

单词 close
🔑 close1BrE /kləʊz/NAmE /kloʊz/   see also close2 verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they close BrE /kləʊz/ NAmE /kloʊz/present simple - he / she / it closes BrE /ˈkləʊzɪz/ NAmE /ˈkloʊzɪz/past simple closed BrE /kləʊzd/ NAmE /kloʊzd/past participle closed BrE /kləʊzd/ NAmE /kloʊzd/ -ing form closing BrE /ˈkləʊzɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈkloʊzɪŋ/window/door, etc. 窗、门等🔑 [T, I] ~ (sth) to put sth into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this position 关;关闭;闭上 SYN shut Would anyone mind if I closed the window? 我关上窗户会有人介意吗?She closed the gate behind her. 她关上了身后的大门。It's dark nowlet's close the curtains. 天黑了,咱们拉上窗帘吧。I closed my eyes against the bright light. 我闭上眼睛以防强光的照射。The doors open and close automatically. 这些门自动开关。 OPP open book/umbrella, etc. 书、伞等🔑 [T] ~ sth (up) to move the parts of sth together so that it is no longer open 合上;合拢 SYN shut to close a book/an umbrella 合上书;收起伞 OPP open shop/store/business, etc. 店铺、商店、公司等🔑 [T, often passive, I] to make the work of a shop/store, etc. stop for a period of time; to not be open for people to use (使)关门,关闭(一段时间);不开放 ~ sth (for sth) The museum has been closed for renovation. 博物馆已闭馆整修。~ sth (to sb/sth) The road was closed to traffic for two days. 这条路封闭了两天。~ (for sth) What time does the bank close? 那家银行什么时候关门?We close for lunch between twelve and two. 十二点至两点是我们的午餐歇业时间。 OPP open 🔑 [T, I] ~ (sth) (also ˌclose ˈdown, ˌclose sth↔ˈdown) if a company, shop/store, etc. closes, or if you close it, it stops operating as a business 停业;关闭;歇业;倒闭The club was closed by the police. 那家夜总会被警察查封了。The hospital closed at the end of last year. 这所医院去年年底关闭。The play closed after just three nights. 这部剧仅上演了三个晚上就停演了。 OPP open end 结束🔑 [T, I] to end or make sth end (使)结束,终止The meeting will close at 10.00 p.m. 会议将在晚上 10 点结束。The offer closes at the end of the week. 优惠将在本周末截止。~ sthto close a meeting/debate 结束会议/辩论to close a case/an investigation 结案;结束调查to close an account (= to stop keeping money in a bank account) 注销账户The subject is now closed (= we will not discuss it again). 这个话题的讨论现在已告结束。close / shut

You can close and shut doors, windows, your eyes, mouth, etc. 关门、关窗、闭眼、闭嘴等用 close 或 shut 均可。

  • Shut can suggest more noise and is often found in phrases such as slammed shut, banged shut, snapped shut. * shut 可含发出较大声音之义,常见于 slammed shut、banged shut、snapped shut(砰的一声关上)等短语中。
  • Shut is also usually used for containers such as boxes, suitcases, etc. 关上盒子、手提箱等亦常用 shut。
  • To talk about the time when shops, offices, etc. are not open, use close or shut. 商店、办事处等停业或不办公用 close 或 shut 均可What time do the banks close/shut? 银行什么时候关门?A strike has shut the factory. 罢工使工厂停业。You can also use closed or shut (NAmE usually closed). 亦可用 closed 或 shut(美式英语常用 closed)表示The store is closed/shut today. 这家商店今天不营业。Especially in NAmE, shut can sound less polite. 尤其在美式英语中,shut 听起来欠礼貌。
  • Closed is used in front of a noun, but shut is not. * closed 可用于名词前,shut 则不能a closed window 关着的窗户
  • We usually use closed about roads, airports, etc. 道路封闭、机场关闭等常用 closedThe road is closed because of the snow. 这条路因下雪而封闭。
  • Close is also used in formal English to talk about ending a meeting or conversation. * close 亦用于正式英语中,表示结束会议或谈话。
OPP open Wrapping up a discussion 结束讨论

In a formal meeting or conference, you may have to bring the session to a close. Here are some ways to get people to stop speaking. 以下是一些在正式会议结束时请求与会人员终止发言的方式

  • I'm afraid time is running out/we're running out of time, so we'll have to make this the final question. 恐怕时间不多了,所以这将是我们最后一个问题了。
  • We've only got a couple of minutes left, so can we summarize what we've agreed? 我们只剩下几分钟了,所以概括一下已经达成一致的意见好吗?
