单词 | foul | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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比较级:fouler 最高级:foulest 复数:fouls 现在分词:fouling 过去式:fouled foul 显示所有例句
fall foul of sb/sth (因做错事或不法行为)与…发生麻烦,与…产生纠葛,冒犯to get into trouble with a person or an organization because of doing sth wrong or illegal
例句释义: 肮脏恶臭的,难闻的,很令人不快的,很坏的,对犯规,击出界,弄脏,缠住,碰撞地,争执不和地,犯规地,犯规,肮脏的,丑恶的,污秽的 1. On the court, his confidence level is on the rise and he has had some good and not-so-good games while trying to deal with foul trouble. 球场上他的信心继续增长。虽说有时打得好,有时打得不够好,但控制犯规一直是他努力的方向。 www.tianya.cn 2. I remember that the first time, every time I tried to get in front of him, they called a foul and blew the whistle on me. 我记得第一次防守他时,每次当我接近他时,我总是会被吹犯规。 www.kobechina.com.cn 3. "Stay on the court and just don't get in early foul trouble, " he said. "Then make him have to spend some energy in defense. " “在场上不要过早陷入犯规麻烦,”他说。“然后让他在防守上吃点苦头。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. And does he now summon me to its fulfilment, by suggesting the performance of every wickedness which his most foul imagination can conceive? 现在他是不是传唤我按照他那最恶毒的想象力所设想出来的每一个恶行去履行契约呢? www.hjenglish.com 5. Just entered a room to be less than 10 minutes, the door is opened suddenly from outside, be foul-mouthed ground entered a man to come in. 刚进了房间不到10分钟,房门突然从外面被人打开,一个男人骂骂咧咧地闯了进来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. But for a slight foul on the part of Mr. Rivas, it would have been a tough job for the referee to judge who should be the winner. 李瓦斯先生如果没有一次小小的犯规的话,裁判就会很难判断哪位选手获胜。 www.bing.com 7. He was the last survivor, and before he passed on, he proudly told me that they were successful in eradicating the foul unburied creature. 他成为了最后的幸存者,在临终前骄傲的告诉我他们最终铲除了那些邪恶的生物。 blizzardcn.com 8. there was a whitish thick discharge with a foul odor from my vagina in the past few weeks . i did not see any blood in it. 这星期我有白色粘稠且有臭味的分泌物由阴道流出来。但没见到有血。 www.ichacha.net 9. But check out the video. Just so you know. Look who helped Rambis off the floor and seemed to be apologizing for the foul. 但在录像中。你只知道,看看谁来气兰比斯小康似乎是作为犯规的道歉。 bbs.bbboo.com 10. The US, however, seems to have fallen foul of a shorter-term reaction to the past year's events. 然而,美国似乎是因为对去年危机事件的一项短期应对措施而翻船。 www.ftchinese.com 1. He becomes the Dark Wanderer, leaving Tristram behind shortly before legions of foul demons attack and destroy the town and its inhabitants. 他变成了黑暗流浪者,而在他离开崔斯特瑞姆不久,恶魔军团就开始攻击这里并毁掉了这里的一切。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The official report listed the cause of death as heart failure, but no autopsy was performed because there was no sign of foul play. 法医鉴定死因为心脏衰竭,但是由于没有造假的痕迹并没有进行解剖验尸。 www.elanso.com 3. Falling foul of vicious political factionalism, Dante was sent into exile from his beloved Florence in his mid-30s. He never returned. 最终,但丁由于身陷政治派系斗争,30多岁被逐出心爱的佛罗伦萨,再也没能回归。 www.ecocn.org 4. But, this new wealth and a growing sense of civic pride did not sit easily with the foul stretch of canal winding through the city. 但新的财富与日益增长的市民自豪感并没有轻易地坐视流经这座城市污秽水道。 www.stnn.cc 5. Mr McKay said he was mentally prepared for the possibility of jail, although anticipated conditions would be "foul" . 麦凯说他精神上已经准备好入狱的可能了,尽管他想到监狱条件会很恶劣。 www.bing.com 6. When he arrived at the sea it was dark gray, and the water heaved up from below and had a foul smell. He stood there and said. 他来到海边时,海水一片灰黑,波涛汹涌,从海底翻涌上来的海水散发着恶臭。他站在海边说。 www.01ielts.com 7. But even without the little snake incident, I knew that no matter what you did to these eggs, they would taste nothing but foul to me. 但是就算没有那次的“蟒蛇事件”,我也清楚的很:不论怎么做,它们对我来说也只会是反胃了。 www.wenhuayishu5.com 8. but towards the end of the nineteenth century they were influenced by Russian literature, so there was quite a little foul perspiration. 到十九世纪后半,受了俄国文学的影响,就很有些臭汗气了。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 9. A lie is a foul blot in a man, and yet it will be continually in the mouth of men without discipline. 谎言为人是一种可恶的污点,然而常在无知人的口里。 www.ccreadbible.org 10. The police never caught him in any criminal activity but he eventually fell foul of the tax authorities. 警方从未当场见到他有犯罪活动,但他最终却与税务局惹上了官非。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Duncan even got a pair of bank shots to drop Saturday. He put the game away by muscling inside for a layup and a foul. 邓肯在周六的比赛中甚至连续进球。他通过在内线进球和博得一次犯规而使比分拉开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. And when the children behave in their averagely foul, unruly ways, the peace and civilisation of the office offers the most blissful refuge. 当孩子举止讨厌,不受管束(他们常常如此)时,安宁、文明的办公室就是安乐窝。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The question has to be asked whether the foul would have drawn a caution for any other player in this game, or in any other match for Cole. 问题是同样的犯规对其他球员或者科尔在其他任何比赛中都只是警告而已。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. But this was no mere accident or casual foul-up in a live programme. 但这绝不仅是某次直播节目中的事故或偶然混乱。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Right, I'll let you know. No doubt it was just a clerical error. No harm, no foul. 好吧,我会通知你的。毫无疑问,这只是一个笔误。没有损失就没有过错。 www.hxen.com 6. No, I was just trying to be in the right place at the right time. Waiting for a pass, and watching the clock so that I would't foul! 不,我只是想在适当时机站到适当的位置上等待传来的球,同时能看着计时钟,这样我就不犯规了。 www.haotushu.com 7. the refs did not screw the jazz. The rockets play defense without fouling so much. Everytime we get someone under the basket, we foul them! 