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op·ti·cianBrE /ɒpˈtɪʃn/NAmE /ɑːpˈtɪʃn/ noun (also ophˌthalmic opˈtician) (BrE) (also op·tom·etrist NAmE, BrE) a person whose job is to examine people's eyes and to recommend and sell glasses 眼镜商;验光师op·ti·cian's (op·ti·cians) the shop/store where an optician works 眼镜商店◆to go to the optician's 去配眼镜 Shops, etc. with apostrophes baker’s, barber’s, butcher’s, chemist’s, dentist’s, doctor’s, fishmonger’s, florist’s, greengrocer’s, grocer’s, hairdresser’s, ironmonger’s, jeweller’s, newsagent’s, optician’s, stationer’s, tobacconist’s, travel agent’s a person who makes lenses, glasses, etc. 光学仪器制造者 |