

单词 place
🔑 placeBrE /pleɪs/NAmE /pleɪs/ nounposition/point/area 位置;地点;区域🔑 [C] a particular position, point or area 位置;地点;场所;地方Is this the place where it happened? 这就是事发现场吗?This would be a good place for a picnic. 这可是个野餐的好地方。I can't be in two places at once. 我不能同时身处两地。city/town/building 城;镇;建筑物🔑 [C] a particular city, town, building, etc. 某处地方(如城镇或建筑物等)I can't remember all the places we visited in Thailand. 我记不清在泰国参观过的所有地方。I used to live in York and I'm still fond of the place. 我以前住在约克,现在仍然喜欢那里。The police searched the place. 警察搜查了那个地方。We were looking for a place to eat. 我们想找个吃饭的地方。Let's get out of this place! 咱们离开这儿吧!🔑 [C] (especially in compounds or phrases 尤用于构成复合词或词组) a building or an area of land used for a particular purpose 有某用途的建筑(或土地)a meeting place 聚会地点The town has many excellent eating places. 镇上有许多很棒的餐馆。(formal) churches and other places of worship 教堂和其他礼拜场所He can usually be contacted at his place of work. 一般都能在他的工作单位找到他。placesiteareapositionpointlocationscenespotvenue

These are all words for a particular area or part of an area, especially one used for a particular purpose or where sb/sth is situated or happens. 以上各词均表示地点、场所、位置。

  • place a particular point, area, city, town, building, etc., especially one used for a particular purpose or where a particular thing happens 指有特定用途或事情发生的地点、场所、城镇、建筑物、地方This would be a good place for a picnic. 这可是个野餐的好地方。
  • site the place where sth, especially a building, is or will be situated; a place where sth happened or that is used for a particular purpose 尤指建筑物的地点、位置,事情发生或有特定用途的地点、场所They've chosen a site for the new school. 他们为新学校选了校址。
  • area a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose; a particular place on an object 指(房间、建筑物、处所内划为某用途的)地方、场地,物体上的区、部位the hotel reception area 旅馆接待处Move the cursor to a blank area on the screen. 把光标移至电脑屏幕的空白区。
  • position the place where a person or thing is situated; the place where sb/sth is meant to be 指位置、方位、恰当的位置From his position at the top of the hill, he could see the harbour. 他在山头那个位置可以俯瞰海港。 NOTE The position of sb/sth is often temporary: the place where sb/sth is at a particular time. * position 指人/物所处的位置常常是暂时性的,即在某段时间所在的位置。
  • point a particular place within an area, where sth happens or is supposed to happen 指某事发生或将要发生的地点、某个地方the point at which the river divides 河流分岔点
  • location a place where sth happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or not known 指事情发生或存在的地方、地点、位置,尤指无名或鲜为人知的地方The company is moving to a new location. 公司准备迁移新址。
  • scene a place where sth happens, especially sth unpleasant 尤指不愉快事件发生的地点、现场the scene of the accident 事故现场
  • spot a particular point or area, especially one that has a particular character or where sth particular happens 尤指具有某种特点或某一事件发生的地点、场所The lake is one of the local beauty spots. 这个湖是当地的一个风景点。
  • venue the place where people meet for an organized event such as a performance or sports event 指演出、体育比赛等的聚会地点、场馆、会场


  • at a place/site/position/point/location/scene/spot/venue
  • in a(n) place/area/position/location/venue
  • the place/site/point/location/spot/venue where…
  • the right place/site/position/location/spot/venue
  • a central site/position/location/venue
  • the/sb's/sth's exact/precise place/site/position/point/location/spot
  see also resting place