裁判没有误吹爵士,火箭的防守没有这么多的犯规,每次对手冲到篮下,我们就对他们犯规! club.sohu.com 8. I had the feeling we were going to get blown out tonight. Yao getting in early foul trouble seems to have sealed it. 我有个感觉,我们会被太阳狂扫,姚明早就陷入了犯规的麻烦,这好像已经注定了。 bbs.zol.com.cn 9. As long as you're fast enough to stay in front of your man, then you can body up on him as long as you want and it'll be an offensive foul. 只要你能够迅速地跑到你所防守的球员的前面,你就可以对他进行贴身防守,而这通常能够造成对方的进攻犯规。 www.kobechina.com.cn 10. I'm very sorry about the consequences, but I would appreciate it if it was noted that this wasn't a violent foul. 我对于这一动作所造成的后果感到非常遗憾,但是我要强调,这并不是一次暴力犯规。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The police looked into the case very thoroughly but finally said there was no suspicion of foul play. 警察很彻底地检查了该案件,最后说无犯罪行为的嫌疑 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Antonio: You've got to be kidding me! You actually eat that? You can stomach something that smells that foul? 安东尼奥:你开玩笑吧?!你真吃了吗?你能吃得下那么臭的东西吗? www.kekenet.com 3. When you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. He would wear his old canvas, foul-weather coat and his bibbed overalls. 当你们接近他,他闻起来像大海的味道,他穿着老的帆布衣,险恶天气的外套,以及他的围裙。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Yeah he would probably block like 10 shots, but maybe we could get him in foul trouble at least. I doubt it though. 呵呵,如果真那样,姚明会封盖10次,但是这或许至少可以让他陷入犯规的麻烦。我怀疑是否可行。 bbs.hoopchina.com 5. says Keefer got pretty foul-mouthed about not wanting the taxi Rogers was going to call, so he told him to shut up or get out. 还说基弗为了不要罗杰斯给他叫出租汽车而大骂出口,结果他叫他闭嘴或滚蛋。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. He began to have frequent, frothy, foul-smelling stools. 他开始有多次、带泡沫和臭味的大便。 www.for68.com 7. Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent! I shall hunt you down through eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your foul smell! 流着斯巴达之血令人憎恶的家伙!虽然我失去了视觉但我记得你的味道!我要把你打倒哪怕永远这样纠缠下去,直到世界上再也没有一丝你们的味道! wenwen.soso.com 8. Which, when it was filled, they brought onto the shore, and sat down and collected the good into vessels; but the foul they cast out. 网既满了,人就拉上岸来,坐下,把好的收到器皿里,坏的丢到外面去。 edu.china.com 9. More reflects, " I used to foul him an awful lot he used to complain about it, " More was preparing him for real competition. 莫尔回忆说:我经常罚他犯规,为此他常常抱怨。其实,莫尔是在训练他应付真正比赛的能力。 cn.wordmind.com 10. Mr Park seems to have fallen foul of both the two main causes of official paranoia: the internet and the financial crisis. 而朴大成似乎是因为撞在政府的2根软肋——因特网和经济危机上才导致纠纷缠身。 www.ecocn.org 1. Now he claims to have been the victim of a foul off the soccer field and is seeking redress from a Chinese court. 现在他声称成为足球领域的受害者,向中国法院要求获得赔偿。 www.bing.com 2. But Brown said he did not think it was a flagrant foul. He did not think it was a foul at all. 但是布朗说他认为这不是一次恶意犯规,甚至他认为那根本算不上是一次犯规。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Jackson recalled that Bryant got a technical foul against Utah, but it was in speaking up for a teammate. 禅师回忆道科比在和尤他爵士的比赛中得了个技术犯规!不过是因为为队友辩解和说话得到的! tieba.baidu.com 4. The Russians, despite crying foul in public over the arrests, were ready to privately listen. 俄罗斯公开哭诉犯规逮捕,准备私人聆听。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. "That strongly led me to believe that there was some foul play in this computer store, " he said. “这使我开始强烈怀疑电脑维修部的人做了手脚,”他补充道。 www.bing.com 6. The men might be foul-mouthed , the women in the kitchen might have bad reputations, her brothers might have illegitimate children. 那时,男人们满嘴脏话,厨房里的女人们声名扫地,她的兄弟们搞出大堆私生子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This midday darkness reeks of foul magic! My men and I are trying to keep the peace, but this kind of thing really scares people. 这个中午的黑暗充满了邪恶的魔法!我的人和我正试著保持平静,但是这种事情真的会吓坏人民。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. shouted Colin, who did not know any of the many foul words he was to learn later in life . 科林叫到,他那时还没学会后来那么多的脏话。 www.51testing.com 9. Ferdinand owned up to contact, and could consider himself lucky to stay on the pitch, though not every foul needs to be a booking. 斐迪南承认身体接触,认为他很幸运能呆在球场上,尽管不是每次犯规都需要登记。 www.bing.com 10. Nemanja Vidic was red carded on 89 minutes for a professional foul and Javier Mascherano followed him in added on time for two yellows. 内玛尼亚?维迪奇在89分钟战术犯规被红牌直接罚下,而哈维尔·马斯切拉诺在补时阶段累计两张黄牌紧赴后尘。 www.11hero.com 1. "She" of graveyard . . . . . . here, subsistence "she" of. Every time, absence ~only in foul spirits, fidgety. He. “她”的墓地……这里,有“她”的存在。每一次,只要心情不愉快,烦躁。他就。 nanhai.hinews.cn 2. Technical foul is often occurred in the football match. 足球赛上常常发生技术犯规。 wenwen.soso.com 3. With a chance to take the lead, Allen was called for an offensive foul away from the ball. 他们曾有将比分反超的机会,但是雷阿伦在一次无球进攻中被吹罚进攻犯规。 210006090160.ctinets.com 4. My first thought was that someone had illegally entered my apartment and was intent on robbery or foul play. 我的第一个反应就是有人擅闯民宅,想抢劫或是谋杀。 en.eol.cn 5. There is no reason whatever to suspect foul play, or to imagine that death could be from any but natural causes. 没有理由怀疑该案存在暴力行径,或是想象死亡是由非自然原因所致。 www.voiceofgb.com 6. Mother distressed me, let me step down in deep-water dirty, foul. 妈妈心疼我,不让我下来踩到又脏又臭的深水里。 www.tradeask.com 7. Montefalco took his eyes off the foul sight of the womb and its twitching contents, and addressed its owner. 蒙特法罗将贪婪邪恶的目光从子宫中抽搐的东西上转向它的主人。 omigaweapon.blog.163.com 8. We may remember, when Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital first opened, an ambulance delivered an old lady to the hospital She had a foul odor. 