avoid using hypothetical new hires during tests. 如今,他们已经开始对其他员工进行指导,告诉他们避免在测试中使用虚构出来的新员工。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Forget about venture capital, long release cycles, and quick hires. Instead, work with what you have. 忘记风险投资,长发布周期和快速招聘吧,就在你现有的条件下工作好了。 www.infoq.com 10. Often the university hires foreign students for part-time positions. 通常大学都会雇用外国的学生来做兼职的工作。 www.kekenet.com 1. It usually hires expert advice from outside consultants and bureaux. 这通常要向企业外的咨询公司和机构聘请专家来提供咨询。 www.jukuu.com 2. He hires the city's best language teachers and pays them about $500 a month, a good wage by local standards. 他雇佣了该市最好的语言教师,每月支付他们500美元的薪酬。按照当地的标准,这是不错的收入了。 www.ecocn.org 3. You'll also need the Time: : HiRes module from CPAN to provide subsecond timing control when recording data. 您需要使用来自CPAN的Time::HiRes模块,以便在记录数据时提供亚秒级的计时控制。 www.ibm.com 4. Empower Your Fans: You can grow your social media team without making a new hires. 给予粉丝更多权利:你可以扩充社会媒体团队,而无需招聘新人。 www.bing.com 5. He is first hires the artist to hold the post of the magazine photographer thepublisher. 他是第一位聘用艺术家担任杂志摄影师的出版人。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Mrs. Wong hires a housemaid to help the houseworks. 王太太请了个佣人来帮忙做家事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. ISPF green screen user interface is unfamiliar or unappealing to new hires. 新开发人员不熟悉ISPF绿屏用户界面,或者觉得界面不美观。 www.ibm.com 8. If your resume and phone-screening process is working, you'll probably have about 20% hires in the live interview. 如果你的履历筛选和电话筛选程序都有作用,面试或许会有两成的录取率。 local.joelonsoftware.com 9. You're curious to know how the new hires are working. 你很想知道他们的工作情况如何。 gb.cri.cn 10. Biju Nathan, a GE veteran and one of Mr. Alva's first hires, left in late 2009. 前通用电气资深员工、阿尔瓦首批员工之一内森(BijuNathan)2009年末离开了。 chinese.wsj.com 1. If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. 如果我们每个人所雇用的人比我们个子小,我们的公司就成了矮子公司。 cn.wordmind.com 2. The bulk of the new hires will work on share sales for Chinese companies. 多数新招人员的工作将是销售中资公司的股票。 c.wsj.com 3. They were stressed out, they were woefully understaffed, they had way too much work AND half the people there were new hires. 他们压力重重,严重人手不足,有很多很多工作,并且半数员工都是新人。 www.kekenet.com 4. Goldman Sachs is expected soon to announce senior hires in Mumbai and Beijing. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)预计不久也将在孟买和北京宣布高级职位招聘的消息。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The government of Shanghai Yangpu District specially hires lawyers to settle the conflicts reasonably, fairly and legally. 上海市杨浦区政府为合理、合情、合法处置这一矛盾,花钱购买律师的法律服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Current, ant weak point hires main support from inside making order for goods draw-out 10% score gain to the commission of 15% . 目前,蚂蚁短租主要依靠从生成订单中抽取10%到15%的佣金获得盈利。 news.zyoo.net 7. Maybe it comes back to the early hires. 也许我们该回到paypal早期招兵买马时的情景。 www.bing.com 8. Daily, monthly are available, the month hires privilege! 日租,月租皆可,月租优惠! yantai.qite8.com 9. And some specialized construction shop hires to decorate the technician anxiously. 另有一个专业施工店急聘装潢技师。 www.19zhan.com 10. For one thing, many companies here set an upper age limit for fresh graduate hires; at 26, many consider him too old to apply. 有一件事是很多公司都设定了较高的年龄限制为了减少刚毕业大学生的雇佣;对于26岁,很多人认为他太老以致不能投简历。 www.bing.com 1. Raises are hard to come by and new hires may feel they have less negotiating power. 加薪是非常困难的,而对于新工作又会觉得自己没什么谈判的优势。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Similar salaries were being paid to new hires in the mineral resource sector. 矿产资源领域新职员的工作也大概如此。 www.bing.com 3. Expanding your network is key, since most employers still fill jobs via referrals--nearly 30% of all external hires. 扩大你的社交圈子很关键,因为大多数雇主通过推荐来招聘员工——约有30%的机会是通过推荐招聘而来的。 www.bing.com 4. But new data also show that job openings are not supporting the expected level of new hires. 最新数据显示新增岗位并未满足新雇员期望。 www.ecocn.org 5. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants. 反之,如果我们每个人所雇用的人比我们个子大,那么,奥格尔维和马瑟将会成为一个巨人公司。 