

单词 light
🔑 lightBrE /laɪt/NAmE /laɪt/ nounfrom sun/lamps 太阳;灯🔑 [U] the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that makes it possible to see things 光;光线;光亮bright/dim light 明亮/暗淡的光线a room with good natural light 采光好的房间in the fading light of a summer's evening 在夏天渐渐暗淡的暮色中The light was beginning to fail (= it was beginning to get dark). 天色渐暗。She could just see by the light of the candle. 她借着烛光勉强能看见。Bring it into the light so I can see it. 把它拿到亮的地方,好让我看见。a beam/ray of light 一束/一缕光线The knife gleamed as it caught the light (= as the light shone on it). 刀子被光线一照闪闪发亮。   see also first light 🔑 [C] a particular type of light with its own colour and qualities (具有某种颜色和特性的)光A cold grey light crept under the curtains. 一丝幽暗阴冷的光从窗帘下面透过来。   see also Northern Lights lamp 🔑
[C] a thing that produces light, especially an electric light 发光体;光源;(尤指)电灯to turn/switch the lights on/off 开灯;关灯to turn out the light(s) 把灯关掉Suddenly all the lights went out. 突然间所有的灯都灭了。It was an hour before the lights came on again. 一个小时后灯才再亮了。to turn down/dim the lights 把灯光调暗A light was still burning in the bedroom. 卧室里依然亮着灯。ceiling/wall lights 顶灯;壁灯Keep goingthe lights (= traffic lights) are green. 不用停车,是绿灯。Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working. 开车前要检查一下,灯一定都要运作正常。   see also brake light, green light, headlight, leading light, red light
for cigarette 香烟🔑 [sing.] a match or device with which you can light a cigarette 火柴;打火机;点火器(BrE) Have you got a light? 你有火儿吗?(NAmE, BrE) Do you have a light? 你有火儿吗?expression in eyes 眼神 [sing.] an expression in sb's eyes which shows what they are thinking or feeling 眼神There was a soft light in her eyes as she looked at him. 她望着他,眼神很温柔。in picture 图画 [U] light colours in a picture, which contrast with darker ones (图画中和暗色对比的)亮色,浅色the artist's use of light and shade 画家对明暗对比手法的运用window 窗户 [C] (architecture 建筑) a window or an opening to allow light in 窗;窗户;光线进口;采光孔leaded lights 花饰铅条窗light / lighting
  • The noun light has several different meanings and is used in many phrases. Lighting can only be used to talk about the type of light in a place or how lights are used to achieve a particular effect. 名词 light 有几个不同的含义,可用于许多短语中。lighting 只用以指照明或照明技术the lighting system 照明系统the movie's interesting lighting effects 这部电影精彩的灯光效果The lighting at the disco was fantastic. 迪斯科舞厅里灯光奇幻。
  see also skylight
according to sb's/sth's ˈlights(formal) according to the standards which sb sets for himself or herself 根据自己设定的标准be/go out like a ˈlight(informal) to go to sleep very quickly 很快入睡be in sb's ˈlightto be between sb and a source of light 挡住某人的光线Could you moveyou're in my light. 挪动一下好吗?你挡住我的光线了。bring sth to ˈlightto make new information known to people 揭露;披露;暴露;揭发These facts have only just been brought to light. 这些事实刚刚才被披露出来。cast/shed/throw ˈlight on sthto make a problem, etc. easier to understand 使(问题等)较容易理解Recent research has thrown new light on the causes of the disease. 最近的研究让人们进一步了解了导致这种疾病的原因。come to ˈlightto become known to people 为人所知;变得众所周知;暴露New evidence has recently come to light. 新的证据最近已披露出来。in ˌa good, bad, favourable, etc. ˈlightif you see sth or put sth in a good, bad, etc. light, it seems good, bad, etc. 从好(或坏、有利等)的角度You must not view what happened in a negative light. 你切切不要从负面的角度来看待发生的事。They want to present their policies in the best possible light. 他们想尽可能从好的方面来介绍他们的政策。in the light of sth(BrE) (NAmE in light of sth) after considering sth 考虑到;鉴于He rewrote the book in the light of further research. 他根据进一步的研究重写了那部书。the lights are ˈon but nobody's ˈhome(saying, humorous) used to describe sb who is stupid, not thinking clearly or not paying attention 稀里糊涂;没头脑;心不在焉light at the end of the ˈtunnelsomething that shows you are nearly at the end of a long and difficult time or situation 快要熬出头了;曙光在即(the) light ˈdawned (on sb)somebody suddenly understood or began to understand sth 豁然开朗;恍然大悟I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned. 