我们可还记得,过去在大林慈济医院启用的第一天义诊,有一位老婆婆,这位老婆婆被救护车送来时,就觉得一阵的恶臭。 marksheu.wordpress.com 9. But if that was the case, then why, by its own estimate, did only a handful of app developers fall foul of its rules? 但若真的如此,那为何据它自己的估计,总共只有屈指可数的几个应用开发商违反它的规定? www.ftchinese.com 10. It's always good to see that Yao's foul trouble is not a trouble! 真高兴看到姚明的犯规麻烦不是一个麻烦! bbs.zol.com.cn 1. Tonight we have no foul, they did not get more offensive rebounds, but they kill us. 今晚我们没有犯规,他们也没有抢更多的进攻篮板,但他们还是干掉了我们。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. But he gave no sign. He became immensely wary, for he was wise with knowledge of the low cunning and foul vileness of his kind. 血淋漓地流了下来,但他没动声色.只是非常警觉了,因为他头脑聪明,深知自己这类人的狡猾与肮脏卑鄙。 www.mykh.net 3. Coroners in the case said yesterday there was no suspicion of foul play but toxicology tests would take several weeks. 验尸官昨日表示,排除了他杀的可能,但毒物测验几周后才能出结果。 www.bing.com 4. "I know it probably happens, but it's pretty amazing a team can go the whole third quarter and never get a foul called, " he said. 我知道这也有可能发生,但这的确是一支令人惊讶的球队,因为他们在第三节没有一次犯规。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The meat smells as if it was foul. 这肉似乎有臭味了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Loose-ball foul: A foul committed while neither team has possession of the ball, as while going for a rebound. 无球犯规:当双方都不控球时的犯规,比如抢篮板时 www.bing.com 7. During the run-up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, many were concerned that athletes wouldn't be able to breathe the foul air. 在北京备战08年奥运会时,很多人担心运动员不能呼吸浑浊的空气。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Despite extensive investigation, nobody has found a credible sign of foul play in the death of General Sikorski. 尽管还在广泛的调查当中,但没有人在斯考斯基将军死亡事情上找到[苏联]所犯下的卑鄙行为的可靠证据。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Taiwanese film-maker admits Lust, Caution is "unsuitable for children" but was surprised it had fallen foul of censors in north America. 李安承认该片“不适合小孩”,但对于在北美亦被定为限制级而感到吃惊。 www.hjenglish.com 10. There were no signs of a break-in and investigators do not suspect foul play. 现场并没有破门而入的痕迹,调查者认为没有凶杀的可能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. 'Nay, ' he cried, laughing, 'but we will sell the foul thing for a slave, and his price shall be the price of a bowl of sweet wine. ' “别啊,”他喊道,冷笑着,“我们可以把这脏东西当奴隶卖了呀,正好可以换一碗酒钱呢。” www.bing.com 2. We thought John had a home run, but the ball went foul by inches. A miss is as good as a mile. 我们原以为约翰来了个本垒打,可是打偏了几英寸成了界外球。 shop.aaawww.net 3. We thought Tom had a home run, but the ball went foul by inches. A miss is as good as a mile. 我们还以为汤姆打了个本垒打,可是差几英寸变成界外球。真是差一点儿也不行啊。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Rachel screamed and ran forward, pushing through the foul, stinking corpses of the dead, and flung herself upon her dying husband. 雷切尔尖叫着冲了上去,推开臭气刺鼻的僵尸,扑倒在丈夫身上。 www.bing.com 5. Toppling the Iraqi regime with only a vague plan as to what to put in its place has been the defining foul-up of the presidency. 仅凭一个含糊的替代计划扳倒伊拉克政权已成为总统当局错误失策的判定。 www.ecocn.org 6. The Jazz felt Gasol shoved Mehmet Okur in the back before grabbing the rebound, but there was no foul called. 爵士认为加索尔在抢篮板前推了奥库一把,但是裁判并没有吹罚犯规。 www.kobechina.com.cn 7. Richard Jefferson played a season low of 9 minutes as he got into early foul trouble and had to be benched for most of the game. 理查德-杰弗森打了这个赛季最低的9分钟,然后很早的就陷入犯规麻烦中,大多数时间只能坐在板凳席上看比赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. shoot, Hayes is not just a foul machine, also a rebounding machine, esp offensive rebound. 投篮,海耶斯不仅仅事犯规机器,也事一个篮板机器,尤其事进攻篮板。 www.tianya.cn 9. I miss you foul-mouthed of say with me, that you need a good rest when I good and happiness! 我想念你满嘴脏话的跟我说你要好好休息,那时候我好幸福! tieba.baidu.com 10. at once the light contracted again and the moth's wings vanished in a fine, foul smoke. 这光立即暗了下去,飞蛾的翅膀消失在一缕轻烟之中。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. There was no evidence of foul play, according to University Police and Li's family members have been notified. 没有犯规的证据,根据大学警察,并且李的家庭成员被通报了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If the host did not press start, there are the key players vies to answer first, then as a foul. 若主持人没有按开始键,就有选手抢答,则视为犯规。 www.pudn.com 3. The footballer was sent off the field for a foul on an opponent; he had kicked him intentionally. 这名足球队员因向对手犯规而被罚出球场,他故意踢人。 www.kuenglish.info 4. Part of the problem was that, despite the foul trouble, Yao had just six shots from the field. 姚明今天受困的部分问题是犯规过多,他只有6次出手。 www.bing.com 5. This proteolysis and anaerobic breakdown of proteins that yields foul-smelling amine compounds is called putrefaction. 蛋白水解及厌氧裂解会产生具有恶臭气味的胺类化合物的反应叫做腐败。 dict.ebigear.com 6. But the 3-0 defeat against the Germans was horrible and if I had been on the pitch I would have left in a foul mood. 但0比3负于德国球队的确很糟糕。如果当时我参加了那场比赛的话,我会感到非常沮丧。 www.juvechina.com 7. His body emitted a great storm, which blew up all the dust and made him look foul. 他的身提发出了很大的风暴,炸毁了所有的尘埃并且把他搞得很脏。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Other carnivores are also likely to fall foul of flu, he says, adding that his group is now also looking at ferrets, foxes and seals. 其它的食肉动物也可能感染流感,他说,为此他的研究组现在正在观察白鼬、狐狸和海豹。 news.dxy.cn 9. This better be important, Sylvanas. You know how I detest this place and its foul stench. 希瓦娜斯,这件事情最好很重要,你应该知道我很讨厌这个地方和那邪恶的臭味。 