www.wwenglish.com 6. The companies we surveyed had plenty of choices of where to find new hires. 接受我们调查的公司在新员工招聘方面有多种选择渠道。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Hires, supervises and coaches Finance and admin team. 筛选、监管和指导财务行政团队。 www.lietou.com 8. Yingda equestrianism club has over 30 pure blood and half bred horses, and hires coaching instructors and managers with expertise. 英达马术俱乐部拥有纯血、半血马三十余匹,聘请专业马术教练指导和管理。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Conduct orientation for new hires based on previous coordination with other departments. 与各部门协作做好员工入职培训。 www.gao8dou.com 10. But the vast majority of the 431, 000 non-farm jobs created in May were temporary hires for the ten-yearly census. 但是,五月份新增加的431000非农业就业机会大部分是十年一次的人口调查产生的临时雇佣。 www.ecocn.org 1. Is there a coffee shop which hires people with fast-food experience? 有没有咖啡店招聘懂快餐店经验的人? www.e-say.com.cn 2. If the wife hires a lawyer, or the couple hires a joint lawyer, the husband forks out still more. 如果妻子聘请了律师,或夫妻双方共同聘请了一位律师,丈夫支付的赡养费也较多。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Typically, an art director or advertising agent determines the content of the picture and then hires a photographer to create the images. 一般情况下,艺术指导或广告代理人决定图片的内容,然后雇用一个摄影师创作画像。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Bonuses for new hires, in the late ? 0s almost an entitlement in many industries, "are now based on individual circumstances, " says Kaye. 新雇的红利呢?九十年代后期在几乎许多行业都有的权利,“现在也变得视各人的情况而定。” www.chinastudents.net 5. Clayton Utz, which has about 700 lawyers, has taken the opposite approach with these hires. 拥有约700名律师的克莱顿尤治,则相反地增加了雇员。 www.fatisia.com 6. Danone, a food firm, hires people for one-off management roles. 一家食品公司,雇佣人员进行一次性管理工作。 www.bing.com 7. They may seem less glamorous on paper, but they will be good hires and deserve greater recognition. 这些人的履历可能没那么耀眼,但他们值得起用和赏识。 www.ftchinese.com 8. He reluctantly hires her as a file clerk. 他不情愿地雇她为文员。 www.bing.com 9. And no Texas law firm hires African Americans. 而在得克萨斯,没有哪家事务所 www.bing.com 10. First, I give everybody to bow, indicate the respect, because you have stepped onto the platform which bravely competes hires. . . 首先,我给大家鞠个躬,表示敬意,因为你们勇敢地走上了竞聘的讲台… dictsearch.appspot.com 1. As soon as passes through hires the excellent service, and has the broad promotion development opportunities. 一经录用待遇优厚且有广阔的晋升发展空间。 www.huochepi.com 2. The manufacturer hires a well-known star to plug its products. 厂商聘请一个大腕儿作为其产品代言人。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Scenario: A major-league baseball team has a team batting average of . 260 and hires a new batting coach. 情节:大联盟某球队的平均打击率为0.260,并且聘雇了一名新的打击教练。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. As soon as passes through hires, the high salary treatment, tests the passer to sign the contract insurance. 一经录用,高薪待遇,试用合格者签合同投保。 www.19zhan.com 5. Our research found that many companies look to their interns for new hires and most plan to do so even more in the future. 我们的调查研究显示,很多公司开始从实习生里筛选新员工,而绝大多数公司都打算未来增加这样的做法。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Nasscom President Som Mittal expects wage increases for new hires will be as high as 12 percent this year. Nasscom主席SomMittal预计今年新就业人员工资水平将提高12%。 www.bing.com 7. It's no skin off their nose if someone else hires away an inept employee. 这不是他们的皮肤鼻子如果别人雇用了一个无能的员工。 word.hcbus.com 8. On Friday president Obama proposed tax credits for every new employee that a business hires this year. 星期五,奥巴马总统提议今年对商业招聘的新雇员实行课税扣除。 www.ieltschn.com 9. Making matters worse were Thain's own high-profile hires. 塞恩自己高调的招募行动使情况更糟。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Starting a help desk to funnel help requests, WidgetCo hires a temporary worker. 通过帮助台可集中处理帮助请求,因此WidgetCo雇用了一名临时员工。 www.ibm.com 1. Insiders last longer in the top job and they generate better returns for shareholders than outside hires, according to Booz. 根据博思的调查,内部人士担任CEO的任期会较长,与外部人士相比,他们为股东创造更高的回报。