🔑needBrE/niːd/NAmE/niːd/verbpresent simple - I / you / we / theyneedBrE/niːd/NAmE/niːd/present simple - he / she / itneedsBrE/niːdz/NAmE/niːdz/past simpleneededBrE/ˈniːdɪd/NAmE/ˈniːdɪd/past participleneededBrE/ˈniːdɪd/NAmE/ˈniːdɪd/ -ing formneedingBrE/ˈniːdɪŋ/NAmE/ˈniːdɪŋ/🔑torequiresth/sbbecausetheyareessentialorveryimportant, notjustbecauseyouwouldliketohavethem需要;必需◆~sth/sbDoyouneedanyhelp? 你需要帮忙吗?◆It'shereifyouneedit. 你需要的话就拿去吧。◆Don'tgo—Imightneedyou. 别走,我可能要你帮忙。◆Theybadlyneededachange. 他们迫切需要变革。◆Foodaidisurgentlyneeded. 迫切需要食物援助。◆Whatdoyouneedyourowncomputerfor? Youcanuseours. 你干吗还要自己买电脑?你可以用我们的。◆Idon'tneedyourcomments, thankyou. 谢谢,我不需要你来评头论足。◆~todosthIneedtogetsomesleep. 我需要睡会儿觉。◆Heneedstowinthisgametostayinthematch. 他得赢下这场比赛以免被淘汰出局。◆Youdon'tneedtoleaveyet, doyou? 你不必现在就走吧?◆Thisshirtneedstobewashed. 这件衬衣该洗了。◆~doingsthThisshirtneedswashing. 这件衬衣该洗了。🔑~todosthusedtoshowwhatyoushouldorhavetodo(表示应该或不得不做)有必要◆Allyouneedtodoiscompletethisform. 你要做的就是填好这个表格。◆Ididn'tneedtogotothebankafterall—Marylentmethemoney. 我最终还是不必去银行了,玛丽借我钱了。need
There are two separate verbs need.有两个各不相同的动词 need。
Need as a main verb has the question form do you need?, the negative you don't need and the past forms needed, did you need? and didn't need. It has two meanings. * need 作主要动词时,疑问式为 do you need?,否定式为 you don't need,过去时为 needed、did you need? 和 didn't need。其含义有二::1. to require something or to think that something is necessary需要或认为有必要:◆Do you need any help?你需要帮助吗?◆I needed to get some sleep.我需要睡一会儿。2. to have to or to be obliged to do sth必须或一定要:◆Will we need to show our passports?我们要出示护照吗?
Need as a modal verb has need for all forms of the present tense, need you? as the question form and need not (needn't) as the negative. The past is need have, needn't have. It is used to say that something is or is not necessary. * need 作情态动词时,现在时均作 need,疑问式为 need you?,否定式为 need not (needn't),过去时为 need have、needn't have,用以表示某事有必要或没有必要:◆Need I pay the whole amount now?我必须现在全部付清吗?
The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will and would. Dare, need, have to and used to also share some of the features of modal verbs. * can、could、may、might、must、ought to、shall、should、will 和 would 均为情态动词。dare、need、have to 和 used to 亦具有情态动词的某些特性。
Modal verbs have only one form. They have no -ing or -ed forms and do not add -s to the 3rd person singular form.情态动词只有一种形式,没有 -ing 或 -ed 形式,第三人称单数也不加 -s:◆He can speak three languages.他会说三种语言。◆She will try and visit tomorrow.她明天将设法去参观。
Modal verbs are followed by the infinitive of another verb without to. The exceptions are ought to, have to and used to.情态动词后跟不带 to 的动词不定式,但 ought to、have to 和 used to 例外:◆You must find a job.你必须找到一份工作。◆You ought to stop smoking.你应当戒烟。◆I used to smoke but I gave up two years ago.我过去抽烟,但两年前就戒了。
Questions are formed without do / does in the present, or did in the past.疑问句现在时不用 do/does,过去时不用 did:◆Can I invite Mary?我可以邀请玛丽吗?◆Should I have invited Mary?我本该邀请玛丽吗?
Negative sentences are formed with not or the short form -n't and do not use do / does or did.否定句用 not 或简约式 -n't,不用 do/does 或 did。
You will find more help with how to use modal verbs at the dictionary entries for each verb.情态动词的不同用法可参考本词典里各情态动词词条。