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🔑 hotBrE /hɒt/NAmE /hɑːt/ adjective (hot·ter, hot·test) ➤temperature 温度🔑 having a high temperature; producing heat 温度高的;热的◆Do you like this hot weather? 你喜欢这种炎热的天气吗?◆It's hot today, isn't it? 今天很热,对吗?◆It was hot and getting hotter. 天气很热,而且气温在不断升高。◆It was the hottest July on record. 那是历史记载中最热的七月。◆a hot dry summer 炎热干燥的夏天◆Be careful—the plates are hot. 当心,盘子烫手。◆All rooms have hot and cold water. 所有的房间都有冷、热水。◆a hot bath 热水浴◆a hot meal (= one that has been cooked) 热的饭菜◆I couldn't live in a hot country (= one which has high average temperatures). 我无法在炎热的国家生活。◆Cook in a very hot oven. 放在烤箱里用高温烤。◆Eat it while it's hot. 趁热吃了它吧。◆I touched his forehead. He felt hot and feverish. 我摸了摸他的前额,感到很烫,是在发烧。 ➡ see also baking adjective, boiling hot at boiling, piping hot, red-hot, white-hot 🔑 (of a person 人) feeling heat in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way 觉得闷(或燥、湿)热◆Is anyone too hot? 有人觉得太热了吗?◆I feel hot. 我觉得很热。◆Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment. 她的双颊窘得发烫。🔑 making you feel hot 使人感到热的◆London was hot and dusty. 伦敦很热而且灰尘多。◆a long hot journey 又远又热的旅行➤food with spices 辣的食物🔑 containing pepper and spices and producing a burning feeling in your mouth 辣的;辛辣的◆hot spicy food 辛辣的食物◆You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies. 你只需加辣椒就能增加咖喱菜的辣味。◆hot mustard 辣芥末 OPP mild Restaurants 餐馆Eating out 去餐馆吃饭- eat (lunch/dinner)/dine/meet at/in a restaurant 在一家餐馆吃(午/晚)饭/进餐/碰面
- go (out)/take sb (out) for lunch/dinner/a meal 去/带某人去(外面)吃午饭/吃晚饭/用餐
- have a meal with sb 与某人一起吃饭
- make/have a reservation (in/under the name of Yamada) (以山田的名字)预订座位
- reserve/ (
especially BrE) book a table for six 预订一张坐六人的桌子 - ask for/request a table for two/a table by the window 要一张两人桌/靠窗的桌子
In the restaurant 在餐馆- wait to be seated 等待就座
- show sb to their table 把某人引到桌旁
- sit in the corner/by the window/at the bar/at the counter 坐在角落/窗边/吧台边/柜台边
- hand sb/give sb the menu/wine list 把菜单/酒水单递给某人
- open/read/study/peruse the menu 打开/看/仔细看菜单
- the restaurant has a three-course set menu/a children's menu/an extensive wine list 这餐馆有一个三道菜的套餐/儿童菜单/丰富的酒水单
- taste/sample/try the wine 品尝葡萄酒
- the waiter takes your order 服务生帮你点餐
- order/choose/have the soup of the day/one of the specials/the house (BrE) speciality/ (
especially NAmE) specialty 点当日例汤/一道特色菜/餐馆特色菜 - serve/finish the first course/the starter/the main course/dessert/coffee 端上/吃完第一道菜/开胃菜/主菜/甜点;端上/喝完咖啡
- complain about the food/the service/your meal 抱怨食物/服务/饭菜不好
- enjoy your meal 享用饭菜
Paying 结账- pay/ask for (
especially BrE) the bill/ (NAmE) the check 付账;要求结账 - pay for/treat sb to dinner/lunch/the meal 付晚饭/午饭/饭钱;请某人吃晚饭/午饭/饭
- service is (not) included 不含服务费
- give sb/leave (sb) a tip 给某人小费
➤causing strong feelings 引起强烈感情involving a lot of activity, argument or strong feelings 活跃的;激烈的;强烈的◆Today we enter the hottest phase of the election campaign. 今天我们进入了竞选活动最激烈的阶段。◆The environment has become a very hot issue. 环境已成为很热门的话题。◆Competition is getting hotter day by day. 竞争日趋白热化。➤difficult/dangerous 艰难;危险difficult or dangerous to deal with and making you feel worried or uncomfortable 艰难的;棘手的;危险的◆When things got too hot most journalists left the area. 事态发展到过于严峻时,大多数记者便撤离了这个地区。◆They're making life hot for her. 他们使得她日子难过。➤popular 流行(informal) new, exciting and very popular 风行的;风靡一时的;走红的◆This is one of the hottest clubs in town. 这是市里一家最受欢迎的夜总会。◆They are one of this year's hot new bands. 他们是今年走红的新乐队之一。◆The couple are Hollywood's hottest property. 这一对是好莱坞最炙手可热的人物。➤news 新闻fresh, very recent and usually exciting 最新的,新近的(通常令人兴奋)◆I've got some hot gossip for you! 我要告诉你一些最新的传闻!◆a story that is hot off the press (= has just appeared in the newspapers) 刚刚出炉的报道➤tip/favourite 热门 [only before noun] likely to be successful 有望成功的◆She seems to be the hot favourite for the job. 她似乎是这份工作最热门的人选。◆Do you have any hot tips for today's race? 你有今天赛马的内部消息吗?➤good at sth/knowing a lot 擅长;熟识 [not before noun] ~ at/on sth(informal) very good at doing sth; knowing a lot about sth 善于(做某事);(对某事)了解很多◆Don't ask me—I'm not too hot on British history. 别问我,我不大了解英国历史。