单词 | fly at |
释义 |
第三人称单数:flies at 现在分词:flying at 过去式:flew at 过去分词:flown at 例句释义: 扑向,责骂,猛烈攻击,冲上去攻击某人,飞向 1. "It is better not to fly at all, but if you really have to then offsets are a good last resort, " he said. “完全停止乘坐飞机当然更好,但是,如果你确实必须乘坐飞机话,那么,抵消就是最好的终极手段了。”他说。 www.bing.com 2. While almost half the population doesn't fly at all in any typical 12-month period, some people take up to 20 flights a year. 在有代表性的一年内,几乎有一半的人未曾坐飞机旅行,而有些人最多会坐飞机出行20航次。 www.bing.com 3. If you want to fly at a more reasonable time, be prepared to pay a little more. 如果你希望起飞时间比较正常,那么你要准备好多花点钱。 www.suiniyi.com 4. He said flags would fly at half staff on Thursday and Parliament would adjourn its session in respect for the dead men. 他说,国旗将飞往半价周四,议会将休会在尊重死者的会议工作人员。 www.englishtang.com 5. You must make it clear that you will not attend, but you do not have to let fly at cats. 你把不出席说清楚了就行,不必去谩骂猫咪。 www.bing.com 6. He took careful aim and then let fly at the hare. 他仔细瞄准以后,向那只野兔射击。 blog.163.com 7. If you can choose a destination closer to home you might not need to fly at all and take the train instead. 如果你选择一个离家近一点的地方,你就不用飞来飞去了,只要坐火车就行了。 www.hjenglish.com 8. America's armed forces see potential in hypersonic aircraft, which fly at Mach 5 or faster using a type of engine known as a scramjet. 美国军方也注意了超音速飞机的潜在价值,若配置超燃冲压引擎,战机巡航速度可以达到5马赫甚至更快。 www.ecocn.org 9. Yet the survey suggests that few clients expect this idea to fly, at least this year. 但是上述的调查还显示,少有客户认为这个主意会成为现实,至少今年不要。 www.bing.com 10. So it is only our assumption that a spacecraft can fly at the velocity of light or at a velocity faster-than-light. “以光速或超光速飞行的宇宙飞船”目前仅是一种设想; www.ceps.com.tw 1. With the helicopter inverted fly at least one (1) clockwise and one (1) counterclockwise circuit around your flying area. 在飞行区域内,以顺时针及逆时针的方向,至少各执行一圈倒飞水平圆。 www.microheliclub.net 2. If it is a sunny day, you can buy a kite, tying up your mood, let it fly in the blue sky and your thoughts fly at will. 在风和日丽的日子里,你可以买来一个风筝,系上你的心情,让它放飞在那蓝天下,任思绪飞扬。 www.sycb.com.cn 3. In Guangdong province and certain areas of the northeast, local governments have allowed single-engine planes to fly at low altitudes. 在广东省以及东北的特定地区,当地政府允许单引擎飞机低空飞行。 www.bing.com 4. Yes, we have. Our company has dozens of airplanes which can fly at home, but now they stop flying due to winter cold weather. 有,公司拥有飞机数十架,也可以在国内飞行,目前因冬季天气寒冷停飞。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Evolve your application's navigation rules on-the-fly at development time without a container restart. 开发时在不重启容器的情况下不断完善你的应用导航规则。 www.infoq.com 6. The national flag will fly at half-mast across the country and its embassies and consulates wordwide. 全国各地以及驻外使领馆国旗降半旗。 www.for68.com 7. In Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. 's character, Tony Stark, builds an iron suit that allows him to fly at supersonic speed. It is very cool. 在《钢铁侠》中,小罗伯特?唐尼扮演的人物托尼?斯塔克制造了一件能让他以超音速飞行的钢铁服装。那非常酷。 qac.yappr.cn 8. At the start of this year, a Mount Everest expedition team even witnessed a huge fly at their camp. 今年年初,一支圣母峰探险队伍,甚至在营地目睹了巨大的苍蝇。 venation.bdchost.org 9. It was decided that the Union Jack should fly at half-mast from Churchill's death until his funeral. 经决议自邱吉尔去世之日直至其丧礼期间应将英国国旗下半旗。 dict.bioon.com 10. The mix solid fuel is better than liquid fuel, because it have more ray of light and see clearly when it fly at night. 燃料块火焰比液体燃料更大更有光芒,晚上施放看得更清楚! space.taobao.com 1. Modern fighter planes fly at incredible speeds, and can cross entire continents and oceans in very little time. 现代战斗机飞行速度相当惊人,能在很短的时间内飞越整个大陆与海洋。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The radar system allows the aircraft to fly at low altitudes and therefore reach the drop zone undetected . 雷达系统允许飞机在较低高度飞行,然后到达未被发现的空投地区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. But the team showed the birds forgo the winds and choose to fly at night, when conditions are relatively calmer. 但是,该研究小组发现,这些鸟儿并不借助于风,它们反而是在夜间环境相对平静之时才飞行的。 