🔑dotBrE/dɒt/NAmE/dɑːt/noun🔑asmallroundmark, especiallyonethatisprinted点;小点;小圆点◆Therearedotsabovethelettersiandj. 字母 i 和 j 上面都有一点。◆Textandgraphicsareprintedat300dotsperinch. 文字和插图按 300 点每英寸的精度打印。◆Thehelicoptersappearedastwoblackdotsonthehorizon. 直升机像两个小黑点出现在地平线上。patchdot ⬥ mark ⬥ spot
These are all words for a small part on a surface that is a different colour from the rest.以上各词均指斑点、色斑。
patch an area of sth, especially one which is different from the area around it指色斑、斑点、(与周围不同的)小块、小片:◆a white dog with a black patch on its head头上有一块黑斑的白狗◆patches of dense fog团团浓雾
dot a small round mark on sth, especially one that is printed指点、小点、小圆点,尤指印出来的点:◆The letters 'i' and 'j' have dots over them.字母 i 和 j 上面都有一点。◆The island is a small green dot on the map.这个岛在地图上是一个小绿点。
mark a noticeable area of colour on the body of a person or animal指人或动物身上的斑、记号、色斑:◆The horse had a white mark on its head.这匹马头上有块白斑。
spot a small round area that is a different colour or feels different from the surface it is on指斑点:◆Which has spots, a leopard or a tiger?有斑点的是豹还是虎?