area on surface 表面区域🔑 [C] a particular area on a surface, especially on a person's body 表面的某处;(尤指)身体某处He broke his arm in three places. 他胳膊上有三处骨折。The paint was peeling off the wall in places. 墙上有几处油漆剥落了。in book/speech, etc. 书、讲话等🔑 [C] a point in a book, speech, piece of music, etc., especially one that sb has reached at a particular time 段;点;节;(尤指)读到的(或说到的)某点She had marked her place with a bookmark. 她把书签夹在读到的地方。Excuse me, I seem to have lost my place. 对不起,我好像忘记说到哪里了。seat 座位🔑 [C] a position, seat, etc., especially one that is available for or being used by a person or vehicle (尤指占用或空着的)座位,位置,泊位Come and sit hereI've saved you a place. 到这儿来坐吧。我给你留了个座位。I don't want to lose my place in the line. 我可不想失去排队的位置。Would you like to change places with me so you can see better? 你想跟我换个位子看得更清楚点吗?I've set a place for you at the table. 我在餐桌上给你安排好了座位。role/importance 角色;重要性 [sing.] ~ (in sth) the role or importance of sb/sth in a particular situation, usually in relation to others 身份;地位;资格He is assured of his place in history. 他必定会被载入史册。Accurate reporting takes second place to lurid detail. 准确的报道在其次,耸人听闻的细节最重要。My father believed that people should know their place (= behave according to their social position). 我父亲认为人应该安分守己。It's not your place (= your role) to give advice. 还轮不到你来做指导。Anecdotes have no place in (= are not acceptable in) an academic essay. 学术文章容不得奇闻逸事。at university/school 学校🔑 [C] an opportunity to take part in sth, especially to study at a school or university or on a course 求学机会;进修机会;入学名额She's been offered a place at Bath to study Business. 她已被录取到巴斯大学读商科。There are very few places left on the course. 这门课程没剩几个名额了。in sports team 运动队 [C] the position of being a member of a sports team 队员身份;队员资格She has won a place in the Olympic team. 她已获得奥运代表队的队员资格。He lost his place in the first team. 他失去了在一队的资格。correct position 正确位置🔑 [C] the natural or correct position for sth 恰当位置;适当的地方Is there a place on the form to put your address? 表格上有填写地址的位置吗?Put it back in its place when you've finished with it. 用毕放回原处。safe area 安全地区 [C] (usually with a negative 通常与否定词连用) a suitable or safe area for sb to be 适当的(或安全的)处所These streets are no place for a child to be out alone at night. 这些街道可不是小孩子夜间单独去的地方。home 🔑 [sing.] (informal) a house or flat/apartment; a person's home 家;住处What about dinner at my place? 到我家吃晚饭好不好?I'm fed up with living with my parents, so I'm looking for a place of my own. 我腻烦跟父母同住了,所以正在找一个属于自己的住处。in race/competition 竞赛🔑 [C, usually sing.] a position among the winners of a race or competition (速度比赛或竞赛获胜者的)名次He finished in third place. 他得了第三名。mathematics 数学 [C] the position of a figure after a decimal point (小数点后的)位The number is correct to three decimal places. 这个数目精确到小数点后三位数。street/square 街道;广场Place [sing.] (abbreviation Pl.) used as part of a name for a short street or square (作短街道或广场名称的一部分)66 Portland Place 波特兰街 66 号all ˈover the place(BrE also all ˈover the shop) (US also all ˈover the lot) (informal) everywhere 到处;各处New restaurants are appearing all over the place. 新餐馆如雨后春笋般纷纷出现了。not neat or tidy; not well organized 凌乱;狼藉;杂乱无章Your calculations are all over the place (= completely wrong). 你的计算错得一塌糊涂。change/swap ˈplaces (with sb) (usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句) to be in sb else's situation (与某人)交换位置,交换处境I'm perfectly happyI wouldn't change places with anyone. 我幸福极了,谁也甭想跟我交换位置。fall/slot into ˈplaceif sth complicated or difficult to understand falls or slots into place, it becomes organized or clear in your mind 明朗化;清晰;理出头绪give ˈplace to sb/sth(formal) to be replaced by sb/sth 让位于;被…代替 SYN give way to Houses and factories gave place to open fields as the train gathered speed. 火车逐渐加速驶过了房屋和工厂进入旷野。be ˈgoing places(informal) to be getting more and more successful in your life or career 事业顺利;春风得意a young architect who's really going places 一个春风得意的青年建筑师if ˌI was/were in ˈyour placeused to introduce a piece of advice you are giving to sb 若是换了我呀;我若在你的位置If I were in your place, I'd resign immediately. 我要是你呀,我就立即辞职。in the ˈfirst placeused at the end of a sentence to talk about why sth was done or whether it should have been done or not (用于句尾,谈论某事为何或是否应该做)究竟,到底,当初I still don't understand why you chose that name in the first place. 