[C](BrE) (also bath·tub, informaltubNAmE, BrE) alarge, longcontainerthatyouputwaterinandthengetintotowashyourwholebody浴缸;浴盆➡ see alsobirdbath🔑[C]thewaterinabath/bathtub, readytouse浴缸的水◆alongsoakinahotbath一次长时间的热水浴◆Pleaserunabathforme(= fillthebathwithwater). 请给我把浴缸放满水。🔑[C]anactofwashingyourwholebodybysittingorlyinginwater洗澡;洗浴◆IthinkI'llhaveabathandgotobed. 我想洗个澡,然后睡觉。◆(especiallyNAmE) totakeabath洗澡➡ see alsobubble bathbaths[pl.](old-fashioned, BrE) apublicbuildingwhereyoucangotoswim游泳池➡ see alsoswimming bath, swimming pool[C, usually pl.]apublicplacewherepeoplewentinthepasttowashorhaveabath(旧时的)公共浴室,澡堂◆Romanvillasandbaths罗马别墅和浴室➡ see alsoTurkish bath[C](specialist) acontainerwithaliquidsuchaswateroradyeinit, inwhichsthiswashedorplacedforaperiodoftime. Bathsareusedinindustrial, chemicalandmedicalprocesses浴器,浴锅,染缸(工业、化学以及医学加工处理用)➡ see alsobloodbath●takeaˈbath(NAmE) tolosemoneyonabusinessagreement(在交易中)蒙受经济损失
🔑bathBrE/bɑːθ/NAmE/bæθ/verbpresent simple - I / you / we / theybathBrE/bɑːθ/NAmE/bæθ/present simple - he / she / itbathsBrE/bɑːθs/NAmE/bæθs/past simplebathedBrE/bɑːθt/NAmE/bæθt/past participlebathedBrE/bɑːθt/NAmE/bæθt/ -ing formbathingBrE/ˈbɑːθɪŋ/NAmE/ˈbæθɪŋ/(BrE) (NAmEbathe) [T]~sbtogiveabathtosb给…洗澡◆It'syourturntobaththebaby. 轮到你给婴儿洗澡了。[I](old-fashioned) tohaveabath洗澡bath / bathe / swim / sunbathe
When you wash yourself you can say that you bath(BrE) or bathe(NAmE), but it is much more common to say have a bath(BrE) or take a bath(NAmE).自己洗澡可用 bath(英式英语)或 bathe(美式英语),但一般说 have a bath(英式英语)或 take a bath(美式英语)。
You can also bath(BrE) or bathe(NAmE) another person, for example a baby.给别人(如婴儿)洗澡亦可用 bath(英式英语)或 bathe(美式英语)。
You bathe a part of your body, especially to clean a wound.洗身体某部位(尤指清洗伤口)用 bathe。
When you go swimming it is old-fashioned to say that you bathe, and you cannot say that you bath or take a bath. It is more common to use swim, go for a swim, have a swim or go swimming.游泳旧时说 bathe,但不能说 bath 或 take a bath。较通用的说法为 swim、go for a swim、have a swim 或 go swimming:◆Let's go for a quick swim in the pool.咱们去游泳池游会儿泳吧。◆She goes swimming every morning before breakfast.她每天早饭前去游泳。What you wear for this activity is usually called a swimsuit or swimming trunks.游泳时穿的衣服通常叫做 swimsuit(游泳衣)或 swimming trunks(游泳裤)。
When you lie in the sun in order to go brown you sunbathe. 沐日光浴为 sunbathe。