

单词 collection
释义 🔑 col·lec·tionBrE /kəˈlekʃn/NAmE /kəˈlekʃn/ noungroup of objects/people 一批物品;一群人🔑 [C] a group of objects, often of the same sort, that have been collected (常指同类的)收集物,收藏品a stamp/coin, etc. collection 邮票、硬币等收藏品The painting comes from his private collection. 这幅画来自他的私人收藏。 [C] a group of objects or people 一批物品;一群人There was a collection of books and shoes on the floor. 地板上有成堆的书和鞋。There is always a strange collection of runners in the London Marathon. 每次总会有一批稀奇古怪的选手参加伦敦马拉松比赛。taking away/bringing together 取走;聚集🔑 [C, U] an act of taking sth away from a place; an act of bringing things together into one place 取走;拿走;聚集;聚积refuse/garbage collection 废物/垃圾的收运The last collection from this postbox is at 5.15. 这邮筒最后一次收信的时间是 5:15。Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday. 你的套装可在星期二领取。The first stage in research is data collection. 研究工作的第一步是收集资料。   compare pickup noun (4) poems/stories/music 诗歌;故事;音乐 [C] a group of poems, stories or pieces of music published together as one book, disc, etc. 作品集a collection of stories by women writers 女作家小说集money 金钱 [C] an act of collecting money to help a charity or during a church service; the money collected (为慈善机构或做礼拜时的)募捐,募集;募集的钱a house-to-house collection for Cancer Research 为资助癌症研究挨门逐户进行的募捐The total collection last week amounted to £250. 上周的募捐总额达 250 英镑。collectgatheraccumulateamass

These words all mean to get more of sth over a period of time, or to increase in quantity over a period of time. 以上各词均含收集、聚积、积累之义。

  • collect to bring things or information together from different people or places; to gradually increase in amount in a place 指收集、采集、聚积、积累We've been collecting data from various sources. 我们一直从各种渠道收集资料。Dirt had collected in the corners of the room. 房间的角落里积满了灰尘。 NOTE People sometimes collect things of a particular type as a hobby. 作为爱好收藏物品用 collectto collect stamps 集邮
  • gather to bring things together that have been spread around; to collect information from different sources 指收拢、归拢(分散的东西),搜集、收集(情报)I waited while he gathered up his papers. 他整理文件时我就在一旁等待。Detectives have spent months gathering evidence. 侦探花了数月时间搜集证据。

collect or gather? 用 collect 还是 gather?

Both collect and gather can be used in the same way to talk about bringing together data, information or evidence. When talking about things, gather is used with words like things, belongings or papers when the things are spread around within a short distance. Collect is used for getting examples of sth from different people or places that are physically separated. * collect 和 gather 均可指收集资料、情报或证据。将分散在附近的东西、财物或文件收拢用 gather;从不同的人或分散的地方收集样品用 collect。

  • accumulate (rather formal) to gradually get more and more of sth over a period of time; to gradually increase in number or quantity over a period of time 指积累、聚积,(数量)逐渐增加I seem to have accumulated a lot of books. 我好像已经积存了很多书。Debts began to accumulate. 债务开始增加。
  • amass (rather formal) to collect sth in large quantities, especially money, debts or information 指大量积累、积聚(尤指金钱、债务或情报)He amassed a fortune from silver mining. 他靠开采银矿积累了一笔财富。


  • to collect/gather/accumulate/amass data/evidence/information
  • to accumulate/amass a fortune/debts
  • dirt/dust/debris collects/accumulates
  • to gradually/slowly collect/gather/accumulate (sth)
new clothes 新衣服 [C] a range of new clothes or items for the home that are designed, made and offered for sale, often for a particular season (常为季节性推出的)系列时装(或家用品)Armani's stunning new autumn collection 款式新颖靓丽的阿玛尼秋装系列Clothes and fashion 服装与时尚

Clothes 衣服

  • be wearing a new outfit/bright colours/fancy dress/fur/uniform 穿着一身新衣裳/鲜艳的服装/化装舞会服/毛皮衣服/制服
  • be (dressed) in black/red/jeans and a T-shirt/your best suit/leather/silk/rags (= very old torn clothes) 穿着黑色衣服/红色衣服/牛仔裤和 T 恤/最好的西服/皮衣/丝绸衣服/破衣烂衫
  • be dressed for work/school/dinner/a special occasion 穿好衣服准备上班/上学/赴晚宴/出席特殊场合
  • be dressed as a man/woman/clown/pirate 打扮成男人/女人/小丑/海盗
  • wear/dress in casual/designer/second-hand clothes 穿休闲服/名牌服装/二手衣服
  • wear jewellery/ (especially US) jewelry/accessories/a watch/glasses/contact lenses/perfume 佩戴珠宝首饰/饰品/手表/眼镜/隐形眼镜;喷香水
  • have a cowboy hat/red dress/blue suit on 戴着牛仔帽;穿着红色连衣裙/蓝色西服
  • put on/take off your clothes/coat/shoes/helmet 穿上/脱下衣服/外套/鞋子;戴上/取下头盔
  • pull on/pull off your coat/gloves/socks 穿上/脱下外套;戴上/脱下手套;穿上/脱下袜子
  • change into/get changed into a pair of jeans/your pyjamas/ (especially US) your pajamas 换上牛仔裤/睡衣

Appearance 外貌

  • change/enhance/improve your appearance 改变/提升/改善形象
  • create/get/have/give sth a new/contemporary/retro look 塑造/获得/拥有/给某物以新的/现代的/复古的外貌
  • brush/comb/shampoo/wash/blow-dry your hair 梳/用洗发剂洗/洗/吹头发
  • have/get a haircut/your hair cut/a new hairstyle 理发;换一个新发型
  • have/get a piercing/your nose pierced 穿孔;穿鼻孔
  • have/get a tattoo/a tattoo done (on your arm)/a tattoo removed 有纹身;在(胳膊上)刺花纹;去除纹身
  • have/get a makeover/cosmetic surgery 做整容手术
  • use/wear/apply/put on make-up/cosmetics 使用化妆品;化妆

Fashion 时尚

  • follow/keep up with (the) fashion/the latest fashions 追求时尚;赶时髦
  • spend/waste money on designer clothes 把钱花在/浪费在名牌服装上
  • be fashionably/stylishly/well dressed 衣着时尚/新潮/考究
  • have good/great/terrible/awful taste in clothes 着装很有品味/品味很差
  • update/revamp your wardrobe 更新服装
  • be in/come into/go out of fashion 流行;开始流行;不再流行
  • be (back/very much) in vogue (又开始/非常)流行
  • create a style/trend/vogue for sth 为…创造了一种风格/趋势/潮流
  • organize/put on a fashion show 策划/举办时装秀
  • show/unveil a designer's spring/summer collection 展示/首次推出一位设计师的春/夏装系列
  • sashay/strut down the catwalk/ (NAmE also) runway 走 T 型台
  • be on/do a photo/fashion shoot 做专业摄影/时装摄影




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