我对这个问题冥思苦想了很久才豁然开朗。the light of sb's ˈlifethe person sb loves more than any other 心爱的人;心肝宝贝run a (red) ˈlightrun the ˈlights(both especially NAmE) (BrE also jump the ˈlights) (informal) to fail to stop at a red traffic light 闯红灯see the ˈlightto finally understand or accept sth, especially sth obvious 终于领悟,最终明白,最后接受(尤指显而易见的事)to begin to believe in a religion 开始信教;皈依宗教see the ˈlight (of ˈday)to begin to exist or to become publicly known about 开始存在;问世;开始为人所知He's written a lot of good material that has never seen the light of day. 他写了许多鲜为人知的好材料。set ˈlight to sth(especially BrE) to make sth start burning 点燃;引火烧 SYN ignite A spark from the fire had set light to a rug. 从火炉迸出的火星点燃了地毯。the bright ˈlightsthe excitement of city life 城市生活的多姿多彩Although he grew up in the country, he's always had a taste for the bright lights. 尽管他是在农村长大的,他始终对城市的五光十色情有独钟。in the cold light of daywhen you have had time to think calmly about sth; in the morning when things are clearer 有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨These things always look different in the cold light of day. 这些事情在冷静地考虑后总会显得不同。hide your light under a ˈbushelto not let people know that you are good at sth 不显露才能;不露锋芒be (all) ˌsweetness and ˈlight(of a person ) to be pleasant, friendly and polite 和蔼可亲;温文尔雅(of a situation 情况) to be enjoyable and easy to deal with 简单而有趣
🔑 lightBrE /laɪt/NAmE /laɪt/ adjective (light·er, light·est) with natural light 自然光🔑 full of light; having the natural light of day 充满亮光的;明亮的;有自然光的We'll leave in the morning as soon as it's light. 明天早晨天一亮我们就出发。It gets light at about 5 o'clock. 大约 5 点钟天就亮了。It was a light spacious apartment at the top of the building. 是大楼顶层一套宽敞明亮的房子。 OPP dark colours 颜色🔑 pale in colour 浅色的;淡色的light blue eyes 浅蓝色的眼睛Lighter shades suit you best. 较浅色的衣服对你最合适。People with pale complexions should avoid wearing light colours. 面色苍白的人应当避免穿浅色衣服。 OPP dark weight 重量🔑 easy to lift or move; not weighing very much 轻的;轻便的;不太重的Modern phones are light and easy to carry.现在的手机轻巧易携带。Carry this bagit's the lightest. 你拿这个包,它最轻。He's lost a lot of weighthe's three kilos lighter than he was. 他的体重减了许多,比以前轻了三公斤。The little girl was as light as a feather. 那小女孩轻得很。The aluminium body is 12% lighter than if built with steel. 主体部分用铝比用钢制作重量要轻 12%。 OPP heavy 🔑 [usually before noun] of less than average or usual weight (比平均或平常重量)轻的light summer clothes 轻薄的夏装Only light vehicles are allowed over the old bridge. 只有轻型车辆才准许通过那座旧桥。 OPP heavy used with a unit of weight to say that sth weighs less than it should do (与重量单位连用)分量不足的The delivery of potatoes was several kilos light. 送货送来的土豆少了好几公斤。gentle 轻柔🔑 [usually before noun] gentle or delicate; not using much force 轻柔的;柔和的;不太用力的She felt a light tap on her shoulder. 她感到有人在她肩上轻轻地拍了一下。the sound of quick light footsteps 轻快的脚步声You only need to apply light pressure. 你只要轻轻地一压就行了。As a boxer, he was always light on his feet (= quick and elegant in the way he moved). 身为拳击手,他的脚步总是十分轻盈。 OPP heavy work/exercise 工作;锻炼🔑 [usually before noun] easy to do; not making you tired 容易做的;轻松的;不使人疲劳的After his accident he was moved to lighter work. 他出事故以后就改做轻活儿了。some light housework 一些轻松的家务活You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise. 你恢复得不错,大概可以做些轻微的运动了。not great 不大🔑 not great in amount, degree, etc. 少量的;程度低的light traffic 来往车辆稀少The forecast is for light showers. 天气预报有小阵雨。light winds 微风Trading on the stock exchange was light today. 证券交易今日交易量很少。 OPP heavy not severe/serious 不严厉;不严肃not severe 不严厉的;轻的He was convicted of assaulting a police officer but he got off with a light sentence. 他被定了袭警罪,不过得到从轻判处。