

单词 house
🔑 house nounBrE /haʊs/NAmE /haʊs/ (
houses BrE /ˈhaʊzɪz/ NAmE /ˈhaʊzɪz/
building 建筑🔑
[C] a building for people to live in, usually for one family 房屋;房子;住宅He went into the house. 他进了房子。a two-bedroom house 两居室的住宅Let's have the party at my house. 我们在我家里聚会吧。house prices 房价What time do you leave the house in the morning (= to go to work)? 你早晨几点出门(去上班)?(BrE) We're moving house (= leaving our house and going to live in a different one). 我们要搬家了。

accommodation, deed, home, house, lease, let, location, mortgage, squat, tenant

Moving house 搬家

Renting 租房子

  • live in a rented/ (especially NAmE) rental property 住在租来的住所里
  • rent/share/move into a furnished house/ (BrE) flat/ (especially NAmE) apartment 租用/合住/搬进配有家具的房屋/公寓
  • rent a studio/ (BrE) a studio flat/ (especially NAmE) a studio apartment/ (BrE) a bedsit 租一个单间公寓
  • find/get a housemate/ (BrE) a flatmate/ (NAmE) a roommate 找一个室友
  • sign/break the lease/rental agreement/contract 签署/违反租约/租赁协议/合同
  • extend/renew/terminate the lease/ (BrE) tenancy 延长租赁期限;续签/终止租约
  • afford/pay the rent/the bills/ (NAmE) the utilities 付得起/支付租金/账单/水电气等杂费
  • (especially BrE) fall behind with/ (especially NAmE) fall behind on the rent 拖欠租金
  • pay/lose/return a damage deposit/ (NAmE) security deposit 支付/失去/退还损坏押金/保证金
  • give/receive a month's/two-weeks' notice to leave/vacate the property 提前一个月/两周发出/收到离开/腾空住房的通知

Being a landlord 做房东

  • have a flat/apartment/room (BrE) to let/ (especially NAmE) for rent 有一间公寓/一个房间要出租
  • rent (out)/lease (out)/ (BrE) let (out)/sublet a flat/apartment/house/property 出租/转租公寓/房屋/房产
  • collect/increase/raise the rent 收取/增加/提高房租
  • evict the existing tenants 赶走现有房客
  • attract/find new/prospective tenants 吸引/寻找新的/可能的房客
  • invest in rental property/ (BrE) property to let/ (BrE) the buy-to-let market 投资购房用于出租

Buying 购买房子

  • buy/acquire/purchase a house/(a) property/ (especially NAmE) (a piece of) prime real estate 购置一栋房子/一处房产/(一块)优质房地产
  • call/contact/use (BrE) an estate agent/ (NAmE) a Realtor™/ (NAmE) a real estate agent/broker 电话联系/联系/任用房地产经纪人
  • make/ (BrE) put in an offer on a house 提供房子的报价
  • put down/save for (BrE) a deposit on a house 支付/存钱付房屋订金
  • make/put/save for (especially NAmE) a down payment on a house/home 支付/攒钱支付买房的首付金
  • apply for/arrange/take out a mortgage/home loan 申请/商定/取得按揭/住房贷款
  • (struggle to) pay the mortgage (竭力)支付按揭贷款
  • make/meet/keep up/cover the monthly mortgage payments/ (BrE also) repayments 支付每月的按揭贷款
  • (BrE) repossess/ (especially NAmE) foreclose on sb's home/house 收回某人的房子;终止某人的房屋赎回权

Selling 出售房子

  • put your house/property on the market/up for sale/up for auction 将房屋/房产投放市场/出售/拍卖
  • increase/lower your price/the asking price 提高/降低价格/要价
  • have/hold/hand over the deed/ (especially BrE) deeds of/to the house, land, etc. 持有/移交房屋、土地等契约
Decorating and home improvement 装饰和改善房屋

Houses 房屋

  • refurbish/renovate/ (BrE) do up a building/a house 整修/翻新/修缮楼房/房屋
  • convert a building/house/room into homes/offices/ (especially NAmE) apartments/ (BrE) flats 把楼房/房子/房间/改建成住房/办公室/公寓
  • extend/enlarge a house/building/room/kitchen 扩建/扩大房屋/楼房/房间/厨房
  • build (BrE) an extension (to the back/rear of a house)/ (NAmE) an addition (on/to sth)/ (BrE) a conservatory (在房子后面)扩建;(在某处)增建;建造暖房
  • knock down/demolish a house/home/building/wall 推倒/拆除房子/住房/楼房/墙壁
  • knock out/through the wall separating two rooms 将两个房间的隔墙打通

