

单词 knock
🔑 knockBrE /nɒk/NAmE /nɑːk/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they knock BrE /nɒk/ NAmE /nɑːk/present simple - he / she / it knocks BrE /nɒks/ NAmE /nɑːks/past simple knocked BrE /nɒkt/ NAmE /nɑːkt/past participle knocked BrE /nɒkt/ NAmE /nɑːkt/ -ing form knocking BrE /ˈnɒkɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈnɑːkɪŋ/at door/window 门窗🔑 [I] to hit a door, etc. firmly in order to attract attention 敲;击 SYN rap He knocked three times and waited. 他敲了三下门就等着。~ at/on sthSomebody was knocking on the window. 有人在敲窗户。hit 🔑 [T, I] to hit sth, often by accident, with a short, hard blow (常为无意地)碰,撞~ sth (against/on sth) Be careful you don't knock your head on this low beam. 小心,别把头撞在这矮梁上。~ against/on sthHer hand knocked against the glass. 她的手碰了玻璃杯。 [T] to put sb/sth into a particular state by hitting them/it 把…撞击成(某种状态)~ sb/sth + adj. The blow knocked me flat. 那一拳把我打倒在地。He was knocked senseless by the blow. 他被一拳打得不省人事。~ sb/sth doing sthShe knocked my drink flying. 她把我的饮料打翻了。~ sb/sth + adv./prep. The two rooms had been knocked into one (= the wall between them had been knocked down). 那两个房间打通了,成了一个房间。hitknockbangstrikebumpbash

These words all mean to come against sth with a lot of force. 以上各词均含用力撞击、击打之义。

  • hit to come against sth with force, especially causing damage or injury 指碰撞、撞击,尤指造成损伤The boy was hit by a speeding car. 男孩被超速行驶的汽车撞倒了。
  • knock to hit sth so that it moves or breaks; to put sb/sth into a particular state or position by hitting them/it 指打掉、敲动、打破、撞成…Someone had knocked a hole in the wall. 有人在墙上打了个洞。
  • bang to hit sth in a way that makes a loud noise 指大声地猛敲、砸The baby was banging the table with his spoon. 婴儿用调羹敲打着桌子。
  • strike (formal) to hit sb/sth hard 指猛烈地撞、碰、撞击、碰撞The ship struck a rock. 船触礁了。
  • bump to hit sb/sth accidentally 指无意地碰、撞In the darkness I bumped into a chair. 我在黑暗中撞上了一把椅子。
  • bash (informal) to hit against sth very hard 指猛击、猛撞I braked too late, bashing into the car in front. 我刹车太晚,撞上了前面的车。