blog.163.com 10. Reznak wrung his hands. "N-nine, Magnificence. Foul work it was, and wicked. A dreadful night, dreadful. " 雷兹纳克掰着手说。“九…九个,伟大的女王。真是罪恶狡猾的事。一个糟糕的夜晚,太糟了。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. This better be important, Sylvanas. You know how I detest this place and its foul stench. 希瓦娜斯,这件事情最好很重要,你应该知道我很讨厌这个地方和那邪恶的臭味。 blog.163.com 2. Reznak wrung his hands. "N-nine, Magnificence. Foul work it was, and wicked. A dreadful night, dreadful. " 雷兹纳克掰着手说。“九…九个,伟大的女王。真是罪恶狡猾的事。一个糟糕的夜晚,太糟了。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. Because of his vision is not good, should not pull to the dragged into here, the results to the whole team is bound to cause a foul. 因为他的眼光不好,把不该拉来的都拉来了,结果,就势必会造成整个团队的一片乌烟瘴气。 www.xiami360.com 4. Sunday night, the Magic was clearly attacking Lakers center Andrew Bynum, trying to get the 7-footer in foul trouble. 周日晚的比赛,魔术队明显是专攻湖人中锋安猪拜纳姆,试图让这个7尺高个陷入犯规泥潭。 tieba.baidu.com 5. China's notoriously foul air isn't just a potential showstopper for next summer's Olympic Games in Beijing. 中国声名狼藉的污浊空气不仅仅是明年北京夏季奥运会的干扰者。 www.stnn.cc 6. he simply took the ball as close to the lane as possible and forced them to either back away or foul. 他只是带球尽可能靠近禁区,然后迫使对手后退或者犯规。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. They were told to brew up a foul mixture of chicken and goose grease, pine, rosin, pitch and turpentine in an earthenware pot. 手册教导他们,在陶罐中,调配一种混合了鸡和鹅的脂肪、松木、松香、树脂以及松节油的茶。 docman.cn 8. "I still believe the first goal was a foul on the goalkeeper and the second goal is a free kick for us, " he said. “我依然相信第一个进球中,是一个对门将的犯规,第二个进球,则应该是我们的任意球,”他说。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. The brown pimples are actually glands which produce a mild poison that makes them foul tasting to predators. 身上的褐色小泡其实是分泌轻微毒素的汗腺,令身体产生异味,赶走捕食者。 www.wwf.org.hk 10. Player-control foul: An offensive foul that is committed not when a player is shooting, but just when his team is in control of the ball. 犯规时非正在投球(play-controlfoul):当球员正在投球,但是恰好该队正在控球的进攻犯规。 www.bing.com 1. Player-control foul: An offensive foul that is committed not when a player is shooting, but just when his team is in control of the ball. 犯规时非正在投球(play-controlfoul):当球员正在投球,但是恰好该队正在控球的进攻犯规。 www.bing.com 2. Even though you become wealthy through foul transaction. When you think of the past , you will feel it is pity for the passing of the youth. 即使你能通过肮脏的交易变得富有,当你回首往事,你也会为逝去的青春而感到惋惜。 1x1y.com.cn 3. the dank, dark, foul-smelling closet had barely enough space to hang a pair of sleeping hammocks, one above the other. 潮湿阴暗一股异味的壁橱脸一双吊床都挂不了,只好重叠着挂。 www.cndkc.net 4. Hosokawa, leader of an unwieldy coalition, dropped the plan after members of his cabinet and coalition partners called foul. 当时的内阁成员及盟党夥伴对此进行抨击后,细川护熙放弃该计划。 cn.reuters.com 5. This also provides us with a place to work and hang out when the weather turns foul and we are hunkered down in camp with weather delays. 当天气变坏或受天气延误只能呆在营地时,它还为我们提供了一个工作和休闲的场所。 www.bing.com 6. Pedro fell to the turf and clutched his face, and the entire Barcelona bench stood up to continue protesting for the foul. 佩德罗倒在了草皮上并双手捂住了他的脸,然后整个巴塞罗那替补席都起身为“犯规”而抗议。 page.renren.com 7. When he gets cut, his father steps in and together they spend a summer full of hope and disappointment, line drives and foul balls. 当他被淘汰之后,他爸爸开始加入,并帮助他们度过了一个充满希望,失望,平飞球和界外球的夏天。 www.1000fr.net 8. Competitor cannot use any other part of the body to pin their opponent such as chin, shoulder or head. A FOUL will be given. 选手不得用身体除比赛手以外的任何部位接触对手,比如下巴,肩或头,这些都是犯规。 bbs.dabin69.com 9. Adam made a direct run through midfield and was only stopped by a foul from Rio Ferdinand on the edge of the area. 亚当直接带球越过中场,只是被里奥.费迪南德逼入禁区而犯规一次。 www.bing.com 10. What's that ref's name? He is totally blind. Yao got smashed all over at the end, no call, come back just a body touch with shaq. FOUL. 裁判叫什么名字,他完全瞎了啊,姚在另一端背击倒,不犯规,回来后仅仅是接触了沙克,犯规!该死! bbs.zol.com.cn 1. What's that ref's name? He is totally blind. Yao got smashed all over at the end, no call, come back just a body touch with shaq. FOUL. 裁判叫什么名字,他完全瞎了啊,姚在另一端背击倒,不犯规,回来后仅仅是接触了沙克,犯规!该死! bbs.zol.com.cn 2. Coca-Cola's attempt to take over Chinese juice giant Huiyuan has collapsed after falling foul of the country's anti-competition laws. 由于违反了中国的反竞争法,可口可乐收购中国汇源果汁公司的企图化为泡影。 www.bing.com 3. Korver was whistled for a foul, but took a swipe at the ball moments after the play. 科沃被吹罚犯规,但随后猛击向篮球。 tieba.baidu.com 4. But Aufidius, beaten repeatedly by his rival in the field, determined to get the better of Cauis if not by fair means, then by foul. 在战场上多次败于对手的奥狄斯决心给凯斯点颜色瞧瞧,如果不能用正当手段达到目的,那么就用不正当的手段。 blog.163.com 5. Poisonous sewage of the nautical mile, in the sky fill the air of the poisonous Yan of foul air. 海里的有毒污水,天上弥漫的乌烟瘴气的毒焰。 blog.cntv.cn 6. We have to forget every one of these rules and use the so called foul methods. 我们必须忘掉这些规则并且去使用这些犯规的方法。 www.wubei.com 7. Foul smelling chemicals are often used to irritate the bees and drive them down into the hive's bottom boxes. 气味难闻的化学品被用来刺激蜜蜂,将它们赶到蜂箱的底部。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Mike Coolbauge was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head. 麦克。库伯格尔于昨晚被一个界外球击中头部死亡。 bbs.putclub.com 9. It wasn't that he got a foul call. There was no call. 姚明倒是没有被吹犯规,(但奇怪的是)这次没有根本任何判罚。 bbs.hoopchina.com 10. In subsequent votes, it has cried foul; some of its supporters rioted for months after the ballots were counted. 在后来的投票过程中,它犯下了错误;它的一些支持者在计票结束后爆发了数月的暴动。 