➤anger 愤怒if sb has a hot temper they become angry very easily 易发怒的;(脾气)暴躁的➤sexual excitement 性激动feeling or causing sexual excitement 感到(或引起)性激动的◆You were as hot for me as I was for you. 当时你想要我,我也想要你。◆I've got a hot date tonight. 我今晚有一场令人激动的约会。➤shocking/critical 惊人;严重containing scenes, statements, etc. that are too shocking or too critical and are likely to cause anger or disapproval (场面、说话等)过激的,过火的◆Some of the nude scenes were regarded as too hot for Broadway. 有些裸露场面被认为太过火了,不适合在百老汇上演。◆The report was highly critical of senior members of the Cabinet and was considered too hot to publish. 报道中对内阁高级官员的批评被认为过于激烈,不宜发表。 ➡ see also hot stuff (4) ➤strict 严格 [not before noun] ~ on sththinking that sth is very important and making sure that it always happens or is done 重视,确保(某事发生或完成)◆They're very hot on punctuality at work. 他们很重视工作守时。➤music 音乐(of music, especially jazz 音乐,尤指爵士乐) having a strong and exciting rhythm 节奏强的➤goods 货物stolen and difficult to get rid of because they can easily be recognized 偷来(因容易识别)而难以销赃的◆I'd never have touched those CDs if I'd known they were hot. 早知道那些光盘是偷来的,我绝不会碰的。➤in children's games 儿童游戏 [not before noun] used in children's games to say that the person playing is very close to finding a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer 快找到了;快猜中了◆You're getting hot! 你快猜中了! Consonant-doubling adjectives big, drab, fat, fit, flat, hot, mad, red, sad, wet ●be ˌhot to ˈtrot(informal) to be very enthusiastic about starting an activity 期待(某活动)to be excited in a sexual way 欲火中烧;性欲高涨●be in/get into hot ˈwater(informal) to be in or get into trouble 有麻烦;惹上麻烦●go hot and ˈcoldto experience a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety 突然感到害怕(或焦虑)◆When the phone rang I just went hot and cold. 电话铃响时我吓得一阵冷一阵热。●go/sell like hot ˈcakesto sell quickly or in great numbers 畅销●(all) hot and ˈbothered(informal) in a state of anxiety or confusion because you are under too much pressure, have a problem, are trying to hurry, etc. (因压力过大、有难题、时间紧迫等)焦灼不安,心慌意乱●hot on sb's/sth's ˈheelsfollowing sb/sth very closely 紧跟着;接踵而至◆He turned and fled with Peter hot on his heels. 他转身逃跑,彼得穷追不舍。◆Further successes came hot on the heels of her first best-selling novel. 她的第一部畅销小说之后是接二连三的成功。●hot on sb's/sth's ˈtracks/ˈtrail(informal) close to catching or finding the person or thing that you have been chasing or searching for 快要抓到,即将找到(某人或物)●hot under the ˈcollar(informal) angry or embarrassed 愤怒的;窘迫的◆He got very hot under the collar when I asked him where he'd been all day. 我问他一整天到哪里去了,他很尴尬。●in hot purˈsuit (of sb)following sb closely and determined to catch them (对某人)穷追不舍◆She sped away in her car with journalists in hot pursuit. 她开车迅速离去,记者们则在后面穷追不舍。●not so/too ˈhotnot very good in quality 质量不大好◆Her spelling isn't too hot. 她的拼写不太好。not feeling well 不舒服◆'How are you today?' 'Not so hot, I'm afraid.' “你今天怎么样?” “很遗憾,不怎么样。”●blow hot and ˈcold (about sth)(informal) to change your opinion about sth often 拿不定主意;出尔反尔●like a ˌcat on hot ˈbricks(BrE) NAmElike a ˌcat on a hot tin ˈroofvery nervous 局促不安;如坐针毡;像热锅上的蚂蚁◆She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test. 她考驾驶执照前十分紧张不安。●(hard/hot) on sb's/sth's ˈheelsvery close behind sb/sth; very soon after sth 紧跟;紧接在后◆News of rising unemployment followed hard on the heels of falling export figures. 出口数字下降之后紧接着就是失业率上升的消息。●strike while the iron is ˈhot(saying) to make use of an opportunity immediately 趁热打铁 ORIGIN This expression refers to a blacksmith making a shoe for a horse. He has to strike/hammer the iron while it is hot enough to bend into the shape of the shoe. 原意是指打马掌的铁匠必须趁热打铁才能将其弯成马蹄形。 🔑 hotBrE /hɒt/NAmE /hɑːt/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they hot BrE /hɒt/ NAmE /hɑːt/present simple - he / she / it hots BrE /hɒts/ NAmE /hɑːts/past simple hotted BrE /ˈhɒtɪd/ NAmE /ˈhɑːtɪd/past participle hotted BrE /ˈhɒtɪd/ NAmE /ˈhɑːtɪd/ -ing form hotting BrE /ˈhɒtɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈhɑːtɪŋ/ ●ˌhot ˈup(BrE) (also ˌheat ˈupNAmE, BrE) (informal) to become more exciting or to show an increase in activity 激烈起来;更加活跃◆Things are really hotting up in the election campaign. 竞选活动的确日益激烈了。 |