  • I'd like to close the session with a few final remarks… 我想最后说几句来结束这次会议…
  • We'll have to leave it there, but thank you all very much for your input. 我们就到这儿吧,非常感谢大家的参与。
  • Well, that's all we have time for today, but we'll meet again on Tuesday. 好了,我们今天没有时间了,但星期二我们将再次开会。
  • I'd like to thank you all for coming and for a very productive meeting. 感谢大家出席这次会议,以及为这次富有成效的会议付出的努力。
finance 金融 [I] ~ (at sth) to be worth a particular amount at the end of the day's business 收盘Shares in the company closed at 265p. 这家公司的股票收盘价为 265 便士。closing prices 收盘价distance/difference 距离;差别 [T, I] ~ (sth) to make the distance or difference between two people or things smaller; to become smaller or narrower (使)缩小,接近;变小;变窄These measures are aimed at closing the gap between rich and poor. 这些措施旨在缩小贫富差距。The gap between the two top teams is closing all the time. 两支顶尖球队的差距一直在缩小。hold firmly 牢牢抓住 [T, I] ~ (sth) about/around/over sb/sthto hold sth/sb firmly 把…牢牢抱住(或抓住、握住)She closed her hand over his. 她牢牢抓住他的手不放。Her hand closed over his. 她牢牢抓住他的手不放。close the book on sthto stop doing sth because you no longer believe you will be successful or will find a solution (因相信不会成功或没有结论而)放弃The police have closed the book on the case (= they have stopped trying to solve it). 警方已经放弃侦破此案。close its doors(of a business, etc. 企业等) to stop trading 停业;歇业;关闭The factory closed its doors for the last time in 2009. 这家工厂最后于 2009 年关闭。close your ˈmind to sthto refuse to think about sth as a possibility 对…拒不考虑(或置之不理、置若罔闻)close ˈranksif a group of people close ranks, they work closely together to defend themselves, especially when they are being criticized (尤指受到批评时)抱团,携手合作It's not unusual for the police to close ranks when one of their officers is being investigated. 在一位警员受到调查时,警察抱团的事并不罕见。if soldiers close ranks, they move closer together in order to defend themselves (士兵)成密集队形,相互靠拢close/shut the ˈdoor on sthto make it unlikely that sth will happen 使不可能;拒…于门外;把…的门堵死She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks. 她小心翼翼不让进一步谈判的大门关上。shut/close your ˈears to sthto refuse to listen to sth (对…)充耳不闻,置之不理She decided to shut her ears to all the rumours. 她拿定主意对所有的谣言置之不理。shut/close your eyes to sth 🔑to pretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it (对…)视而不见,熟视无睹,置若罔闻with your eyes ˈshut/ˈclosedhaving enough experience to be able to do sth easily 轻车熟路;毫不费力I've made this trip so often, I could do it with my eyes shut. 我经常走这条路,闭着眼睛都能找到。 ˌclose ˈdown(BrE) when a radio or television station closes down, it stops broadcasting at the end of the day (电台或电视台在一天的播送后)结束播放,停止播音  related noun close-down ˌclose ˈdownˌclose sth↔ˈdown = close1 (4) All the steelworks around here were closed down in the 1980s. 这一带的所有钢铁厂都在 20 世纪 80 年代关闭了。  related noun close-down OPP open up ˌclose ˈinwhen the days close in, they become gradually shorter during the autumn/fall (秋季白天)逐渐变短if the weather closes in, it gets worse (天气)变坏when the night closes in, it gets darker (夜色)加浓;(夜幕)降临They huddled around the fire as the night closed in. 夜幕降临的时候,他们聚拢在炉火旁。ˌclose ˈin (on sb/sth)to move nearer to sb/sth, especially in order to attack them (尤指为了进攻)逼近,靠近The lions closed in on their prey. 狮子逼近它们的猎物。