

单词 whistle
🔑 whis·tleBrE /ˈwɪsl/NAmE /ˈwɪsl/ noun🔑 a small metal or plastic tube that you blow to make a loud high sound, used to attract attention or as a signal 哨子The referee finally blew the whistle to stop the game. 主裁判终于吹停了比赛。   see also tin whistle 🔑 the sound made by blowing a whistle 哨子声He scored the winning goal just seconds before the final whistle. 他就在终场哨声前的几秒钟内打进了制胜的一球。🔑 the sound that you make by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed 口哨a shrill whistle 尖厉的口哨声   see also wolf whistle 🔑 the high loud sound produced by air or steam being forced through a small opening, or by sth moving quickly through the air 汽笛声;警笛声;呼啸声a piece of equipment that makes a high loud sound when air or steam is forced through it 汽笛The train whistle blew as we left the station. 我们离开车站时火车的汽笛响了。a factory whistle 工厂的汽笛blow the ˈwhistle on sb/sth(informal) to tell sb in authority about sth wrong or illegal that sb is doing 告发as clean as a ˈwhistle(informal) very clean 干干净净 Similes in idioms (as) bald as a coot, (as) blind as a bat, (as) bright as a button, (as) bold as brass, as busy as a bee, as clean as a whistle, (as) dead as athe dodo, (as) deaf as a post, (as) dull as ditchwater, (as) fit as a fiddle, as flat as a pancake, (as) good as gold, (as) mad as a hattera March hare, (as) miserableugly as sin, as old as the hills, (as) pleased as Punch, as pretty as a picture, (as) regular as clockwork, (as) quick as a flash, (as) safe as houses, (as) sound as a bell, (as) steady as a rock, (as) thick as two short planks, (as) tough as old boots
🔑 whis·tleBrE /ˈwɪsl/NAmE /ˈwɪsl/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they whistle BrE /ˈwɪsl/ NAmE /ˈwɪsl/present simple - he / she / it whistles BrE /ˈwɪslz/ NAmE /ˈwɪslz/past simple whistled BrE /ˈwɪsld/ NAmE /ˈwɪsld/past participle whistled BrE /ˈwɪsld/ NAmE /ˈwɪsld/ -ing form whistling BrE /ˈwɪslɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈwɪslɪŋ/🔑 [T, I] to make a high sound or a musical tune by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed 吹口哨;打呼哨~ (sth) to whistle a tune 用口哨吹曲子He whistled in amazement. 他惊愕地吹了个口哨。The crowd booed and whistled as the player came onto the field. 那队员上场时,人群又是发出嘘声又是吹口哨。~ to sb/sthShe whistled to the dog to come back. 她打了个呼哨把狗唤回来。~ at sb/sthWorkmen whistled at her as she walked past. 当她走过时工人向她吹口哨。🔑 [I] to make a high sound by blowing into a whistle 吹哨子The referee whistled for a foul. 裁判吹哨子示意有人犯规。🔑 [I] (of a kettle or other machine 烧水壶或机器) to make a high sound 鸣叫;呼啸;发出笛声The kettle began to whistle. 烧水壶呜呜地响了起来。The microphone was making a strange whistling sound. 扩音器发出一种奇怪的哨音。 [I] + adv./prep. to move quickly, making a high sound 呼啸而行;嗖嗖地移动The wind whistled down the chimney. 风飕飕地灌进烟囱。A bullet whistled past his ear. 子弹嗖的一声从他耳边飞过。 [I] (of a bird ) to make a high sound 啭鸣;唧啾sb can ˈwhistle for sth(BrE, informal) used to say that you are not going to give sb sth that they have asked for (表示不给他人所要的东西)得不到,空指望




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