

单词 clear
🔑 clearBrE /klɪə(r)/NAmE /klɪr/ adjectiveclear adjective🔑 (≠ unclear) clearly adverb🔑clarity nounAWclarify verbAW (clear·er, clear·est) without confusion/doubt 清晰;无疑问🔑 easy to understand and not causing any confusion 清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的She gave me clear and precise directions. 她给了我清晰而准确的指示。Are these instructions clear enough? 这些说明够清楚了吗?You'll do as you're told, is that clear? 叫你做什么你就去做什么,明白吗?This behaviour must stopdo I make myself clear (= express myself clearly so there is no doubt about what I mean)? 这种行为必须停止。我讲清楚了吧?I hope I made it clear to him that he was no longer welcome here. 我希望我已经给他讲清楚他在这里不再受欢迎。🔑 obvious and leaving no doubt at all 明显的;显然的;明确的This is a clear case of fraud. 这无疑是一桩诈骗案。She won the election by a clear majority. 她以明显的多数赢得选举。His height gives him a clear advantage. 他的身高使他具有明显的优势。~ (to sb) (that)It was quite clear to me that she was lying. 我十分清楚她在撒谎。~ what, how, whether, etc.It is not clear what they want us to do. 我们不清楚他们要我们做什么。clearobviousapparentevidentplain

These words all describe sth that is easy to see or understand and leaves no doubts or confusion. 以上各词均形容事物显而易见、明白易懂、清楚、明确。

  • clear easy to see or understand and leaving no doubts 指显而易见的、明白易懂的、清楚的、明确的It was quite clear to me that she was lying. 我十分清楚她在撒谎。
  • obvious easy to see or understand 指明显的、显然的、易理解的It's obvious from what he said that something is wrong. 根据他所说的,显然是出问题了。
  • apparent [not usually before noun] (rather formal) easy to see or understand 指显而易见、明白易懂、显然It was apparent from her face that she was really upset. 从面容上一眼就可以看出她确实心绪烦乱。
  • evident (rather formal) easy to see or understand 指清楚的、明白的、显然的The orchestra played with evident enjoyment. 管弦乐队演奏得兴致勃勃。
  • plain easy to see or understand 指清楚的、明显的、浅白的He made it very plain that he wanted us to leave. 他明确表示要我们离开。

which word? 词语辨析

  • These words all have almost exactly the same meaning. There are slight differences in register and patterns of use. If you make sth clear/plain, you do so deliberately because you want people to understand sth; if you make sth obvious, you usually do it without meaning to. 以上各词意思几乎相同,只是在语体风格和句型使用上稍有区别。make sth clear/plain 表示刻意为使别人明白;make sth obvious 通常并非刻意I hope I make myself obvious.Try not to make it so clear/plain.In the expressions clear majority, for obvious reasons, for no apparent reason and plain to see, none of the other words can be used instead. You can have a clear/an obvious/a plain case of sth but notan evident case of sth 在 clear majority(明显多数)、for obvious reasons(因为显而易见的原因)、for no apparent reason(没有明显的原因)和 plain to see(显而易见)中,表示 “明显” 的词不能替换。可以用 clear/obvious/plain case of sth(明显的情况),但不能用 an evident case of sth。


  • clear/obvious/apparent/evident/plain to sb/sth
  • clear/obvious/apparent/evident/plain that/what/who/how/where/why…
  • to seem/become/make sth clear/obvious/apparent/evident/plain
  • perfectly/quite/very clear/obvious/apparent/evident/plain

Giving proof 提供证据

  • There is clear evidence that TV advertising influences what children buy. 有明确的证据表明电视广告影响儿童的购买行为。
  • It is clear from numerous studies that TV advertising influences what children buy. 众多研究清楚地表明电视广告影响儿童的购买行为。
  • Recent research demonstrates that TV advertising influences children's spending habits. 最近的研究表明电视广告影响儿童的消费习惯。
  • Many parents think that TV advertising influences their children. This view is supported by the findings of a recent study, which show a clear link between television advertisements and children's spending habits. 许多家长认为电视广告对他们的孩子会产生影响。这一观点得到近期研究结果的支持,即电视广告和儿童消费习惯之间有明显的关联。
  • The findings also reveal that most children are unaware of the persuasive purpose of advertising. 这些研究结果还显示大多数儿童没有意识到广告的说服意图。
  • There is little evidence that children understand the persuasive intent of advertising. 几乎没有证据表明儿童能够理解广告的说服意图。
  • The results contradict claims that advertising is unrelated to children's spending habits. 这些研究结果否定了广告与儿童消费习惯无关的说法。
  • Manufacturers argue that it is difficult to prove that advertising alone influences what children buy. 生产厂商争辩说,很难证明单凭广告就能影响儿童的购买行为。
language bank at argue, e.g., illustrate
🔑 having or feeling no doubt or confusion 无疑的;清楚的;明白的~ about/on sthAre you clear about the arrangements for tomorrow? 你清楚明天的安排吗?My memory is not clear on that point. 那一点我记不清了。~ what, how, whether, etc.I'm still not clear what the job involves. 我仍然不明白这项工作包括哪些内容。We need a clear understanding of the problems involved. 我们需要了解清楚所涉及的各种问题。sureconfidentconvincedcertainpositiveclear

