

单词 tooth
释义 🔑 toothBrE /tuːθ/NAmE /tuːθ/ noun (
teeth BrE /tiːθ/ NAmE /tiːθ/
any of the hard white structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food 牙;齿I've just had a tooth out at the dentist's. 我刚在牙科诊所拔了一颗牙。to brush/clean your teeth 刷牙tooth decay 龋齿She answered through clenched teeth (= opening her mouth only a little because of anger). 她咬牙切齿地回答。The cat sank its teeth into his finger. 那只猫狠狠咬住了他的手指。Physical appearance 外貌
  • A person may be described as having 描述一个人的长相可用 have 一词:

Eyes 眼睛

  • (bright) blue/green/(dark/light) brown/hazel eyes (明亮的)蓝/绿/(深/浅)棕色/浅绿褐色眼睛
  • deep-set/sunken/bulging/protruding eyes 凹陷的/凸出的眼睛
  • small/beady/sparkling/twinkling/ (informal) shifty eyes 小的/小珠般圆亮的/亮晶晶的/闪闪发亮的/贼溜溜的眼睛
  • piercing/penetrating/steely eyes 敏锐的/锐利的眼睛;冷冰冰的眼神
  • bloodshot/watery/puffy eyes 布满血丝的/水汪汪的/肿胀的眼睛
  • bushy/thick/dark/raised/arched eyebrows 浓密的/扬起的/弓形的眉毛
  • long/dark/thick/curly/false eyelashes/lashes 长长的/浓密的/弯曲的/假的眼睫毛


  • a flat/bulbous/pointed/sharp/snub nose 塌/蒜头/尖头/尖/短平而上翘的鼻子
  • a straight/a hooked/a Roman/ (formal) an aquiline nose 挺直的鼻子;鹰钩鼻;高鼻梁;鹰钩鼻
  • full/thick/thin/pouty lips 丰满的/厚/薄/翘嘴唇
  • dry/chapped/cracked lips 干的/皲裂的/干裂的嘴唇
  • flushed/rosy/red/ruddy/pale cheeks 发红的/红润的/苍白的面颊
  • soft/chubby/sunken cheeks 柔嫩的/胖乎乎的/凹陷的面颊
  • white/perfect/crooked/protruding teeth 洁白的/完好无缺的/参差不齐的/凸出来的牙齿
  • a large/high/broad/wide/sloping forehead 大大的/高高的/宽大的/后倾的前额
  • a strong/weak/pointed/double chin 硬朗的/瘦削的/尖/双下巴
  • a long/full/bushy/wispy/goatee beard 长/大/浓密的/一小撮/山羊胡子
  • a long/thin/bushy/droopy/handlebar/pencil moustache/ (especially US) mustache 长长的/稀疏的/浓密的/耷拉着的/翘/细直的八字胡

Hair and skin 头发和皮肤

  • pale/fair/olive/dark/tanned skin 苍白的/白皙的/橄榄色的/黝黑的/晒黑的皮肤
  • dry/oily/smooth/rough/leathery/wrinkled skin 干性的/油性的/光滑的/粗糙的/有皱纹的皮肤
  • a dark/a pale/a light/a sallow/a ruddy/an olive/a swarthy/a clear complexion 黝黑的/苍白的/白皙的/蜡黄的/红润的/浅褐色的/黝黑的/无瑕的面容
  • deep/fine/little/facial wrinkles 深深的/细小的/小的/面部的皱纹
  • blonde/blond/fair/(light/dark) brown/(jet-)black/auburn/red/ (BrE) ginger/grey hair 金黄色的/浅色的/(浅/深)棕色的/乌黑的/红褐色的/红色的/姜黄色的/灰白色的头发
  • straight/curly/wavy/frizzy/spiky hair 直发;鬈发;波浪形的/鬈曲的/刺猬式的头发
  • thick/thin/fine/bushy/thinning hair 厚密的/稀疏的/纤细的/浓密的/逐渐稀少的头发
  • dyed/bleached/soft/silky/dry/greasy/shiny hair 染了色的/漂白了的/柔顺的/丝滑的/干性的/油性的/有光泽的头发
  • long/short/shoulder-length/cropped hair 长/短/齐肩/剪短了的头发
  • a bald/balding/shaved head 秃头;开始秃顶的头;剃光了的头
  • a receding hairline 后移的发际线
  • a bald patch/spot 秃了的一块
  • a side/centre/ (US) center (BrE) parting/ (NAmE) part 偏分;中分

