单词 | Fernandez | ||||||||||||||
释义 | Fernandez
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 费尔南德斯,费南德兹,费尔南德兹 1. But, like Fernandez, Ojeda's commitment to her family has the ironic consequence that she's not able to spend as much time with them. 然而就像费尔南德斯奥赫达对家里的承诺带来了讽刺性的后果:她不能经常与家人在一起。 www.bing.com 2. Manager Jean Fernandez said: "The ideal thing would be for him to stay another year but that appears difficult. " 主教练让-费尔兰德兹说:“理想化的是他继续在欧赛尔再待一年,但是这看来很困难。” bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. The Attorney General in Mexico City said Mr. Fernandez's car had been found in his home in the city of Queretaro on Friday night. 墨西哥市检察长表示,周五晚上他们在克雷塔罗费南德兹的家中找到了他的汽车。 show.kekenet.com 4. In related news, Lousteau did not join President Fernandez in the critical meeting with farm leaders. 另据相关消息,路斯托没有参加总统费尔南德斯与农场主的关键会谈。 www.asaimchina.org 5. The first 83 minutes, James dispose of the ball in-fighting , Fernandez into the replacement of Buddhism. 第83分钟,詹姆斯扑救传中球脱手,替补的费尔南德斯打入空门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In Miami , Alvaro Fernandez advocated against the U. S. travel restrictions for years . 在迈阿密,费尔南德斯多年来一直反对限制前往古巴旅行的规定。 www.bing.com 7. "I think they might be right, " Fernandez said to a laughing audience. 费尔南德斯对大笑的听众们说道:“我想他们也许是对的。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Large waves are already reported to have struck Chile's Juan Fernandez island group, reaching halfway into one inhabited area. 据报道,已经有巨浪袭击了智利的胡安费尔南德斯群岛,海浪中途达到一个有人居住的地区。 www.bing.com 9. Ms. Fernandez and her partner say they spent about $100, 000 over the course of five years in their attempt to become moms. 费尔南德斯和她的同性伴侣说,在两人想办法当妈妈的这五年里,她们一共花费了大约10万美元。 www.putclub.com 10. President Cristina Fernandez has said she won't be attending because of a dispute with the head of the Buenos Aires's city government. 阿根廷总统费尔南德斯表示,由于与布宜诺斯艾利斯政府负责人之间的争议,她不会参加这次庆祝活动。 www.englishtang.com 1. Fernandez's foot caught his own calf and he tumbled to the ground. He fell on himself. 费尔南德斯的脚是被他自己的小腿绊住了,他是自己倒下去的。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 2. It's often tempting to think that you can just get anyone for a position that's temporary, says Fernandez-Mateo. 费尔南德斯?马特奥说,公司往往倾向于认为,临时岗位只要随便招一个人就可以了。 www.fortunechina.com 3. Capriles Supporter Joselyn Fernandez said she was thinking about her young niece when she voted. 卡普里莱斯支持者JoselynFernandez表示投票时她想的是年轻的小侄女。 www.bing.com 4. Mr Fernandez readily admits that besides affording tangible employment benefits, a higher score gives its possessor's ego a boost. 费尔南德斯乐于承认,除了能够提供就业方面的切实好处之外,更高的评分会鼓舞人的自我意识。 www.ecocn.org 5. Doctors say Fernandez has a very good chance of recovery and will not need chemotherapy or radiotherapy. 医生表示费尔南德斯康复的机率非常大,不需要进行化疗或者放疗。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Doctors on the island initially said one woman who died, Amar Fernandez de Barreto, may have suffered a heart attack. 岛上医生最初说死的那个妇女,艾玛·费尔南德斯·德·巴雷托,可能是心脏病发作。 