ˌclose sth↔ˈoffto separate sth from other parts so that people cannot use it 隔离;封锁The entrance to the train station was closed off following the explosion. 爆炸发生后随即封锁了火车站入口。ˌclose sth↔ˈout(NAmE) to finish or settle sth 结束;了结The band closes the album out with an instrumental track.乐队在这张专缉的最后以一首器乐曲收尾。A rock concert closed out the festivities. 一场摇滚音乐会为庆典活动画下句点。to sell goods very cheaply in order to get rid of them quickly 削价销售;清仓处理;大甩卖  related noun closeout ˌclose ˈover sb/sthto surround and cover sb/sth 笼罩;遮盖;淹没The water closed over his head. 水没过他的头顶。ˌclose ˈupwhen a wound closes up, it heals (伤口)愈合to hide your thoughts or emotions 避而不谈(思想感情)She closed up when I asked about her family. 我问起她的家人时她避而不谈。ˌclose ˈupˌclose sth↔ˈupto shut and lock sth such as a shop/store or a building, especially for a short period of time (尤指临时)关门停业,锁上门Why don't we close up and go out for lunch? 我们何不关上门出去吃顿午饭?Can the last one out close up the office? 最后离开的人把办公室锁上好吗? OPP open up to come closer together; to bring people or things closer together (使)靠拢,靠紧Traffic was heavy and cars were closing up behind each other. 交通拥挤不堪,汽车一辆紧挨一辆地前行。to become narrower and less open 变狭窄Every time he tried to speak, his throat closed up with fear. 每当他试图讲话时,他都害怕得喉咙发紧说不出话来。 OPP open up
🔑 close1BrE /kləʊz/NAmE /kloʊz/   see also close2 noun [sing.] (formal) the end of a period of time or an activity (一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了at the close of the 17th century 在 17 世纪末His life was drawing to a close. 他的生命正走向终点。Can we bring this meeting to a close? 我们可以结束会议了吗?
🔑 close2BrE /kləʊs/NAmE /kloʊs/   see also close1 adjective (closer, clos·est) near 接近🔑 [not usually before noun] ~ (to sb/sth) | ~ (together) near in space or time (在空间、时间上)接近Our new house is close to the school. 我们的新房子离学校很近。I had no idea the beach was so close. 我不知道海滩会这么近。The two buildings are close together. 两座建筑物相距很近。This is the closest we can get to the beach by car. 开车去海滩到了这儿就再也不能往前走了。We all have to work in close proximity (= near each other). 我们都不得不紧挨在一起工作。The President was shot at close range (= from a short distance away). 总统遭到了近距离的枪击。The children are close to each other in age. 这些儿童彼此的年龄很接近。Their birthdays are very close together. 他们的生日挨得很近。near / close
  • The adjectives near and close are often the same in meaning, but in some phrases only one of them may be used. 形容词 near 和 close 通常含义相同,但在某些短语中只能用其中一个the near future 不久的将来a near neighbour 近邻a near miss 差点儿命中a close contest 势均力敌的竞赛a close encounter 近距离接触a close call 侥幸脱险 Close is more often used to describe a relationship between people. * close 更常用于描述人与人之间的关系a close friend 密友close family 关系亲密的家庭close links 紧密的联系You do not usually use near in this way. * near 通常不这样用。
almost/likely 几乎;可能🔑 [not before noun] ~ to sth | ~ to doing sthalmost in a particular state; likely to do sth soon 几乎(处于某种状态);可能(快要做某事)He was close to tears. 他几乎掉眼泪了。The new library is close to completion. 新图书馆快要竣工了。She knew she was close to death. 她知道自己将不久于人世。We are close to signing the agreement. 我们可能很快要签订协议。relationship 关系🔑 ~ (to sb) knowing sb very well and liking them very much 亲密的;密切的Jo is a very close friend. 乔是一个很亲密的朋友。She is very close to her father. 她和父亲的关系很亲密。She and her father are very close. 她和父亲的关系很亲密。We're a very close family. 我们全家彼此亲密无间。