Body 身体

  • a long/short/thick/slender/ (disapproving) scrawny neck 长/短/粗/细/干瘦的脖子
  • broad/narrow/sloping/rounded/hunched shoulders 宽/窄/斜/圆/耸肩膀
  • a bare/broad/muscular/small/large chest 赤裸的/宽阔的/肌肉发达的胸膛;小胸;大胸
  • a flat/swollen/bulging stomach 扁平的/鼓胀的/鼓起的肚子
  • a small/tiny/narrow/slim/slender/28-inch waist 纤细的/28 英寸的腰
  • big/wide/narrow/slim hips 大的/宽的/窄小的/苗条的臀部
  • a straight/a bent/an arched/a broad/a hairy back 直的/弯曲的/弓着的/宽大的/多毛的背部
  • thin/slender/muscular arms 瘦削的/细长的/肌肉发达的臂膀
  • big/large/small/manicured/calloused/gloved hands 大的/小的/修剪整齐的/有老茧的/戴着手套的手
  • long/short/fat/slender/delicate/bony fingers 长的/短的/粗的/细长的/纤细的/瘦削的手指
  • long/muscular/hairy/shapely/ (both informal, often disapproving) skinny/spindly legs 长的/肌肉发达的/多毛的/有曲线美的/皮包骨的/干瘦的腿
  • muscular/chubby/ (informal, disapproving) flabby thighs 肌肉发达的/胖乎乎的/肥胖的大腿
  • big/little/small/dainty/wide/narrow/bare feet 大的/小的/娇小可爱的/宽的/窄的/光着的脚
  • a good/a slim/a slender/an hourglass figure 好的/修长的/苗条的/沙漏形身材
  • be of slim/medium/average/large/athletic/stocky build 有着苗条的/中等的/普通的/大块头的/健壮的/矮壮的身材
  see also buck teeth, false teeth, milk tooth, wisdom tooth
a narrow pointed part that sticks out of an object 齿状部分;齿the teeth on a saw 锯齿   see also fine-tooth comb
cut your teeth on sthto do sth that gives you your first experience of a particular type of work 从…中获得初步经验;初次涉足cut a ˈtooth(of a baby 婴儿) to grow a new tooth 出牙;长出新牙get your ˈteeth into sth(informal) to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into sth that is difficult enough to keep you interested 专注于,全力投入(有一定难度的事)Choose an essay topic that you can really get your teeth into. 选择一个你可以真正悉心钻研的论文题目。have ˈteeth(informal) (of an organization, a law, etc. 组织、法律等) to be powerful and effective 具有强大威力;有杀伤力in the teeth of sthdespite problems, opposition, etc. 不管,不顾,尽管遇到(困难、反对等)The new policy was adopted in the teeth of fierce criticism. 新政策尽管受到强烈的批评,但还是被采用了。in the direction that a strong wind is coming from 顶着,迎着(强风)They crossed the bay in the teeth of a howling gale. 他们顶着呼啸的狂风渡过了海湾。set sb's ˈteeth on edge(of a sound or taste 声音或味道) to make sb feel physically uncomfortable 使感到身体不舒服Just the sound of her voice sets my teeth on edge. 我一听到她的声音就浑身不舒服。ˌarmed to the ˈteethhaving many weapons 武装到牙齿;全副武装bare your ˈteethto show your teeth in an aggressive and threatening way (凶狠地)龇牙咧嘴The dog bared its teeth and growled. 那条狗龇牙咧嘴地低吼。get the bit between your teeth(informal) to become very enthusiastic about sth that you have started to do so that you are unlikely to stop until you have finished 果断地做某事;义无反顾an ˌeye for an ˈeye (and a ˌtooth for a ˈtooth)(saying) used to say that you should punish sb by doing to them what they have done to you or to sb else 以眼还眼;以牙还牙give your eye teeth for sth/to do sth(BrE, informal) used when you are saying that you want sth very much 迫切想要;巴不得有I'd give my eye teeth to own a car like that. 我巴不得有一辆那样的汽车。fight ˌtooth and ˈnailto fight in a very determined way for what you want 坚决斗争;全力以赴地斗争The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development. 居民为制止新的建房开发计划正在全力以赴进行斗争。gnash your ˈteethto feel very angry and upset about sth, especially because you cannot get what you want (尤因不获所求而气得)咬牙切齿He'll be gnashing his teeth when he hears that we lost the contract. 他要是听说我们丢了这份合同,准会气得咬牙切齿。grit your ˈteethto bite your teeth tightly together 咬紧牙关She gritted her teeth against the pain. 她咬牙忍痛。'Stop it!' he said through gritted teeth. “住手!” 他咬牙切齿地说。to be determined to continue to do sth in a difficult or unpleasant situation 下定决心;鼓起勇气It started to rain harder, but we gritted our teeth and carried on. 雨开始大起来,可我们鼓起勇气继续进行。Hell's ˈteeth(old-fashioned, BrE, informal) used to express anger or surprise (表示气愤或吃惊)可恶,天哪kick sb in the ˈteethto treat sb badly or fail to give them help when they need it 粗暴对待某人;使极度失望a kick in the ˈteeth(informal) a great disappointment; sth that hurts sb/sth emotionally 极度的失望;沉重的打击;重大的挫折lie through your ˈteeth(informal) to say sth that is not true at all 满口谎言;撒弥天大谎;睁着眼说瞎话The witness was clearly lying through his teeth. 那证人分明是在睁着眼睛说瞎话。the long and (the) ˈshort of itused when you are telling sb the essential facts about sth or what effect it will have, without explaining all the details 总而言之;总的情况red in ˌtooth and ˈclawinvolving opposition or competition that is violent and without pity 残酷无情;血淋淋;决不宽容nature, red in tooth and claw残酷无情的大自然by the ˌskin of your ˈteeth(informal) if you do sth by the skin of your teeth, you only just manage to do it 刚好;勉强have a sweet ˈtooth(informal) to like food that contains a lot of sugar 爱吃甜食




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