www.aitrans.net 7. Fireman Jay Fernandez misses the custom putting green he installed in his backyard. 消防员杰?费尔南德兹(JayFernandez)念念不忘自己在后院安装的迷你高尔夫球场。 c.wsj.com 8. "I swear to God, Bourdin looks exactly like Francisco Hernandez Fernandez, " the administrator said. 她说:“我对上帝发誓,布尔丹长的跟弗朗西斯科·赫尔南德斯·费尔南德斯几乎一样。” www.elanso.com 9. Luis Torres and Willie Fernandez run a Houston company that does completion work on construction projects. 路易斯.托瑞斯和威利.弗南德兹是志同道合的生意伙伴,合伙在德克萨斯州休斯顿开一家专作建筑工程收尾的公司。 www.24en.com 10. Researcher Professor Guillen Fernandez used scanners to look at how people's brains lit up under stress. GuillenFernandez教授利用扫描仪观察在压力之下人脑的反映。 www.bing.com 1. He accuses Mr. Kirchner of squandering these gains and says Cristina Fernandez would do no better. 他指责科什勒先生挥霍毁掉了这些成就并称柯里斯汀娜.费尔南德斯也好不了哪儿去。 www.hjenglish.com 2. It was a survival strategy, according to authors Yolanda Fernandez-Jalvo and Peter Andrews. 据论文作者YolandaFernandez-Jalvo和PeterAndrews说,这是为了生存而采取的策略。 www.bing.com 3. Fernandez spoke of gay Americans moving to Argentina to get married, frustrated at their own country. Fernandez提到很多美国同性恋者因为在国内备感挫折,而搬到阿根廷去结婚。 www.bing.com 4. The chairman Foti is tracking also the Argentinian midfielder of River Plate, Augusto Fernandez, observed in the past by Lazio. 主席弗蒂的目标还有河床的阿根廷中场奥古斯托。费尔南德斯,这名球员过去曾被拉齐奥关注过。 www.laziofly.com 5. Malaga, who had won five of their last six league games, took a 31st-minute lead through Uruguay's Seba Fernandez. 马拉加赢得了最近六场比赛中的五场,费尔南德斯在第31分钟为球队取得领先。 www.bing.com 6. Cristina Fernandez was sworn in as Argentina's first elected female president. 年,克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯宣誓就任阿根廷首位民选女总统。 www.kekenet.com 7. Led by Pau Gasol and Rudy Fernandez, the defending champions fought their way back to within 2 points of Team USA. 在加索尔和费尔南德斯的带领下,世锦赛冠军西班牙队一路把比分追至仅差2分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Gasol finished ahead of fellow Spaniard Rudy Fernandez and 2005 winner Dirk Nowitzki, among others, to claim the prize. 加索尔在这次评选中力压西班牙同胞费尔南德斯和2005年该奖项得主诺维斯基,以及其他多位候选人。 www.kobechina.com.cn 9. "You don't watch one TV channel, or you don't read just one newspaper, " Mr Fernandez explains. “你不止观看一条电视频道,或者说你不止阅读一份报纸”,费尔南德斯解释道。 www.ecocn.org 10. This is the spokesman for the State Risk Management Authority announced yesterday Garvey Fernandez. 这是国家风险管理局的发言人加维德斯昨天宣布的。 www.englishtang.com 1. "Indications of Homo habilis eating hedgehog and using tools to eat them" has already been identified, Fernandez-Jalvo said. Fernandez-Jalvo说,科学家们已经确认了“能人使用工具食用刺猬的迹象”。 www.bing.com 2. The legislation, backed by President Cristina Fernandez's centre-left government, passed by 33 votes to 27 with three abstentions. 该法得到了以总统为首的左翼政府的支持,以33票对27票、3票弃权通过。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Fernandez will be kept overnight at an area hospital for observation. 费尔南德斯将在地区医院接受观察过夜。 www.kobechina.com.cn 4. Paul Fernandez has been promoted to branch manager, Teterboro. 