我仍不明白你究竟为什么取了这么个名字。I should never have taken that job in the first place. 我当初就不该接受那份工作。in the ˈfirst, ˈsecond, etc. placeused at the beginning of a sentence to introduce the different points you are making in an argument (用于句首)第一、第二等等Well, in the first place he has all the right qualifications. 嗯,首先,他符合一切条件。be in a good, bad, dark, etc. ˈplace (also less frequent be in a good, bad, dark, etc. ˈspace) to be feeling positive, sad, worried, etc. about sth; to be in a good, bad, worrying state 感觉…;处于…的状态I'm happy now. I'm in a good place.我现在很高兴,感觉良好。in ˈmy, ˈyour, etc. placein my, your, etc. situation 处于我(或你等)的境况I wouldn't like to be in your place. 我可不想处于你的境地。in ˈplace🔑 (also into ˈplace) in the correct position; ready for sth 在正确位置;准备妥当Carefully lay each slab in place. 要仔细铺好每一块石板。The receiver had already clicked into place. 听筒咔的一声放回原位了。🔑 working or ready to work 在工作;准备就绪All the arrangements are now in place for their visit. 他们来访的一切事宜都安排好了。(NAmE) = on the spot (3) in place of sb/sth 🔑in sb's/sth's ˈplace 🔑instead of sb/sth 代替;顶替You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe. 这道食谱可以用牛奶代替奶油。He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place. 他不能亲自来参加仪式,但派了他儿子前来代他领奖。out of ˈplace🔑 not in the correct place 位置不当Some of these files seem to be out of place. 有些档案似乎没放对地方。🔑 not suitable for a particular situation 不得体;不适当Her remarks were out of place. 她出言不当。I felt completely out of place among all these successful people. 夹在这些事业有成的人中间我觉得自己格格不入。a place in the ˈsuna position in which you are comfortable or have an advantage over other people 舒适的状态;有利地位;优越境况put yourself in sb else's/sb's ˈplaceto imagine that you are in sb else's situation 设身处地替别人着想;设想自己处于别人的境地Of course I was upsetjust put yourself in my place. 我当然不高兴,你设身处地为我想想。put sb in their ˈplaceto make sb feel stupid or embarrassed for showing too much confidence 挫某人的锐气;杀某人的威风;使明白自己的身份At first she tried to take charge of the meeting but I soon put her in her place. 起初她试图主导会议,但我很快就把她轰下去了。take ˈplace 🔑to happen, especially after previously being arranged or planned (尤指根据安排或计划)发生,进行The film festival takes place in October. 电影节将于十月举行。We may never discover what took place that night. 我们可能永远不会知道那一夜发生了什么事。take sb's/sth's ˈplace 🔑take the place of sb/sth 🔑to replace sb/sth 代替;替换She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place. 她不能参加会议,所以她的助手代她出席。Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices. 在大多数办公室,电脑已经取代了打字机。take your ˈplaceto go to the physical position that is necessary for an activity 就位;入座Take your places for dinner. 请各位入席。to take or accept the status in society that is correct or that you deserve 得到应有的社会地位;名副其实not have a ˈhair out of place(of a person ) to look extremely clean and neat 显得非常整洁sb's heart is in the right ˈplaceused to say that sb's intentions are kind and sincere even though they sometimes do the wrong thing 本意是好的;心眼是好的lightning never strikes (in the same place) twice(saying) an unusual or unpleasant event is not likely to happen in the same place or to the same people twice 倒霉的事不可能在同一场所(或同一人身上)重复发生;一事不过二ˌbehave/ˌact as if you ˈown the placethink you ˈown the place(disapproving) to behave in a very confident way that annoys other people, for example by telling them what to do (言行)喧宾夺主pride of ˈplacethe position in which sth is most easily seen, that is given to the most important thing in a particular group 显要位置;最突出(或最重要)的位置(caught/stuck) between a ˌrock and a ˈhard placein a situation where you have to choose between two things, both of which are unpleasant 进退两难;左右为难