Decoration 装饰

  • furnish/paint/ (especially BrE) decorate a home/a house/an apartment/a flat/a room 布置/油漆/装饰住房/房子/公寓/房间
  • be decorated in bright colours/ (especially US) colors/in a traditional style/with flowers/with paintings 用明亮的色彩/传统风格/花朵/绘画装饰
  • paint/plaster the walls/ceiling 给墙壁/天花板上刷油漆/抹灰
  • hang/put up/strip off/remove the wallpaper 贴/去除墙纸
  • install/replace/remove the bathroom fixtures/ (BrE) fittings 安装/更换/拆除浴室的固定装置/附加设备
  • build/put up shelves 搭架子
  • lay wooden flooring/timber decking/floor tiles/a carpet/a patio 铺设木地板/平台木板/地砖/地毯/露台
  • put up/hang/take down a picture/painting/poster/curtain 挂上/取下图画/绘画/海报/帘子

DIY/home improvement 自己动手;房屋改造

  • do (BrE) DIY/carpentry/the plumbing/the wiring 自己动手做;做木匠活;铺设管道;铺设线路
  • make home improvements 改造房屋
  • add/install central heating/underfloor heating/insulation 添加/安装中央供暖系统/地暖系统/隔热材料
  • fit/install double-glazing/a smoke alarm 安装双层玻璃/烟雾报警器
  • insulate your house/your home/the walls/the pipes/the tanks/ (especially BrE) the loft 在房子/住房/墙壁/管道/热水箱/阁楼里加隔热装置
  • fix/repair a roof/a leak/a pipe/the plumbing/a leaking (especially BrE) tap/ (NAmE usually) faucet 维修房顶/裂缝/管子/管道系统/漏水的水龙头
  • block/clog (up)/unblock/unclog a pipe/sink 堵住/疏通管道/洗涤池
  • make/drill/fill a hole 开/钻/填一个洞
  • hammer (in)/pull out/remove a nail 锤进/拔出钉子
  • tighten/untighten/loosen/remove a screw 拧紧/拧松/拧开螺丝钉
  • saw/cut/treat/stain/varnish/paint wood 锯/切割/加工木料;给木料上色/上清漆/上油漆
  see also penthouse, safe house, show house
🔑 [sing.] all the people living in a house 住在一所房子里的人;全家人 SYN household Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house! 安静点,别把全家人都吵醒! [C] (in compounds 构成复合词) a building used for a particular purpose, for example for holding meetings in or keeping animals or goods in 某种用途的建筑物an opera house 歌剧院a henhouse 鸡舍   see also doghouse, dosshouse, halfway house, hothouse, lighthouse, madhouse, outhouse, storehouse, warehouse House [sing.] (BrE) used in the names of office buildings (用于办公楼名称)大厦,大楼Their offices are on the second floor of Chester House. 他们的办公室在切斯特大厦三楼。
company/institution 公司;机构 [C] (in compounds 构成复合词) a company involved in a particular kind of business; an institution of a particular kind (从事某种生意的)公司,机构a fashion/banking/publishing, etc. house 时装公司、银行、出版社等a religious house (= a convent or a monastery ) 宗教会所I work in house (= in the offices of the company that I work for, not at home). 我在公司里上班。   see also clearing house, in-house restaurant 餐馆 [C] (in compounds 构成复合词) a restaurant 餐馆;餐厅a steakhouse 牛排餐馆a coffee house 咖啡馆a bottle of house wine (= the cheapest wine available in a particular restaurant, sometimes not listed by name) 一瓶本店特价酒   see also free house, public house, roadhouse, tied house parliament 议院 [C] (often House) a group of people who meet to discuss and make the laws of a country 议院;议会;国会Legislation requires approval by both houses of parliament. 立法须要得到议会两院的一致通过。   see also lower house, upper house the House [sing.] the House of Commons or the House of Lords in Britain; the House of Representatives in the US (英国)下议院,上议院;(美国)众议院in debate 辩论the house [sing.] a group of people discussing sth in a formal debate (统称)参与辩论的人I urge the house to vote against the motion. 我呼吁参加辩论的诸位投票反对这项动议。in theatre 剧院 [C] the part of a theatre where the audience sits; the audience at a particular performance 观众席;(统称)观众playing to a full/packed/empty house (= to a large/small audience) 演出座无虚席/满座/观众寥寥无几The spotlight faded and the house lights came up. 聚光灯渐渐熄灭,观众席的灯亮了。   see also front-of-house, full house (1) in school 学校 [C] (in some British schools) an organized group of students of different ages who compete against other groups in sports competitions, etc. and who may, in boarding schools, live together in one building (英国某些学校为进行体育比赛或按宿舍将学生分成的)社,舍family 家庭 [C] (usually the House of…) an old and famous family 名门世家;望族the House of Windsor (= the British royal family) 温莎王室music 音乐 [U] = house music   see also acid house, art-house, open house, powerhouse HELP There are many other compounds ending in house. You will find them at their place in the alphabet. 