🔑 good BrE /ɡʊd / NAmE /ɡʊd / adjective (bet·ter BrE /ˈbetə(r) / NAmE /ˈbetər / , best BrE /best / NAmE /best / ) ➤ high quality 高质量 🔑 of high quality or an acceptable standard 好的;优质的;符合标准的;可接受的◆ a good book 一本好书◆ good food 符合标准的食品◆ The piano was in good condition . 这台钢琴状况良好。◆ Your work is just not good enough . 你的工作就是不够好。◆ The results were pretty good . 结果相当不错。◆ Sorry , my English is not very good . 对不起,我的英语不太好。◆ This is as good a place as any to spend the night . 有这么个地方过夜就很好了。◆ You'll never marry her —she's much too good for you . 你永远娶不到她,她对你来说高不可攀。➤ pleasant 令人愉快 🔑 pleasant ; that you enjoy or want 令人愉快的;令人满意的◆ Did you have a good time in London ? 你在伦敦过得愉快吗?◆ It's good to see you again . 再次见到你真高兴。◆ This is very good news . 这消息真叫人高兴。◆ Let's hope we have good weather tomorrow . 希望明天是个好天。◆ We are still friends , though , which is good . 不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人感到欣慰。◆ It's a good thing (= it's lucky ) you came early . 幸好你来得早。➤ sensible /strong 合情理;有说服力 🔑 sensible , logical or strongly supporting what is being discussed 合情理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的◆ Thank you , good question . 谢谢,问题提得好。◆ Yes , that's a good point . 是的,那是个有说服力的论据。◆ I have good reason to be suspicious . 我的怀疑有充分理由。◆ What a good idea ! 多好的主意啊!➤ favourable 赞同 🔑 showing or getting approval or respect 赞同的;赢得赞许的;令人尊敬的◆ The play had good reviews . 这部戏受到好评。◆ The hotel has a good reputation . 这家旅馆声誉良好。◆ He comes from a good family . 他出身名门。Good and very good Instead of saying that something is good or very good , try to use more precise and interesting adjectives to describe things. 事物好或非常好,除了用 good 或 very good 外,可尽量用更贴切、更有意思的形容词。
delicious / tasty food 可口的/美味的食物 an exciting / entertaining / absorbing movie 激动人心的/有趣的/引人入胜的影片 an absorbing /a fascinating /an informative book 引人入胜的/使人着迷的/内容丰富的书 a pleasant /an enjoyable trip 令人愉快的旅行 a skilful / talented / fine player 娴熟的/有天分的/优秀的运动员 impressive / high-quality acting 令人赞叹的/高质量的表演 useful / helpful advice 有益的/有用的忠告 In conversation you can use words like great , super , wonderful , lovely and excellent . 对话中可用 great、super、wonderful、lovely 和 excellent 等词。
➡ note at nice ➤ skilful 熟练 🔑 able to do sth well 能干的;精通的;娴熟的;擅长于…的◆ to be a good actor /cook 是优秀的演员/出色的厨师◆ ~ at sth to be good at languages /your job 精通多种语言;工作熟练◆ ~ at doing sth Nick has always been good at finding cheap flights . 尼克总能找到价格便宜的航班。🔑 ~ with sth /sb able to use sth or deal with people well 灵巧的;精明的;善于应付…的◆ She's good with her hands (= able to make things , etc . ) . 她手很巧。◆ He's very good with children . 他对孩子很有一套。➤ morally right 合乎道德 🔑 morally right ; behaving in a way that is morally right 符合道德的;正派的;高尚的◆ She has tried to lead a good life . 她努力规规矩矩地生活。◆ a good deed 高尚的行为◆ Giving her that money was a good thing to do . 把那笔钱给她是做了一件善事。➤ following rules 遵守规矩 🔑 following strictly a set of rules or principles 循规蹈矩的;守规矩的◆ It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer . 向买主提供书面报告是诚信的做法。◆ She was a good Catholic girl . 她是个虔诚的天主教徒。➤ kind 善良 🔑 willing to help ; showing kindness to other people 助人为乐的;心地善良的;好心的◆ ~ (to sb ) He was very good to me when I was ill . 我生病时他对我关怀备至。◆ ~ (of sb ) (to do sth ) It was very good of you to come . 你能来真是太好了。◆ ~ (about sth ) I had to take a week off work but my colleagues were very good about it . 我得请一周的假,同事们对此非常谅解。➤ child 孩子 🔑 behaving well or politely 温顺的;乖的;有礼貌的◆ You can stay up late if you're good . 你要是听话就可以晚一点睡觉。◆ Get dressed now , there's a good girl . 现在把衣服穿好,乖孩子。➤ healthy 健康 🔑 healthy or strong 健康的;强健的;健壮的◆ Can you speak into my good ear ? 对着我这只没毛病的耳朵说好吗?◆ I don't feel too good today . 