

单词 rain
🔑 rainBrE /reɪn/NAmE /reɪn/ noun🔑 [U, sing.] water that falls from the sky in separate drops 雨;雨水There will be rain in all parts tomorrow. 明天,各地区都会有雨。Rain is forecast for the weekend. 预报周末有雨。Don't go out in the rain. 下雨呢,别出去了。It's pouring with rain (= raining very hard). 大雨倾盆。heavy/torrential/driving rain 大雨;倾盆大雨The rain poured down. 雨瓢泼而下。It looks like rain (= as if it is going to rain). 好像要下雨。A light rain began to fall. 开始下小雨。I think I felt a drop of rain. 我好像感觉到掉雨点儿了。Rain and storms 表示雨、下雨和恶劣天气的词


  • Drizzle is fine light rain. * drizzle 指毛毛细雨。
  • A shower is a short period of rain. * shower 指阵雨。
  • A downpour or a cloudburst is a heavy fall of rain that often starts suddenly. * downpour 或 cloudburst 指倾盆大雨、大暴雨、骤雨。
  • When it is raining very hard you can say that it is pouring. In informal BrE you can also say that it is bucketing down or chucking it down. You can also say: The heavens opened. 大雨倾盆可用 it is pouring。非正式英式英语亦可用 it is bucketing down 或者 it is chucking it down。还可以说 The heavens opened。

Storms 暴风雨

  • A cyclone and a typhoon are types of violent tropical storms with very strong winds. * cyclone 指气旋,typhoon 指台风。
  • A hurricane has very strong winds and is usually at sea. * hurricane 通常指海上的飓风。
  • A monsoon is a period of very heavy rain in particular countries, or the wind that brings this rain. * monsoon 指某些国家的雨季、季节性暴雨或带来暴雨的季风。
  • A squall is a sudden strong, violent wind, usually in a rain or snow storm. * squall 通常指在暴风雨或暴风雪中突起的飑。
  • A tornado (or (informal) twister) has very strong winds which move in a circle, often with a long narrow cloud. * tornado(或非正式用语 twister)指龙卷风。
  • A whirlwind moves very fast in a spinning movement and causes a lot of damage. * whirlwind 指旋风。
  • A blizzard is a snow storm with very strong winds. * blizzard 指暴风雪。
  • Tempest is used mainly in literary language to describe a violent storm. * tempest 主要为文学用语,指暴风雨、风暴、暴风雪。
The weather 天气

Good weather 好天气

  • be bathed in/bask in/be blessed with/enjoy bright/brilliant/glorious sunshine 沐浴着/享受着明媚的/灿烂的阳光
  • the sun shines/warms sth/beats down (on sth) 太阳照耀着/温暖着/照射在…
  • the sunshine breaks/streams through sth 阳光穿过…
  • fluffy/wispy clouds drift across the sky 绒毛般的/一缕缕云彩在空中飘过
  • a gentle/light/stiff/cool/warm/sea breeze blows in/comes in off the sea 微风/轻风/强风/凉爽的风/暖风/海风从海上吹来
  • the snow crunches beneath/under sb's feet/boots 积雪在…脚下/靴子下嘎吱作响

