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goryBrE /ˈɡɔːri/NAmE /ˈɡɔːri/ adjective (gor·ier, gori·est) (informal) involving a lot of blood or violence; showing or describing blood and violence 血淋淋的;残暴的;描述流血和暴力的◆a gory accident 流血事件◆the gory task of the pathologist 病理学家经常与血打交道的工作◆a gory movie 充满流血和暴力镜头的电影◆(humorous) He insisted on telling us all the gory details about their divorce (= the unpleasant facts). 他坚持要给我们讲他们离婚的种种惨痛经历。(literary) covered with blood 沾满血污的;血迹斑斑的 SYN bloodstained ◆a gory figure 满身是血的人 |