stemBrE/stem/NAmE/stem/verbpresent simple - I / you / we / theystemBrE/stem/NAmE/stem/present simple - he / she / itstemsBrE/stemz/NAmE/stemz/past simplestemmedBrE/stemd/NAmE/stemd/past participlestemmedBrE/stemd/NAmE/stemd/ -ing formstemmingBrE/ˈstemɪŋ/NAmE/ˈstemɪŋ/~sthtostopsththatisflowingfromspreadingorincreasing阻止;封堵;遏止◆Thecutwasbandagedtostemthebleeding. 伤口已包扎止血。◆Theydiscussedwaysofstemmingtheflowofsmuggleddrugs. 他们讨论了遏制走私毒品流通的办法。◆Thegovernmenthadfailedtostemthetideoffactoryclosures. 政府没有控制住工厂的倒闭潮。●ˈstemfromsth () tobetheresultofsth是…的结果;起源于;根源是because of
Explaining reasons解释原因
◆The number of people with diabetes is growing, partly because of an increase in levels of obesity.患糖尿病的人数不断上升,部分原因是肥胖人数增加。
◆The number of overweight children has increased dramatically in recent years, largely as a result of changes in diet and lifestyle.近年来肥胖儿童的数量急剧上升,很大程度上是由饮食和生活方式的改变引起的。
◆The increase in childhood obesity is largely due to / the result of changes in lifestyle and diet over the last twenty years.肥胖儿童人数的增多主要是过去二十年来饮食和生活方式的改变所致。
◆Many obese children are bullied at school on account of their weight.许多肥胖儿童因为其体重问题在学校受到欺负。
◆Part of the problem with treating childhood obesity stems from the fact that parents do not always recognize that their children are obese.治疗肥胖儿童的困难部分源自父母有时并不认为自己的孩子肥胖。
◆Childhood obesity may be caused by genetic factors, as well as environmental ones.儿童肥胖既可能由环境因素引起,也可能是遗传因素所致。