When you use none of with an uncountable noun, the verb is in the singular. * none of 与不可数名词连用时,动词用单数:◆None of the work was done.那些工作全都未干。
When you use none of with a plural noun or pronoun, or a singular noun referring to a group of people or things, you can use either a singular or a plural verb. The singular form is used in a formal style in BrE. * none of 与复数名词、代词或单数集合名词连用时,动词用单数或复数均可。英式英语的正式文体用单数形式:◆None of the trains is/are going to London.这些列车都不去伦敦。◆None of her family has/have been to college.她的一家谁都没上过大学。
🔑noneBrE/nʌn/NAmE/nʌn/adverbusedwiththeandacomparativetomean'notatall'(与 the 加比较级连用)一点都不,绝无◆ShetoldmewhatitmeantatgreatlengthbutI'mafraidI'mnonethewiser. 她费尽口舌给我解释它的意思,可我恐怕还是不明白。◆Heseemsnonetheworsefortheexperience. 这次经历似乎没有给他造成丝毫伤害。usedwithtooandanadjectiveoradverbtomean'notatall'or'notvery'(与 too 加形容词或副词连用)绝不,不怎么◆Shewaslookingnonetoopleased. 她看上去一点也不高兴。