以 house 结尾的复合词还有很多,可在各字母中的适当位置查到。bring the ˈhouse downto make everyone laugh or cheer, especially at a performance in the theatre (尤指剧院的演出)博得满堂大笑(或喝彩)get on like a ˈhouse on fire(BrE) (NAmE get along like a ˈhouse on fire) (informal) (of people ) to become friends quickly and have a very friendly relationship 很快就打得火热;一见如故;一拍即合go all round the ˈhouses(BrE, informal) to do sth or ask a question in a very complicated way instead of in a simple, direct way 绕圈子;拐弯抹角;不直截了当keep ˈhouseto cook, clean and do all the other jobs around the house 操持家务on the ˈhousedrinks or meals that are on the house are provided free by the pub/bar or restaurant and you do not have to pay (酒吧或饭店)免费提供的put/set your (own) ˈhouse in orderto organize your own business or improve your own behaviour before you try to criticize sb else 先管好自己的事;律人先律己set up ˈhouseto make a place your home (在某处)建立家庭They set up house together in a small flat in Brighton. 他们一同在布赖顿的一个小公寓里建立了家庭。clean ˈhouse(NAmE) to remove people or things that are not necessary or wanted 清除不必要的人(或事物);裁减The new manager said he wanted to clean house. 新上任的经理说他要裁员。to make your house clean 打扫房屋not a dry eye in the ˈhouse(humorous) used to say that everyone was very emotional about sth 全场无人不流泪;全场无不为之动容There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement. 他们宣布订婚时大伙眼睛全湿了。eat sb out of ˌhouse and ˈhome(informal, often humorous) to eat a lot of sb else's food 把某人吃穷 Alliteration in idioms belt and braces, (beat somebody) black and blue, born and bred, chalk and cheese, chop and change, done and dusted, down and dirty, in dribs and drabs, eat somebody out of house and home, facts and figures, fast and furious, first and foremost, forgive and forget, hale and hearty, hem and haw, kith and kin, mix and match, part and parcel of something, puff and pant, go to rack and ruin, rant and rave, risk life and limb, short and sweet, signed and sealed, spic and span, through thick and thin, this and that, top and tail something, tried and testedtrusted, wax and wanepeople (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw ˈstones(saying) you should not criticize other people, because they will easily find ways of criticizing you 身居玻璃房,投石招祸殃;自身毛病多,勿挑他人错(as) ˌsafe as ˈhouses(BrE) very safe 非常安全 Similes in idioms (as) bald as a coot, (as) blind as a bat, (as) bright as a button, (as) bold as brass, as busy as a bee, as clean as a whistle, (as) dead as athe dodo, (as) deaf as a post, (as) dull as ditchwater, (as) fit as a fiddle, as flat as a pancake, (as) good as gold, (as) mad as a hattera March hare, (as) miserableugly as sin, as old as the hills, (as) pleased as Punch, as pretty as a picture, (as) regular as clockwork, (as) quick as a flash, (as) safe as houses, (as) sound as a bell, (as) steady as a rock, (as) thick as two short planks, (as) tough as old boots
🔑 house verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they house BrE /haʊz/ NAmE /haʊz/present simple - he / she / it houses BrE /ˈhaʊzɪz/ NAmE /ˈhaʊzɪz/past simple housed BrE /haʊzd/ NAmE /haʊzd/past participle housed BrE /haʊzd/ NAmE /haʊzd/ -ing form housing BrE /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/BrE /haʊz/NAmE /haʊz/provide home 提供住所~ sbto provide a place for sb to live 给(某人)提供住处The government is committed to housing the refugees. 政府承诺收容难民。keep sth 保存~ sthto be the place where sth is kept or where sth operates from 是(某物)的贮藏处(或安置处);收藏;安置The gallery houses 2 000 works of modern art. 美术馆收藏了 2 000 件现代艺术作品。The museum is housed in the Old Court House. 博物馆设在旧法院大楼里。




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