www.ecocn.org 1. In subsequent votes, it has cried foul; some of its supporters rioted for months after the ballots were counted. 在后来的投票过程中,它犯下了错误;它的一些支持者在计票结束后爆发了数月的暴动。 www.ecocn.org 2. Greener pastures do not exist for you who wreak the foul odour of diabolism. 绿色的草地并不为你们这些散发着恶行的污秽臭气的家伙而存在。 www.angozj.com 3. Baking soda is just as good as lemon juice for getting rid of foul smells on your hands. 小苏打也可以去除你手上的异味,效果与柠檬汁一样好。 ts.hjenglish.com 4. Wow, I cannot believe these refs - Yao gets knocked down - no call. Shaq backs in, Yao is just standing there - foul on Yao. WTF WTF! 哇呜,我真不敢相信这些裁判,姚被撞到了,没有哨响!沙克背向挤进来,姚只是站在那里,犯规,什么事啊! www.itpub.net 5. a narrow strip of wood used to fasten down the edges of the material that covers hatches in foul weather. 一种用来固定在恶劣天气下遮盖船舱口材料边缘的窄木条。 www.dictall.com 6. Even such an apparently modest step as training African officials in enforcing business rules could fall foul of this. 就算是培养非洲官员去遵守商业规则,如此微不足道的一小步,也会被看成是对这一主张的亵渎。 www.ecocn.org 7. The FBI says it does not know if foul play was involved. 美国联邦调查局不知这是否有谋杀有关。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Votes poured in, with people from around the globe eager to point out how overweight, unladylike, and generally foul British women are. 来自世界各地的被调纷纷指出英国女是如何超重、不文雅,而且大部分有点脏臭。 www.panstom.com 9. Their wearisome heads went up and down at the same rate, in hot weather and cold, wet weather and dry, fair weather and foul. 的脑袋总是用同样的速度一上一下地动来动去,不管是热天或者冷天,阴天或者晴天,好天气或者坏天气。 tr.bab.la 10. It breaks my heart to see the pollution in the waterways of the Yangze River tributaries, in the city lakes, and the foul canal sewers. 当我看见被污染的长江支流,城市湖区,和扑鼻恶臭的运渠时,我的心痛得快碎掉了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It breaks my heart to see the pollution in the waterways of the Yangze River tributaries, in the city lakes, and the foul canal sewers. 当我看见被污染的长江支流,城市湖区,和扑鼻恶臭的运渠时,我的心痛得快碎掉了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Inflammation of the head of the penis (balanitis) may cause pain and a foul discharge. 阴茎头部的炎症(龟头炎)可能引起疼痛和恶臭难闻的分泌物。 www.bing.com 3. Many others have fallen foul of similar reviews, and surveys suggest that significant percentages of CVs are economical with the truth. 许多人都在类似审查中遭遇麻烦,调查显示,很大一部分履历都有缩减事实之嫌。 www.ftchinese.com 4. e. g. A good case in point is that of a businessman who makes money by fair means or foul. 关于这一点最好的例子就是生意人光明正大挣钱还是靠走旁门歪道挣钱。 www.putclub.com 5. The moment they slit the stomach open, a foul odor assailed all of us as the shark's food spilled on the sand. 他们把鲨鱼胃切开时,一阵恶臭迎面扑来,鲨鱼肚内的食物全部溢出在沙滩上。各种大大小小的鱼已经消化成肉酱。 www.bing.com 6. With painful bites and a foul-smelling spray excreted by special glands, the warriors disable the Giant, rendering it defenseless. 以剧烈叮咬和来自特殊腺体的怪味,战士使巨人瘫痪了,毫无招架之力。 www.englishtide.com 7. Ballack was lying down and he got up within seconds but he (Foy) thought it was serious, a serious foul. 巴拉克倒地几秒钟就爬起来,但福伊却觉得那是很严重的犯规。 www.tryjohn.com 8. Foul bill of lading A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were damaged when received. 不洁提单,标明货物在收到货物时已有损坏。 www.esyu.com.cn 9. But this time the excitement had made her Oscar history as the first prize is a burst in the first foul language F word star. 不过这一时的激动已经让她成为奥斯卡历史上第一位在领奖是爆出F字头粗口的明星。 en.cnxianzai.com 10. The truth is, they've run foul of the political maneuvering that won them their treasured 'tax-free' (or pretty close) status. 真相是,该公司透过政治操作,才让他们获得几乎免税的待遇。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. Colfax is going to try to tear his testimony apart this afternoon and the Chief wants to make sure Stela doesn't foul up. 柯尔法克斯今天下午会千方百计地推翻他的证词,首席检察官要求斯待拉千万别把事情搅乱了。 english.31931.cn 2. Many banks have already spun off prop desks, which would clearly fall foul of the new rules, but a vast grey area of activity remains. 许多银行已经拆分了显然会与新规冲突的自营交易部门,但这些交易活动仍在大量的灰色地带存在。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He must come to the barns in the morning and wait around in fair and foul weather until such time as he was needed. 他必须一早就去车场,不管好天歹天都得等在那里,直到用得着他的时候。 www.bing.com 4. If I touched paper with these hands I'd foul the vintage manuals I own, which instantly decreases their value. 如果我触碰我的手册的话我的手会和纸黏在一起,这会立即降低他们的价值。 www.bing.com 5. He also can't get his teammates to take a foul for him when he dislocates a finger, but that's another issue altogether. 并且他不能让队友在他无名指错位时及时犯规暂停,但这是题外话了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Inter win a free kick 25 yards out on the right for a Conti foul on Adriano. 孔蒂对阿德犯规,国米在右侧离球门25码处获得一任意球! bbs.interfc.net 7. Conversely, fights might be started by putting people in the presence of a faint foul odour. 相反地,让人们带在很微弱的臭味中,就可能发生争斗。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I tipped the pail and there was a foul, gurgling splash followed by another and unexpected splash. 我将桶一斜,一摊摊又脏又臭、叫人意料不到的东西便噗噗溅出来。 www.bing.com 9. Roy: So hey! This is just a wacky case of mistaken identities. No harm, no foul. 所以呢!这只是个搞错身份的离奇事件而已。没有伤害,就不算犯规。 www.ellesime.net 10. The Lakers took 13 more foul shots than the Jazz, getting sent to the line repeatedly as the Jazz tried to make up the deficit. 湖人的罚球次数比爵士多13次,在爵士希望追平比分时,他们一次次地将湖人送上罚球线。 www.kobechina.com.cn 1. Almost imperceptively their presence began to twist the forms and minds of the local Satyrs and other foul, demonic creatures. 在这些居住在这边的萨特以及其他污秽的恶魔几乎毫无知觉的情况下,这些小精灵改变了他们的形态和思想。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You see some of the great scores in this league play 44 minutes and commit only one foul. 