🔑 entertaining rather than serious and not needing much mental effort 娱乐性的;消遣性的;轻松的light reading for the beach 海滩消遣读物a concert of light classical music 古典轻音乐会🔑 not serious 不严肃的She kept her tone light. 她一直用温和的语气说话。This programme looks at the lighter side of politics. 这个节目着眼于政治较轻松的方面。We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day (= something amusing or entertaining that comes after sth serious or boring). 在漫长的一天结束时我们都需要一点轻松的调剂。On a lighter note, we end the news today with a story about a duck called Quackers. 为了轻松一下,我们最后讲一个名叫 “嘎嘎” 的鸭子的故事来结束今天的新闻报道。cheerful 愉快 [usually before noun] free from worry; cheerful 无忧无虑的;愉快的;快活的I left the island with a light heart. 我怀着愉快的心情离开了那个小岛。food 食物(of a meal 一餐饭) small in quantity 少量的a light supper/snack 简单的晚餐;小吃I just want something light for lunch. 我午饭稍微吃点就够了。 OPP heavy not containing much fat or not having a strong flavour and therefore easy for the stomach to digest 不腻的;清淡的;易消化的Stick to a light diet. 饮食要清淡。   see also lite containing a lot of air 含有许多空气的;松软的This pastry is so light. 这种酥皮糕点可真松软啊。drink 饮料low in alcohol 酒精含量低的;低度酒的a light beer 低度啤酒(IndE) (of tea or coffee 茶或咖啡) containing a lot of water 淡的 SYN weak I don't like my coffee too light. 我不喜欢喝太淡的咖啡。 OPP strong sleep 睡眠 [only before noun] a person in a light sleep is easy to wake 睡得不沉的;易醒的She drifted into a light sleep. 她迷迷糊糊地进入浅睡。I've always been a light sleeper. 我睡觉总是容易醒。 OPP deep light·ness noun [U]   see also lightly be light on sth(BrE) to not have enough of sth 不足;缺乏We seem to be light on fuel. 我们好像燃料不多了。a light touchthe ability to deal with sth in a delicate and relaxed way 灵巧的处事能力She handles this difficult subject with a light touch. 她处理起这个难题来得心应手。make ˈlight of sthto treat sth as not being important and not serious 轻视;对…等闲视之make light ˈwork of sthto do sth quickly and with little effort 轻而易举地做(某事)many hands make light ˈwork(saying) used to say that a job is made easier if a lot of people help 人多好办事;众人拾柴火焰高
🔑 lightBrE /laɪt/NAmE /laɪt/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they light BrE /laɪt/ NAmE /laɪt/present simple - he / she / it lights BrE /laɪts/ NAmE /laɪts/past simple lit BrE /lɪt/ NAmE /lɪt/past participle lit BrE /lɪt/ NAmE /lɪt/ -ing form lighting BrE /ˈlaɪtɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈlaɪtɪŋ/ HELP Lighted is also used for the past tense and past participle, especially in front of nouns. 过去式和过去分词也用 lighted,尤置于名词前。start to burn 开始燃烧🔑 [T] ~ sthto make sth start to burn 点燃;点火She lit a candle. 她点着了蜡烛。The candles were lit. 蜡烛都点着了。I put a lighted match to the letter and watched it burn. 我划了根火柴点着了那封信,然后看着它燃烧。🔑 [I] to start to burn 开始燃烧;燃起来The fire wouldn't light. 这火炉点不着。give light 照亮🔑 [T, usually passive] ~ sthto give light to sth or to a place 照亮;使明亮The stage was lit by bright spotlights. 舞台上有明亮的聚光灯照亮着。well/badly lit streets 灯光明亮的/昏暗的街道 [T] ~ sth(literary) to guide sb with a light 用光指引Our way was lit by a full moon. 一轮满月照亮了我们的路。 ˈlight on/upon sth(literary) to see or find sth by accident 偶然遇见;偶尔发现His eye lit upon a small boat on the horizon. 他无意中看见地平线上有一条小船。ˌlight ˈupˌlight sth↔ˈup(informal) to begin to smoke a cigarette 开始抽烟They all lit up as soon as he left the room. 他一离开房间他们就都抽起烟来。He sat back and lit up a cigarette. 他往椅背上一靠,点上烟吸了起来。to become or to make sth become bright with light or colour (使)光亮,放光彩There was an explosion and the whole sky lit up. 一声爆炸照亮了整个天空。if sb's eyes or face light up, or sth lights them up, they show happiness or excitement 喜形于色;喜气洋洋His eyes lit up when she walked into the room. 看见她走进房间,他两眼一亮。A smile lit up her face. 她微微一笑,脸上露出了喜色。
🔑 lightBrE /laɪt/NAmE /laɪt/ adverbtravel ˈlightto take very little with you when you go on a trip 轻装上路




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