单词 | gear to |
释义 |
v. adjust to,adapt to,tailor,modify,customize 例句释义: 使与…密切结合,使适合,使适应,适合于 1. The marshal's office has it , along with the rest of his gear, to be turned over to his next of kin. 市执法官办公室有这个目录,还有他的其余用具,打算转移给他随时来到的亲属。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. As cars passed him on the right, Gonzales shifted to a lower gear to make it up the steep grade ahead. 当轿车从他的右边开过,Gonzales将档位调低来爬上前头的斜坡。 www.bing.com 3. This cannot be achieved by an automatic transmission vehicle because there is no gear to tie a given road speed. 这就不能实现自动变速器的车辆,因为没有齿轮系一个给定的道路的速度。 www.bing.com 4. The ratio is determined by the distances from the center of the gear to the point of contact. 传动比是由两轮的中心到啮合点的距离所决定的。 www.tianyablog.com 5. The distance of the braiding product is not adjustable. If necessary, the gear to be replaced shall be adjusted. 编带产品间距不可调,如果需要调整要更换齿轮。 www.showxiu.com 6. Some radios are incompatible, and units have had to swap communications gear to stay in touch. 一些无线电讯不相容,因此各行动单位不得不交换通讯档以保持联系。 www.ecocn.org 7. He started taking an electric tricycle, loaded with his gear, to a county fair market stall. And he shows up fewer days a month. 他开始用电动三轮车,带着他的工具,一个月中有几天会到农村集市的摊位上。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 8. "They think we have no character, " says Ms Tu, who attends public functions in full bike racing gear to increase brand visibility. 杜秀珍表示:“他们认为我们没有个性。”她会出席全套自行车比赛装备的公共集会,以提升品牌知名度。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But he warned that if take-up proves to be poor, the NYT will shift up a gear to compulsory layoffs. 但他同时警告说,如果收效不大,那么《纽约时报》将会采取强制裁员。 www.bing.com 10. Adidas recently joined the race to connect your running gear to the Internet, with its miCoach system. Adidas最近也加入竞争,推出了miCoach系统,把跑步装备接入互联网。 www.bing.com 1. When you dial our service hotline , we will skilled ask you what you need, and contact to the nearest office of Jiangling Gear to you . 当您拨打江铃轮客户服务热线时,我们训练有素的工作人员将向您询问有关情况,并与离您最近的。 www.bing.com 2. Inspiration was incredibly diverse ranging from simple safari gear, to the intricate patterns of traditional tribal costumes. 而灵感的来源甚是广泛,从简朴的游猎服装一直到传统部族服饰的精细图案。 www.51ar.net 3. When they kicked in gear to save the old buildings, most of them had been demolished. 就在他们要努力拯救那些老式建筑时,很多已经被扒掉了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. taxi light of the nose landing gear to the electrical connection. 把前起落架滑行灯电器插头连接到导线接头上。 www.cadict.net 5. I'm trying to decide what fishing gear to take for our trip. What do you suggest? 我在想旅行时带什么样的鱼竿。你有什么建议吗?。 www.zzzmy.com 6. Connect your computer or entertainment center gear to a power strip and flick the power strip off when you're done. 连接你的电脑或娱乐中心面向配电盘和甩尾的权力剥离当你完成。 www.bugutang.com 7. In addition, the camshaft has an eccentric to operate the fuel pump and a gear to drive the ignition distributor and oil pump. 此外,凸轮轴还带动一个驱动燃料泵的偏心轮和一个带动分电器和油泵的齿轮。 www.dictall.com 8. Gear-to-line pump technology consistently applies adhesive at any line speed to reduce adhesive waste and eliminate angel hair. 齿轮到线泵技术始终适用于在任何线速度胶胶废物,以减少和消除天使头发。 changfubaozhuang.a1pak.com 9. Develop the non-polluted green vegetable, try to gear to international conventions. 发展无公害产品与国际接轨。 bdf1.basedefiches.net 10. Use the gear to translate the input to two " arc" blade to rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise , to transit fluid from down to up side. 利用齿轮使输入成为一顺一逆的方向转动,带动两圆弧线型式叶片把液体由下往上输送。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Make sure that electric power is available from the switch gear to the starter of the electric motor drivers. 确保从开关柜到电机驱动器的起动器有电。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. air conditioning kick into gear to send reverb, the surrounding atmosphere is not cool feeling. 