你会看到联盟中的有些得分好手44分钟的比赛仅仅犯规一次。 ttnba.com 3. On the first of my three qualifying jumps, I leaped from several inches beyond the takeoff board for a foul. 预赛三跳中的第一跳,我踏过起跳板几英寸犯了现。 www.ebigear.com 4. Ulcers, mold, contaminated drinking water and a foul smell everywhere. 溃疡,霉菌,受污染的洪水和恶臭到处都是。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It may be that China's modern, strategic planning is falling foul of the remnants of old-fashioned, central planning. 这或许是因为中国现代的、具备战略性的规划与落后的中央计划(经济)的习惯发生冲突的缘故。 blog.qq.com 6. What bearing does all this history have on the foul events unfolding right now in Gaza? 历史上的一切对于正在加沙发生的糟糕事件又有着怎样的意义呢? www.bing.com 7. You'll be sure not to foul, and you certainly ought to jump far enough to qualify. 你肯定不会犯规,而且足可以跳进决赛。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. Huawei cried foul and said the deal didn't merit review because it wasn't an outright acquisition. 华为叫屈说,这笔交易不需要审查,因为不是完全收购。 cn.wsj.com 9. Investigators, suspecting foul play, were checking pawnshops along the Nevada border for the couple's possessions. 调查人员们怀疑是谋杀,遂在内华达边境上的当铺里挨家搜寻夫妻俩的财物。 www.bing.com 10. The foul air was slowly suffocating the children. 不新鲜的空气满满地将使孩子们窒息。 www.hotdic.com 1. Dome of foul air full of radio squeaks and TV signals, foulness flowing into the very waters that made them come to be. 圆顶建筑里污浊的空气中充满了电波和电视信号的尖叫,污物流进那些将其造出的水中。 www.bing.com 2. When the Warriors attempted to inbound the ball at midcourt, Delaney called an offensive foul on Ellis while he was tangled up with Fisher. 勇士尝试在中场时夺回球权,在与小鱼争抢防守位置时,Delaney吹了艾里斯一个进攻犯规。 www.kobechina.com.cn 3. The Guardian argued that the goal should not have stood as there was a foul in the box while Cesc was taking his corner kick. 有人会说这个进球不该算,因为在法布开角球时,禁区里的进攻队员已经犯规了。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. Getting to a college point guard is one thing, getting to the guy that controls putting players on the foul line is another. 一个大学里的组织后卫赌球是一回事,比赛中能把球员送上罚球线的那个家伙赌球则就是另外一回事了。 nba.cpgl.net 5. Cunning words, foul language, and philistine habits must be avoided at all costs. 奸诈狡猾的言语,肮脏丑恶的言词以及市井小人的习气一定要戒除。 www.csef.org.cn 6. Foul weather. Let's face it, spending the winter alternating between napping in bed and splaying across the couch sounds awfully good. 恶劣的天气。让我们一起面对它吧。在床上小睡、在沙发上舒展身体如此度过寒冷的冬天貌似不错! www.bing.com 7. Were the German government even to consider taking a stake in Opel, other German carmakers would cry foul. 即便德国政府真的会考虑控股欧宝,其他德国厂商也会大呼不平。 www.ecocn.org 8. My first thought was it was a foul, but I must say I didn't have the thought that the player should be sent off. 我第一想法,那是一个犯规,但我必须要说我并不认为那个球员应该被罚出去。 www.ept-team.com 9. It was a bad foul, but I don't think it was malicious or deserved a red card. 这是一次严重的犯规,但我并不认为卡福是出于恶意,也没必要出示红牌。 www.milanchina.com 10. Police added that they did not suspect foul play. 警方强调他们没有怀疑这是谋杀。 www.zftrans.com 1. Speaking on a visit to riot-hit Manchester and Salford, Mr Cameron was also furious yesterday about a foul-mouthed mum and son. 昨日,首相卡梅伦在访问遭骚乱影响的曼彻斯特和索尔福德时表示,他对口出恶言的一对母子感到十分愤怒。 dongxi.net 2. James Posey was allowed to foul numerous players after the whistle was blown without any repercussions. 詹姆斯波西被允许无数次的犯规同时并没有任何口哨的吹响。 www.kobechina.com.cn 3. Many anthropogenic activities foul the air, contaminate the water and devastate the forests. 23大量人类活动污染了空气、水源,毁灭了森林。 0772zd.cn 4. Anyway, stayed at home was the best choice for the foul weather. 换句话说,对于这么恶劣的天气呆在屋里边事最好的选择。 www.jinhaigui365.com 5. "We do not suspect foul play, " said Fairfax County police spokesman Eddy Azcarate. 费尔法克斯县警方发言人埃迪?阿斯卡拉特(EddyAzcarate)说:“我们认为不是谋杀。” cn.reuters.com 6. English fans, whose country is suffering from a weak pound as well as a high top rate of income tax, cry Foul! 英国球迷本已饱受高所得税及英镑疲软之苦,当然要为此纷纷不平了。 www.ecocn.org 7. Each student got an A on the test, and the teacher imagined it was the result of foul play. 考试中每个学生都得了A,老师认为这是作弊行为的结果。 www.hxen.com 8. MM: I can think of no other lawful purpose for transporting such wealth! What foul deed led to this ill-gotten bounty? 我不知道运送这样一笔钱财还会有其他什么合法的原因!是什么恶行为你们带来了这些不义之财? www.anetcity.com 9. However, there might be some foul play, as Eddie was apparently involve in gambling. 不过这有可能是一场卑鄙的游戏,当Eddie似乎涉及了一场赌局。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. The two teams were tied at the time of the fight, despite the lopsided foul count. 打架开始时,两队战成平手,尽管双方犯规次数相差悬殊。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Do not print out any database specific information, especially about the schema, by fair means or foul. 不管使用什么手段,不要输出任何特定于数据库的信息,尤其是关于模式的信息。 www.ibm.com 2. When you spend the greater part of your working life amongst squalor and foul language, you tend to become hard - boiled. 如果劳动生活大部分是在肮脏下流话环境中度过的,人就会变得没有美好情感。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Do these achievements get shared between you and your manager? If not, that's the time you cry foul. 这些成绩能够在你和你的管理者之间共同分享吗?如果不,这就是你大呼犯规的时间了。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. If I'm on the defensive side and I'm in the same position, the foul is on us. 如果我在防守端,我处于同样的位置,就是我们犯规。 bbs.saraba1st.com 5. But he could not abide by a universe composed only of what he could see, especially when it was so frequently foul. 然而他觉得肉眼所见的并不是这个世界的全部,而且肉眼所见的往往是肮脏的。 www.hjenglish.com 6. In this year's World Cup and Olympic competitions, have taken place over a similar malicious foul of the game, and lose input. 