wring BrE /rɪŋ / NAmE /rɪŋ / verb present simple - I / you / we / they wring BrE /rɪŋ / NAmE /rɪŋ / present simple - he / she / it wrings BrE /rɪŋz / NAmE /rɪŋz / past simple wrung BrE /rʌŋ / NAmE /rʌŋ / past participle wrung BrE /rʌŋ / NAmE /rʌŋ / -ing form wringing BrE /ˈrɪŋɪŋ / NAmE /ˈrɪŋɪŋ / ~ sth (out ) to twist and squeeze clothes , etc . in order to get the water out of them 拧,绞,拧出,绞出(衣服等中的水)~ sth if you wring a bird's neck , you twist it in order to kill the bird 拧,扭(鸟的脖子,以将其杀死) Silent letters gnarled , gnash , gnat , gnaw , gnome haute cuisine , heir , (NAmE herb) , honour , hors d’oeuvre , hour knack , knee , kneel , knife , knight , knit , knob , knock , knot , know , knuckle psalm , psephology , psychic , ptarmigan , pterodactyl , psychology wrangle , wrap , wreath , wreck , wrench , wrestle , wriggle , wring , write , wrong bomb , climb , crumb , doubt , lamb , limb ascent , fascinate , muscle , scene , scissors height , right , sleigh , weight align , campaign , design , foreign , malign , reign , unfeigned balmy , calm , calf , half , yolk autumn , column , condemn , damn , hymn , solemn bristle , fasten , listen , mortgage , soften , thistle , wrestle biscuit , build , circuit , disguise , guilty , league , rogue , vague yacht answer , sword , two ● ˌwring sb's ˈhand to squeeze sb's hand very tightly when you shake hands (握手时)攥紧…的手● ˌwring your ˈhands to hold your hands together , and twist and squeeze them in a way that shows you are anxious or upset , especially when you cannot change the situation (尤指出于焦急或烦恼)扭绞双手● ˌwring sb's ˈneck (informal ) when you say that you will wring sb's neck , you mean that you are very angry or annoyed with them (表示愤怒或气恼)拧断…的脖子,非掐死…不可 ● ˈwring sth from /out of sb to obtain sth from sb with difficulty , especially by putting pressure on them 从…处费力弄到;从…压榨出 SYN extract