释义 |
vel·vetBrE /ˈvelvɪt/NAmE /ˈvelvɪt/ noun [U] a type of cloth made from silk, cotton or nylon, with a thick soft surface 丝绒;立绒;经绒;天鹅绒◆a velvet dress 天鹅绒连衣裙◆velvet curtains/drapes 天鹅绒窗帘/帷幕●an iron ˈfist/ˈhand (in a velvet ˈglove)if you use the words an iron fist/hand when describing the way that sb behaves, you mean that they treat people severely. This treatment may be hidden behind a kind appearance (the velvet glove). (温和背后的)铁拳 |