

单词 hare
hareBrE /heə(r)/NAmE /her/ noun
an animal like a large rabbit with very strong back legs, that can run very fast 野兔(as) mad as a ˈhatter/a March ˈhare(informal) (of a person ) mentally ill; very silly 发狂的;非常愚蠢的 ORIGIN Because of the chemicals used in hat-making, workers often suffered from mercury poisoning, which can cause loss of memory and damage to the nervous system. Lewis Carroll was probably thinking of this when he created the eccentric character of the Hatter in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. A March hare was called mad because of the strange behaviour of hares during the mating season. 在过去,做帽子用的化学药品经常使工人汞中毒,令他们丧失记忆,神经系统受损。刘易斯 · 卡罗尔在创作《艾丽丝漫游奇境记》中帽商 (Hatter) 这个怪人时,很可能想到了这些。三月的兔子 (March hare) 正处在交配期,行为怪异,因而被称为疯狂的兔子。 Similes in idioms (as) bald as a coot, (as) blind as a bat, (as) bright as a button, (as) bold as brass, as busy as a bee, as clean as a whistle, (as) dead as athe dodo, (as) deaf as a post, (as) dull as ditchwater, (as) fit as a fiddle, as flat as a pancake, (as) good as gold, (as) mad as a hattera March hare, (as) miserableugly as sin, as old as the hills, (as) pleased as Punch, as pretty as a picture, (as) regular as clockwork, (as) quick as a flash, (as) safe as houses, (as) sound as a bell, (as) steady as a rock, (as) thick as two short planks, (as) tough as old boots
hareBrE /heə(r)/NAmE /her/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they hare BrE /heə(r)/ NAmE /her/present simple - he / she / it hares BrE /heəz/ NAmE /herz/past simple hared BrE /heəd/ NAmE /herd/past participle hared BrE /heəd/ NAmE /herd/ -ing form haring BrE /ˈheərɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈherɪŋ/ [I] + adv./prep. (BrE) to run or go somewhere very fast 飞跑;疾走




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