🔑longBrE/lɒŋ/NAmE/lɔːŋ/, /lɑːŋ/adjectivelongadjective, adverb🔑lengthnoun🔑lengthyadjectivelengthenverb (long·erBrE/ˈlɒŋɡə(r)/NAmE/ˈlɔːŋɡər//ˈlɑːŋɡər/, long·estBrE/ˈlɒŋɡɪst/NAmE/ˈlɔːŋɡɪst//ˈlɑːŋɡɪst/) ➤distance距离🔑measuringorcoveringagreatlengthordistance, oragreaterlengthordistancethanusual(长度或距离)长的◆Shehadlongdarkhair. 她留着黑黑的长发。◆Hewalkeddownthelongcorridor. 他沿长廊走去。◆Itwastheworld'slongestbridge. 那座桥当时是世界上最长的。◆alongjourney/walk/drive/flight长途旅行/步行/驾驶/飞行◆We'realongwayfromanywherehere. 我们这里离任何一个地方都很远。◆It'salongwayaway. 那儿离这里很远。OPPshort🔑usedforaskingortalkingaboutparticularlengthsordistances(询问或谈论长度或距离)长◆HowlongistheRiverNile? 尼罗河有多长?◆Thetableissixfeetlong. 那张桌子长六英尺。◆Thereportisonlythreepageslong. 这份报告仅有三页。➤time时间🔑lastingortakingagreatamountoftimeormoretimethanusual长时间的;长久的;长期的◆He'sbeenill(for) alongtime.他生病很久了。◆Therewasalongsilencebeforeshespoke. 沉默了很长时间她才开口。◆Ilikeitnowthedaysaregettinglonger(= itstayslightformoretimeeachday). 白天越来越长了,我很喜欢。◆alongbook/film/list(= takingalotoftimetoread/watch/dealwith)篇幅长的书;放映时间长的电影;一份很长的清单◆Nurseshavetoworklonghours(= formorehoursinthedaythanisusual). 护士都不得不长时间地工作。◆(NAmE) Hestaredatthemforthelongesttime(= foraverylongtime)beforeanswering. 他盯着他们看了好长时间才回答。(for) long / (for) a long time
Both (for) long and (for) a long time are used as expressions of time. In positive sentences (for) a long time is used.* (for) long 和 (for) a long time 均用以表示时间。肯定句用 (for) a long time:◆We've been friends a long time.我们是老朋友了。(For) long is not used in positive sentences unless it is used with too, enough, as, so, seldom, etc.* (for) long 只有与 too、enough、as、so、seldom 等词连用时才用于肯定句中:◆I stayed out in the sun for too long.我在太阳底下待的时间太长了。◆You've been waiting long enough.你等得够久的了。 Both (for) long and (for) a long time can be used in questions, but (for) long is usually preferred.* (for) long 和 (for) a long time 均可用于疑问句,但 (for) long 较常用:◆Have you been waiting long?你等了很长时间吗?
In negative sentences (for) a long time sometimes has a different meaning from (for) long.在否定句中 (for) a long time 和 (for) long 有时含义不同。:Compare比较:◆I haven't been here for a long time(= It is a long time since the last time I was here).我已很久没来这里了。and和:◆I haven't been here long(= I arrived here only a short time ago).我到这里没多长时间。
🔑longBrE/lɒŋ/NAmE/lɔːŋ/, /lɑːŋ/longadjective, adverblengthnounlengthyadjectivelengthenverbadverb (long·erBrE/ˈlɒŋɡə(r)/NAmE/ˈlɔːŋɡər//ˈlɑːŋɡər/, long·estBrE/ˈlɒŋɡɪst/NAmE/ˈlɔːŋɡɪst//ˈlɑːŋɡɪst/) 🔑foralongtime长期地;长久地◆Haveyoubeenherelong? 你来这里时间长吗?◆Stayaslongasyoulike. 你愿待多久就待多久。◆Thepartywentonlongintothenight. 聚会持续到深夜。◆Thismaytakelongerthanwethought. 这事花的时间也许比我们预料的要多些。◆Iwon'tbelong(= I'llreturn, beready, etc. soon). 我一会儿就行。◆Howlonghaveyoubeenwaiting? 你等了多久了?◆Thesereformsarelongoverdue. 这些改革早就该进行了。(for) long / (for) a long time
Both (for) long and (for) a long time are used as expressions of time. In positive sentences (for) a long time is used.* (for) long 和 (for) a long time 均用以表示时间。肯定句用 (for) a long time:◆We've been friends a long time.我们是老朋友了。(For) long is not used in positive sentences unless it is used with too, enough, as, so, seldom, etc.* (for) long 只有与 too、enough、as、so、seldom 等词连用时才用于肯定句中:◆I stayed out in the sun for too long.我在太阳底下待的时间太长了。◆You've been waiting long enough.你等得够久的了。 Both (for) long and (for) a long time can be used in questions, but (for) long is usually preferred.* (for) long 和 (for) a long time 均可用于疑问句,但 (for) long 较常用:◆Have you been waiting long?你等了很长时间吗?
In negative sentences (for) a long time sometimes has a different meaning from (for) long.在否定句中 (for) a long time 和 (for) long 有时含义不同。:Compare比较:◆I haven't been here for a long time(= It is a long time since the last time I was here).我已很久没来这里了。and和:◆I haven't been here long(= I arrived here only a short time ago).我到这里没多长时间。