

单词 fat
🔑 fatBrE /fæt/NAmE /fæt/ adjectivefat adjective🔑fatty adjectivefatten verbfattening adjective (fat·ter, fat·test) 🔑 (of a person's or an animal's body 人或动物的身体) having too much flesh on it and weighing too much 肥的;肥胖的a big fat man/woman 大胖男人/女人You'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate. 你如果吃这么多巧克力是会发胖的。He grew fatter and fatter. 他愈来愈胖了。fat flabby legs 肥胖松弛的双腿Saying that somebody is fat 形容人肥胖
  • Fat is the most common and direct word, but it is not polite to say to someone that they are fat. * fat 最常用,意思最直接,但当面说某人 fat 不礼貌Does this dress make me look fat? 我穿这连衣裙显胖吗?You're looking fat now.
  • Overweight is a more neutral word. * overweight 是比较中性的词I'm a bit overweight. 我有点超重。 It can also mean too fat, especially so that you are not fit. 这词亦含过胖之义,尤指身体不健康。
  • Large or heavy is less offensive than fat. 与 fat 相比,large 或 heavy 含冒犯意较少She's a rather large woman. 她是个大块头。 Big describes someone who is tall as well as fat. * big 指人又高又胖Her sister is a big girl, isn't she? 她姐姐块头挺大的,是吗?
  • Plump means slightly fat in an attractive way, often used to describe women. * plump 常用于形容女性丰满。
  • Chubby is used mainly to describe babies and children who are fat in a pleasant, healthy-looking way. * chubby 主要用以形容婴儿和孩子健康可爱、胖乎乎的样子the baby's chubby cheeks 婴儿胖乎乎的脸蛋
  • Tubby (informal) is used in a friendly way to describe people who are short and round, especially around the stomach. * tubby(非正式)用于善意地描述矮胖的人,尤指肚子圆滚滚的。
  • Stocky is a neutral word and means fairly short, broad and strong. * stocky 是中性词,意为矮壮。
  • Stout is often used to describe older people who have a round and heavy appearance. * stout 常用以描述圆胖壮实的较年长者a short stout man with a bald head 一个矮壮秃顶男人
  • Flabby describes flesh that is fat and loose. * flabby 指肌肉肥胖松弛,有冒犯意exercises to firm up flabby thighs 使大腿松弛肌肉结实的锻炼
  • Obese is used by doctors to describe people who are so fat that they are unhealthy. It is also used in a general way to mean 'really fat'. * obese 是医学用语,指患肥胖症,亦可泛指十分肥胖。

Note that although people talk a lot about their own size or weight, it is generally not considered polite to refer to a person's large size or their weight when you talk to them. 注意:虽然人们常谈论自己的身材和体重,但一般认为与人谈话时提及对方的胖大身材或体重是不礼貌的。

 note at thin
OPP thin
🔑 thick or wide 厚的;宽大的a fat volume on American history 厚厚的一册美国史 [only before noun] (informal) large in quantity; worth a lot of money 大量的;值钱的a fat sum/profit 一大笔款子;丰厚的利润He gave me a nice fat cheque. 他给了我一张大额支票。 Consonant-doubling adjectives big, drab, fat, fit, flat, hot, mad, red, sad, wet
fat·ness BrE /ˈfætnəs/NAmE /ˈfætnəs/ noun [U] Fatness tends to run in families. 肥胖往往有遗传性。(a) fat ˈchance (of sth/doing sth)(informal) used for saying that you do not believe sth is likely to happen 不大可能发生'They might let us in without tickets.' 'Fat chance of that!' “他们也许会让我们免票入场。” “别痴心妄想了!”a fat lot of good, use, etc.(informal) not at all good or useful 差极了;毫无用处Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm. 保罗不会开车,所以我手臂骨折时他一点忙也没帮上。it's not ˌover until the fat lady ˈsings(saying) used for saying that a situation may still change, for example that a contest, election, etc. is not finished yet, and sb still has a chance to win it 最后才能见输赢;不到最后,结果难料
🔑 fatBrE /fæt/NAmE /fæt/ noun🔑 [U] a white or yellow substance in the bodies of animals and humans, stored under the skin 脂肪;肥肉excess body fat 多余的体内脂肪This ham has too much fat on it. 这块火腿肥肉太多。Diet and exercise 节食和锻炼