我今天感觉不太舒服。◆ 'How are you ?' 'I'm good .' (= used as a general reply to a greeting ) “你好吗?” “我很好。”➤ useful /helpful 有用;有益 🔑 ~ (for sb /sth ) having a useful or helpful effect on sb /sth (对…)有用,有好处◆ Too much sun isn't good for you . 晒太阳太多对你并没有好处。◆ It's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then . 偶尔受点批评或许对你还有好处。◆ (informal ) Shut your mouth , if you know what's good for you (= used as a threat ) . 你不想找麻烦就把嘴闭上。🔑 no ~ doing sth | no ~ to sb not having a useful or helpful effect 没有用处(或益处)◆ It's no good complaining —they never listen . 抱怨毫无用处,他们根本不听。◆ This book is no good to me : I need the new edition . 这本书对我没用,我需要新版本的。➤ suitable 合适 🔑 suitable or appropriate 合适的;适宜的;恰当的;适合…的◆ Now is a good time to buy a house . 现在买房子正是时候。◆ ~ for sth /to do sth She would be good for the job . 她干这工作很合适。◆ ~ for sb Can we change our meeting ? Monday isn't good (= convenient ) for me . 我们把见面时间改改吧,星期一我不方便。➤ showing approval 表示赞同 🔑 (informal ) used to show that you approve of or are pleased about sth that has been said or done , or to show that you want to move on to a new topic of conversation (表示赞同、满意或转向新的话题)◆ 'Dinner's ready .' 'Good —I'm starving .' “晚饭好了。” “太好了,我正饿得很。”◆ 'I got the job .' 'Oh , good .' “我得到这工作了。” “啊,太好了。”◆ Good , I think we've come to a decision . 好的,我们就这样决定吧。🔑 [ only before noun ] (informal ) used as a form of praise (用作赞语)◆ Good old Jack ! 好心的杰克!◆ 'I've ordered some drinks .' 'Good man !' “我叫了些饮料。” “真是好人!”➤ in exclamations 感叹 (informal ) used in exclamations (用于感叹句)◆ Good heavens ! 天啊!◆ Good God ! 上帝呀!➤ large 大 [ only before noun ] great in number , amount or degree (数量或程度)相当大的,相当多的◆ a good many people 相当多的人◆ The kitchen is a good size . 这厨房相当大。◆ We spent a good while (= quite a long time ) looking for the house . 我们花了好长时间找这房子。◆ He devoted a good deal of (= a lot of ) attention to the problem . 他在这个问题上花了相当多的精力。◆ There's a good chance (= it is likely ) that I won't be here next year . 我明年很可能不在这儿。➤ at least 至少 not less than ; rather more than 不少于;稍多于◆ We waited for a good hour . 我们等了足足一小时。◆ It's a good three miles to the station . 到车站至少有三英里。➤ thorough 彻底 [ only before noun ] thorough ; complete 彻底的;完全的◆ We had a good laugh about it afterwards . 我们后来对此笑了个痛快。◆ You'll feel better after a good sleep . 好好睡上一觉你会感觉好些。➤ amusing 有趣 [ usually before noun ] amusing 有趣的;逗笑的◆ a good story /joke 有趣的故事/笑话◆ (informal ) That's a good one ! 那真有意思!➤ for particular time /distance 特定的时间/距离 ~ for sth having enough energy , health , strength , etc . to last for a particular length of time or distance (精力、健康、力量等)足以维持…的,能持续…的◆ You're good for (= you will live ) a few years yet . 你还可以活上几年。~ for sth valid for sth 有效的◆ The ticket is good for three months . 这张票三个月内有效。➤ likely to provide 可能提供 ~ for sth likely to provide sth 能提供…的◆ He's always good for a laugh . 他总能逗人发笑。◆ Bobby should be good for a few drinks . 博比喝上几杯应该是没问题的。 HELP Most idioms containing good are at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms , for example (as ) good as gold is at gold . 大多数含 good 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及动词相关词条找到,如 (as) good as gold 在词条 gold 下。 ● as ˈgood as very nearly 与…几乎一样;几乎;简直是◆ The matter is as good as settled . 这事实际上可以说解决了。◆ He as good as called me a coward (= suggested that I was a coward without actually using the word 'coward' ) . 他就差说我是懦夫了。● as ˌgood as it ˈgets used when you are saying that a situation is not going to get any better (形势)不会有什么好转,还是老样子● a good ˈfew several 好几个;一些◆ There are still a good few empty seats . 还有好几个空座位。● be ˌgood to ˈgo (of a thing ) to be prepared and ready for use ; (of a person ) to be prepared and ready to do something (物品)备妥可用;(人)准备好 ◆ By tomorrow afternoon the document will be good to go . 