🔑like·lyBrE/ˈlaɪkli/NAmE/ˈlaɪkli/adjective (like·lier, like·li·est) HELPmorelikelyandmostlikelyaretheusualforms常用 more likely 和 most likely。🔑probableorexpected可能的;预料的;有希望的◆themostlikelyoutcome最可能的结果◆~ (todosth)Ticketsarelikelytobeexpensive. 入场券可能很贵。◆~ (that…)It'smorethanlikelythatthethievesdon'tknowhowmuchitisworth. 盗贼很可能不知道此物的价值。◆Theymightrefusetoletusdoit, butit'shardlylikely. 他们也许不会让我们做这工作,但这可能性太小。Expressing likelihood表达可能性
When you are talking about possible situations, you can express how likely you think they are.表达可能性有多大可用以下方式:
◆It's pretty much inevitable that prices will go up this year.今年价格上涨几乎是不可避免的了。
◆I think it's likely to rain this afternoon.我觉得今天下午有可能下雨。
◆I'm probably going to be away then.到那时候我可能就要离开了。
◆I guess there's a fifty per cent chance that they'll say no.我估计他们不同意的几率有百分之五十。
◆It's unlikely, but not totally impossible, I suppose.我想这不大可能,但并非完全没有可能。
◆They can't possibly/really be serious about buying a boat!他们不可能真要买一条船吧!
◆Let's start without them. They're bound to be late.咱们不等他们了,先开始吧。他们肯定会迟到。
Discussing predictions谈论预测
◆The number of people using mobile phones to purchase goods and services is expected / likely to more than double by the end of 2015.到 2015 年年底,使用手机购买商品和服务的人数预计/可能会是现在的两倍多。
◆Experts have predicted / forecast that the number of people using their mobile phones to pay for goods and services should exceed 190 million in 2015.专家已经预言,到 2015 年使用手机支付商品和服务费用的人数将超过 1.9 亿。
◆This figure is set to reach 200 million by 2016.到 2016 年这个数字可能会达到 2 亿。
◆By 2015, 800 million mobile phone users worldwide will be participating in social networks via their phone.到 2015 年,全球将有 8 亿手机用户通过手机参与社交网络。
◆Sales of mobile phones in 2009 were lower than expected. * 2009 年的手机销量低于预期。
◆The company's announcement of 1.26 billion handsets sold for the year is in line with predictions.公司宣布本年度手机销量为 12.6 亿部,符合预期。
➡language bank atfall, illustrate, increase, proportionseemingsuitableforapurpose似乎合适的;仿佛恰当的SYNpromising◆Sheseemsthemostlikelycandidateforthejob. 这项工作,她似乎是最适宜的人选了。●aˈlikelystory(informal, ironic) usedtoshowthatyoudonotbelievewhatsbhassaid(表示不相信某人的话)说得好像真有这回事似的,煞有介事
In standard BrE the adverb likely is often used with a word such as most, more or very.在标准的英式英语中,副词 likely 常与 most、more 或 very 等词连用:◆We will most likely see him later.我们很可能晚些时候会见到他。 In journalism and less formal language, however, likely is used on its own.但在新闻和不太正式的用语中,likely 则单独使用:◆The deal will likely result in more cuts to services.这项协议可能会导致对服务行业的进一步削减。 In informal NAmElikely is often used on its own, and this is not considered incorrect.在非正式的美式英语中,likely 常单独使用,且不被视为有误:◆We will likely see him later.我们可能晚些时候会见到他。◆He said that he would likely run for President.他说他可能竞选总统。