🔑tourBrE/tʊə(r)/, /tɔː(r)/NAmE/tʊr/noun🔑~ (of/round/aroundsth)ajourneymadeforpleasureduringwhichseveraldifferenttowns, countries, etc. arevisited旅行;旅游◆awalking/sightseeing, etc. tour徒步、观光等旅行◆acoachtourofnorthernFrance乘长途汽车在法国北部旅游◆atouroperator(= apersonorcompanythatorganizestours)旅游经营商tripjourney ⬥ tour ⬥ expedition ⬥ excursion ⬥ outing ⬥ day out
These are all words for an act of travelling to a place.以上各词均指旅行、旅游。
trip an act of travelling from one place to another, and usually back again通常指往返的旅行:◆a business trip出差◆a five-minute trip by taxi五分钟的出租车车程
journey an act of travelling from one place to another, especially when they are a long way apart尤指长途旅行:◆a long and difficult journey across the mountains漫长而艰难的翻山旅行
trip or journey?用 trip 还是 journey?
A trip usually involves you going to a place and back again; a journey is usually one-way. A trip is often shorter than a journey, although it does not have to be. * trip 通常为往返旅行,journey 通常为单程旅行。trip 的行程常较 journey 短,但并非一定如此:◆a trip to New York去纽约的旅行◆a round-the-world trip环球旅行It is often short in time, even if it is long in distance. Journey is more often used when the travelling takes a long time and is difficult. In North American English journey is not used for short trips.即使距离远,trip 所花时间常常不长。如果旅程长且艰难较常用 journey。在美式英语中,journey 不用以指短途旅行:◆(BrE) What is your journey to work like?你上班的路程如何?
tour a journey made for pleasure during which several different places are visited指游览多地的旅行、旅游:◆a tour of Bavaria巴伐利亚之旅
expedition an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known指远征、探险、考察:◆the first expedition to the South Pole首次去南极的探险
excursion a short trip made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people尤指集体远足、短途旅行:◆We went on an all-day excursion to the island.我们到岛上去游览了一整天。
outing a short trip made for pleasure or education, usually with a group of people and lasting no more than a day指集体出外游玩或学习,通常不超过一天:◆The children were on a day's outing from school.孩子们离校游览了一天。
day out a trip to somewhere for a day, especially for pleasure指一日游:◆We had a day out at the beach.我们在海滩玩了一天。