🔑 placeBrE /pleɪs/NAmE /pleɪs/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they place BrE /pleɪs/ NAmE /pleɪs/present simple - he / she / it places BrE /ˈpleɪsɪz/ NAmE /ˈpleɪsɪz/past simple placed BrE /pleɪst/ NAmE /pleɪst/past participle placed BrE /pleɪst/ NAmE /pleɪst/ -ing form placing BrE /ˈpleɪsɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈpleɪsɪŋ/in position 位置🔑 [T] ~ sth + adv./prep. to put sth in a particular place, especially when you do it carefully or deliberately (小心或有意)放置,安放He placed his hand on her shoulder. 他把手搭在她的肩上。A bomb had been placed under the seat. 座位下面放了一枚炸弹。The parking areas in the town are few, but strategically placed. 城内停车场虽少,但都设在关键地方。in situation 境况 [T] ~ sb/yourself + adv./prep. (more formal than put 比 put 正式) to put sb/yourself in a particular situation 使(人)处于某位置;安置;安顿to place sb in command 让某人指挥She was placed in the care of an uncle. 她由一位叔父照顾。His resignation placed us in a difficult position. 他的辞职使我们不知所措。The job places great demands on me. 这项工作对我的要求很高。attitude 态度🔑 [T] ~ sth on sth/doing sthused to express the attitude sb has towards sb/sth 以某种态度对待(或看待)Great emphasis is placed on education. 教育受到高度重视。They place a high value on punctuality. 他们对守时极为重视。recognize 辨认 [T] ~ sb/sth(usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句) to recognize sb/sth and be able to identify them/it 认出;辨认;识别I've seen her before but I just can't place her. 我从前见过她,不过现在认不出她来。His accent was impossible to place. 他的口音无法辨认。bet/order/advertisement 打赌;订单;广告🔑 [T] ~ sthto give instructions about sth or make a request for sth to happen 下指示;请求to place a bet/an order 下注;下订单We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper. 我们在本地报纸上登了广告,招一名清洁工。find home/job 找家/工作 [T] to find a suitable home, job, etc. for sb 为…安置家庭(或工作等)~ sb (with sb/sth) The children were placed with foster parents. 这些小孩已安顿好,交给寄养父母了。~ sb (in sth) The agency placed about 2 000 secretaries last year. 去年,这家中介所为大约 2 000 名秘书找到了工作。give rank 排档次 [T] ~ sb/sth + adv./prep. to decide that sb/sth has a particular position or rank compared with other people or things (经比较)归类,划分,排名次I would place her among the top five tennis players in the world. 我会把她排在世界五名顶尖网球选手之列。Nursing attracts people who place relationships high on their list of priorities. 护理工作对重视人际关系的人具有吸引力。in race 体育竞赛 [T, I] used to describe a person, a team, a horse, etc. finishing in a particular position in a race 排名;获名次~ sb/sth + adj. He was placed fifth in last Saturday's race. 在上周六的径赛中,他名列第五。~ (sth)(BrE) My horse has been placed several times (= it was among the first three or four to finish the race). 我的马在竞赛中屡获名次。(NAmE) His horse placed in the last race (= it was among the first three to finish the race, usually in second place). 他的马在上次比赛中得了名次(常指亚军)。be well, ideally, uniquely, better, etc. placed for sth/to do sthto be in a good, very good, etc. position or have a good, etc. opportunity to do sth 有良好的(或理想的、独特的等)机遇;处于有利等的位置Engineering graduates are well placed for a wide range of jobs. 工程科毕业生在很多职业中处于优势。The company is ideally placed to take advantage of the new legislation. 这家公司条件理想得很,恰好可以充分利用新法规。to be located in a pleasant or convenient place 坐落在方便宜人的地方;位于合宜的地点The hotel is well placed for restaurants, bars and clubs. 这家宾馆位置很好,附近有很多餐厅、酒吧和俱乐部。to put/place sb on a ˈpedestalto admire sb so much that you do not see their faults 把某人奉为完人;盲目崇拜某人put/place/set a premium on sb/sthto think that sb/sth is particularly important or valuable 重视;珍视put/place sth on (the) ˈrecordbe/go on (the) ˈrecord (as saying…)to say sth publicly or officially so that it may be written down and repeated 公开发表(意见等)He didn't want to go on the record as either praising or criticizing the proposal. 他不想公开赞扬或批评这项提议。




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