  • to hit/knock/bang/bump/bash against sb/sth
  • to knock/bang/bump/bash into sb/sth
  • to hit/strike the ground/floor/wall
🔑 [T] to hit sth so that it moves or breaks 打掉;敲动;打破~ sth + adv./prep. He'd knocked over a glass of water. 他打翻了一杯水。I knocked the nail into the wall. 我把钉子钉进墙里。They had to knock the door down to get in. 他们不得不破门而入。The boys were knocking (= kicking) a ball around in the back yard. 男孩们在后院踢球玩儿。~ sth(figurative) The criticism had knocked (= damaged) her self-esteem. 这一批评伤了她的自尊心。 [T] ~ sth + adv./prep. to make a hole in sth by hitting it hard 打,凿(洞)They managed to knock a hole in the wall. 他们设法在墙上凿了个洞。
of heart/knees 心;膝盖 [I] if your heart knocks, it beats hard; if your knees knock, they shake, for example from fear (心)怦怦跳;(膝盖)打哆嗦My heart was knocking wildly. 我的心怦怦直跳。of engine/pipes 发动机;管子 [I] to make a regular sound of metal hitting metal, especially because there is sth wrong (尤指因故障)发碰撞声,嘭嘭作响criticize 批评 [T] ~ sb/sth(informal) to criticize sb/sth, especially when it happens unfairly (不公平地)批评;贬责;挑剔;非难The newspapers are always knocking the England team. 报纸总是攻击英格兰队。'E-books?' ' Don't knock it there's a great future in e-books.' “电子书?” “别贬损它,电子书的前景大着呢。” Silent letters gnarled, gnash, gnat, gnaw, gnome haute cuisine, heir, (NAmE herb), honour, hors d’oeuvre, hour knack, knee, kneel, knife, knight, knit, knob, knock, knot, know, knuckle psalm, psephology, psychic, ptarmigan, pterodactyl, psychology wrangle, wrap, wreath, wreck, wrench, wrestle, wriggle, wring, write, wrong bomb, climb, crumb, doubt, lamb, limb ascent, fascinate, muscle, scene, scissors height, right, sleigh, weight align, campaign, design, foreign, malign, reign, unfeigned balmy, calm, calf, half, yolk autumn, column, condemn, damn, hymn, solemn bristle, fasten, listen, mortgage, soften, thistle, wrestle biscuit, build, circuit, disguise, guilty, league, rogue, vague yacht answer, sword, two I'll knock your ˈblock/ˈhead off!(informal) used to threaten sb that you will hit them (威胁要打人)我非揍你不可,我要揍扁你knock sb ˈdead(informal) to impress sb very much 使某人倾倒You look fabulousyou'll knock 'em dead tonight. 你看上去漂亮极了,今晚肯定把他们迷倒。knock sb/sth into a cocked ˈhat(old-fashioned, BrE) to be very much better than sb/sth 远远胜过某人(或事物);大大超过;使相形见绌knock it ˈoff!(informal) used to tell sb to stop making a noise, annoying you, etc. 别吵了;别烦人了knock sb off their ˈpedestal/ˈperchto make sb lose their position as sb/sth successful or admired 使某人丧失名位knock sth on the ˈhead(BrE, informal) to stop sth from happening; to stop doing sth 阻止某事发生;停止做某事The recession knocked on the head any idea of expanding the company. 经济衰退使扩展公司的任何想法都化为泡影。ˌknock on ˈwood(NAmE, saying) (BrE ˌtouch ˈwood) used when you have just mentioned some way in which you have been lucky in the past, to avoid bringing bad luck (表示希望继续走好运)knock sb ˈsideways(informal) to surprise or shock sb so much that they are unable to react immediately 使某人惊讶得不知所措(或目瞪口呆)knock ˈspots off sb/sth(BrE, informal) to be very much better than sb/sth 远远胜过;大大超过;使相形见绌knock the ˈstuffing out of sb(informal) to make sb lose their confidence and enthusiasm 使某人丧失信心(或委靡不振)you could have knocked me down with a ˈfeather(informal) used to express surprise (表示惊奇)beat/knock the (living) ˈdaylights out of sb(informal) to hit sb very hard several times and hurt them very much 狠揍某人bang/knock your/their ˈheads together(informal) to force people to stop arguing and behave in a sensible way 强行制止人们争吵并使之恢复理智beat/kick (the) ˈhell out of sb/sthknock ˈhell out of sb/sth(informal) to hit sb/sth very hard 猛击;狠打He was a dirty player and loved to kick hell out of the opposition. 他是个不讲体育道德的球员,喜欢猛力冲撞对方。knock/talk some ˈsense into sbto try and persuade sb to stop behaving in a stupid way, sometimes using rough or violent methods 开导某人别干傻事;强使某人理智行事get/knock/lick sb into ˈshapeto train sb so that they do a particular job, task, etc. well 把某人培养成材(或训练出来)get/knock/lick sth into ˈshapeto make sth more acceptable, organized or successful 把某事物整顿好;使某事物条理化(或更趋完善)I've got all the information together but it still needs knocking into shape. 我把材料全都收集齐了,但还需要整理。hit/knock sb for ˈsix(BrE) to affect sb very deeply 极大地影响某人blow/knock sb's ˈsocks off(informal) to surprise or impress sb very much 使某人万分惊愕;给某人留下深刻印象 ˌknock aˈround… (BrE also ˌknock aˈbout…) (informal) to travel and live in various places 漫游He spent a few years knocking around Europe. 