www.yousoon.net 4. National flags will fly at half- mast in public places, at Chinese embassies and consulates . 国内各类公共场所和中国驻外使领馆将降半旗致哀。 www.bing.com 5. There comes a time when every bird has to fly. At some point, every rose has to die. 将会有一天鸟儿们都要飞走,在某一时刻,玫瑰都要枯萎。 www.yappr.cn 6. You'll save that money on soccer registration and the whole family will enjoy 'Watching Things Fly at Your Head'. 你将会节省足球注册的款项并且全家将享受“见过的事情在你的头脑中飞行”。 www.yappr.cn 7. If I were meant to fly at speed, I'd have a falcon's short wings, and live on mice instead of fish. 如果真要我快速飞行,我就该有猎鹰的短翅,而且不吃鱼光吃老鼠。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Legend has it that the swords they made could automatically fly at and kill one's enemy. 相传,他们铸造的定剑能自己飞出去杀死敌人。 www.jukuu.com 9. Metal chips and shavings can fly at great speeds and distances and cause serious eye injury. 金属屑,刨花能飞以很快的速度,距离和眼睛造成严重伤害。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Because, like you to fly at the spring b . . . 因为,你像我翱翔的春风。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Most of the time we fly at about thirty to forty percent of available thrust. 在大多数的时间里我们都是在有效推力百分之三十到四十的状态下飞行。 bbs.tiexue.net 2. No body could fly at the quiet night with nice moonlight , PaNam looks so silent . 今晚,月色明朗,没有人可以飞,泛美显得格外宁静。 www.bing.com 3. The Jian-7 target drone can fly at supersonic speed and simulate typical manoeuvres of modern combat aircraft. 歼-7靶机能以超音速飞行而且模拟现代战斗机的典型动作。 www.globalmil.com 4. PingPing picked up a stone and let fly at the dog. 平平贱捡起一块石头向那条狗扔去。 blog.163.com 5. On Monday and Tuesday, flags will fly at half-mast and many cultural events will be canceled. 周一和周二两天,全国将降半期,许多文化活动被取消。 www.englishtang.com 6. Whether the plane will have a pilot onboard or will fly at supersonic speeds is undecided. 无论未来的轰炸机将是载人或无人,超音速或次音速,还尚未定案。 www.lkong.net 7. From now on, Bat will only fly at night when other birds are asleep and the animals are hunting. 从现在起,蝙蝠只在夜间飞行时睡着了其他鸟类和动物狩猎。 www.youeredu.com 8. Fireflies give off flashes of light when they fly at night. 萤火虫夜间飞行时发出闪光。 www.jukuu.com 9. If you are willing to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket. 要是你愿意坐夜间的飞机,你可以买到更便宜的票。 bbs.4lzx.com 10. At this moment, the bird fly at sea with long white flowers skull overed, red feet. 这时,海上飞来了一只小鸟,长着花脑壳、白色的小嘴、红红的脚。 www.kb120.com 1. This allows the plane to fly at slower speeds (say, for landing). 这使得飞机可以以较慢的速度飞行(如,着陆前)。 www.bing.com 2. It features ultra-quiet turboprop engines, virtual reality windows and is designed to fly at Mach 0. 55 for 800 nautical miles. 其设计特点主要包括超安静涡轮螺旋桨发动机,真实视觉窗户,动力为0.55马赫,最大航程为800海里。 www.bing.com 3. Man-made satellites have to fly at the speed of 11. 2 kilometers per second to escape the earth gravity. 人造卫星必须以每秒11.2公里的速度运行以摆脱地球引力。 waston8028.blog.163.com 4. Butterflies like to fly in the daytime, moths like to fly at night. 蝴蝶喜欢在白天飞翔,飞蛾喜欢在晚上飞行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Many fly at night, when temperatures are cooler. 不少鸟类在温度较低的夜间遨游飞翔。 www.leteach.com 6. ShiChan staff personnel can fly (at), the staff can query work, the loss. 员工过失单满天飞(人事部可以查询),员工无法安心工作,大量流失。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. It is said that jet plane can fly at a speed of more than 2000 miles per hour. 据说喷气式飞机可以以每小时2000多里的速度飞行。 www.yzjjw.net 8. RIFE may generate classes on the fly at runtime if needed. RIFE可能在运行时动态的按需生成类。 www.infoq.com 9. The jet liner waiting for the take- off on the run- way can fly at a speed of 1, 200 miles per hour. 在跑道上等候起飞的喷气航班能够以每小时1,200英里的速度飞行。 www.hotdic.com 10. It's wonderful seeing the ducks fly at morning light. 在晨曦中观看鸭子飞翔是件美妙的事。 www.bing.com 1. You stand at the edge of the chasm knowing not how far it is, knowing not even how to fly at this time. 此时,你站在峡谷的边缘,不知道它有多宽,甚至不知道怎么飞行。 zzx377.blog.163.com 2. fly at nine hundred kilometers an hour. 以每小时九百公里的速度飞行。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This buoyancy allows it to fly at a speed of 20 feet. 