到明天下午文件就可以备妥。◆ I've spent several months training for this race so now I'm good to go . 为了这场比赛我花了几个月的时间训练,现在我准备好了。● good and… (informal ) completely 完全;彻底◆ I won't go until I'm good and ready . 我要完全准备就绪后才走。● ˌgood for ˈyou , ˈsb , ˈthem , etc . (especially AustralE good ˈon you , etc . ) (informal ) used to praise sb for doing sth well (称赞某人)真行,真棒◆ 'I passed first time .' 'Good for you !' “我第一次就过了。” “你真行!” 🔑 good BrE /ɡʊd / NAmE /ɡʊd / noun ➡ see also goods ➤ morally right 合乎道德 🔑 [ U ] behaviour that is morally right or acceptable 合乎道德的行为;正直的行为;善行◆ the difference between good and evil 善与恶的区别◆ Is religion always a force for good ? 宗教一向是诲人行善的力量吗?good / goodness The noun good means actions and behaviour that are morally right. You can talk about a person doing good . 名词 good 指有道德的行为,指人做好事可用 do good : ◆ The charity does a lot of good. 这家慈善机构做很多善事。 ◆ the difference between good and evil 善恶之分 Goodness is the quality of being good. You can talk about a person's goodness . * goodness 意为善良,可指人的美德 : ◆ Her goodness shone through. 她显然非常善良。 the good [ pl. ] people who live a moral life ; people who are admired for the work they do to help other people 有道德的人;高尚的人;好人◆ a gathering of the great and the good 群贤荟萃➤ sth helpful 益处 🔑 [ U ] something that helps sb /sth 用处;好处;益处◆ Cuts have been made for the good of the company . 实行裁减是为了公司的利益。◆ I'm only telling you this for your own good . 我把这事告诉你只是为你好。◆ What's the good of (= how does it help you ) earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it ? 要是没时间去享受,赚那么多钱有什么用?◆ What good is it redecorating if you're thinking of moving ? 如果你打算搬走,那重新装饰有什么用呢? ➡ see also do-gooder ● ˌall to the ˈgood used to say that if sth happens , it will be good , even if it is not exactly what you were expecting 不失为好事◆ If these measures also reduce unemployment , that is all to the good . 要是这些措施也能降低失业率,那就不失为好事。● be no ˈgood ● not be any /much ˈgood 🔑 to not be useful ; to have no useful effect 没(或没什么、没多大)用处(或好处)◆ This gadget isn't much good . 这小玩意儿没多大用处。◆ It's no good trying to talk me out of leaving . 想说服我不要离开是没用的。◆ Was his advice ever any good ? 他的建议有过用处吗?🔑 to not be interesting or enjoyable 没(或没什么、没多大)乐趣◆ His latest film isn't much good . 他最近拍摄的影片没多大意思。● do ˈgood 🔑 ● do sb ˈgood 🔑 to have a useful effect ; to help sb (对某人)有好处,有用处,有益◆ Do you think these latest changes will do any good ? 你认为最近这些变化有什么作用吗?◆ Don't you think talking to her would do some good ? 你不觉得和她谈一谈会有用吗?◆ I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good (= improve your health ) . 休息几天肯定对你的身体大有好处。● for ˈgood (BrE also for ˌgood and ˈall ) permanently 永远;永久◆ This time she's leaving for good (= she will never return ) . 她这次走是再也不会回来了。● to the ˈgood used to say that sb now has a particular amount of money that they did not have before 净赚;盈余◆ We are £500 to the good . 我们净赚 500 英镑。● up to no ˈgood (informal ) doing sth wrong or dishonest 做坏事;做不光彩的事◆ Those kids are always up to no good . 那些孩子尽会恶作剧。● it's an ˌill ˈwind (that blows nobody any good )(saying ) no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to sb 没有绝对的坏事;任何坏事都会有利于某些人● do sb a ˈpower of good (old-fashioned , informal ) to be very good for sb's physical or mental health 对身心大为有益● do sb /sth the ˈworld of good to make sb feel much better ; to improve sth 使…感到好得多;对…大有好处;改善◆ A change of job would do you the world of good . 换一下工作会对你大有好处。 🔑 good BrE /ɡʊd / NAmE /ɡʊd / adverb (especially NAmE , informal ) well 好◆ 'How's it going ?' 'Pretty good .' “事情进展如何?” “非常好。”◆ (non-standard ) Now , you listen to me good ! 喂,好好听我说!