🔑 hunt BrE /hʌnt / NAmE /hʌnt / verb present simple - I / you / we / they hunt BrE /hʌnt / NAmE /hʌnt / present simple - he / she / it hunts BrE /hʌnts / NAmE /hʌnts / past simple hunted BrE /ˈhʌntɪd / NAmE /ˈhʌntɪd / past participle hunted BrE /ˈhʌntɪd / NAmE /ˈhʌntɪd / -ing form hunting BrE /ˈhʌntɪŋ / NAmE /ˈhʌntɪŋ / 🔑 [ I , T ] to chase wild animals or birds in order to catch or kill them for food , sport or to make money 打猎;猎取;猎杀◆ Lions sometimes hunt alone . 狮子有时单独猎食。◆ ~ sth Whales are still being hunted and killed in the Arctic . 北冰洋的鲸类仍然遭到猎杀。 chase , falconry , game , hunt , open season , pack , poach , prey , safari , trail
🔑 [ I ] to look for sth that is difficult to find 搜寻;搜索 SYN search ◆ I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it . 我到处都搜遍了,就是找不到它。◆ ~ for sth She is still hunting for a new job . 她还在找新工作。🔑 [ T , I ] to look for sb in order to catch them or harm them 追踪;追捕◆ ~ sb Police are hunting an escaped criminal . 警察正在追捕一名逃犯。◆ ~ for sb Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday . 侦探正在追踪昨天侵入仓库的窃贼。 [ I , T ] ~ (sth ) (in Britain ) to chase and kill foxes as a sport , riding horses and using dogs . Fox hunting with dogs has been illegal in the UK since 2005 (英国)猎狐(作为运动,自 2005 年起用狗猎狐是违法的) ● ˌhunt sb↔ˈdown to search for sb until you catch or find them , especially in order to punish or harm them 追捕,缉捕(某人)● ˌhunt sth↔ˈdown /ˈout to search for sth until you find it 搜寻,寻找(某物) 🔑 hunt BrE /hʌnt / NAmE /hʌnt / noun [ C , usually sing. ] ~ (for sb /sth ) an act of looking for sb /sth that is difficult to find 搜寻;搜索;寻找◆ The hunt is on for a suitable candidate . 正在物色合适的人选。◆ Hundreds have joined a police hunt for the missing teenager . 已有几百人和警方一同搜寻那名失踪的少年。◆ a murder hunt (= to find the person who has killed sb ) 追捕杀人犯 ➡ see also treasure hunt , witch-hunt [ C ] (often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) an act of chasing wild animals to kill or capture them 打猎◆ a tiger hunt 猎虎 [ C ] (in Britain ) an event at which people ride horses and hunt foxes with dogs as a sport , illegal in the UK since 2005 (英国)猎狐(作为运动,自 2005 年起用狗猎狐是违法的) ◆ There will be a hunt on Boxing Day . 节礼日将有猎狐活动。◆ a hunt meeting 猎狐大会 [ C + sing./pl. v. ] (in Britain ) a group of people who regularly hunt foxes as a sport (英国经常举行猎狐运动的)猎狐队伍 ◆ There are several different hunts in the area . 这个地区有几支不同的猎狐队。● be in the ˈhunt to have a chance of winning 有机会(赢)◆ The team are back in the hunt for the league title . 这支队伍又有机会赢得联赛冠军了。