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Transact hiring process for new hires. 办理新员工录用手续。 dict.bioon.com 3. In the overseas apartment, the hospital, the school have the service pattern which the furniture hires . 在国外公寓、医院、学校都有家具出租的服务模式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It's been estimated that 70 to 80 percent of job hires come from sources other than Internet job postings or recruiters. 据估计,超过70%到80%的工作都不是来自因特网的招聘启事。 www.bing.com 5. And file lawsuits when Mr. Ellison hires Mr. Hurd. 然后在埃里森把赫德招过去时提起诉讼。 chinese.wsj.com 6. They determined that 52 of the hires were liberal, compared to 8 who were conservative. 他们将52%的教授确定为属于自由派,其他8%则属于保守派。 www.bing.com 7. If she is determined to divorce him, he probably will kill her before she hires a lawyer. 要是她决心跟他离婚,她可能还没有找到律师,就被她丈夫杀了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Well, an America Wild Animal Park hires 3 elephants to wash the cars of visitors. 一家美国野生动物园雇佣了3只大象为游客洗车。 www.bing.com 9. But not ran risks hires one on just several year class to have a child on the marriage. 而不是冒风险聘来一个刚上几年班就结婚生孩子的。 www.12edu.cn 10. And hires a very skilled driver. 还请了驾车技术精湛的车夫。 www.cctv.com 1. Assist with training new hires and other training as needed. 协助新员工的招聘及其他所需的培训; www.ipincai.com 2. In other words, an increase in unemployment from 6 per cent to 9 per cent would depress the wages for new hires by just over 5 per cent. 换言之,失业率从6%升至9%,新员工工资就会下降5%以上。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The same kind of land mines lie in wait for new hires in their first year on the job. 同样的地雷在第一年工作中等待着新雇员。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. If no one hires you there is nowhere to go. 如果没有人请你,你将无处可去。 page.renren.com 5. One is that you really can keep bad hires away from the code. 一是你的确可以使一些不合格的雇员远离代码。 www.51testing.com 6. two new hires in the sales department. 销售部的两个新雇员 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The institutional response is, I can get 75 percent of the value for 10 percent of the hires -- great. 采用机构模式的人们对此的回应是,我可以利用10%的雇员实现75%的价值,太好了。 www.ted.com 8. The sub-landlord hires the words let him call the real landlord to sublet also good. 二房东出租的话让他把真房东叫来转租也行。 www.fenleimama.com 9. New hires then spend 52 days at TCS's training site in Kerala. 然后,新雇员要在喀拉拉邦的塔塔咨询培训基地度过52天。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We expect the first group of these special hires to arrive at posts in China and Brazil in the spring of 2012. 我们期待第一批特殊受聘人员将于2012年春前往在中国和巴西就职。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. If you're a manager who hires IT people, what's the most important thing you look for? 如果你是负责聘用IT人员的经理,你最看重的是什么? www.fortunechina.com 2. It is also leading banks to staff up with new hires. 它还推动各家银行增加新员工的招聘。 chinese.wsj.com 3. And it hires celebrities such as Heidi Klum, a German model, as local brand ambassadors. 麦当劳还雇用明星,例如德国模特海蒂·克拉姆,做当地品牌代言人。 www.ecocn.org 4. Like an arc her who wounds at random is he who hires a fool or any passer-by. 雇愚昧人的,与雇过路人的,就象射伤众人的弓箭手。 www.jukuu.com 5. According to Luo, new hires need not only to take the initiative in asking for advice, but also in looking for opportunities for promotion. 她表示,新人不仅要主动请教问题,更要抓住升职机会。 www.i21st.cn 6. 3M (MMM) hires undergraduates to work in 35 laboratories and offices that span 65 countries. 3M(MMM)雇用本科生到35个实验室和办公室工作,这些工作地点覆盖65个国家。 www.bing.com 7. FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk. 法西斯主义:你有两头奶牛.政府全部拿走,然后雇你照看那些奶牛,再把挤的牛奶卖给你。 www.bing.com 8. And it's hardly a coincidence that shortly after Usmanov hires a big shot PR firm these kinds of pieces begin to appear in the papers. 当乌斯马诺夫刚刚雇用了强悍的公关公司后,这类东西就立刻出现在报纸上,很难让人信服这只是一种巧合。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. New York, for example, has raised the retirement age for new hires. 例如,纽约州提高了新受聘职工的退休年龄; www.ecocn.org 10. Going back to school isn't just for new hires, either; it also works for internal candidates. 回学校学习也不只针对新员工,对于内部招聘的员工同样也适用。 chinese.wsj.com |
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