他花了几年时间漫游欧洲。used to say that sth is in a place but you do not know exactly where (表示某物在一个地方但不知确切位置)It must be knocking around here somewhere. 它肯定在这儿某个地方。ˌknock aˈround with sb/together (BrE also ˌknock aˈbout with sb/together) (informal) to spend a lot of time with sb/together 常与某人交往(或做伴)ˌknock sb/sth aˈround (BrE also ˌknock sb/sth aˈbout) (informal) to hit sb/sth repeatedly; to treat sb/sth roughly 接连敲击某人(或某物);粗暴对待ˌknock sb ˈback(BrE) to prevent sb from achieving sth or making progress, especially by rejecting them or sth that they suggest or ask 阻碍,妨碍(某人取得成果或进步,尤指以回绝方式)  related noun knock-back (BrE) to surprise or shock sb 使某人大吃一惊(或感到惊讶)Hearing the news really knocked me back. 听到这消息着实让我大吃一惊。ˌknock sb ˈback sth(BrE, informal) to cost sb a lot of money 用掉某人一大笔钱That house must have knocked them back a bit. 那房子一定花了他们不少钱。ˌknock sth↔ˈback(informal) to drink sth quickly, especially an alcoholic drink 很快喝掉(酒等)ˌknock sb ˈdown (from sth) (to sth)(informal) to persuade sb to reduce the price of sth 说服…降价;使降价;杀价I managed to knock him down to $400. 我设法让他把价格降到了 400 美元。ˌknock sb↔ˈdown/ˈover 🔑to hit sb and make them fall to the ground 打倒(或击倒、撞倒)某人She was knocked down by a bus. 她被一辆公共汽车撞倒在地。He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round. 他第一局就将对手击倒三次。ˌknock sth↔ˈdown 🔑to destroy a building by breaking its walls 推倒(或拆掉、拆毁)建筑物 SYN demolish These old houses are going to be knocked down. 这些旧房子要拆了。ˌknock sth↔ˈdown (from sth) (to sth)(informal) to reduce the price of sth 减价;降价He knocked down the price from $80 to $50. 他把价格从 80 美元降到了 50 美元。   see also knock-down ˌknock ˈoffˌknock ˈoff sth(informal) to stop doing sth, especially work 停止某事;中断某事;(尤指)下班,收工Do you want to knock off early today? 你今天想早点儿歇工吗?What time do you knock off work? 你什么时候下班?Let's knock off for lunch. 咱们收工吃午饭吧。ˌknock sb↔ˈoff(slang) to murder sb 杀死(或干掉、除掉、结果)某人ˌknock sth↔ˈoff(informal) to complete sth quickly and without much effort 迅速而轻松地完成He knocks off three novels a year. 他一年轻松完成三部小说。(BrE, slang) to steal sth; to steal from a place 偷(东西);抢劫(某处)to knock off a DVD player 偷 DVD 影碟机to knock off a bank 抢劫银行ˌknock sth↔ˈoffˌknock sth↔ˈoff sth(informal) to reduce the price or value of sth 降价;减价;使贬值They knocked off $60 because of a scratch. 因为有擦痕,他们将价格减了 60 美元。The news knocked 13% off the company's shares. 这消息使公司股价下跌 13%。ˌknock sb↔ˈout🔑 to make sb fall asleep or become unconscious 使入睡;使昏睡;使不省人事The blow knocked her out. 这一击把她打昏了。(in boxing 拳击运动) to hit an opponent so that they cannot get up within a limited time and therefore lose the fight 击倒(获胜)  related noun knockout (informal) to surprise and impress sb very much 使大吃一惊;使倾倒;给某人留下深刻印象The movie just knocked me out. 这电影着实令我赞叹不已。  related noun knockout ˌknock sb/yourself ˈoutto make sb/yourself very tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪 SYN wear out ˌknock sb↔ˈout (of sth)to defeat sb so that they cannot continue competing 把…淘汰出(比赛) SYN eliminate England had been knocked out of the World Cup. 英格兰队已被淘汰出世界杯足球赛。   see also knockout ˌknock sth↔ˈout(informal) to produce sth, especially quickly and easily 完成;快速而轻易地做成He knocks out five books a year. 他一年轻松写出五本书。ˌknock sb↔ˈover = knock sb↔down/over ˌknock sth↔toˈgether(informal) to make or complete sth quickly and often not very well 草草做成;匆匆拼凑成I knocked some bookshelves together from old planks. 我用旧木板拼拼凑凑做了些书架。(BrE) to make two rooms or buildings into one by removing the wall between them 把两间屋(或两座建筑物)打通The house consists of two cottages knocked together. 这房子是将两栋小屋的隔墙打通合二为一的。ˌknock ˈup(in tennis, etc. 网球等) to practise for a short time before the start of a game 赛前练习ˌknock sb↔ˈup(BrE, informal) to wake sb by knocking on their door 敲门唤醒某人(informal) to make a woman pregnant 使怀孕ˌknock sth↔ˈupto prepare or make sth quickly and without much effort 迅速准备好;快速并轻易做成She knocked up a meal in ten minutes. 她十分钟就做好了一顿饭。
🔑 knockBrE /nɒk/NAmE /nɑːk/ nounat door/window 门窗🔑 the sound of sb hitting a door, window, etc. with their hand or with sth hard to attract attention 敲击声;敲门(或窗等)声There was a knock on/at the door.有敲门声。hit 🔑 a sharp blow from sth hard 捶击;敲击;撞击 SYN bang He got a nasty knock on the head. 他头部遭到重重一击。take a (hard, nasty, etc.) ˈknockto have an experience that makes sb/sth less confident or successful; to be damaged 遭受(重大等)挫折;受到(沉重等)打击;受到(严重等)破坏




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