释义 |
🔑 nightBrE /naɪt/NAmE /naɪt/ noun [U, C] 🔑 the time between one day and the next when it is dark, when people usually sleep 夜;夜晚◆These animals only come out at night. 这些动物只在夜晚出来。◆They sleep by day and hunt by night. 他们白天睡觉,夜晚捕猎。◆The accident happened on Friday night. 事故发生在星期五夜里。◆on the night of 10 January/January 10 在 1 月 10 日夜里◆Did you hear the storm last night? 昨天夜里下大雨,你听见了吗?◆I lay awake all night. 我一夜没睡着。◆Where did you spend the night? 你是在哪里过夜的?◆You're welcome to stay the night here. 欢迎你在这里留宿。◆What is he doing calling at this time of night? 他干吗这么晚了还打电话?◆You'll feel better after you've had a good night's sleep. 你好好睡一夜就会觉得好些了。◆The trip was for ten nights. 这次旅行要住十个晚上。◆The hotel costs €65 per person per night. 住这家酒店,每人每天要 65 欧元。◆the night train/boat/flight 夜间列车/轮船/飞机班次◆Night fell (= it became dark). 夜幕降临。🔑 the evening until you go to bed 晚上,夜晚(夜里就寝前的一段时间)◆Let's go out on Saturday night. 我们星期六晚上出去吧。◆Bill's parents came for dinner last night. 昨天晚上,比尔的父母来吃晚饭了。◆She doesn't like to walk home late at night. 她不喜欢深夜步行回家。◆I saw her in town the other night (= a few nights ago). 前两天晚上我在城里见过她。◆I'm working late tomorrow night. 明晚我要工作到很晚。 ➡ see also goodnight an evening when a special event happens (举行盛事的)夜晚;…之夜◆the first/opening night (= of a play, film/movie, etc.) 首映/首演之夜◆a karaoke night 卡拉 OK 之夜◆an Irish/a Scottish, etc. night (= with Irish/Scottish music, entertainment, etc.) 一场爱尔兰、苏格兰等歌舞晚会 ➡ see also stag night ▸ nights BrE /naɪts/NAmE /naɪts/ adverb(especially NAmE) ◆He can't get used to working nights (= at night). 他不能适应上夜班。 ●have an early/a late ˈnightto go to bed earlier or later than usual 比平时睡得早/晚◆I've had a lot of late nights recently. 最近我常常睡得很晚。●have a good/bad ˈnightto sleep well/badly during the night 夜里睡得很好/很糟●have a night on the ˈtiles(BrE, informal) to stay out late enjoying yourself 深夜在外玩乐●ˌnight and ˈday●ˌday and ˈnightall the time; continuously 日日夜夜;夜以继日;连续不断◆The machines are kept running night and day. 这些机器夜以继日地运转着。●night ˈnightused by children or to children, to mean 'Good night' (儿童用语或对儿童使用的语言)晚安◆'Night night, sleep tight!' “宝宝睡觉觉,睡个好觉觉!”●a night ˈoutan evening that you spend enjoying yourself away from home 在外玩乐的夜晚◆They enjoy a night out occasionally. 他们偶尔出去玩上一个晚上。●it'll be all ˌright on the ˈnight(saying) used to say that a performance, an event, etc. will be successful even if the preparations for it have not gone well (演出、活动等)到时候自会成功的;车到山前必有路●ˌdance the ˈnight awayto dance for the whole evening or night 整夜(或通宵达旦)跳舞●in the ˌdead of ˈnight(BrE also at ˌdead of ˈnight) in the quietest part of the night 深夜;在夜晚万籁俱寂时◆I crept out of bed in the dead of night and sneaked downstairs. 深夜我悄悄地从床上爬起来,蹑手蹑脚地下了楼。●morning, noon and ˈnightat all times of the day and night (used to emphasize that sth happens very often or that it happens continuously) 从早到晚;一天到晚◆She talks about him morning, noon and night. 她整天把他挂在嘴边。◆The work continues morning, noon and night. 这项工作从早到晚持续进行。●spend the ˈnight with sbto stay with sb for a night 在某人家里住一夜◆My daughter's spending the night with a friend. 我女儿要在一个朋友那里过夜。 (also spend the ˈnight together) to stay with sb for a night and have sex with them 和某人一起过夜并发生性关系●the still of the ˈnight(literary) the time during the night when it is quiet and calm 万籁俱寂的夜晚;夜阑人静●ˌthings that go ˌbump in the ˈnight(informal, humorous) used to refer to ghosts and other supernatural things that cannot be explained 夜里奇异可怕的响声;鬼魂;超自然现象 |