这种浮力使它们具有20英尺飞行速度, bbs.bfclan.net 4. Passenger jets fly at about 600 miles per hour which seems pretty fast. 喷气式飞机以每小时600英里的速度飞行看起来已经非常快了。 www.bing.com 5. And we're working towards megawatt-scale machines that fly at 2000 feet and generate tons of clean electricity. 我们正着手建造着兆瓦级机发电机这会在2000英尺的高度飞翔,以及产生大量的电力。 www.ted.com 6. But what about birds that mainly fly at night? 但对于鸟类,主要在夜间飞行? zhidao.baidu.com 7. feed on live on Bats fly at night and feed on insects. 蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. ordered flags to fly at half-staff Monday. 科罗拉多州州长比尔里特下令星期一降半旗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Most of these are insectivores that fly at night or twilight. 绝大多数种类的蝙蝠是食虫动物,在黄昏、夜间或黎明时分飞行外出。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 10. New planes can fly at the speed of sound. 新型飞机可以音速飞行。 www.jxenglish.com 1. The jet can fly at twice the speed of sound. 这喷气式飞机能以两倍于音速的速度飞行。 www.0-100.com 2. All flags fly at half-staff in Guinea-Bissau's capital as Guineans mourn the loss of their president. 几内亚比绍首都内的所有旗帜都降半旗,哀悼总统萨尼亚逝世。 www.bing.com 3. In some cases, that means planes fly at lower speeds. 有些时候,这就意味着飞机减速飞行。 www.suiniyi.com 4. Some airlines fly at an average speed of 750kmph, down from the usual 800-850kmph to increase fuel efficiency. 许多航班还把时速从800至850公里降到750公里,以最大限度提高燃料利用率。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. I myself always wanted to know Madam if you fly at night do you go close to the stars? 夫人,我自己呢总想知道你们晚上飞行的时候,你们感觉离星星会近些吗? www.bing.com 6. We had to fly at a special incline in order to make the measurements. 我们必须以一种特别的倾斜度飞行,以进行测量。 www.myoops.org 7. It will fly at an average altitude of 705km and orbit the Earth about every 99 minutes. 它将在平均705公里的高度,以每圈99分钟的速度绕地球轨道运行。 www.bing.com 8. i want to fly at least as much as any canary . 至少我和那些金丝雀想飞的欲望一样大。 www.ichacha.net 9. They fly at first cosmic velocity. 他们以第一宇宙速度飞行。 www.jt2008.com 10. I have to fly at night . 我只能夜间飞行。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This aircraft is designed to fly at Mach 0. 79 carrying 154 passengers 3, 500 nautical miles. 这款飞机设计的动力为0.79马赫,载客量为154名乘客,最大航程为3,500海里。 www.bing.com 2. This aircraft is designed to fly at Mach 0. 83 carrying 354 passengers 7, 600 nautical miles. 这款飞机设计的动力为0.83马赫,载客量为354名乘客,最大航程为7,600海里。 www.bing.com 3. It is designed to fly at Mach 0. 75 carrying 120 passengers 1, 600 nautical miles. 这款飞机设计的动力为0.75马赫,载客量为120名乘客,最大航程为1,600海里。 www.bing.com 4. knows there are no catapults to let fly at him 它晓得这儿没有朝它射来的弹弓。 www.ichacha.net 5. A civil aircraft in flight shall follow the air route and fly at the altitude specified by the air traffic control unit; 第七十五条民用航空器应当按照空中交通管制单位指定的航路和飞行高度飞行; www.zftrans.com 6. He is 5 years old & has known from a very early age that he can do certain things at gm's house that won't fly at home. 我儿子现在5岁了,在他很小的时候他就知道,他在奶奶家可以做的某些事,在自己家里是不能做的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. the reason that gladiators fly at the sky 那就是角斗士飞翔在空中的原因 zhidao.baidu.com 8. When he see the small bird to fly at liberty in the sky, he is very happy 当他看到小鸟在天空中自由地飞翔时,他很高兴 zhidao.baidu.com 9. this low wing loading allows the motor glider to fly at low stall and landing speeds; 这样低的翼载荷使motorglider飞在低档和着陆速度; www.tech-domain.com 10. Path planning for penetrating aircraft to fly at low altitudes based on technology of digital elevation map 基于数字地图预处理的低空突防飞行路线规划 www.ilib.cn 1. The investigation on rat and fly at Longkou Port 龙口口岸鼠类及蝇类初步调查 www.ilib.cn 2. And you don't have a problem with that How does he fly at night 你没发现问题吗那他在夜里怎么飞行 bulo.hjenglish.com 3. Well, I can't fly at least not yet 好吧,我不能飞翔,至少现在不能 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Bats fly at night and feed on insects. be fed up with 靠吃…,以…为食靠吃…蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Ability to fly at 7 times speed of sound could boost space flight 速度达7倍音速,可进行宇宙飞行 www.24en.com |
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