🔑 near in family relationship (家庭关系)亲近的close relatives, such as your mother and father, and brothers and sisters 近亲,如父母和兄弟姊妹 OPP distant 🔑 very involved in the work or activities of sb else, usually seeing and talking to them regularly (与某人的工作或活动)紧密相关的,密切的He is one of the prime minister's closest advisers. 他是首相最亲信的顾问之一。The college has close links with many other institutions. 这所学院与其他许多的机构有着紧密的联系。She has kept in close contact with the victims' families. 她与受害者的家人一直保持着密切的联系。We keep in close touch with the police. 我们与警方保持着密切联系。careful 仔细🔑 [only before noun] careful and thorough 细致的;严密的;周密的Take a close look at this photograph. 仔细看看这张照片。On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake. 经过更加仔细的查看,那幅画被证实是件赝品。Pay close attention to what I am telling you. 要认真听我给你讲的话。similar 相似🔑 ~ (to sth) very similar to sth else or to an amount 酷似的;几乎相等的There's a close resemblance (= they look very similar). 彼此间有酷似之处。His feeling for her was close to hatred. 他对她的感情近乎仇恨。The total was close to 20% of the workforce. 总数接近劳动力的 20%。We tried to match the colours, but this is the closest we could get. 我们尽量使颜色搭配协调,但最好也只能做到这样了。competition/election, etc. 竞争、选举等🔑 won by only a small amount or distance 实力相差无几的;仅以些微之差获胜的a close contest/match/election 双方实力很接近的竞赛/比赛;胜负双方差距很小的选举It was a very close finish. 比赛结果的胜负双方差距极小。I think it's going to be close. 我认为这将是一场势均力敌的角逐。Our team came a close second (= nearly won). 我们队以微弱差距屈居第二。The game was closer than the score suggests. 双方实力比得分所显示的要更接近。The result is going to be too close to call (= either side may win). 双方实力非常接近,因此结果无法预料。almost bad result 近乎于不好的结果used to describe sth, usually a dangerous or unpleasant situation, that nearly happens (通常指危险或不愉快的情况几乎发生)差一点儿,险些Phew! That was closethat car nearly hit us. 啊!好险!那辆车差点儿撞上我们。We caught the bus in the end but it was close (= we nearly missed it). 虽然我们最后总算赶上了那趟公共汽车,但也是够悬的。without space 无空间with little or no space in between 空隙极小的;无空隙的;密集的;紧凑的over 1 000 pages of close print 1 000 多页字体密集的印刷品The soldiers advanced in close formation. 士兵排着密集的队形前进。cut short 剪短cut very short, near to the skin 剪到齐根的;剪得很短的a close haircut/shave 剪到齐根的头发;刮剃干净guarded 戒备 [only before noun] carefully guarded 严加戒备的;守卫严密的The donor's identity is a close secret. 捐赠人的身份是保密的。She was kept under close arrest. 她被严密监禁。weather/room 天气;房间warm in an uncomfortable way because there does not seem to be enough fresh air 闷热的;不通风的 SYN stuffy private 私人 [not before noun] ~ (about sth) not willing to give personal information about yourself (对自己的个人信息)守口如瓶He was close about his past. 他对他的过去守口如瓶。mean 吝啬 [not before noun] (BrE) not liking to spend money 吝啬;小气She's always been very close with her money. 她用钱总是很吝啬。phonetics 语音学 (also high) (of a vowel 元音) produced with the mouth in a relatively closed position 闭塞音的,闭的(发音时口形相对闭合的)   compare open adjective (19) close·ly🔑 BrE /ˈkləʊsli/NAmE /ˈkloʊsli/ adverbI sat and watched everyone very closely (= carefully). 我坐着仔细观察每一个人。He walked into the room, closely followed by the rest of the family. 他走进房间,后面紧跟着他的家人。a closely contested election 实力相差无几的竞选She closely resembled her mother at the same age. 她与她母亲在相同的年龄时长相酷似。The two events are closely connected. 两起事件之间有密切的联系。 