Bad weather 坏天气

  • thick/dark/storm clouds form/gather/roll in/cover the sky/block out the sun 厚厚的云层/乌云/暴风云形成/聚集/大量聚集/遮住天空/挡住太阳
  • the sky darkens/turns black 天空变暗/变黑
  • a fine mist hangs in the air 一丝薄雾弥漫在空气中
  • a dense/heavy/thick fog rolls in 浓雾滚滚而来
  • the rain falls/comes down (in buckets/sheets)/pours down 下雨了;大雨倾盆而下;大雨滂沱
  • snow falls/comes down/covers sth 雪花飘落/覆盖着…
  • the wind blows/whistles/howls/picks up/whips through sth/sweeps across sth 风刮/嗖嗖地刮/呼啸而过/愈刮愈大/刮过…/掠过…
  • strong/gale-force winds blow/gust (up to 80 mph) 狂风大作(高达每小时 80 英里的速度)
  • a storm is approaching/is moving inland/hits/strikes/rages 暴风雨即将降临/向内陆移动/来临/袭来/肆虐
  • thunder rolls/rumbles/sounds 雷声隆隆
  • (forked/sheet) lightning strikes/hits/flashes (叉状的/片状的)闪电袭来/闪过
  • a (blinding/snow) blizzard hits/strikes/blows/rages (令人目眩的)暴风雪袭来/大作/肆虐
  • a tornado touches down/hits/strikes/destroys sth/rips through sth 龙卷风袭击/摧毁…/撕裂…
  • forecast/expect/predict rain/snow/a category-four hurricane 预报有雨/雪/四级飓风
  • (NAmE) pour (down)/ (BrE) pour (down) with rain 下瓢泼大雨
  • get caught in/seek shelter from/escape the rain 遇上下雨;寻找避雨处;躲雨
  • be covered/shrouded in mist/a blanket of fog 笼罩在雾霭之中/厚厚的一层雾中
  • be in for/brave/shelter from a/the storm 即将遇到/勇敢面对/躲避暴风雨
  • hear rolling/distant thunder 听到隆隆的/远处的雷声
  • be battered/buffeted by strong winds 遭受强风肆虐;被强风吹得左右摇摆
  • (BrE) be blowing a gale 在刮大风
  • battle against/brave the elements 与恶劣天气搏斗;冒着风雨

The weather improves 天气好转

  • the sun breaks through the clouds 太阳破云而出
  • the sky clears/brightens (up)/lightens (up) 天放晴了
  • the clouds part/clear 乌云散去
  • the rain stops/lets up/holds off 雨停了/小了/延迟了
  • the wind dies down 风逐渐平息
  • the storm passes 暴风雨过去了
  • the mist/fog lifts/clears 薄雾/雾消散了
  see also acid rain, rainy

downpour, drought, flash flood, monsoon, precipitation, puddle, rain, shelter, shower, squall

the rains [pl.] the season of heavy continuous rain in tropical countries (热带地区的)雨季The rains come in September. 雨季九月份开始。 [sing.] ~ of stha large number of things falling from the sky at the same time 雨点般降落的东西a rain of arrows/stones 箭密如雨;铺天盖地而来的石头
come ˌrain, come ˈshine(come) ˌrain or ˈshinewhether there is rain or sun; whatever happens 不论是雨或是晴;不管发生什么事He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine. 他每天早晨出去跑步,风雨无阻。(as) right as ˈrain(informal) in excellent health or condition 十分健康;状况奇佳
🔑 rainBrE /reɪn/NAmE /reɪn/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they rain BrE /reɪn/ NAmE /reɪn/present simple - he / she / it rains BrE /reɪnz/ NAmE /reɪnz/past simple rained BrE /reɪnd/ NAmE /reɪnd/past participle rained BrE /reɪnd/ NAmE /reɪnd/ -ing form raining BrE /ˈreɪnɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈreɪnɪŋ/🔑 [I] when it rains, water falls from the sky in drops 下雨Is it raining? 下雨了吗?It had been raining hard all night. 大雨下了一整夜。It hardly rained at all last summer. 去年夏天几乎没怎么下雨。It started to rain. 开始下雨了。 [I, T] to fall or to make sth fall on sb/sth in large quantities (使)大量降落,雨点般落下~ (down) (on sb/sth) Bombs rained (down) on the city's streets.炸弹雨点儿似的落在这座城市的街道上。Falling debris rained on us from above. 碎片从上面像雨点儿一样落在我们身上。He covered his face as the blows rained down on him (= he was hit repeatedly). 他在遭到雨点般的击打时护住了自己的脸。~ sth (down) (on sb/sth) The volcano erupted, raining hot ash over a wide area. 火山喷发,将炽热的火山灰洒落在一大片地域上。be raining cats and ˈdogs(informal) to be raining heavily 下倾盆大雨it never rains but it ˈpours(BrE) (NAmE when it rains, it ˈpours) (saying) used to say that when one bad thing happens to you, other bad things happen soon after 不雨则已,一雨倾盆;祸不单行ˌrain on sb's ˈparade(NAmE, informal) to spoil sth for sb 煞风景;破坏原定的计划 be ˌrained ˈoff(BrE) (NAmE be ˌrained ˈout) (of an event 赛事) to be cancelled or to have to stop because it is raining 因雨取消(或中断)The game has been rained off again. 比赛又一次因雨而被取消。




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