空调呼呼地发出混响,四周的气息却感触不到清凉。 www.bing.com 3. screwed on the right to adjust the nut, the large park bevel gear to the left. 拧进右侧调整螺母,将大园锥齿轮往左移。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. So here's a charge for any inventors out there: Create new fishing gear to reduce bycatch. Top prize? Thirty thousand dollars. 于是,发明家们,任务来了:发明一套能减少意外捕捞的渔具。最高有多少奖励?3万美元! ts.hjenglish.com 5. We also don't always design gear to be perfectly optimal for everyone. 我们不会刻意的去设计那种全部法系都适用的装备。 wow.tgbus.com 6. To learn that great dreams do not require great wings, but a landing gear to achieve. 去学习巨大的梦想不须要有巨大的翅膀,而需要脚踏实地的行为; blog.cfan.com.cn 7. They clmotive that if more people rode sports gear to go to work there would be fewer cars in the downtown section of the city. 他们生成假使有更多的人骑自行车下班的话,闹郊区的汽车就会有所省略。 kmf1.glwyao.com 8. The role of the connecting shaft is transmitting the power from the motor or gear to the roller. 连接轴的作用是将动力从电机或减速器传递给轧辊。 www.docin.com 9. When one robot encountered another, it used wireless network gear to exchange information. 当一个机器人遇到另一个机器人时,它会使用配备的无限网络装置交换信息。 www.ecocn.org 10. Turn on the engine. Release the parking brake and select the correct gear to move back onto the road. 启动发动机。松停车刹车并选择正确的档位驶回公路。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Each person also wears two badges, in chest pockets under gear, to track radiation exposure on each visit. 每名人员的护具胸兜内还有两枚徽章,用来跟踪每次行程的辐射暴露。 c.wsj.com 2. The planets in your fitness house will be in Pisces, a visual sign, so pick up new attractive workout gear to get started. 在您的健身家的行星将在双鱼座,视觉信号,所以拿起新的有吸引力的健身设备开始。 2008.chinatarot.com 3. A visual designer such as Visual Studio 2005 typically uses a default icon (such as an image of a gear) to display a control in the toolbox. 可视化设计器(如VisualStudio2005)通常使用默认图标(如齿轮图像)显示工具箱中的控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. At present, governments at all levels in China are in full gear to implement measures targeted at maintaining the steady growth of economy. 目前,中国各级政府和部门,正在积极落实保持经济稳定增长的各项举措。 www.hjenglish.com 5. But the plan to establish TD-SCDMA as a global 3G standard and sell gear to other countries now seems doomed to fail. 但意欲将TD-SCDMA打造成通行标准并且销往其他国家的计划现在看来注定要失败。 www.ecocn.org 6. Modulu is an important parameter for gear to calculate its geometrical dimension. 齿轮模数是齿轮几何尺寸计算的重要参数。 www.chemyq.com 7. The die uses the air valve to move the staff and the gear to make the turntable rotate and return. 该模具通过由气缸控制的活塞杆带动齿轮传动,使转盘转动并复位; www.chemyq.com 8. Now, instead of Ouija boards, ghost hunters are increasingly turning to high tech gear to assist in their search. 现在,而不是议会之上,鬼猎人正日益转向高科技装备,以协助搜救。 www.showxiu.com 9. Click tobacco pouch on gear to disassemble it to empty pouch and tobacco. 在工具栏将烟袋分解成空袋和烟草。 www.wl99.com 10. Such firms are rather good at making specialist gear to order in small or medium-sized batches. 这些公司非常擅长于生产少量或中等规模的订单。 www.ecocn.org 1. oleo lock assembly on the main landing gear to keep the shock strut compressed. 为了保持减震支柱在压缩位,装上主起落架减震支柱油压锁组件。 www.cadict.net 2. Allow the ring gear to cool down before installation on the enginPlace flywheel on work bench and let it cool in normal shop air. 在环齿轮安装到引擎上之前,可以用冷却环齿轮。把飞轮放在工作台上,让它在正常的温度中冷却。 dict.veduchina.com 3. These carry sensors and robotic gear to detect and neutralize mines. 这些传感器和机器人将进行设备检测和消除地雷的工作。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. We found some really interesting caves, but we didn't have the gear to go spelunking. 我们发现一些相当有趣的洞穴,但我们没有装备去进行洞穴探险。 www.bing.com 5. Bring fishing equipment and rain gear to stay fed and dry. 带上渔具和雨具。 www.bing.com 6. Be sure and check back later this week, when we strap our test gear to the Camaro and measure performance numbers. 