close·ness BrE /ˈkləʊsnəs/NAmE /ˈkloʊsnəs/ noun [U] at/from ˌclose ˈquartersvery near 很近;非常靠近fighting at close quarters 近距离作战close, but no ciˈgar(informal, especially NAmE) used to tell sb that their attempt or guess was almost but not quite successful 很接近,但还是输了;猜得差不多,但不完全对a ˌclose ˈcall/ˈshave(informal) a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident, etc. 侥幸避免事故;侥幸脱险;幸免于难a close ˈthinga situation in which success or failure is equally possible 成败机会各半We got him out in the end, but it was a close thing. 我们最后总算把他救了出来,可那是真险啊。close to ˈhomeif a remark or topic of discussion is close to home, it is accurate or connected with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed (话语或讨论的话题)因点中要害而使人局促不安(或尴尬)Her remarks about me were embarrassingly close to home. 她说我的那些话使我尴尬不已。keep a close ˈeye/ˈwatch on sb/sthto watch sb/sth carefully 密切注视;严密监视Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales. 在今后的几个月里我们将密切关注销售情况。(close/near) at ˈhandclose to you in time or distance (在时间或距离上)接近Help was at hand. 援助近在咫尺。The property is ideally located with all local amenities close at hand. 这处房地产的位置很理想,离当地的生活设施都近。close/dear/near to sb's ˈhearthaving a lot of importance and interest for sb 为某人所重视关心;为某人所爱
🔑 close2BrE /kləʊs/NAmE /kloʊs/   see also close1 adverb (closer, clos·est) near; not far away 接近;靠近;紧挨着;不远地They sat close together. 他们紧挨着坐在一起。Don't come too close! 别靠得太近!She held Tom close and pressed her cheek to his. 她紧紧地抱着汤姆,并把脸紧贴在他的脸上。I couldn't get close enough to see. 我无法靠得很近去看清楚。A second police car followed close behind. 第二辆警车紧紧跟在后面。close at ˈhandnear; in a place where sb/sth can be reached easily 在附近;在触手可及的地方There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand. 附近有几家挺不错的咖啡馆和一家餐馆。close ˈby (sb/sth)at a short distance (from sb/sth) (离…)不远;在不远处;在近旁Our friends live close by. 我们的朋友住得不远。The route passes close by the town. 这条路离那座城镇不远。close onclose toalmost; nearly 几乎;接近;差不多She is close on sixty. 她快满六十岁了。It is close on midnight. 时近午夜。a profit close to £200 million 接近 2 亿英镑的利润a close-run ˈthinga situation in which sb only just wins or loses, for example in a competition or an election (比赛或选举等中的)险胜,差距很小的败北close ˈtoclose ˈupin a position very near to sth 在很近处;很近地The picture looks very different when you see it close to. 这幅画贴近看时就很不一样。close up to sb/sthvery near in space to sb/sth (在空间上)离…很近She snuggled close up to him. 她紧紧地依偎着他。come close (to sth/to doing sth)to almost reach or do sth 几乎达到;差不多He'd come close to death. 他曾与死神擦肩而过。We didn't win but we came close. 我们输了,但离赢只差了那么一小点儿。run sb/sth ˈclose(BrE) to be nearly as good, fast, successful, etc. as sb/sth else 与…不相上下;可与…媲美Germany ran Argentina very close in the final. 在决赛中,德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。hold/keep/play your cards close to your ˈchestto keep your ideas, plans, etc. secret 守口如瓶;秘而不宣be close to/near the ˈmarkto be fairly accurate in a guess, statement, etc. (猜测、陈述等)接近准确,几乎无误sail close to the ˈwindto take a risk by doing sth that is dangerous or that may be illegal 冒风险(干危险或可能违法的事)
🔑 close2BrE /kləʊs/NAmE /kloʊs/   see also close1 noun(BrE) (especially in street names 尤用于街道名称) a street that is closed at one end 一端不通的街道;死胡同;死巷道Brookside Close 布鲁克赛德巷the grounds and buildings that surround and belong to a cathedral 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物




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