These words all describe sb who knows without doubt that sth is true or will happen. 以上各词均指确信、肯定、有把握。

  • sure [not before noun] without any doubt that you are right, that sth is true, that you will get sth or that sth will happen 指确信、肯定、有把握、必定'Is that John over there?' 'I'm not sure.' “那边那个人是约翰吗?” “我说不准。”Are you sure about that? 这事你肯定吗?England must win this game to be sure of qualifying. 英格兰队必须拿下这场比赛才能确保获得资格。 NOTE Sure is often used in negative statements and questions, because there is some doubt or anxiety over the matter. If there is no doubt, people often say quite sure. * sure 常用于否定句和疑问句,表示有所怀疑或担忧。毫无疑问时常用 quite sureI'm quite sure (that) I left my bag here(= I have no doubt about it). 我肯定是把包丢在这儿了。
  • confident completely sure that sth will happen in the way that you want or expect 指肯定、确信、有把握I'm quite confident that you'll get the job. 我肯定你能得到那份工作。The team feels confident of winning. 这个队觉得有把握取胜。 NOTE Confident is a stronger and more definite word than sure and is more often used in positive statements, when you feel no anxiety. * confident 较 sure 语气强,而且更肯定,在无所担忧的情况下较常用于肯定句中。
  • convinced [not before noun] completely sure that sth is true or right, especially because the evidence seems to prove it or sb else has persuaded you to believe it 指坚信、深信、确信,尤指有证据证明或经说服I'm convinced that she's innocent. 我坚信她是清白无辜的。
  • certain [not usually before noun] sure that you are right or that sth is true 指确信、肯定、无疑Are you absolutely certain about this? 你对这事绝对确信无疑吗?

sure or certain? 用 sure 还是 certain?

Like sure, certain is often used in negative statements and questions. It is slightly more formal than sure; sure is more frequent, especially in spoken English. * certain 与 sure 一样,常用于否定句和疑问句中,但比 sure 稍正式些。sure 较常用,尤其是在口语中。

  • positive [not before noun] (rather informal) completely sure that sth is true 指有绝对把握、确信、肯定She was positive that he'd been there. 她确信他曾到过那儿。'Are you sure?' 'Positive.' “你肯定吗?” “绝对肯定。”
  • clear (often used in negative statements and questions) having no doubt or confusion about sth (常用于否定句与疑问句中)指无疑的、清楚的、明白的My memory isn't really clear on that point. 那一点我记不太清楚了。


  • sure/confident/convinced/certain/positive/clear about sth
  • sure/confident/convinced/certain of sth
  • sure/confident/convinced/certain/positive/clear that…
  • sure/certain/clear who/what/how, etc.
  • to feel sure/confident/convinced/certain/positive
  • quite/absolutely/completely/fairly/pretty sure/confident/convinced/certain/positive/clear
  • not altogether sure/confident/convinced/certain/clear
Asking for clarification 请求澄清

When you are given some information or asked to do something, you may need to check that you have understood correctly. Here are some ways of asking people to clarify what they said. 别人告知一些信息或提出要求时需要核实自己的理解是否正确。以下是一些请求他人澄清事由的方式