务必和检查本星期晚些时候,当我们带我们的测试设备的卡玛洛和衡量业绩的数字。 usa.315che.com 7. Adjust gear to specification. 按规格表矫正齿轮。 www.jukuu.com 8. Analyzing various inputs, such as vehicle speed, engine rpm, throttle position, etc. , the TCM decides which gear to shift to and when. TCM通过分析各种输入信号,例如车速、发动机转速、节气门位置等,来决定何时换入何挡。 www.cartech8.com 9. Stop and shift into forward gear to move ahead. 停车并换前进档向前行驶。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. IF we use a smaller gear to turn a larger gear. 如果我们有一个较小的齿轮去使一个较大的齿轮转动。 www.rrting.com 1. If we use a larger gear to turn a smaller gear. 如果我们用一个较大的齿轮使一个较小的齿轮转动。 rrting.com 2. Many are ill-prepared in skills or gear to handle the situation. 他们中的大多数都因为技巧和装备上的问题而无法应对这种情况。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. India ships iron ore to China which in turn exports consumer goods and heavy equipment, such as power plant gear, to India. 印度向中国出口铁矿石,中国则向印度出口消费品和电厂设备等重型设备。 www.ftchinese.com 4. She changed gear to make the car go up the hill faster. 为了加快汽车爬坡的速度,她换了挡。 www.dictall.com 5. This is why, for most vehicles, low-range second is the ideal gear to tackle the steep stuff. 也正是这个原因,对于大多数车辆来说,低速二档是用来征服陡峭山坡的理想档位。 www.bing.com 6. Pull the handbrake, shift the third gear to the neutral gear. 拉起驻车手刹,三挡换空挡; blog.sina.com.cn 7. Go from hauling gear to hauling passengers with the 2008 Polaris Sportsman 500 EFI X2 ATV. 从牵引齿轮,以拖乘客与2008年北极星运动员500电喷x2亚视。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. You must use a low gear to drive up the hill. 开车上山你要用低速档。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. You have to drive up the mountain in low gear to get to our driveway, which is barely wide enough for one car and ends at a steep drop-off. 你必须挂低档先开上山,而后才能到达你要出门的路,这条路的宽度刚好让一辆车通过,其端头是险峻的陡坡。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. You have enough dive gear to fill the house but can't find any "surface clothes" 你的潜水装备足以装满你家,可却找不到任何“出水后可穿的衣服”。 www.divedragon.com 1. Huawei has graduated from selling sturdy, low-cost gear to developing countries in Asia and Africa to supplying top global carriers. 华为已从向亚非发展中国家销售耐用低成本设备发展到供应世界范围内的顶级运营商。 www.bing.com 2. Gear to Actual Circumstances, Operate as a Whole, Completely Implement Safety Management Methods 切近实际整体运作全面落实安全管理办法 www.ilib.cn 3. The transmission shaft gear is directly meshed with the tension roll synchronizing gear to reduce measuring errors; 本发明传动轴齿轮与张力辊同步齿轮直接啮合,减少了测量误差; ip.com 4. Using frequency converter gear to realize constant paper tension in emery cloth and sandpaper production line 利用变频调速器对砂布砂纸生产线进行恒张力控制 www.ilib.cn 5. To learn that great dreams do not require great wings, but a landing gear to 去学习伟大的梦想不需要有伟大的翅膀,有落地的齿轮才能使梦想成真; www.hxen.com 6. Application of FUR protective gear to the power plant of Jiangya Hydropower Station FUR组合保护装置在江垭水电站厂用电系统中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. sixthly, the teaching evaluation institutions should be gear to the national conditions of China; 教学评价制度应更切合中国国情; www.fabiao.net 8. Adopting the Nonsymmetrical Dents of Gear to Reduce the Abnormal Yawp of Gear Pump 采用非对称齿形减小齿轮泵的异常噪声 ilib.cn 9. An Approach to Modular Gear to Replace Diameter Pitch Gear 以模数齿轮代替径节齿轮的探索 www.ilib.cn 10. You have to be dressed in protective gear to work at that laboratory 要在那个实验室工作你必须穿上防护服 www.bjstudent.com 1. We are supplying engine starter gear to all overthe world 我们出口启动齿轮到世界各地,深得客户信赖 search2.ec21.com 2. Suns find their high gear to force Game 太阳找到节奏全速冲向第七场 www.kobechina.com.cn 3. gear to the social demand 迎合社会的需求 wenku.baidu.com 4. Shift from the first gear to the second gear 从第一排档转到第二排档 www.powerdict.com |
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