释义 |
MBrE /em/NAmE /em/ noun (also m) [C, U] (Ms, M's, m's BrE /emz/ NAmE /emz/ ) the 13th letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第 13 个字母◆'Milk' begins with (an) M/'M'.milk 一词以字母 m 开头。 MBrE /em/NAmE /em/ abbreviation (also med.) (especially for sizes of clothes) medium (尤指服装的尺码)中号◆S, M and L (= small, medium and large) 小号、中号、大号(used with a number to show the name of a British motorway) 高速公路(英国公路代号,后接数字)◆heavy traffic on the M25 25 号高速公路上繁忙的交通 MBrE /em/NAmE /em/ symbol (also m) the number 1 000 in Roman numerals (罗马数字)1 000 |