  • I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand. 对不起,我不太明白。
  • Would you mind explaining that again? I'm not sure that I've understood correctly. 请你再解释一遍行吗?我拿不准我理解得对不对。
  • Sorry, I don't quite follow (you). 抱歉,我没太听懂(你的话)。
  • Can I just check that I've got this right? 我核实一下我的理解是否正确好吗?
  • I'm not quite/exactly clear about/really sure what I'm supposed to do. 我不太清楚/不太肯定该做什么。
  • Sorry, could you repeat that? I didn't hear what you said. 对不起,你能再说一遍吗?你刚才说的我没听到。
  • Sorry, would you mind repeating what you just said? 对不起,请你把刚才说的话重复一遍好吗?
  • If I understand you correctly, you want me to phone the customer and apologise? 如果我的理解没错,你是要我打电话给客户道歉?
  • Do you mean (to say) that the deal's off? 你的意思是(说)交易取消了?
  • What exactly are you saying? 你到底在说什么?
  • So you're saying that the meeting's cancelled? 那么你是说会议取消了?
  • Sorry, did you mean that I should wait here or come back later? 抱歉,你的意思是我该在这里等,还是一会儿再过来?
  • Can you just confirm your date of birth for me, please? 请您帮我确认一下您的出生日期好吗?
mind 头脑🔑 thinking in a sensible and logical way, especially in a difficult situation (尤指在困境中)思维敏锐而有逻辑的,头脑清醒的a clear thinker 思维清晰的人You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview. 你面试时要保持清醒的头脑。easy to see/hear 容易看见/听到🔑 easy to see or hear 容易看见的;听得清的The photo wasn't very clear. 这张照片不太清晰。The voice on the phone was clear and strong. 电话上的声音清晰洪亮。She was in Australia but I could hear her voice as clear as a bell. 她虽然在澳大利亚,但我却能非常清楚地听到她的声音。transparent 透明🔑 that you can see through 透明的;清澈的The water was so clear we could see the bottom of the lake. 湖水清澈见底。clear glass 透明的玻璃a clear colourless liquid 透明的无色液体sky/weather 天空;天气🔑 without cloud or mist 无云(或雾)的;晴朗的a clear blue sky 晴朗的碧空On a clear day you can see France. 天气晴朗时你可以看见法国。skin 皮肤without spots or marks 无斑(或疤痕)的clear skin 没有丝毫斑点的皮肤a clear complexion 无瑕的面庞eyes 眼睛bright and lively 明亮有神的not blocked 无阻碍~ (of sth) free from things that are blocking the way or covering the surface of sth 畅通无阻的;无障碍的;(表面)收拾干净的The road was clear and I ran over. 路上没有东西挡着,我就跑了过来。All exits must be kept clear of baggage. 所有出口必须保持通畅,不得堆放行李。You won't get a clear view of the stage from here. 从这里看舞台,你的视野会受到遮挡。I always leave a clear desk at the end of the day. 每天工作结束时,我总是把桌面收拾干净。conscience 良心if you have a clear conscience or your conscience is clear, you do not feel guilty 无罪的;清白的;问心无愧的free from sth bad 与坏事不沾边~ of sthfree from sth that is unpleasant 摆脱掉(不愉快事物)的They were still not clear of all suspicion. 他们仍未解除所有的嫌疑。We are finally clear of debt. 我们终于偿清了债务。not touching/near 不接触;不靠近 [not before noun] ~ (of sb/sth) not touching sth; a distance away from sth 不接触;远离The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升直至穿出了云层。Make sure you park your car clear of the entrance. 切莫把车停在入口处。period of time 一段时间 [only before noun] whole or complete 全部的;整体的;完整的Allow three clear days for the letter to arrive. 信要整整三天才能寄到。sum of money 款项 [only before noun] remaining when taxes, costs, etc. have been taken away (扣除税项、成本等后)净的,纯的 SYN net They had made a clear profit of £2 000. 他们已赚得 2 000 英镑的净利。phonetics 语音学(of a speech sound 语音) produced with the central part of the tongue close to the top of the mouth. In many accents of English, clear /l/ is used before a vowel, as in leave 清晰的 OPP dark be clear ˈsailing(US) = be plain sailing (as) clear as ˈdayeasy to see or understand 显而易见;容易理解(as) clear as ˈmud(informal, humorous) not clear at all; not easy to understand 一点不清楚;难懂Oh well, that's all as clear as mud, then. 哎呀,那么一来这真是成了一本糊涂账了。leave the field ˈclear for sbleave sb in possession of the ˈfieldto enable sb to be successful in a particular area of activity because other people or groups have given up competing with them 为…的胜利铺平道路;为…的成功扫清障碍keep your ˈheadkeep a clear/cool ˈheadto remain calm in a difficult situation (在困境中)保持冷静ˌloud and ˈclearin a way that is very easy to understand 清楚明白The message is coming through loud and clear. 消息传达得清楚明白。
