Quite is a little stronger than fairly, and rather is a little stronger than quite. Rather is not very common in NAmE; pretty has the same meaning and this is used in informal BrE too. * quite 比 fairly 语气稍强,而 rather 又比 quite 语气稍强。在美式英语中,rather 不太常用。pretty 与 rather 含义相同,也用于非正式英式英语:◆The exam was pretty difficult.这场考试十分难。
In BrEquite has two meanings.在英式英语中,quite 含义有二:◆I feel quite tired today(= fairly tired).今天我感到相当累。With adjectives that describe an extreme state ('non-gradable' adjectives) it means 'completely' or 'absolutely'.与表示极端状态的形容词(即非级差形容词)连用,意为完全地、绝对地:◆I feel quite exhausted.我感到筋疲力尽。With some adjectives, both meanings are possible. The speaker's stress and intonation will show you which is meant.与某些形容词连用,两种含义均有可能,究竟属于哪一种由说话者的重音和语调决定:◆Your essay is ˈquite good(= fairly good—it could be better).你的文章还不错(挺好,不过可以更好);◆Your essay is quite ˈgood(= very good, especially when this is unexpected).你的文章简直太好了(非常好,尤指出乎意料)。
In NAmEquite usually means something like 'very', not 'fairly' or 'rather'. Pretty is used instead for this sense.在美式英语中,quite 通常为 very 之义,而非 fairly 或 rather。表示后一种意思用 pretty。
◆Some poems are mnemonics, i.e. they are designed to help you remember something.有些诗歌是记忆代码,即是说,其目的是帮助人们记起某事。
◆Some poems are mnemonics, that is to say, they are designed to help you remember something.有些诗歌是记忆代码,就是说,其目的是帮助人们记起某事。
◆Mnemonic poems, that is poems designed to help you remember something, are an excellent way to learn lists.记事诗,即帮助人记起事情的诗歌,是记住一系列事物的极佳方式。
◆A limerick's rhyme scheme is A–A–B–B–A. In other words, the first, second, and fifth lines all rhyme with one another, while the third and fourth lines have their own rhyme.五行打油诗的韵律是 A-A-B-B-A。就是说,第一行、第二行和第五行押一个韵,而第三行和第四行押另一个韵。
◆In this exercise the reader is encouraged to work out the meaning, or rather the range of meanings, of the poem.这个练习鼓励读者弄清这首诗的意思,更确切地说是弄清其几种含意。
◆This is a poem about death, or, more precisely, dying.这是一首关于死亡的诗,更确切地说是关于临终的诗。
◆He says his poems deal with 'the big issues', by which he means love, loss, grief and death.他说他的诗涉及一些 “重大问题”,这些问题是指爱、失去、痛苦和死亡。
➡language bank atabout🔑usedtointroduceanideathatisdifferentoroppositetotheideathatyouhavestatedpreviously(提出不同或相反的观点)相反,反而,而是◆Thewallswerenotwhite, butratherasortofdirtygrey. 墙面不是白的,而是灰不溜秋的。●ratheryou, him, etc. thanˈme(informal) usedforsayingthatyouwouldnotliketodosththatanotherpersonisgoingtodo(表明不想做别人要去做的事)◆'I'mgoingclimbingtomorrow.''Ratheryouthanme!'“我明天去爬山。” “你去吧,我可不去!”●ratherthan🔑insteadofsb/sth而不是◆IthinkI'llhaveacolddrinkratherthancoffee. 我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。◆Whydidn'tyouaskforhelp, ratherthantryingtodoitonyourown? 你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙?●wouldrather… (than)🔑 () wouldpreferto宁愿;更喜欢◆She'dratherdiethangiveaspeech. 她宁愿死也不愿意演讲。◆'Doyouwanttocomewithus?''No, I'drathernot.'“你想跟我们一起来吗?” “不,我不想去。”◆Wouldyouratherwalkortakethebus? 你比较喜欢步行还是坐公共汽车?◆'DoyoumindifIsmoke?''Well, I'dratheryoudidn't.'“你介意我抽烟吗?” “嗯,最好别抽。”Expressing a preference表达喜好
These are ways of stating what your preferred choice is. Note that we sometimes discount our own expertise or authority before expressing our preference.面对选择时,表达自己更喜欢某事物,可用以下方式。需要注意的是在表达喜好之前,有时会先表明自己的选择并非代表专家或权威的意见:
◆I like the red one better than/more than the green one.比起那个绿色的,我更喜欢红的。
◆I prefer beef to lamb.我喜欢牛肉胜于羊肉。
◆I'd prefer to wait here.我宁愿在这儿等。
◆I'd rather go to the concert than the play.与看戏相比,我更愿意去听音乐会。
◆I think I'd rather stay in than go out tonight.今晚我想待在家里,不想外出。
◆I like swimming better than jogging.比起慢跑,我更喜欢游泳。
◆I think that colour's much more attractive.我觉得那种颜色好看多了。
◆It doesn't really matter to me whether we eat here or go out. (especiallyNAmE) 我们在这儿吃还是出去吃,我真无所谓。
◆I don't really mind whether we talk now or later. (BrE) 我们是现在谈还是以后谈,我不大在意。
◆I'm happy either way.(NAmE) (两个之中)无论哪一个我都乐意。
◆I don't really care either way.(这两个)我都无所谓。
◆If it were up to me, I'd choose the green one.如果让我来选,我会选那个绿色的。
◆If you ask me, the old one looks better than the new one.要问我的话,旧的那个看起来比新的好。
◆I'm not an expert but Design B seems more eye-catching.我不是专家,但 B 设计似乎更抢眼。