在今年的世界杯预选赛和奥运会的比赛中,都发生了类似中超赛场上的恶意犯规行为,输球又输人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. So it was odd when Cavaliers Coach Mike Brown acknowledged that he sent tape of the foul to N. B. A. headquarters for clarification. 因此当骑士队主教练迈克-布朗表示他已经向NBA总会提交这次犯规的录像带要求给予解释时人们表示不解.。 www.bing.com 8. He had a child's lack of sentimentality and took a child's delight in the foul and the scatological. 他拥有孩子一样对多愁善感的缺乏,以及有孩子一样对犯规和低俗文学的喜好。 www.ecocn.org 9. I had the feeling that his view was, "no harm, no foul. " 我有一种感觉,他的观点是“没有伤害,就没有犯规”。 www.ibm.com 10. "Anyone who's got these get-rich-quick schemes is going to fall foul of the way the currency now trades. " “任何想要一夜暴富的人,都会与当前人民币的交易方式形成冲突。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Another referee may call it foul on Yao. If it's that case, Rockets will lose this game for sure. 要是换一位裁判很可能会吹姚明犯规,假如是这种情形,毫无疑问输球的一方将会是火箭而不是湖人队。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 2. A foul, damp cold against which there is no protection except a strong spirit. 这种阴湿寒冷的气候很难抵挡,只有精神坚强才行。 www.bing.com 3. When awakened after receiving the foul-smelling air, most women reported having dreams with a negative cast. 在吸入臭味之后醒来时,大多数都说做了很消极的梦。 www.kekenet.com 4. A free kick on the goal defended only by the goalkeeper, awarded when a defensive player has committed a foul in the penalty area. 点球是足球比赛中,守方球员在已方禁区内犯规而判罚的一种定位球。 paper.sznews.com 5. This new information thus helps to clean up the foul-mouthed reputation of the Komodo dragon. 因此,这个新的信息能帮助人们弄清科摩多龙的“恶名”。 www.neworiental.org 6. The body was found after officials noticed a foul smell in the building. 尸体是一位学校官员在此楼注意到腐烂的味道后发现的。 bbs.putclub.com 7. Everything that revolts other people, low company, paltry rooms, foul air, disgusting associations are inviting to you. 别人所厌恶的一切,什么低贱的伙伴啊,简陋的房间啊,污浊的空气啊,令人作呕的朋友啊,对你却很有吸引力。 novel.tingroom.com 8. Some of these will probably fall foul of the new precedent. 一些城市的法律甚至可能与这一新的判例有冲突。 www.ecocn.org 9. Each one is a pure Jasmine beautiful Snow White. She does not flirtatious, she often a good heart. Pure and perfect body, no foul. 每一朵茉莉花都是一位纯洁美丽的白雪公主。她不妖艳,她常有一颗善良的心。全身纯洁无瑕,没有任何污秽。 www.tradeask.com 10. Putrid. Term applied to a wine having a foul nauseating odour of organic decomposition. 腐烂的:用于描述发出令人作呕的有机物质腐朽味的葡萄酒。 oeeee.hotye.com 1. Weaknesses: Foul prone, amassing 133 fouls over the course of the season, first on the team by a wide margin. 缺点:容易犯规,赛季累计犯规已达到133次,排名全队第一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Main Manifestations Severe toothache accompanied by foul breath, thirst, constipation, yellow tongue coating. . . 主症牙痛甚剧,兼有口臭口渴,便秘,舌苔黄,脉洪数等。 fanyixueyuan.scientrans.com 3. Each time he murmured it, her face shimmered before him, suffusing the foul wall with a golden radiance. 他每次低诵那名字,她的脸便在地面前出现,金光灿烂,照亮了那肮脏的墙壁。 www.ebigear.com 4. Main Manifestations Severe toothache accompanied by foul breath, thirst, constipation, yellow tongue coating, forceful and rapid pulse. 牙痛甚剧,兼有口臭口渴,便秘,舌苔黄,脉洪数等。 www.for68.com 5. If your shot fails to detonate any bubbles, you get a foul, and when there are several fouls, a new line of bubbles appears at the top. 如果您的镜头未能引爆任何气泡,您会获得一张臭,当有几个犯规,一个新的泡沫出现在最上方。 xtdownload.com 6. THE odour may be horribly familiar from stink bombs and sewage, but new research suggests the foul fumes might not be all bad. 臭弹和污水沟散发出的那种气味真是再熟悉不过了,但新的研究表明恶臭未必全是坏事。 www.ecocn.org 7. If it smokes upon heating, turns deep brown, or has a foul odor, it is not safe to reuse. 如果在加热时冒烟、颜色变为深棕色,或者有恶臭味,重复使用则不安全。 www.bing.com 8. Although Hu amounting shop looks small, mostly not health, but this does not prove that no "foul within aloof, Jin which" examples. 虽然胡辣汤店大多看上去又小又不卫生,但这并不证明就没有“败絮其外,金玉其中”的例子。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Call for a pick or take it to the basket. Most likely opposing defend will not have adjusted leading to either a layup or foul. 大多数情况下,对方的防守到此时还来不及调整,于是我们便可以获得一次上篮得分或者罚球。 vc15.cn 10. In its early years, when wooden bleachers surrounded the outfield, a grass slope approached the outfield walls from foul pole to foul pole. 洋基球场早年的时候,当外野还被木制长椅环绕之时,有一个绕著全垒打墙的草皮斜坡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If any player can do anything on Yao without being called a foul, how can Yao get the ball and score? 如果球员能对姚明做任何事情而不被判罚,姚明怎么能拿球和得分呢? club.sohu.com 2. Stop it, Ray! Even if you are facing a bitter aspect of life, drugs and murder are foul without any excuse. Deserve a red card for a loser. 不行啊,雷!无论你遇到多么不幸的事,吸毒和杀人是绝对不能干的犯规行为。这只能令你得到可耻的红牌。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Being aware of this can help us avoid falling foul of the most dangerous consequences of cognitive dissonance : believing our own lies . 觉察到这一点能帮助我们避免与认知失调最危险的后果交恶:相信了自己的谎言。 www.bing.com 4. It has a pungent foul smell, fortunately, people only in Indonesia's Sumatra island and Borneo area found that host plant. 它具有刺激性腐臭气味,幸运地是,人们仅能在印尼地区的苏门答腊岛和婆罗洲发现这种寄生植物。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Also, earlier in the quarter, Yao wasn't too happy with a hard foul from Kaman. . . and promptly stared him down after it. 还有,这节的早些时候,姚明对卡曼的一个很重的犯规很不满。然后马上瞪了他一眼。 www.tianya.cn 6. "I have got a view that it is a foul to pull the shirt, " he said. “我有一个看法,拉扯球衣是一次犯规,”他说。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. Has Chinese all the various trades and occupations which the monopoly fixed price power foreign enterprise floods, gets rich by foul means. 