释义 |
calfBrE /kɑːf/NAmE /kæf/ noun (calves BrE /kɑːvz/ NAmE /kævz/ ) [C] the back part of the leg between the ankle and the knee 腓肠;小腿肚◆I've torn a calf muscle. 我拉伤了小腿肌肉。 [C] a young cow 小牛;牛犊 [C] a young animal of some other type such as a young elephant or whale (象、鲸等的)崽,幼兽 [U] = calfskin Silent letters gnarled, gnash, gnat, gnaw, gnome haute cuisine, heir, (NAmE herb), honour, hors d’oeuvre, hour knack, knee, kneel, knife, knight, knit, knob, knock, knot, know, knuckle psalm, psephology, psychic, ptarmigan, pterodactyl, psychology wrangle, wrap, wreath, wreck, wrench, wrestle, wriggle, wring, write, wrong bomb, climb, crumb, doubt, lamb, limb ascent, fascinate, muscle, scene, scissors height, right, sleigh, weight align, campaign, design, foreign, malign, reign, unfeigned balmy, calm, calf, half, yolk autumn, column, condemn, damn, hymn, solemn bristle, fasten, listen, mortgage, soften, thistle, wrestle biscuit, build, circuit, disguise, guilty, league, rogue, vague yacht answer, sword, two ●in/with ˈcalf(of a cow 母牛) pregnant 怀崽的 |