🔑 clearBrE /klɪə(r)/NAmE /klɪr/clear adjective (≠ unclear) clearly adverbclarity nounclarify verb verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they clear BrE /klɪə(r)/ NAmE /klɪr/present simple - he / she / it clears BrE /klɪəz/ NAmE /klɪrz/past simple cleared BrE /klɪəd/ NAmE /klɪrd/past participle cleared BrE /klɪəd/ NAmE /klɪrd/ -ing form clearing BrE /ˈklɪərɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈklɪrɪŋ/remove sth/sb 移动某物;使某人离去🔑 [T] to remove sth that is not wanted or needed from a place 移走,搬走,清除(不需要的东西)~ sthI had cleared my desk before I left. 离开前我清理干净了办公桌。It was several hours before the road was cleared after the accident. 事故过去几小时后这条道路才被疏通。It's your turn to clear the table (= to take away the dirty plates, etc. after a meal). 该轮到你收拾餐桌了。She cleared a space on the sofa for him to sit down. 她在沙发上清出一个空位让他坐下。~ A (of B) I cleared my desk of papers. 我清理好了写字台上的文件。The streets had been cleared of snow. 街道上的积雪已被清除干净。~ B (from/off A) Clear all those papers off the desk. 把桌子上所有那些文件都拿走。The remains of the snow had been cleared from the streets. 街道上的残雪已被清扫干净。   see also clear away at clear 🔑 [T] ~ sthto make people leave a place 使人离开After the bomb warning, police cleared the streets. 接到有炸弹的警告后,警察疏散了街上的行人。not be blocked 不受阻碍🔑 [I] to move freely again; to no longer be blocked 恢复畅通;不再受阻The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident. 事故后很久交通才恢复畅通。The boy's lungs cleared and he began to breathe more easily. 男孩的肺部恢复通畅后,呼吸开始比较轻松。of liquid 液体🔑 [I] when a liquid clears, it becomes transparent and you can see through it 变透明;变清澈The muddy water slowly cleared. 浑浊的水慢慢变得清澈起来。of smoke, etc. 烟等🔑 [I] ~ (away) when smoke, fog, etc. clears, it disappears so that it is easier to see things (烟、雾等)消散,散去,消失The mist will clear by mid-morning. 雾将在上午十时左右消散。of sky/weather 天空;天气 [I] when the sky or the weather clears, it becomes brighter and free of cloud or rain 变明朗;转晴;放晴The sky cleared after the storm. 暴风雨过后,天转晴了。The rain is clearing slowly. 雨渐渐停下来。your head/mind 头脑;思路 [I, T] if your head or mind clears, or you clear it, you become free of thoughts that worry or confuse you or the effects of alcohol, a blow, etc. and you are able to think clearly (使)变清醒,变清晰As her mind cleared, she remembered what had happened. 头脑清醒之后,她想起了所发生的一切。~ sthI went for a walk to clear my head. 我去散一会儿步,好清醒清醒头脑。of face/expression 脸色;表情 [I] if your face or expression clears, you stop looking angry or worried 变平静;变开朗prove sb innocent 证明无罪 [T] ~ sb (of sth) to prove that sb is innocent 证明无罪(或无辜)She was cleared of all charges against her. 对她的所有指控均已撤销。Throughout his years in prison, he fought to clear his name. 在整个服刑期间,他奋力证明自己名誉的清白。give official permission 批准 [T] to give or get official approval for sth to be done 批准;准许;得到许可~ sthHis appointment had been cleared by the board. 他的任命已由董事会批准。~ sth with sb/sthI'll have to clear it with the manager. 这事我须要获得经理的准许。 [T] ~ sthto give official permission for a person, a ship, a plane or goods to leave or enter a place 批准(人、船只、飞机或货物)离境(或入境);使通过(海关)The plane had been cleared for take-off. 飞机已获准起飞。to clear goods through customs 给货物结关 [T] ~ sbto decide officially, after finding out information about sb, that they can be given special work or allowed to see secret papers (经审查后)正式批准(某人)做机密工作(或阅读机密文件)She hasn't been cleared by security. 她未获保安部门批准做机要工作。money 款项 [I, T] ~ (sth) if a payment that is made into your bank account clears, or a bank clears it, the money is available for you to use (付款)到账;(银行)将(付款)划入账户Cheques usually take three working days to clear. 兑现支票通常需要三个工作日。 [T] ~ sthto gain or earn a sum of money as profit 获利;净赚She cleared £1 000 on the deal. 她在那笔交易中净赚 1 000 英镑。 [T] ~ sthif you clear a debt or a loan, you pay all the money back 偿清,还清(债务或贷款)get over/past 越过;通过 [T] ~ sthto jump over or get past sth without touching it (无接触地)跃过,越过,通过The horse cleared the fence easily. 那匹马轻松地跃过了栅栏。The car only just cleared (= avoided hitting) the gatepost. 那辆汽车通过时险些撞上门柱。in sport 体育运动 [T, I] ~ (sth) (in football (soccer) and some other sports 足球及其他一些体育运动) if you clear a ball, or a ball clears, it is kicked or hit away from the area near your own goal 将(球)击离己方球门区;(球)滚离己方球门区clear the ˈairto improve a difficult or tense situation by talking about worries, doubts, etc. (通过倾诉)改变困境,缓解紧张状态,改善气氛clear the ˈdecks(informal) to prepare for an activity, event, etc. by removing anything that is not essential to it 清除障碍准备行动clear your ˈthroatto cough so that you can speak clearly 清喉咙;清嗓子clear the way (for sth/for sth to happen)to remove things that are stopping the progress or movement of sth (为…)清除障碍,扫清道路The ruling could clear the way for extradition proceedings. 这项裁决也许能为引渡程序铺平道路。the ˌcoast is ˈclear(informal) there is no danger of being seen or caught 没有被发现(或抓住)的危险As soon as the coast was clear he climbed in through the window. 等到四下无人,他便从窗户爬了进去。blow/clear the ˈcobwebs awayto help sb start sth in a fresh, lively state of mind 使头脑清醒;使振作精神A brisk walk should blow the cobwebs away. 轻快的散步可以使人头脑清醒。 ˌclear aˈwayˌclear sth↔aˈwayto remove sth because it is not wanted or needed, or in order to leave a clear space 把…清除掉(以留出空间)He cleared away and made coffee. 他把东西收拾好以后煮了咖啡。It's time your toys were cleared away. 现在该收走你的玩具了。ˌclear ˈoff(informal) to go or run away 离开;逃离;逃跑He cleared off when he heard the police siren. 他听到警笛便逃之夭夭。You've no right to be here. Clear off! 你无权在这里,走开!ˌclear ˈout (of…)(informal) to leave a place quickly 迅速离开He cleared out with all the money and left her with the kids. 他卷款而逃,把孩子丢给她。ˌclear ˈout 🔑ˌclear sth↔ˈout 🔑to make sth empty and clean by removing things or throwing things away 把…清空;清理;丢掉to clear out a drawer/room 把抽屉/房间腾空We cleared out all our old clothes. 我们扔掉了所有的旧衣服。I found the letters when I was clearing out after my father died. 我在父亲去世后清理遗物时发现了这些信件。  related noun clear-out ˌclear ˈup🔑 (of the weather 天气) to become fine or bright 转晴;放晴;变晴朗I hope it clears up this afternoon. 我希望今天下午天气放晴。(of an illness, infection, etc. 疾病、感染等) to disappear 痊愈;治愈;消失Has your rash cleared up yet? 你的皮疹消失了吗?ˌclear ˈup 🔑ˌclear sth↔ˈup 🔑to make sth clean and neat 使整洁;清理It's time to clear up. 该打扫了。I'm fed up with clearing up after you! 你弄脏了的地方总是要我来打扫,我受够了!Clear up your own mess! 看你把这里弄得又脏又乱的,你自己来收拾吧!ˌclear sth↔ˈup 🔑to solve or explain sth 解决;解答;解释to clear up a mystery/difficulty/misunderstanding 揭开谜团;解决困难;消除误会
🔑 clearBrE /klɪə(r)/NAmE /klɪr/clear adjective (≠ unclear) clearly adverbclarity nounclarify verb adverbnot near/touching 不靠近;不触及🔑 ~ (of sth) away from sth; not near or touching sth 离开;不靠近;不接触Stand clear of the train doors. 不要靠近列车门站立。He injured his arm as he jumped clear of the car. 他跳离汽车时手臂受了伤。By lap two Walker was two metres clear of the rest of the runners. 跑第二圈时,沃克已领先了其他赛跑者两米。all the way 一直(especially NAmE) all the way to sth that is far away 一直(到远处)She could see clear down the highway into the town. 她顺着公路一直望去,能看到远处的那座城镇。keep/stay/steer clear (of sb/sth)to avoid a person or thing because it may cause problems 避开;回避;躲避see your ˈway (ˈclear) to doing sth/to do sthto find that it is possible or convenient to do sth 觉得有可能做某事;认为便于做某事Small builders cannot see their way clear to take on many trainees. 小建筑商认为不可能招收很多见习生。
🔑 clearBrE /klɪə(r)/NAmE /klɪr/clear adjective (≠ unclear) clearly adverbclarity nounclarify verb nounin the ˈclear(informal) no longer in danger or thought to be guilty of sth 不再有危险;不再被认为有罪It seems that the original suspect is in the clear. 好像原先的嫌疑犯已被认定无罪。




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