拥有垄断定价权的外国企业充斥的中国各行各业,大发横财。 www.bing.com 8. Until the next foul, or the 'ordinary administration' of the Italian referees. So in the end, until when? 直到下一次被侵犯,又或是意大利裁判基本管理条例的颁布,但是,我们要等到何时? www.milanchina.com 9. Qian's family, some Chinese reporters and residents of Zhaiqiao Village cite the photographs as proof of foul play and a sloppy cover-up. Qian的家、,一些中国记者和寨桥村居民,引用了这场邪恶闹剧和草率掩盖中作为证据的图片。 bbs.9c9t.com 10. Some insiders even fear that if JPMorgan continues to grow, it might run foul of regulators and face calls for a break-up. 该行的一些员工甚至担忧,如果摩根大通(JPMorgan)继续发展壮大,它可能会使监管机构不满,从而面临分拆的呼声。 www.ftchinese.com 1. They were dark and airless. There was a foul and musty smell. 黑暗而窒息,空气里有一股腐败发霉的气味。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. In Dwight Howard's case, kryptonite comes in the form of foul trouble, free throws and frustration. 超人霍华德,总是陷入犯规麻烦,糟糕的罚球是他无法飞翔的主要原因。 www.t1.hk 3. But a team of researchers at the University of Leicester, England have been using foul and funky fish to reconstruct our ancient ancestors. 但英国莱斯特大学的一个研究小组用腐烂发臭的鱼类重构了我们的远古祖先。 www.bing.com 4. If you do penalise a foul from behind you need to judge its severity: if it infringes the first statement, award a free kick. 如果你要处罚背后犯规,你必须判断它的严重程度:如果是第一种侵犯,处罚一个任意球。 www.bing.com 5. McCamey is quite adept at penetration and getting the foul calls near the basket. 麦卡密擅长突破以及在篮筐附近造犯规。 tvboxnow.com 6. Cattle were busy with the matador, but it soon took note of this curse foul language, waving a red hat drunk. 当时牛正忙于对付斗牛士,但它很快注意到了这个骂粗话、挥舞红色帽子的醉汉。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. He noticed also that he was deliberately breathing as little as possible. So he sniffed the air and smelled a slight foul odour. 他也注意到它有意尽量少呼吸,于是他用力吸了一口气,闻到一股淡淡的臭味。 george.shi.blog.163.com 8. He's been a good friend through fair and foul. 他一直是个患难与共的好朋友。 www.hotdic.com 9. He's been a good friend through foul and fair. 他一直是一位同甘共苦的好朋友 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Of course, you still have to keep your hits out of the foul zone. 当然,你还是必须不让你的击球进入犯规区。 www.bing.com 1. Uncle's house covered with flowers, while the foul-Ju few and a man fortunate to live a happy blessing. 舅舅家遍地是花,而臭菊却寥寥无几,一家人幸幸福福的生活着。 www.bing.com 2. He even tried to avoid the foul when gay went up on his fake so he could keep it going. 在他做假动作的时候甚至在躲那个犯规,以便把球投中。 club.sohu.com 3. Yes, it was an obvious foul on Derek Fisher. 没错,德里克·费舍尔很明显是犯规了。 www.elanso.com 4. It is salutary to be reminded just how foul a little war was waged in Northern Ireland, and. . . 在这里对人们提点有必要的醒,即在北爱尔兰发动小规模战争是多么不应该 www.ecocn.org 5. China should hold naval exercise off the Florida panhandle in the gulf of Mexico and watch the Americans cry foul. 中国应该在墨西哥湾的狭长地带佛罗里达州外操练海军,看着美国人喊冤。 www.sb945.com 6. Therefore working in foul water , it is very reliable not to stop up the operating . 因此,在污水中工作不会堵塞运行极为可靠。 www.hbzhan.com 7. These bodies are less likely to fall foul of political pressure and risk-aversion when choosing which social entrepreneurs to back. 在选择支持哪一个公益创业项目时,这些组织不大可能会因为和政治压力或风险规避法而产生冲突。 www.bing.com 8. Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave. Their tongues are filled with lies. Snake venom drips from their lips. 他们的喉咙是敞开的坟墓,他们用舌头弄诡诈,他们嘴里有虺蛇的毒。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Lakers strangely elected not to foul but caught a break when tough defense by Bryant forced Pippen to slip and lose his dribble. 湖人很奇怪没有选择犯规,而是通过科比的强硬防守让皮蓬运球失误。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. But because the Rena is close to shore, the oil could still foul delicate estuaries in an area known for its pristine environment. 但由于“雷纳”号搁浅的地方临近海岸,泄漏的油污仍然会破坏河口地区原有的生态环境。 www.yayan123.com 1. Chuck does curse after every foul, but on him you can really read his lips, and its noticeable. 海爷真的每次犯规之后就骂人,你真的可以从他嘴上读出内容,而且很显而易见。 club.sohu.com 2. You might get fouled, but Kwame does not enjoy foul situations and making a team pay because his free throw percentage is below 50 percent. 你可能会吃到犯规,但是布朗是无法享受犯规带来的好运而给球队带来利益,因为,他的罚球命中率低于50%。 bbs.tbba.com.cn 3. The points of foul penalty of a player will be added to the scoring record of the opponent. 球员犯规被罚的分数应加在对手的分数记录上; wenwen.soso.com 4. Every ringside witness, every sporting ex- pert, and the whole sporting world, knew there had been no foul. 拳台边的每一个人,每一个运动专家,整个体育界,都知道他没有犯规。 www.bing.com 5. Engage in sexually explicit discussion or innuendo, excessively crude talk, violence or threats, foul language, or personal attacks. 从事色情讨论或影射,过分原油谈话,暴力或威胁,粗言秽语,或进行人身攻击。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The boats travel very slowly when the wind is foul. 在逆风的时候,船走得很慢。 www.kuenglish.info 7. During one of their confrontations, Carragher lunged at Nani in what many people saw as a foul that deserved a Red Card. 在两者的对峙中,如大众所见卡拉格飞铲纳尼的犯规行为理应被出示红牌。 www.lfcbbs.com 8. Applied technology about municipal pump station's foul air treatment, foul air purification and safe protective measures are introduced. 介绍城区排水泵站废气处理应用技术,提出排水泵站废气净化和安全防护技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. That check seems neat but sound business practices may still fall foul of it. 这项检测似乎很简洁,但一些合理的商业惯例或许因此被卡掉。 www.ecocn.org 10. Andrew Bynum's foul on Charlotte's Gerald Wallace was upgraded from a Flagrant-1 to a more serious Flagrant-2, but he will not be suspended. 拜纳姆对山猫队华莱士的犯规级别由一级升级到二级,但是联盟不会对他做禁赛处罚。 www.kobechina.com.cn |
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