Weight 体重

  • put on/gain/lose weight/a few kilos/a few pounds 增加/减少体重/几公斤/几磅
  • watch/control/struggle with your weight 关注/控制体重;努力减肥
  • be/become seriously overweight/underweight 已经/变得严重超重/体重不足
  • be/become clinically/morbidly obese 已经是/变成临床/病态肥胖
  • achieve/facilitate/promote/stimulate weight loss 达到减轻体重的目的;促进减肥
  • slim down to 70 kilos/ (BrE) 11 stone/ (especially NAmE) 160 pounds 减肥到 70 公斤/11 英石/160 磅
  • combat/prevent/tackle/treat obesity 遏制/防止/解决/治疗肥胖
  • develop/have/suffer from/struggle with/recover from anorexia/bulimia/an eating disorder 患上/对抗/治愈厌食症/贪食症/饮食失调症
  • be on/go on/follow a crash/strict diet 采用快速减肥食谱;严格节食
  • have/suffer from a negative/poor body image 有不好的身体形象
  • have/develop a positive/healthy body image 具有/达到好的/健康的身体形象

Healthy eating 健康的饮食

  • eat a balanced diet/healthily/sensibly 吃得均衡/健康/合理
  • get/provide/receive adequate/proper nutrition 获得/提供/得到充足的/合适的营养
  • contain/get/provide essential nutrients/vitamins/minerals 含有/得到/提供必需的营养素/维生素/矿物质
  • be high/low in calories/fat/fibre/ (especially US) fiber/protein/vitamin D/Omega-3 fatty acids 热量/脂肪/纤维素/蛋白质/维生素 D/欧米加 3 脂肪酸含量高/低
  • contain (no)/use/be full of/be free from additives/chemical preservatives/artificial sweeteners (不)含/使用/含有大量/不含添加剂/化学防腐剂/人工甜味剂
  • avoid/cut down on/cut out alcohol/caffeine/fatty foods 避免摄取/减少/戒酒/咖啡因/高脂食物
  • stop/give up/ (especially NAmE) quit smoking 戒烟

Exercise 锻炼

  • (BrE) take regular exercise 经常锻炼
  • do moderate/strenuous/vigorous exercise 做适度/剧烈运动
  • play football/hockey/tennis 玩足球/曲棍球/网球
  • go cycling/jogging/running 骑自行车;慢跑;跑步
  • go to/visit/ (especially NAmE) hit/work out at the gym 去健身房锻炼
  • strengthen/tone/train your stomach muscles 增强/锻炼腹肌
  • contract/relax/stretch/use/work your lower-body muscles 收缩/放松/伸展/使用/锻炼下肢的肌肉
  • build (up)/gain muscle 增强肌肉
  • improve/increase your stamina/energy levels/physical fitness 增强耐力/体能/体质
  • burn/consume/expend calories 消耗热量

Staying healthy 保持健康

  • be/get/keep/stay healthy/in shape/ (especially BrE) fit 身体健康;变得/保持健康
  • lower your cholesterol/blood pressure 降低胆固醇/血压
  • boost/stimulate/strengthen your immune system 增强免疫力
  • prevent/reduce the risk of heart disease/high blood pressure/diabetes/osteoporosis 预防/减少患心脏病/高血压/糖尿病/骨质疏松的风险
  • reduce/relieve/manage/combat stress 缓解/控制压力
  • enhance/promote relaxation/physical and mental well-being 有助于身体放松/身心健康
🔑 [C, U] a solid or liquid substance from animals or plants, treated so that it becomes pure for use in cooking (烹调用的)动植物油Cook the meat in shallow fat. 用少许油煎肉。🔑 [C, U] animal and vegetable fats, when you are thinking of them as part of what a person eats (人体摄入的动植物)脂肪You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates. 你应该减少摄入脂肪和碳水化合物。foods which are low in fat 低脂肪食物reduced-fat margarines 低脂人造黄油ˌchew the ˈfat(informal) to have a long friendly talk with sb about sth (长时间)闲聊,闲扯live off the fat of the ˈlandto have enough money to be able to afford expensive things, food, drink, etc. 过奢侈的生活;锦衣玉食




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