◆This chart provides a comparison of the ways that teenage boys and girls in the UK spend their free time.这个图表对英国十几岁的男生和女生打发空闲时间的方式进行了对比。
◆In many cases, the results for boys and girls are virtually the same / identical.在许多情况下,对男女生的调查结果实际上是相同的。
◆In many cases, the results for boys are virtually the same as / identical to the results for girls.在许多情况下,对男生的调查结果实际上和对女生的调查结果是相同的。
◆Both boys and girls spend the bulk of their free time with friends.男生和女生的大部分空闲时间都和朋友一起度过。
◆Most of the boys do more than two hours of sport a week, as do many of the girls.大多数男生每周会做两个多小时的运动,这和许多女生是一样的。
◆Like many of the girls, most of the boys spend a large part of their free time using the Internet.像许多女孩子一样,大多数男孩子也把大量空闲时间花在上网。
◆The girls particularly enjoy using social networking websites. Similarly, nearly all the boys said they spent at least two to three hours a week on these sites.女生们特别喜欢上社交网站。同样,几乎所有男生都说他们每周在这些网站上花的时间至少有两到三个小时。