保罗费尔南德斯已晋升为分行经理,泰特波罗。 bzxw.512121.com 5. The sole fatality, Amar Fernandez de Barreto, 68, died of a suspected heart attack on the way to hospital. 唯一的死难者为68岁的阿马尔?费尔南德斯?德?巴雷托,其被怀疑在被送往医院的路上死于心脏病。 www.china.org.cn 6. Fabian Fernandez, a soil and plant nutrition expert at the University of Illinois, says no-till means less intensive labor. 一位来自伊利诺斯州的土壤与植物营养专家,认为免耕作意味着更少的密集型劳动力。 www.unsv.com 7. Mr Fernandez dispatched 15 mobile kitchens to provide hot meals to survivors. LeonelFernandez派出了十五辆流动厨房提供热食给生还者。 www.ecocn.org 8. It is reported that in Juan Fernandez Islands off the coast of Chile, about 420 miles (about 670 km). 据悉,胡安·费尔南德斯群岛位于智利海岸外约420英里(约670公里)处。 www.englishtang.com 9. Rudy Fernandez scored 22 to lead Spain while Pau Gasol, Bryant's NBA teammate with the Los Angeles Lakers, added 21 points. 费尔南德斯得了22分,成为得分最多的西班牙队员,布赖恩特在洛杉机湖人队的NBA队友加索尔为西班牙队添了21分。 www.bing.com 10. "Look at the deficit we are in now, economically, " Fernandez said. 经济上,瞧瞧我们现在的赤字。 www.bing.com 1. Fernandez' popularity hit a low of 20 percent last year after as voters disapproved of her handling of a 2008 tax revolt by farmers. 克里斯蒂娜去年的支持率曾触及20%的低点,因选民不满其2008年处理农民大罢工的方式。 cn.reuters.com 2. During a previous term in the 1990s, Mr Fernandez became the first Dominican president to visit Haiti in 60 years. 前一次在1990年代的总统任内,LeonelFernandez成为在六十年来第一位访问海地的多米尼加总统。 www.ecocn.org 3. But Fabian Fernandez at the University of Illinois says there is evidence for some combinations. 但费边?费尔南德斯在伊利诺伊大学表示,有证据表明套种是有益处的。 www.tingclass.com 4. Fernandez - Castano and par total score of the two forest root is 199 under par 14. 费尔南德兹-卡斯塔诺和帕根森两人的总成绩都是199杆低于标准杆14杆。 www.chuncui.cn 5. A victory by Cristina Fernandez, who is both first lady and a senator, would give the country its first elected female leader. 身兼第一夫人和国会议员的柯里斯汀娜.费尔南德斯的胜利将会给这个国家带来第一位民选女领导人。 www.hjenglish.com 6. A veteran lawyer and legislator, Fernandez entered politics in the 1980s and became a senator in 1995. 费尔南德斯是一位经验老到的律师和立法者。她1980年从政,1995年成为参议员。 www.bing.com 7. The world record is held by French couple Francois Fernandez, then 96, and Madeleine Francineau, then 94, who married in 2002. 世界纪录是有法国夫妇弗朗索瓦。费尔南德斯创造的,他当时96岁,玛德琳94岁,他们于2002年结婚。 bbs.24en.com 8. "Think that a member of your group dies, " Fernandez-Jalvo told Discovery News. “想象你的团队中有一个人死了,”Fernandez-Jalvo接受探索新闻采访时说。 www.bing.com 9. Now Mr. Fernandez, 22 years old, is getting a master's in engineering at M. I. T. and aiming for a career in solar-power technology. 现在,22岁的费尔南德斯正在麻省理工学院攻读工程学硕士学位,希望将来能在太阳能行业谋求一个职位。 www.bing.com 10. The list of speakers includes many well-respected authors and lecturers, including our own Obie Fernandez, when asked about other speakers 演讲者名单包括很多有名的作者和讲师,包括我们自己的ObieFernandez,当谈到其它演讲者时 www.infoq.com 1. Richard Fernandez at Belmont Club, takes the supposition even further: 贝尔蒙特俱乐部的RichardFernandez甚至更大胆地臆测说: www.bing.com |
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